Uses of Interface

Packages that use Resource
com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology Provides a set of abstractions and convenience classes for accessing and manipluating ontologies represented in RDF. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model A package for creating and manipulating RDF graphs. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner The Jena2 reasoner subsystem is designed to allow a range of inference engines to be plugged into Jena. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys Provides a selection of simple rule engines for Jena inference models. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.transitiveReasoner This package contains a reasoner which supports transitive-reflexive closure of subPropertyOf and subClassOf relations. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.shared This package defines some classes common to the Jena API and SPI levels, in particular the JenaException class from which all Jena-specific exceptions hang, and the interface PrefixMapping for translation to and from QNames. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.util Miscellaneous collection of utility classes. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary A package containing constant classes with predefined constant objects for classes and properties defined in well known vocabularies. 
jena A package for some Jena command-line programs, including copying RDF data with representation conversion, eg XML to N3 comparing two RDF files for isomorphism (extended equality) an interface to the ARP RDF parser access to the RDQL interpreter a schema-to-Java generator  

Uses of Resource in com.hp.hpl.jena.assembler

Fields in com.hp.hpl.jena.assembler declared as Resource
static Resource JA.Content
static Resource JA.ContentItem
static Resource JA.convenient
static Resource JA.DefaultModel
static Resource JA.DocumentManager
static Resource JA.Expanded
static Resource JA.ExternalContent
static Resource JA.False
static Resource JA.FileManager
static Resource JA.FileModel
static Resource JA.HasFileManager
static Resource JA.HasRules
static Resource JA.InfModel
static Resource JA.LiteralContent
static Resource JA.LocationMapper
static Resource JA.MemoryModel
static Resource JA.minimal
static Resource JA.Model
static Resource JA.ModelSource
static Resource JA.NamedModel
static Resource JA.Object
static Resource JA.OntModel
static Resource JA.OntModelSpec
static Resource JA.PrefixMapping
static Resource JA.ReasonerFactory
static Resource JA.ReificationMode
static Resource JA.RuleSet
static Resource JA.SinglePrefixMapping
static Resource JA.standard
static Resource JA.This
static Resource JA.True
static Resource JA.UnionModel

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.assembler that return Resource
static Resource AssemblerHelp.findSpecificType(Resource root)
          Answer the most specific type of root that is a subclass of ja:Object.
static Resource AssemblerHelp.findSpecificType(Resource root, Resource baseType)
          Answer the most specific type of root that is a subclass of givenType.
static Resource AssemblerHelp.getResource(Statement s)
          Answer the resource that is the object of the statement s.
static Resource AssemblerHelp.singleModelRoot(Model singleRoot)
          Answer the single resource in singleRoot of type ja:Model.
static Resource AssemblerHelp.singleRoot(Model singleRoot, Resource type)
          Answer the single resource in singleRoot of type type.
static Resource AssemblerHelp.withFullModel(Resource root)
          Answer a Resource .equals() to root, but in the expanded model.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.assembler that return types with arguments of type Resource
static Set<Resource> AssemblerHelp.findAssemblerRoots(Model model)
          Answer a Set of the ja:Object resources in the full expansion of the assembler specification model model.
static Set<Resource> AssemblerHelp.findAssemblerRoots(Model model, Resource type)
          Answer a Set of the objects in the full expansion of the assembler specification model which have rdf:type type, which must be a subtype of ja:Object.
static Set<Resource> AssemblerHelp.findSpecificTypes(Resource root, Resource baseType)
          Answer all the types of root which are subtypes of baseType and which do not have subtypes which are also types of root.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.assembler with parameters of type Resource
static Set<Resource> AssemblerHelp.findAssemblerRoots(Model model, Resource type)
          Answer a Set of the objects in the full expansion of the assembler specification model which have rdf:type type, which must be a subtype of ja:Object.
static Resource AssemblerHelp.findSpecificType(Resource root)
          Answer the most specific type of root that is a subclass of ja:Object.
static Resource AssemblerHelp.findSpecificType(Resource root, Resource baseType)
          Answer the most specific type of root that is a subclass of givenType.
static Set<Resource> AssemblerHelp.findSpecificTypes(Resource root, Resource baseType)
          Answer all the types of root which are subtypes of baseType and which do not have subtypes which are also types of root.
 Object a, Resource root)
          Answer open( a, root, Mode.DEFAULT ).
 Object a, Resource root, Mode mode)
          The core operation: answer a new object constructed according to the object description hanging from root, using the assembler a for any sub-objects.
 Object root)
          Answer open( this, root, Mode.DEFAULT ).
 Model Assembler.openModel(Resource root)
          Answer (Model) open( this, root, Mode.DEFAULT ), unless the result cannot be or is not a Model, in which case throw an exception.
 Model Assembler.openModel(Resource root, Mode mode)
          Answer (Model) open( this, root, mode ), unless the result cannot be or is not a Model, in which case throw an exception.
 boolean Mode.permitCreateNew(Resource root, String name)
          Answer true if the object root with the given name can be created if it does not already exist.
 boolean Mode.permitUseExisting(Resource root, String name)
          Answer true if the existing object root with the given name can be reused.
static Resource AssemblerHelp.singleRoot(Model singleRoot, Resource type)
          Answer the single resource in singleRoot of type type.
static Resource AssemblerHelp.withFullModel(Resource root)
          Answer a Resource .equals() to root, but in the expanded model.

Uses of Resource in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology

Subinterfaces of Resource in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology
 interface AllDifferent
           Interface defining an individual in which all members of a collection are declared pair-wise disjoint.
 interface AllValuesFromRestriction
           A property restriction that requires the named property to have have any range instances to be members of a given class.
 interface AnnotationProperty
           Interface that represents the category of annotation properties in an ontology language.
 interface BooleanClassDescription
           Encapsulates a class description formed from a boolean combination of other class descriptions (ie union, intersection or complement).
 interface CardinalityQRestriction
           Interface representing the ontology abstraction for a qualified cardinality restriction.
 interface CardinalityRestriction
           A property restriction that requires the named property to have have exactly the given number of values for a given instance to be a member of the class defined by the restriction.
 interface ComplementClass
           Class description that is formed from the complement of another class description
 interface DataRange
           Represents an ontology DataRange: a class-like construct that contains only concrete data literals.
 interface DatatypeProperty
           Interface that encapsulates the class of properties whose range values are datatype values (as distinct from ObjectProperty whose values are individuals).
 interface EnumeratedClass
           Encapsulates a class description representing a closed enumeration of individuals.
 interface FunctionalProperty
           Interface encapsulating the class of properties that are functional: that is, properties in which a given given domain value has a unique value in the range.
 interface HasValueRestriction
           A property restriction that requires the named property to have a given individual as its value.
 interface Individual
           Interface that encapsulates an individual in an ontology, sometimes referred to as a fact or assertion, or a member of the a-box.
 interface IntersectionClass
           Encapsulates a class description that is the intersection of a list of class expressions.
 interface InverseFunctionalProperty
           Interface encapsulating the class of properties that are inverse functional: that is, properties in which a given given range value has a unique value in the domain (effectively, a key).
 interface MaxCardinalityQRestriction
           Interface representing the ontology abstraction for a qualified maximum cardinality restriction.
 interface MaxCardinalityRestriction
           A property restriction that requires the named property to have have at most the given number of values for a given instance to be a member of the class defined by the restriction.
 interface MinCardinalityQRestriction
           Interface representing the ontology abstraction for a qualified minimum cardinality restriction.
 interface MinCardinalityRestriction
           A property restriction that requires the named property to have have at least the given number of values for a given instance to be a member of the class defined by the restriction.
 interface ObjectProperty
           Interface encapsulating properties whose range values are restricted to individuals (as distinct from datatype valued properties).
 interface OntClass
           Interface that represents an ontology node characterising a class description.
 interface Ontology
           Interface encapsulating the distinguished instance in a given ontology document that presents meta-data and other processing data about the document (including which other documents are imported by a document).
 interface OntProperty
           Interface encapsulating a property in an ontology.
 interface OntResource
           Provides a common super-type for all of the abstractions in this ontology representation package.
 interface QualifiedRestriction
           Represents a qualified restriction, in which all values of the restricted property are required to be members of a given class.
 interface Restriction
           Interface that encapsulates a class description formed by restricting one or more properties to have constrained values and/or cardinalities.
 interface SomeValuesFromRestriction
           A property restriction that requires the named property to have at least one range instance belonging to the given class.
 interface SymmetricProperty
           Interface that encapsulates a property that is symmetric, i.e. one in which if p(x, y) holds, thenp(y, x) must also hold.
 interface TransitiveProperty
           Interface that denotes a property that is transitive i.e. one in which if x p y holds, and y p z holds, then x p z must also hold.
 interface UnionClass
           Class description that is formed from the union of a list of a class descriptions.

