Uses of Interface

Packages that use Statement
com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology Provides a set of abstractions and convenience classes for accessing and manipluating ontologies represented in RDF. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.listeners A package defining some useful implementations of ModelChangedListener, for listening to (a) all triples added or removed, exploding composite objects, (b) all objects added or removed, as themselves, (c) notification of additions/removals, but no details, and (d) accepting but ignoring all changes, as a base-class to be extended. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model A package for creating and manipulating RDF graphs. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.util Miscellaneous collection of utility classes. 

Uses of Statement in com.hp.hpl.jena.assembler

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.assembler with parameters of type Statement
static Resource AssemblerHelp.getResource(Statement s)
          Answer the resource that is the object of the statement s.
static String AssemblerHelp.getString(Statement s)
          Answer the plain string object of the statement s.
static String AssemblerHelp.getString(Statement s, Literal L)
          Answer the String value of the literal L, which is the object of the Statement s.

Constructors in com.hp.hpl.jena.assembler with parameters of type Statement
BadObjectException(Statement s)

Uses of Statement in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology that return Statement
 Statement OntTools.Path.getStatement(int i)

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology with parameters of type Statement
 boolean OntTools.PredicatesFilter.accept(Statement s)
 OntTools.Path OntTools.Path.append(Statement s)
          Answer a new Path whose elements are this Path with s added at the end
 boolean OntModel.isInBaseModel(Statement stmt)
          Answer true if the given statement is defined in the base model of this ontology model.

Method parameters in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology with type arguments of type Statement
static OntTools.Path OntTools.findShortestPath(Model m, Resource start, RDFNode end, com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.Filter<Statement> onPath)
          Answer the shortest path from the start resource to the end RDF node, such that every step on the path is accepted by the given filter.

Uses of Statement in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.listeners

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.listeners with parameters of type Statement
 void ChangedListener.addedStatement(Statement s)
 void NullListener.addedStatement(Statement s)
 void ObjectListener.addedStatement(Statement s)
 void StatementListener.addedStatement(Statement s)
          Override this to listen to all incoming added statements
 void ChangedListener.addedStatements(Statement[] statements)
 void NullListener.addedStatements(Statement[] statements)
 void ObjectListener.addedStatements(Statement[] statements)
 void StatementListener.addedStatements(Statement[] statements)
 void ChangedListener.removedStatement(Statement s)
 void NullListener.removedStatement(Statement s)
 void ObjectListener.removedStatement(Statement s)
 void StatementListener.removedStatement(Statement s)
          Override this to listen to all incoming removed statements
 void ChangedListener.removedStatements(Statement[] statements)
 void NullListener.removedStatements(Statement[] statements)
 void ObjectListener.removedStatements(Statement[] statements)
 void StatementListener.removedStatements(Statement[] statements)

Method parameters in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.listeners with type arguments of type Statement
 void ChangedListener.addedStatements(List<Statement> statements)
 void NullListener.addedStatements(List<Statement> statements)
 void ObjectListener.addedStatements(List<Statement> statements)
 void StatementListener.addedStatements(List<Statement> statements)
 void ChangedListener.removedStatements(List<Statement> statements)
 void NullListener.removedStatements(List<Statement> statements)
 void ObjectListener.removedStatements(List<Statement> statements)
 void StatementListener.removedStatements(List<Statement> statements)

Uses of Statement in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model

Fields in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model with type parameters of type Statement
static com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.Map1<Statement,RDFNode> Statement.Util.getObject
static com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.Map1<Statement,Property> Statement.Util.getPredicate
static com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.Map1<Statement,Resource> Statement.Util.getSubject