Fields in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology declared as Resource
static Resource OntDocumentManager.DOC_MGR_POLICY
          rdf:type for document manager policy nodes
static Resource OntDocumentManager.ONTOLOGY_SPEC
          rdf:type for ontology specification nodes in meta-data file

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology that return Resource
 Resource Profile.ALL_DIFFERENT()
           Answer the resource that represents the class of axioms denoting that a set of individuals are pairwise distinct.
           Answer the class that denotes an annotation property
 Resource Profile.CLASS()
           Answer the resource that represents the class 'class' in this vocabulary.
 Resource Profile.DATARANGE()
           Answer the class that defines a closed range of concrete data values.
 Resource Profile.DATATYPE_PROPERTY()
           Answer the resource that represents the class of properties whose range elements are literals (not individuals)
 Resource Profile.DEPRECATED_CLASS()
           Answer the resource that represents the documentation class of deprecated classes.
           Answer the resource that represents the documentation class of deprecated properties.
           Answer the resource that represents the class of properties that are functional, i.e. whose range is unique for a given domain element.
 Resource Profile.getAliasFor(Resource res)
           Answer an alias for the given resource.
 Resource AllValuesFromRestriction.getAllValuesFrom()
          Answer the resource characterising the constraint on all values of the restricted property.
 Resource OntResource.getIsDefinedBy()
          Answer a resource that is declared to provide a definition of this resource.
 Resource OntTools.LCAIndex.getLCA(Resource u, Resource v)
 Resource OntTools.DisjointSet.getNode()
 Resource OntResource.getRDFType()
           Answer the rdf:type (i.e.
 Resource OntResource.getRDFType(boolean direct)
           Answer the rdf:type (i.e.
 Resource OntResource.getSeeAlso()
          Answer a resource that provides additional information about this resource.
 Resource SomeValuesFromRestriction.getSomeValuesFrom()
          Answer the resource characterising the constraint on at least one value of the restricted property.
 Resource OntTools.Path.getTerminalResource()
          Answer the resource at the end of the path, if defined, or null
           Answer the resource that represents the class of properties that are inverse functional, i.e. whose domain is unique for a given range element.
 Resource Profile.LIST()
          The rdf:type for cells in this list
 Resource Profile.NIL()
          The resource that denotes the end of the list
 Resource Profile.NOTHING()
           Answer the resource that represents the necessarily empty class.
 Resource Profile.OBJECT_PROPERTY()
           Answer the resource that represents the class of properties whose range elements are individuals (not literals)
 Resource Profile.ONTOLOGY_PROPERTY()
           Answer the class that denotes an ontology property
 Resource Profile.ONTOLOGY()
           Answer the resource that represents the class of ontology header elements.
 Resource Profile.PROPERTY()
           Answer the resource that represents the general class of properties.
 Resource Profile.RESTRICTION()
           Answer the resource that represents the a class formed by placing constraints (restrictions) on the values of a property.
 Resource Profile.SYMMETRIC_PROPERTY()
           Answer the resource that represents the class of properties that are symmetric.
 Resource Profile.THING()
           Answer the resource that represents the class all individuals.
           Answer the resource that represents the class of properties that apply transitively.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology that return types with arguments of type Resource
 Iterator<Resource> Profile.getAnnotationProperties()
           Answer an iterator over the properties in this language that are denoted annotation properties.
 Iterator<Resource> Profile.getAxiomTypes()
           Answer an iterator over the rdf:types in this language that denote stand-alone axioms.
 Iterator<Resource> Profile.getClassDescriptionTypes()
           Answer an iterator over the various types of class description defined in the language.
 Iterator<Resource> Profile.listAliasesFor(Resource res)
           Answer an iterator over the defined aliases for a resource.
 com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator<? extends Resource> OntResource.listDifferentFrom()
          Answer an iterator over all of the resources that are declared to be different from this resource.
 com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator<Resource> OntResource.listRDFTypes(boolean direct)
           Answer an iterator over the RDF classes to which this resource belongs.
 com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator<? extends Resource> OntResource.listSameAs()
          Answer an iterator over all of the resources that are declared to be the same as this resource.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology with parameters of type Resource
 void Ontology.addBackwardCompatibleWith(Resource res)
          Add a resource representing an ontology that this ontology (strictly, the ontology represented by this node) is backwards compatible with.
 void OntResource.addDifferentFrom(Resource res)
          Add a statement declaring that this resource is distinct from the given resource.
 void OntClass.addDisjointWith(Resource cls)
          Add a class that this class is disjoint with.
 void AllDifferent.addDistinctMember(Resource res)
          Add the given individual to the list of distinct members of this AllDifferent declaration.
 void OntProperty.addDomain(Resource res)
          Add a resource representing the domain of this property.
 void OntClass.addEquivalentClass(Resource cls)
          Add a class that is equivalent to this class.
 void Ontology.addImport(Resource res)
          Add a resource representing an ontology that this ontology (strictly, the ontology represented by this node) imports.
 void Ontology.addIncompatibleWith(Resource res)
          Add a resource representing an ontology that this ontology (strictly, the ontology represented by this node) is incompatible with.
 void OntResource.addIsDefinedBy(Resource res)
          Add a resource that is declared to provide a definition of this resource.
 void EnumeratedClass.addOneOf(Resource res)
          Add an individual to the enumeration that defines the class extension of this class.
 void Individual.addOntClass(Resource cls)
          Add the given ontology class as one of the classes to which this individual belongs.
 void BooleanClassDescription.addOperand(Resource cls)
          Add a class the operands of this boolean expression.
 void Ontology.addPriorVersion(Resource res)
          Add a resource representing an ontology that this ontology (strictly, the ontology represented by this node) supercedes.
 void OntProperty.addRange(Resource res)
          Add a resource representing the range of this property.
 void OntResource.addRDFType(Resource cls)
          Add the given class as one of the rdf:type's for this resource.
 void OntResource.addSameAs(Resource res)
          Add a resource that is declared to be equivalent to this resource.
 void OntResource.addSeeAlso(Resource res)
          Add a resource that is declared to provided additional information about the definition of this resource
 void OntClass.addSubClass(Resource cls)
          Add a sub-class of this class.
 void OntClass.addSuperClass(Resource cls)
          Add a super-class of this class.
static OntModelSpec OntModelSpec.assemble(Resource root)
          Answer the OntModelSpec described using the Jena Assembler vocabulary properties of root.
 AllValuesFromRestriction Restriction.convertToAllValuesFromRestriction(Resource cls)
          Convert this restriction to an all values from class expression.
 ComplementClass OntClass.convertToComplementClass(Resource cls)
          Answer a view of this class as an complement of the given class.
 SomeValuesFromRestriction Restriction.convertToSomeValuesFromRestriction(Resource cls)
          Convert this restriction to a some values from class expression
 AllValuesFromRestriction OntModel.createAllValuesFromRestriction(String uri, Property prop, Resource cls)
          Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals for which all values of the given property belong to the given class
 ComplementClass OntModel.createComplementClass(String uri, Resource cls)
          Answer a resource representing the class that is the complement of the given argument class
 Individual OntModel.createIndividual(Resource cls)
           Answer a resource that represents an Individual node in this model.
 Individual OntModel.createIndividual(String uri, Resource cls)
           Answer a resource that represents an Individual node in this model.
<T extends OntResource>
OntModel.createOntResource(Class<T> javaClass, Resource rdfType, String uri)
           Answer a resource that represents a generic ontology node in this model.
 SomeValuesFromRestriction OntModel.createSomeValuesFromRestriction(String uri, Property prop, Resource cls)
          Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have at least one property with a value belonging to the given class
 void OntClass.dropIndividual(Resource individual)
          Remove the given individual from the set of instances that are members of this class.
static OntTools.Path OntTools.findShortestPath(Model m, Resource start, RDFNode end, com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.Filter<Statement> onPath)
          Answer the shortest path from the start resource to the end RDF node, such that every step on the path is accepted by the given filter.
 Resource Profile.getAliasFor(Resource res)
           Answer an alias for the given resource.
 Resource OntTools.LCAIndex.getLCA(Resource u, Resource v)
 OntResource OntModel.getOntResource(Resource res)
          Answer a resource presenting the OntResource facet, which corresponds to the given resource but attached to this model.
 OntTools.DisjointSet OntTools.LCAIndex.getSet(Resource r)
 boolean Profile.hasAliasFor(Resource res)
           Answer true if the given resource has an alias in this profile.
 boolean AllValuesFromRestriction.hasAllValuesFrom(Resource cls)
          Answer true if this property restriction has the given class as the class to which all values of the restricted property must belong.
 boolean AllDifferent.hasDistinctMember(Resource res)
          Answer true if this AllDifferent declaration includes res as one of the distinct individuals.
 boolean OntProperty.hasDomain(Resource res)
          Answer true if the given resource a class specifying the domain of this property.
 boolean OntClass.hasEquivalentClass(Resource cls)
          Answer true if the given class is equivalent to this class.
 boolean EnumeratedClass.hasOneOf(Resource res)
          Answer true if the given individual is one of the enumerated individuals in the class extension of this class.
 boolean Individual.hasOntClass(Resource ontClass)
           Answer true if this individual is a member of the class denoted by the given ontology class resource.
 boolean Individual.hasOntClass(Resource ontClass, boolean direct)
           Answer true if this individual is a member of the class denoted by the given class resource.
 boolean BooleanClassDescription.hasOperand(Resource cls)
          Answer true if this Boolean class expression has the given class as an operand.
 boolean Ontology.hasPriorVersion(Resource res)
          Answer true if this ontology (the ontology represented by this resource) supercedes the given resource.
 boolean OntProperty.hasRange(Resource res)
          Answer true if the given resource a class specifying the range of this property.
 boolean OntResource.hasRDFType(Resource ontClass)
           Answer true if this resource is a member of the class denoted by the given class resource.
 boolean OntResource.hasRDFType(Resource ontClass, boolean direct)
           Answer true if this resource is a member of the class denoted by the given class resource.
 boolean OntResource.hasSeeAlso(Resource res)
          Answer true if this resource has the given resource as a source of additional information.
 boolean SomeValuesFromRestriction.hasSomeValuesFrom(Resource cls)
          Answer true if this property restriction has the given class as the class to which at least one value of the restricted property must belong.
 boolean OntClass.hasSubClass(Resource cls)
          Answer true if the given class is a sub-class of this class.
 boolean OntClass.hasSubClass(Resource cls, boolean direct)
          Answer true if the given class is a sub-class of this class.
 boolean OntClass.hasSuperClass(Resource cls)
          Answer true if the given class is a super-class of this class.
 boolean OntClass.hasSuperClass(Resource cls, boolean direct)
          Answer true if the given class is a super-class of this class.
 boolean Ontology.imports(Resource res)
          Answer true if this ontology (the ontology represented by this resource) imports the given resource.
 boolean Ontology.isBackwardCompatibleWith(Resource res)
          Answer true if this ontology (the ontology represented by this resource) is backward compatible with the given resource.
 boolean OntResource.isDefinedBy(Resource res)
          Answer true if this resource is defined by the given resource.
 boolean OntResource.isDifferentFrom(Resource res)
          Answer true if this resource is different from the given resource.
 boolean OntClass.isDisjointWith(Resource cls)
          Answer true if this class is disjoint with the given class.
 boolean Ontology.isIncompatibleWith(Resource res)
          Answer true if this ontology (the ontology represented by this resource) is incompatible with the given resource.
 boolean OntResource.isSameAs(Resource res)
          Answer true if this resource is the same as the given resource.
 Iterator<Resource> Profile.listAliasesFor(Resource res)
           Answer an iterator over the defined aliases for a resource.
 com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator<Individual> OntModel.listIndividuals(Resource cls)
           Answer an iterator that ranges over the resources in this model that are instances of the given class.
 void AllValuesFromRestriction.removeAllValuesFrom(Resource cls)
          Remove the statement that this restriction has all values from the given class among the values for the restricted property.
 void Ontology.removeBackwardCompatibleWith(Resource res)
          Remove the statement that this ontology is backwards compatible with the ontology represented by the given resource.
 void OntResource.removeDefinedBy(Resource res)
          Remove the statement that this resource is defined by the given resource.
 void OntResource.removeDifferentFrom(Resource res)
          Remove the statement that this resource is different the given resource.
 void OntClass.removeDisjointWith(Resource cls)
          Remove the statement that this class and the given class are disjoint.
 void AllDifferent.removeDistinctMember(Resource res)
          Remove the given resource from the list of distinct individuals.
 void OntProperty.removeDomain(Resource cls)
          Remove the given class from the stated domain(s) of this property.
 void OntClass.removeEquivalentClass(Resource cls)
          Remove the statement that this class and the given class are equivalent.
 void Ontology.removeImport(Resource res)
          Remove the statement that this ontology imports the ontology represented by the given resource.
 void Ontology.removeIncompatibleWith(Resource res)
          Remove the statement that the given ontology is incompatible with this ontology.
 void EnumeratedClass.removeOneOf(Resource res)
          Remove the statement that this enumeration includes res among its members.
 void Individual.removeOntClass(Resource ontClass)
          Attempt to remove this individual as a member of the given ontology class.
 void BooleanClassDescription.removeOperand(Resource res)
          Remove the given resource from the operands of this class expression.
 void Ontology.removePriorVersion(Resource res)
          Remove the statement that the given ontology is a prior version of this ontology.
 void OntProperty.removeRange(Resource cls)
          Remove the given class from the stated range(s) of this property.
 void OntResource.removeRDFType(Resource cls)
          Remove the statement that this resource is of the given RDF type.
 void OntResource.removeSameAs(Resource res)
          Remove the statement that this resource is the same as the given resource.
 void OntResource.removeSeeAlso(Resource res)
          Remove the statement indicating the given resource as a source of additional information about this resource.
 void SomeValuesFromRestriction.removeSomeValuesFrom(Resource cls)
          Remove the statement that this restriction has some values from the given class among the values for the restricted property.
 void OntClass.removeSubClass(Resource cls)
          Remove the given class from the sub-classes of this class.
 void OntClass.removeSuperClass(Resource cls)
          Remove the given class from the super-classes of this class.
 void AllValuesFromRestriction.setAllValuesFrom(Resource cls)
          Assert that this restriction restricts the property to have all values be members of the given class.
 void Ontology.setBackwardCompatibleWith(Resource res)
          Assert that this ontology is backward compatible with the given ontology.
 void OntResource.setDifferentFrom(Resource res)
          Assert that the given resource and this resource are distinct.
 void OntClass.setDisjointWith(Resource cls)
          Assert that this class is disjoint with the given class.
 void OntProperty.setDomain(Resource res)
          Assert that the given resource represents the class of individuals that form the domain of this property.
 void OntClass.setEquivalentClass(Resource cls)
          Assert that the given class is equivalent to this class.
 void Ontology.setImport(Resource res)
          Assert that this ontology imports only the given ontology.
 void Ontology.setIncompatibleWith(Resource res)
          Assert that this ontology is incompatible with the given ontology.
 void OntResource.setIsDefinedBy(Resource res)
          Assert that the given resource provides a source of definitions about this resource.
 void OntTools.LCAIndex.setLCA(Resource u, Resource v, Resource lca)
 void Individual.setOntClass(Resource cls)
          Set the ontology class for this individual, replacing any existing class membership.
 void ComplementClass.setOperand(Resource cls)
          Set the class that the class represented by this class expression is a complement of.
 void Ontology.setPriorVersion(Resource res)
          Assert that this ontology is a new version of the given ontology.
 void OntProperty.setRange(Resource res)
          Assert that the given resource represents the class of individuals that form the range of this property.
 void OntResource.setRDFType(Resource cls)
          Set the RDF type (i.e.
 void OntResource.setSameAs(Resource res)
          Assert equivalence between the given resource and this resource.
 void OntResource.setSeeAlso(Resource res)
          Assert that the given resource provides additional information about the definition of this resource
 void SomeValuesFromRestriction.setSomeValuesFrom(Resource cls)
          Assert that this restriction restricts the property to have at least one value that is a member of the given class.
 void OntClass.setSubClass(Resource cls)
          Assert that this class is super-class of the given class.
 void OntClass.setSuperClass(Resource cls)
          Assert that this class is sub-class of the given class.

Method parameters in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology with type arguments of type Resource
 void AllDifferent.addDistinctMembers(Iterator<? extends Resource> individuals)
          Add the given individuals to the list of distinct members of this AllDifferent declaration.
 void EnumeratedClass.addOneOf(Iterator<? extends Resource> individuals)
          Add each individual from the given iteration to the enumeration that defines the class extension of this class.
 void BooleanClassDescription.addOperands(Iterator<? extends Resource> classes)
          Add all of the classes from the given iterator to the operands of this boolean expression.

Constructors in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology with parameters of type Resource
OntTools.DisjointSet(Resource node)

Uses of Resource in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model

Subinterfaces of Resource in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model
 interface Alt
          An RDF Alternative container.
 interface Bag
          An RDF Bag container.
 interface Container
          An RDF Container.
 interface Property
          An RDF Property.
 interface RDFList
           Provides a convenience encapsulation for lists formed from chains of RDF statements arranged to form a head/tail cons-cell structure.
 interface ReifiedStatement
          A ReifiedStatement represents a Statement as a Resource.
 interface Seq
          RDF Sequence container.

Fields in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model with type parameters of type Resource
static com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.Map1<Statement,Resource> Statement.Util.getSubject

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model that return Resource
 Resource Resource.abort()
          Abort the transaction in the associated model.
 Resource Resource.addLiteral(Property p, boolean o)
          Add the property p with the typed-literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, typed(o)) to this's model.
 Resource Resource.addLiteral(Property p, char o)
          Add the property p with the typed-literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, typed(o)) to this's model.
 Resource Resource.addLiteral(Property value, double d)
          Add the property p with the typed-literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, typed(o)) to this's model.
 Resource Resource.addLiteral(Property value, float d)
          Add the property p with the typed-literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, typed(o)) to this's model.
 Resource Resource.addLiteral(Property p, Literal o)
          Add the property p with the pre-constructed Literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, o) to this's model.
 Resource Resource.addLiteral(Property p, long o)
          Add the property p with the typed-literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, typed(o)) to this's model.
 Resource Resource.addLiteral(Property p, Object o)
          Add the property p with the typed-literal value o to this resource, ie add (this, p, typed(o)) to this's model.
 Resource Resource.addProperty(Property p, RDFNode o)
          Add a property to this resource.
 Resource Resource.addProperty(Property p, String o)
          Add a property to this resource.
 Resource Resource.addProperty(Property p, String lexicalForm, RDFDatatype datatype)
          Add a property to this resource.
 Resource Resource.addProperty(Property p, String o, String l)
          Add a property to this resource.
 Resource RDFNode.asResource()
          If this node is a Resource, answer that resource; otherwise throw an exception.
 Resource Resource.begin()
          Begin a transaction in the associated model.
 Resource Resource.commit()
          Commit the transaction in the associated model.
static Resource ResourceFactory.createResource()
          create a new anonymous resource.
 Resource ResourceFactory.Interface.createResource()
          create a new anonymous resource.
 Resource Model.createResource()
          Create a new anonymous resource whose model is this model.
 Resource Model.createResource(AnonId id)
          Create a blank node resource with a specified identifier.
 Resource ResourceF.createResource(Resource r)
          Deprecated. Create new resource instance which extends the behaviour of a supplied resource.
 Resource ModelCon.createResource(Resource type)
          Create a new anonymous resource with a given type.
 Resource ModelCon.createResource(ResourceF f)
static Resource ResourceFactory.createResource(String uriref)
          create a new resource.
 Resource ResourceFactory.Interface.createResource(String uriref)
          create a new resource.
 Resource Model.createResource(String uri)
          Create a new resource associated with this model.
 Resource ModelCon.createResource(String uri, Resource type)
          Create a new resource with a given type.
 Resource ModelCon.createResource(String uri, ResourceF f)
 Resource Model.getAnyReifiedStatement(Statement s)
          Find or create a ReifiedStatement corresponding to a Statement.
 Resource Alt.getDefaultResource()
          Return the default value for this resource.
 Resource Alt.getDefaultResource(ResourceF f)
 Resource Resource.getPropertyResourceValue(Property p)
          Answer some resource R for which this.hasProperty( p, R ), or null if no such R exists.
 Resource Statement.getResource()
          Return the object of the statement.
 Resource Seq.getResource(int index)
          Get the member at a given index.
 Resource Seq.getResource(int index, ResourceF f)
 Resource Statement.getResource(ResourceF f)
 Resource Model.getResource(String uri)
          Return a Resource instance with the given URI in this model.
 Resource ModelCon.getResource(String uri, ResourceF f)
 Resource Selector.getSubject()
          Answer the only subject Resource that this Selector will match, or null if it can match more that a single resource.
 Resource Statement.getSubject()
          An accessor method to return the subject of the statements.
 Resource SimpleSelector.getSubject()
          Return the subject constraint of this selector.
 Resource Resource.inModel(Model m)
          Override RDFNode.inModel() to produce a staticly-typed Resource in the given Model.
 Resource ResIterator.nextResource()
 Resource Resource.removeAll(Property p)
          Delete all the statements with predicate p for this resource from its associated model.
 Resource Resource.removeProperties()
          Delete all the properties for this resource from the associated model.
 Resource ModelGraphInterface.wrapAsResource(Node n)

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model that return types with arguments of type Resource
static Set<Resource> ModelFactory.findAssemblerRoots(Model m)
          Answer a Set of resources present in m that are explicitly or implicitly of type ja:Object, ie, suitable as roots for assemblerModelFrom.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model with parameters of type Resource
 Model ModelCon.add(Resource s, Property p, RDFNode o)
          add a statement to this model.
 Model ModelCon.add(Resource s, Property p, String o)
          add a statement to this model.
 Model ModelCon.add(Resource s, Property p, String o, boolean wellFormed)
          add a statement to this model.
 Model ModelCon.add(Resource s, Property p, String lex, RDFDatatype datatype)
          add a statement to this model.
 Model ModelCon.add(Resource s, Property p, String o, String l)
          add a statement to this model.
 Model ModelCon.addLiteral(Resource s, Property p, boolean o)
          Add the statement (s, p, createTypedLiteral( o )) to this model and answer this model.
 Model ModelCon.addLiteral(Resource s, Property p, char o)
          Add the statement (s, p, createTypedLiteral( o )) to this model and answer this model.
 Model ModelCon.addLiteral(Resource s, Property p, double o)
          Add the statement (s, p, o') to the model, where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o.
 Model ModelCon.addLiteral(Resource s, Property p, float o)
          Add the statement (s, p, o') to the model, where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o.
 Model ModelCon.addLiteral(Resource s, Property p, int o)
          Add the statement (s, p, createTypedLiteral( o )) to this model and answer this model.
 Model ModelCon.addLiteral(Resource s, Property p, Literal o)
          add a statement to this model.
 Model ModelCon.addLiteral(Resource s, Property p, long o)
          Add the statement (s, p, createTypedLiteral( o )) to this model and answer this model.
 Model ModelCon.addLiteral(Resource s, Property p, Object o)
          Deprecated. Freshly (should have been done a while ago)
static Model ModelFactory.assembleModelFrom(Resource root)
          Answer a Model as described the the Assembler specification rooted at the Resource root in its Model.
 boolean Model.contains(Resource s, Property p)
          Determine whether this model contains any statements with a given subject and property.
 boolean Model.contains(Resource s, Property p, RDFNode o)
          Determine if an (S, P, O) pattern is present in this model, with null allowed to represent a wildcard match.
 boolean ModelCon.contains(Resource s, Property p, String o)
          Determine if a statement is present in this model.
 boolean ModelCon.contains(Resource s, Property p, String o, String l)
          Determine if a statement is present in this model.
 boolean ModelCon.containsLiteral(Resource s, Property p, boolean o)
          Answer true iff this model contains the statement (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to the value o.
 boolean ModelCon.containsLiteral(Resource s, Property p, char o)
          Answer true iff this model contains the statement (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to the value o.
 boolean ModelCon.containsLiteral(Resource s, Property p, double o)
          Answer true iff this model contains the statement (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to the value o.
 boolean ModelCon.containsLiteral(Resource s, Property p, float o)
          Answer true iff this model contains (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o.
 boolean ModelCon.containsLiteral(Resource s, Property p, int o)
          Answer true iff this model contains the statement (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to the value o.
 boolean ModelCon.containsLiteral(Resource s, Property p, long o)
          Answer true iff this model contains the statement (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to the value o.
 boolean ModelCon.containsLiteral(Resource s, Property p, Object o)
          Answer true iff this model contains the statement (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to the value o.
 Statement ModelCon.createLiteralStatement(Resource s, Property p, boolean o)
          Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
 Statement ModelCon.createLiteralStatement(Resource s, Property p, char o)
          Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
 Statement ModelCon.createLiteralStatement(Resource s, Property p, double o)
          Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
 Statement ModelCon.createLiteralStatement(Resource s, Property p, float o)
          Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
 Statement ModelCon.createLiteralStatement(Resource s, Property p, int o)
          Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
 Statement ModelCon.createLiteralStatement(Resource s, Property p, long o)
          Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
 Statement ModelCon.createLiteralStatement(Resource s, Property p, Object o)
          Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
 Resource ResourceF.createResource(Resource r)
          Deprecated. Create new resource instance which extends the behaviour of a supplied resource.
 Resource ModelCon.createResource(Resource type)
          Create a new anonymous resource with a given type.
 Resource ModelCon.createResource(String uri, Resource type)
          Create a new resource with a given type.
static Statement ResourceFactory.createStatement(Resource subject, Property predicate, RDFNode object)
          create a new statement.
 Statement ResourceFactory.Interface.createStatement(Resource subject, Property predicate, RDFNode object)
          create a new statement.
 Statement Model.createStatement(Resource s, Property p, RDFNode o)
          Create a Statement instance.
 Statement ModelCon.createStatement(Resource s, Property p, String o)
          Create a Statement instance.
 Statement ModelCon.createStatement(Resource s, Property p, String o, boolean wellFormed)
          Create a Statement instance.
 Statement ModelCon.createStatement(Resource s, Property p, String o, String l)
          Create a Statement instance.
 Statement ModelCon.createStatement(Resource s, Property p, String o, String l, boolean wellFormed)
          Create a Statement instance.
 Model ModelExtract.extract(Resource r, Model s)
          Answer the rooted sub-model.
 Model ModelExtract.extractInto(Model model, Resource r, Model s)
          Answer model after updating it with the sub-graph of s rooted at r, bounded by this instances boundary.
 Alt ModelCon.getAlt(Resource r)
          Return an Alt instance based on a given resource.
 Bag ModelCon.getBag(Resource r)
          Return a bag instance based on a given resource.
 Statement Model.getProperty(Resource s, Property p)
          Answer a statement (s, p, ?O) from this model.
 Statement Model.getRequiredProperty(Resource s, Property p)
          Return a statement with given subject and property.
 Seq ModelCon.getSeq(Resource r)
          Return a Seq instance based on a given resource.
 StmtIterator ModelCon.listLiteralStatements(Resource subject, Property predicate, boolean object)
          Answer a statement iterator that will iterate over all the statements (S, P, O) in this model where S matches subject, P matches predicate, and O matches the typed literal corresponding to object.
 StmtIterator ModelCon.listLiteralStatements(Resource subject, Property predicate, char object)
          Answer a statement iterator that will iterate over all the statements (S, P, O) in this model where S matches subject, P matches predicate, and O matches the typed literal corresponding to object.
 StmtIterator ModelCon.listLiteralStatements(Resource subject, Property predicate, double object)
          Answer a statement iterator that will iterate over all the statements (S, P, O) in this model where S matches subject, P matches predicate, and O matches the typed literal corresponding to object.
 StmtIterator ModelCon.listLiteralStatements(Resource subject, Property predicate, float object)
          Answer a statement iterator that will iterate over all the statements (S, P, O) in this model where S matches subject, P matches predicate, and O matches the typed literal corresponding to object.
 StmtIterator ModelCon.listLiteralStatements(Resource subject, Property predicate, long object)
          Answer a statement iterator that will iterate over all the statements (S, P, O) in this model where S matches subject, P matches predicate, and O matches the typed literal corresponding to object.
 NodeIterator Model.listObjectsOfProperty(Resource s, Property p)
          List the values of a property of a resource.
 StmtIterator Model.listStatements(Resource s, Property p, RDFNode o)
          Find all the statements matching a pattern.
 StmtIterator InfModel.listStatements(Resource subject, Property predicate, RDFNode object, Model posit)
          Find all the statements matching a pattern.
 StmtIterator ModelCon.listStatements(Resource subject, Property predicate, String object)
          Find all the statements matching a pattern.
 StmtIterator ModelCon.listStatements(Resource subject, Property predicate, String object, String lang)
          Find all the statements matching a pattern.
 Model ModelCon.remove(Resource s, Property p, RDFNode o)
          remove the statement (s, p, o) from this model and answer this model.
 Model Model.removeAll(Resource s, Property p, RDFNode r)
          Remove all the statements matching (s, p, o) from this model.
 Object RDFVisitor.visitBlank(Resource r, AnonId id)
          Method to call when visiting a blank node r with identifier id.
 Object RDFVisitor.visitURI(Resource r, String uri)
          Method to call when visiting a URI node r with the given uri.

Constructors in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model with parameters of type Resource
SimpleSelector(Resource subject, Property predicate, boolean object)
          Create a selector.
SimpleSelector(Resource subject, Property predicate, char object)
          Create a selector.
SimpleSelector(Resource subject, Property predicate, double object)
          Create a selector.
SimpleSelector(Resource subject, Property predicate, float object)
          Create a selector.
SimpleSelector(Resource subject, Property predicate, long object)
          Create a selector.
SimpleSelector(Resource subject, Property predicate, Object object)
          Create a selector.
SimpleSelector(Resource subject, Property predicate, RDFNode object)
          Create a selector.
SimpleSelector(Resource subject, Property predicate, String object)
          Create a selector.
SimpleSelector(Resource subject, Property predicate, String object, String language)
          Create a selector.

Uses of Resource in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner that return Resource
 Resource ReasonerRegistry.getDescription(String uri)
          Return information on a given Reasoner.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner with parameters of type Resource
 void Reasoner.addDescription(Model configSpec, Resource base)
          Add a configuration description for this reasoner into a partial configuration specification model.
 Reasoner ReasonerFactory.create(Resource configuration)
          Constructor method that builds an instance of the associated Reasoner
 Reasoner ReasonerRegistry.create(String uri, Resource configuration)
          Create and return a new instance of the reasoner identified by the given uri.

Uses of Resource in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys with parameters of type Resource
 void BasicForwardRuleReasoner.addDescription(Model configSpec, Resource base)
          Add a configuration description for this reasoner into a partial configuration specification model.
 void FBRuleReasoner.addDescription(Model configSpec, Resource base)
          Add a configuration description for this reasoner into a partial configuration specification model.
 void LPBackwardRuleReasoner.addDescription(Model configSpec, Resource base)
          Add a configuration description for this reasoner into a partial configuration specification model.
static Boolean Util.checkBinaryPredicate(Property predicate, Resource configuration)
          Helper method - extracts the truth of a boolean configuration predicate.
 Reasoner GenericRuleReasonerFactory.create(Resource configuration)
          Constructor method that builds an instance of the associated Reasoner
 Reasoner OWLMiniReasonerFactory.create(Resource configuration)
          Constructor method that builds an instance of the associated Reasoner
 Reasoner OWLFBRuleReasonerFactory.create(Resource configuration)
          Constructor method that builds an instance of the associated Reasoner
 Reasoner DAMLMicroReasonerFactory.create(Resource configuration)
          Constructor method that builds an instance of the associated Reasoner
 Reasoner RDFSRuleReasonerFactory.create(Resource configuration)
          Constructor method that builds an instance of the associated Reasoner
 Reasoner RDFSFBRuleReasonerFactory.create(Resource configuration)
          Constructor method that builds an instance of the associated Reasoner
 Reasoner OWLMicroReasonerFactory.create(Resource configuration)
          Constructor method that builds an instance of the associated Reasoner
static Integer Util.getIntegerPredicate(Property predicate, Resource configuration)
          Helper method - extracts the value of an integer configuration predicate.
static void Util.updateParameter(Resource config, Property parameter, Object value)
          Replace the value for a given parameter on the resource by a new value.

Constructors in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys with parameters of type Resource
FBRuleReasoner(ReasonerFactory factory, Resource configuration)
GenericRuleReasoner(ReasonerFactory factory, Resource configuration)
RDFSRuleReasoner(ReasonerFactory factory, Resource configuration)

Uses of Resource in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.transitiveReasoner

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.transitiveReasoner with parameters of type Resource
 void TransitiveReasoner.addDescription(Model configSpec, Resource base)
          Add a configuration description for this reasoner into a partial configuration specification model.
 Reasoner TransitiveReasonerFactory.create(Resource configuration)
          Constructor method that builds an instance of the associated Reasoner

Uses of Resource in com.hp.hpl.jena.shared

Fields in com.hp.hpl.jena.shared declared as Resource
 Resource BadDescriptionNoRootException.type
 Resource BadDescriptionMultipleRootsException.type

Constructors in com.hp.hpl.jena.shared with parameters of type Resource
BadDescriptionMultipleRootsException(Model badModel, Resource type)
BadDescriptionNoRootException(Model badModel, Resource type)

Uses of Resource in com.hp.hpl.jena.util

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.util with type parameters of type Resource
<T extends Resource>
ResourceUtils.maximalLowerElements(Collection<T> resources, Property rel, boolean inverse)
           Answer the maximal lower elements of the given collection, given the partial ordering rel.
<T extends Resource>
ResourceUtils.maximalLowerElements(Iterator<T> resources, Property rel, boolean inverse)
           Given a collection of resources, and a relation defining a partial order over those resources, answer the sub-collection that contains only those elements that appear in the maximal generator of the relation.
<T extends Resource>
ResourceUtils.partition(List<T> l, Property p)
          Answer a list of lists, which is a partition of the given input list of resources.
<T extends Resource>
ResourceUtils.removeEquiv(List<T> l, Property p, Resource ref)
          Remove from the given list l of Resources, any Resource that is equivalent to the reference resource ref under the relation p.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.util that return Resource
static Resource ResourceUtils.renameResource(Resource old, String uri)
          Answer a new resource that occupies the same position in the graph as the current resource old, but that has the given URI.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.util with parameters of type Resource
static com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator<List<? extends RDFNode>> ModelQueryUtil.queryBindingsWith(Model model, Model query, Resource[] variables)
static Model ResourceUtils.reachableClosure(Resource root)
          Answer a model that contains all of the resources reachable from a given resource by any property, transitively.
<T extends Resource>
ResourceUtils.removeEquiv(List<T> l, Property p, Resource ref)
          Remove from the given list l of Resources, any Resource that is equivalent to the reference resource ref under the relation p.
static Resource ResourceUtils.renameResource(Resource old, String uri)
          Answer a new resource that occupies the same position in the graph as the current resource old, but that has the given URI.
 Node[] QueryMapper.toQueryVariables(Resource[] vars)

Constructors in com.hp.hpl.jena.util with parameters of type Resource
QueryMapper(Model m, Resource[] variables)

Uses of Resource in com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary

Fields in com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary declared as Resource
static Resource RDFSyntax.aboutAttr
static Resource TestManifest.accepted
static Resource VCARD.ADRTYPES
static Resource DCTerms.Agent
          A resource that acts or has the power to act.
static Resource DCTerms.AgentClass
          A group of agents.
static Resource OWL.AllDifferent
static Resource OWL2.AllDifferent
static Resource OWL2.AllDisjointClasses
static Resource OWL2.AllDisjointProperties
static Resource RDF.Alt
static Resource OWL2.Annotation
static Resource OWL.AnnotationProperty
static Resource OWL2.AnnotationProperty
static Resource XSD.anyURI
          Resource URI for xsd:anyURI
static Resource OWL2.AsymmetricProperty
static Resource OWL2.Axiom
static Resource RDF.Bag
static Resource RDFSyntax.bagIdAttr
static Resource XSD.base64Binary
          Resource URI for xsd:base64Binary
static Resource DCTerms.BibliographicResource
          A book, article, or other documentary resource.
static Resource
static Resource OWL.Class
static Resource DAML_OIL.Class
          RDF resource for DAML Class class (a DAML sub-class of rdfs:Class).
static Resource OWL2.Class
static Resource RDFS.Class
static Resource DAML_OIL.collection
          DAML namespace resource for daml:collection.
static Resource DCTypes.Collection
          An aggregation of resources.
static Resource OWLTest.ConsistencyTest
          A consistent OWL document.
static Resource RDFS.Container
static Resource RDFS.ContainerMembershipProperty
static Resource RDFSyntax.coreSyntaxTerms
static Resource OWL.DataRange
static Resource OWL2.DataRange
static Resource DCTypes.Dataset
          Data encoded in a defined structure.
static Resource DAML_OIL.Datatype
          RDF resource for DAML Datatype class (a DAML sub-class of rdfs:Class).
static Resource RDFS.Datatype
static Resource RDFSyntax.datatypeAttr
static Resource OWL.DatatypeProperty
static Resource DAML_OIL.DatatypeProperty
          RDF resource for DAML DatatypeProperty class (a DAML sub-class of rdf:Property).
static Resource OWL2.DatatypeProperty
static Resource
          Resource URI for xsd:date
static Resource XSD.dateTime
          Resource URI for xsd:dateTime
static Resource XSD.decimal
          Resource URI for xsd:decimal
static Resource OWL.DeprecatedClass
static Resource OWL2.DeprecatedClass
static Resource OWL.DeprecatedProperty
static Resource OWL2.DeprecatedProperty
static Resource OWLTest.DL
          One of the conformance levels in the OWL test suite.
static Resource OWL.DL_LANG
          A resource, not officially sanctioned by WebOnt, that denotes the OWL-DL sublanguage of OWL
static Resource RDFSyntax.doc
static Resource OntDocManagerVocab.DocumentManagerPolicy
          A node that specifies behavioural options for the document manager
static Resource XSD.duration
          Resource URI for xsd:duration
static Resource VCARD.EMAILTYPES
static Resource RDFSyntax.emptyPropertyElt
static Resource XSD.ENTITIES
          Resource URI for xsd:ENTITIES
static Resource XSD.ENTITY
          Resource URI for xsd:ENTITY
static Resource DCTypes.Event
          A non-persistent, time-based occurrence.
static Resource OWLResults.FailingRun
          A TestRun where the system's behavior fails the test, violating a MUST NOT.
static Resource DCTerms.FileFormat
          A digital resource format.
static Resource DCTerms.Frequency
          A rate at which something recurs.
static Resource OWLTest.Full
          One of the conformance levels in the OWL test suite.
static Resource OWL.FULL_LANG
          A resource that denotes the OWL-full sublanguage of OWL
static Resource OWL.FunctionalProperty
static Resource OWL2.FunctionalProperty
static Resource XSD.gDay
          Resource URI for xsd:gDay
static Resource XSD.gMonth
          Resource URI for xsd:gMonth
static Resource XSD.gMonthDay
          Resource URI for xsd:gMonthDay
static Resource XSD.gYear
          Resource URI for xsd:gYear
static Resource XSD.gYearMonth
          Resource URI for xsd:gYearMonth
static Resource XSD.hexBinary
          Resource URI for xsd:hexBinary
static Resource XSD.ID
          Resource URI for xsd:ID
static Resource RDFSyntax.idAttr
static Resource XSD.IDREF
          Resource URI for xsd:IDREF
static Resource XSD.IDREFS
          Resource URI for xsd:IDREFS
static Resource DCTypes.Image
          A visual representation other than text.
static Resource OWLTest.ImportEntailmentTest
          The premise document, and its imports closure, entails the conclusion document.
static Resource OWLTest.ImportLevelTest
          These tests use two documents.
static Resource OWLResults.IncompleteRun
          A TestRun where the system's behavior does not pass the test, but also does not fail.
static Resource OWLTest.InconsistencyTest
          An inconsistent OWL document.
static Resource XSD.integer
          Resource URI for xsd:integer
static Resource DCTypes.InteractiveResource
          A resource requiring interaction from the user to be understood, executed, or experienced.
static Resource OWL.InverseFunctionalProperty
static Resource OWL2.InverseFunctionalProperty
static Resource OWL2.IrreflexiveProperty
static Resource OWLTest.Issue
          A member of this class is an issue in some issue list.
static Resource RSS.item
static Resource DCTerms.Jurisdiction
          The extent or range of judicial, law enforcement, or other authority.
static Resource XSD.language
          Resource URI for xsd:language
static Resource OWLTest.Large
static Resource DB.layoutVersion
static Resource DCTerms.LicenseDocument
          A legal document giving official permission to do something with a Resource.
static Resource DCTerms.LinguisticSystem
          A system of signs, symbols, sounds, gestures, or rules used in communication.
static Resource RDF.List
static Resource DAML_OIL.List
          RDF resource for DAML List class.
static Resource OWLTest.Lite
          One of the conformance levels in the OWL test suite.
static Resource OWL.LITE_LANG
          A resource, not officially sanctioned by WebOnt, that denotes the OWL-Lite sublanguage of OWL
static Resource RDFSyntax.literal
static Resource DAML_OIL.Literal
          Alias for rdfs:Literal in the daml namespace.
static Resource RDFS.Literal
static Resource RDFSyntax.literalPropertyElt
static Resource DCTerms.Location
          A spatial region or named place.
static Resource LocationMappingVocab.LocationMapping
static Resource DCTerms.LocationPeriodOrJurisdiction
          A location, period of time, or jurisdiction.
static Resource TestManifest.Manifest
          The class of manifests
static Resource TestManifest.ManifestEntry
          One entry in rdf:type list of entries
static Resource DCTerms.MediaType
          A file format or physical medium.
static Resource DCTerms.MediaTypeOrExtent
          A media type or extent.
static Resource DCTerms.MethodOfAccrual
          A method by which resources are added to a collection.
static Resource DCTerms.MethodOfInstruction
          A process that is used to engender knowledge, attitudes, and skills.
static Resource RDFTest.MiscellaneousTest
          This manifest entry is used to describe test cases that do not fall into one of the categories.
static Resource DCTypes.MovingImage
          A series of visual representations imparting an impression of motion when shown in succession.
static Resource XSD.Name
          Resource URI for xsd:Name
static Resource OWL2.NamedIndividual
static Resource DCTerms.NAMESPACE
          The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
static Resource OWLTest.NAMESPACE
          The namespace of the vocabalary as a resource
static Resource OWL.NAMESPACE
          The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
static Resource DC_11.NAMESPACE
          The namespace of the vocabalary as a resource
static Resource TestManifestX.NAMESPACE
          The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
static Resource RDFTest.NAMESPACE
          The namespace of the vocabalary as a resource
static Resource OntDocManagerVocab.NAMESPACE
          The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
static Resource TestManifest.NAMESPACE
          The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
static Resource OntEventsVocab.NAMESPACE
          The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
static Resource LocationMappingVocab.NAMESPACE
          The namespace of the vocabalary as a resource
static Resource DCTypes.NAMESPACE
          The namespace of the vocabulary as a resource
static Resource OWLResults.NAMESPACE
          The namespace of the vocabalary as a resource
          DAML namespace resource for the current release
static Resource XSD.NCName
          Resource URI for xsd:NCName
static Resource OWLTest.NegativeEntailmentTest
          This is a negative entailment test according to the OWL entailment rules.
static Resource RDFTest.NegativeEntailmentTest
          These tests consist of one or more premise documents, and a consequent document.
static Resource XSD.negativeInteger
          Resource URI for xsd:negativeInteger
static Resource RDFTest.NegativeParserTest
          These tests consist of one input document.
static Resource OWL2.NegativePropertyAssertion
static Resource TestManifest.NegativeSyntaxTest
          A type of test specifically for syntax testing.
static Resource RDF.nil
static Resource DAML_OIL.nil
          RDF resource for the nil (empty) list.
static Resource XSD.NMTOKEN
          Resource URI for xsd:NMTOKEN
static Resource XSD.NMTOKENS
          Resource URI for xsd:NMTOKENS
static Resource RDFSyntax.nodeElement
static Resource RDFSyntax.nodeElementList
static Resource RDFSyntax.nodeElementURIs
static Resource RDFSyntax.nodeIdAttr
static Resource XSD.nonNegativeInteger
          Resource URI for xsd:nonNegativeInteger
static Resource XSD.nonPositiveInteger
          Resource URI for xsd:nonPositiveInteger
static Resource XSD.normalizedString
          Resource URI for xsd:normalizedString
static Resource XSD.NOTATION
          Resource URI for xsd:NOTATION
static Resource OWL.Nothing
static Resource DAML_OIL.Nothing
          RDF resource for the bottom type (i.e.
static Resource OWL2.Nothing
static Resource OWLTest.NotOwlFeatureTest
          This is a negative test.
static Resource RDFTest.NT_Document
static Resource OWL.ObjectProperty
static Resource DAML_OIL.ObjectProperty
          RDF resource for DAML ObjectProperty class (a DAML sub-class of rdf:Property).
static Resource OWL2.ObjectProperty
static Resource RDFSyntax.oldTerms
static Resource OWL.Ontology
static Resource DAML_OIL.Ontology
          RDF resource for DAML Ontology class
static Resource OWL2.Ontology
static Resource OWL.OntologyProperty
static Resource OWL2.OntologyProperty
static Resource OntDocManagerVocab.OntologySpec
          A class of node that specifies document metadata for the DocumentManager
static Resource OWLTest.OWLforOWLTest
          Illustrative of the use of OWL to describe OWL Full.
static Resource RDFSyntax.parseCollection
static Resource RDFSyntax.parseLiteral
static Resource RDFSyntax.parseOther
static Resource RDFSyntax.parseResource
static Resource RDFSyntax.parseTypeCollectionPropertyElt
static Resource RDFSyntax.parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt
static Resource RDFSyntax.parseTypeOtherPropertyElt
static Resource RDFSyntax.parseTypeResourcePropertyElt
static Resource OWLResults.PassingRun
          A TestRun where the system's behavior is sufficient for passing the test.
static Resource DCTerms.PeriodOfTime
          An interval of time that is named or defined by its start and end dates.
static Resource DCTerms.PhysicalMedium
          A physical material or carrier.
static Resource DCTypes.PhysicalObject
          An inanimate, three-dimensional object or substance.
static Resource DCTerms.PhysicalResource
          A material thing.
static Resource DCTerms.Policy
          A plan or course of action by an authority, intended to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters.
static Resource OWLTest.PositiveEntailmentTest
          This is a positive entailment test according to the OWL entailment rules.
static Resource RDFTest.PositiveEntailmentTest
          These tests are specified by one or more premise documents (in RDF/XML or N-Triples) together with a single conclusion document.
static Resource XSD.positiveInteger
          Resource URI for xsd:positiveInteger
static Resource RDFTest.PositiveParserTest
          These tests consist of one (or more) input documents in RDF/XML as revised.
static Resource TestManifest.PositiveSyntaxTest
          A type of test specifically for syntax testing.
static Resource RDF.Property
static Resource DAML_OIL.Property
          Alias for rdfs:Property in the daml namespace.
static Resource RDFSyntax.propertyAttr
static Resource RDFSyntax.propertyAttributeURIs
static Resource RDFSyntax.propertyElementURIs
static Resource RDFSyntax.propertyElt
static Resource RDFSyntax.propertyEltList
static Resource TestManifest.proposed
static Resource DCTerms.ProvenanceStatement
          A statement of any changes in ownership and custody of a resource since its creation that are significant for its authenticity, integrity, and interpretation.
static Resource XSD.QName
          Resource URI for xsd:QName
static Resource TestManifest.QueryEvaluationTest
          A type of test specifically for query evaluation testing.
static Resource RDFSyntax.RDF
static Resource RDFTest.RDF_XML_Document
static Resource RDFSyntax.rdfId
static Resource ReasonerVocabulary.ReasonerClass
          The RDF class to which all Reasoners belong
static Resource OWL2.ReflexiveProperty
static Resource TestManifest.rejected
static Resource RDFS.Resource
static Resource RDFSyntax.resourceAttr
static Resource RDFSyntax.resourcePropertyElt
static Resource OWL.Restriction
static Resource DAML_OIL.Restriction
          RDF resource for DAML Restriction class
static Resource OWL2.Restriction
static Resource DCTerms.RightsStatement
          A statement about the intellectual property rights (IPR) held in or over a Resource, a legal document giving official permission to do something with a resource, or a statement about access rights.
static Resource RDFSyntax.sectionListExpand
static Resource RDFSyntax.sectionReification
static Resource RDF.Seq
static Resource DCTypes.Service
          A system that provides one or more functions.
static Resource DCTerms.SizeOrDuration
          A dimension or extent, or a time taken to play or execute.
static Resource DCTypes.Software
          A computer program in source or compiled form.
static Resource DCTypes.Sound
          A resource primarily intended to be heard.
static Resource DCTerms.Standard
          A basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated.
static Resource RDF.Statement
static Resource DCTypes.StillImage
          A static visual representation.
static Resource OWL.SymmetricProperty
static Resource OWL2.SymmetricProperty
static Resource RDFSyntax.syntaxTerms
static Resource DB.systemGraphName
static Resource VCARD.TELTYPES
static Resource OWLTest.Test
static Resource TestManifestX.TestBadSyntax
          Syntax tests which expect a parse failure
static Resource TestManifestX.TestQuery
          The class of test that are Query tests (query, data, results)
static Resource OWLResults.TestRun
          An event where some system attempts to pass some test.
static Resource TestManifestX.TestSerialization
          Query serialization tests
static Resource TestManifestX.TestSurpressed
          Query test not to be run
static Resource TestManifestX.TestSyntax
          Syntax tests (query)
static Resource DCTypes.Text
          A resource consisting primarily of words for reading.
static Resource OWL.Thing
static Resource DAML_OIL.Thing
          RDF resource for the top type (i.e.
static Resource OWL2.Thing
static Resource XSD.time
          Resource URI for xsd:time
static Resource XSD.token
          Resource URI for xsd:token
static Resource OWL.TransitiveProperty
static Resource DAML_OIL.TransitiveProperty
          RDF resource for DAML TransitiveProperty class
static Resource OWL2.TransitiveProperty
static Resource OWLTest.TrueTest
          The conclusions follow from the empty premises.
static Resource VCARD.TZTYPES
static Resource DAML_OIL.UnambiguousProperty
          RDF resource for DAML UnambiguousProperty class
static Resource DB.undefined
static Resource DAML_OIL.UniqueProperty
          RDF resource for DAML UniqueProperty class
static Resource XSD.unsignedByte
          Resource URI for xsd:unsignedByte
static Resource XSD.unsignedInt
          Resource URI for xsd:unsignedInt
static Resource XSD.unsignedLong
          Resource URI for xsd:unsignedLong
static Resource XSD.unsignedShort
          Resource URI for xsd:unsignedShort
static Resource RDFSyntax.URIReference
static Resource
static Resource XSD.xboolean
          Resource URI for xsd:boolean
static Resource XSD.xbyte
          Resource URI for xsd:byte
static Resource XSD.xdouble
          Resource URI for xsd:double
static Resource XSD.xfloat
          Resource URI for xsd:float
static Resource XSD.xint
          Resource URI for xsd:int
static Resource XSD.xlong
          Resource URI for xsd:long
static Resource XSD.xshort
          Resource URI for xsd:short
static Resource XSD.xstring
          Resource URI for xsd:string

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary that return Resource
 Resource DAML_OIL.Class()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML Class class (a DAML sub-class of rdfs:Class).
 Resource DAMLVocabulary.Class()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML Class class (a DAML sub-class of rdfs:Class).
 Resource DAML_OIL.Datatype()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML Datatype class (a DAML sub-class of rdfs:Class).
 Resource DAMLVocabulary.Datatype()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML Datatype class (a DAML sub-class of rdfs:Class).
 Resource DAML_OIL.DatatypeProperty()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML DatatypeProperty class (a DAML sub-class of rdf:Property).
 Resource DAMLVocabulary.DatatypeProperty()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML DatatypeProperty class (a DAML sub-class of rdf:Property).
 Resource DAML_OIL.List()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML List class.
 Resource DAMLVocabulary.List()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML List class.
 Resource DAML_OIL.Literal()
          Answer the Alias for rdfs:Literal in the daml namespace.
 Resource DAMLVocabulary.Literal()
          Answer the Alias for rdfs:Literal in the daml namespace.
          Answer the DAML namespace resource for the current release
 Resource DAMLVocabulary.NAMESPACE_DAML()
          Answer the DAML namespace resource for the current release
 Resource DAML_OIL.nil()
          Answer the RDF resource for the nil (empty) list.
 Resource DAMLVocabulary.nil()
          Answer the RDF resource for the nil (empty) list.
 Resource DAML_OIL.Nothing()
          Answer the RDF resource for the bottom type (i.e.
 Resource DAMLVocabulary.Nothing()
          Answer the RDF resource for the bottom type (i.e.
 Resource DAML_OIL.ObjectProperty()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML ObjectProperty class (a DAML sub-class of rdf:Property).
 Resource DAMLVocabulary.ObjectProperty()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML ObjectProperty class (a DAML sub-class of rdf:Property).
 Resource DAML_OIL.Ontology()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML Ontology class
 Resource DAMLVocabulary.Ontology()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML Ontology class
 Resource DAML_OIL.Property()
          Answer the alias for rdfs:Property in the daml namespace.
 Resource DAMLVocabulary.Property()
          Answer the Alias for rdfs:Property in the daml namespace.
 Resource DAML_OIL.Restriction()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML Restriction class
 Resource DAMLVocabulary.Restriction()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML Restriction class
 Resource DAML_OIL.Thing()
          Answer the RDF resource for the top type (i.e.
 Resource DAMLVocabulary.Thing()
          Answer the RDF resource for the top type (i.e.
 Resource DAML_OIL.TransitiveProperty()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML TransitiveProperty class
 Resource DAMLVocabulary.TransitiveProperty()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML TransitiveProperty class
 Resource DAML_OIL.UnambiguousProperty()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML UnambiguousProperty class
 Resource DAMLVocabulary.UnambiguousProperty()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML UnambiguousProperty class
 Resource DAML_OIL.UniqueProperty()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML UniqueProperty class
 Resource DAMLVocabulary.UniqueProperty()
          Answer the RDF resource for DAML UniqueProperty class

Uses of Resource in jena

Methods in jena that return Resource
 Resource schemagen.SchemagenOptions.getInputOption()
 Resource schemagen.SchemagenOptionsImpl.getInputOption()
 Resource schemagen.SchemagenOptions.getNamespaceOption()
 Resource schemagen.SchemagenOptionsImpl.getNamespaceOption()

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