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model that return Statement
 Statement ModelGraphInterface.asStatement(Triple t)
          Answer a Statement in this Model who's SPO is that of the triple t.
 Statement Statement.changeLiteralObject(boolean o)
          Remove this statement (s, p, x) from the model that contains it.
 Statement Statement.changeLiteralObject(char o)
          Remove this statement (s, p, x) from the model that contains it.
 Statement Statement.changeLiteralObject(double o)
          Remove this statement (s, p, x) from the model that contains it.
 Statement Statement.changeLiteralObject(float o)
          Remove this statement (s, p, x) from the model that contains it.
 Statement Statement.changeLiteralObject(int o)
          Remove this statement (s, p, x) from the model that contains it.
 Statement Statement.changeLiteralObject(long o)
          Remove this statement (s, p, x) from the model that contains it.
 Statement Statement.changeObject(RDFNode o)
          change the object of the statement (S, P, X) to (S, P, o).
 Statement Statement.changeObject(String o)
          change the object of the statement (S, P, X) to (S, P, o).
 Statement Statement.changeObject(String o, boolean wellFormed)
          change the object of the statement (S, P, X) to (S, P, o).
 Statement Statement.changeObject(String o, String l)
          change the object of the statement (S, P, X) to (S, P, o).
 Statement Statement.changeObject(String o, String l, boolean wellFormed)
          change the object of the statement (S, P, X) to (S, P, o).
 Statement ModelCon.createLiteralStatement(Resource s, Property p, boolean o)
          Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
 Statement ModelCon.createLiteralStatement(Resource s, Property p, char o)
          Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
 Statement ModelCon.createLiteralStatement(Resource s, Property p, double o)
          Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
 Statement ModelCon.createLiteralStatement(Resource s, Property p, float o)
          Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
 Statement ModelCon.createLiteralStatement(Resource s, Property p, int o)
          Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
 Statement ModelCon.createLiteralStatement(Resource s, Property p, long o)
          Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
 Statement ModelCon.createLiteralStatement(Resource s, Property p, Object o)
          Answer a new Statement object (s, p, o') where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o using createTypedLiteral.
static Statement ResourceFactory.createStatement(Resource subject, Property predicate, RDFNode object)
          create a new statement.
 Statement ResourceFactory.Interface.createStatement(Resource subject, Property predicate, RDFNode object)
          create a new statement.
 Statement Model.createStatement(Resource s, Property p, RDFNode o)
          Create a Statement instance.
 Statement ModelCon.createStatement(Resource s, Property p, String o)
          Create a Statement instance.
 Statement ModelCon.createStatement(Resource s, Property p, String o, boolean wellFormed)
          Create a Statement instance.
 Statement ModelCon.createStatement(Resource s, Property p, String o, String l)
          Create a Statement instance.
 Statement ModelCon.createStatement(Resource s, Property p, String o, String l, boolean wellFormed)
          Create a Statement instance.
 Statement Statement.getProperty(Property p)
          Get a property of the object of the statement.
 Statement Resource.getProperty(Property p)
          Answer some statement (this, p, O) in the associated model.
 Statement Model.getProperty(Resource s, Property p)
          Answer a statement (s, p, ?O) from this model.
 Statement Resource.getRequiredProperty(Property p)
          Get a property value of this resource.
 Statement Model.getRequiredProperty(Resource s, Property p)
          Return a statement with given subject and property.
 Statement ReifiedStatement.getStatement()
          answer the Statement that this ReifiedStatement reifies.
 Statement Statement.getStatementProperty(Property p)
          Return a property of this statement.
 Statement StmtIterator.nextStatement()
          Return the next Statement of the iteration.
 Statement Statement.remove()
          Remove this statement from its associated model.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model with parameters of type Statement
 Model Model.add(Statement s)
          Add a statement to this model.
 Model Model.add(Statement[] statements)
          Add all the statements to the Model, using through the bulk update interface.
 void ModelChangedListener.addedStatement(Statement s)
          Method to call when a single statement has been added to the attached model.
 void ModelChangedListener.addedStatements(Statement[] statements)
          Method to call when an array of statements has been added to the attached model.
 boolean Model.contains(Statement s)
          Determine if a statement is present in this model.
 boolean StatementBoundaryBase.continueWith(Statement s)
          Method to over-ride to define what continues the boundary search; default definition is !stopAt(s).
 ReifiedStatement Model.createReifiedStatement(Statement s)
          Answer a ReifiedStatement that encodes _s_ and belongs to this Model.
 ReifiedStatement Model.createReifiedStatement(String uri, Statement s)
          answer a ReifiedStatement that encodes _s_, belongs to this Model, and is a Resource with that _uri_.
 Resource Model.getAnyReifiedStatement(Statement s)
          Find or create a ReifiedStatement corresponding to a Statement.
 Iterator<Derivation> InfModel.getDerivation(Statement statement)
          Return the derivation of the given statement (which should be the result of some previous list operation).
 boolean Model.isReified(Statement s)
          Determine if this Statement has been reified in this Model.
 RSIterator Model.listReifiedStatements(Statement st)
          answer an iterator delivering all the reified statements "in" this model that match the statement _st_.
 Container Container.remove(Statement s)
          Remove a value from the container.
 Container Alt.remove(Statement s)
          Remove a value from the container.
 Model Model.remove(Statement s)
          Removes a statement.
 Container Bag.remove(Statement s)
          Remove a value from the container.
 Model Model.remove(Statement[] statements)
          Remove all the statements from the Model, using the bulk update interface.
 void Model.removeAllReifications(Statement s)
          Remove all reifications (ie implicit reification quads) of _s_.
 void ModelChangedListener.removedStatement(Statement s)
          Method to call when a single statement has been removed from the attached model.
 void ModelChangedListener.removedStatements(Statement[] statements)
          Method to call when an array of statements has been removed from the attached model.
 boolean SimpleSelector.selects(Statement s)
          This method is designed to be over ridden by subclasses to define application specific constraints on the statements selected.
 boolean StatementBoundary.stopAt(Statement s)
          Answer true if this statement is a boundary of the search.
 boolean StatementBoundaryBase.stopAt(Statement s)
          Method to over-ride to define what stops the boundary search; default definition is !continueWith(s).
 boolean StatementTripleBoundary.stopAt(Statement s)
          Answer whatever the triple-boundary answers for the triple of s.
 boolean Selector.test(Statement s)
          Determine whether a Statement should be selected.
 boolean SimpleSelector.test(Statement s)
          Test whether a statement should be included in a selection.

Method parameters in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model with type arguments of type Statement
 Model Model.add(List<Statement> statements)
          add all the statements in the List to this Model, going through the bulk update interface (which means turning them into triples in one form or another).
 void ModelChangedListener.addedStatements(List<Statement> statements)
          Method to call when a list of statements has been added to the attached model.
 Model Model.remove(List<Statement> statements)
          Remove all the statements in the list from this model, using the bulk update interface.
 void ModelChangedListener.removedStatements(List<Statement> statements)
          Method to call when a list of statements has been deleted from the attached model.

Uses of Statement in com.hp.hpl.jena.util

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.util with parameters of type Statement
static String PrintUtil.print(Statement stmt)
          Return a simplified print string for a statment
 Triple QueryMapper.toQueryTriple(Statement s)

Method parameters in com.hp.hpl.jena.util with type arguments of type Statement
 void MonitorModel.snapshot(List<Statement> additions, List<Statement> deletions)
          Compute the differences between the current monitored graph and the last snapshot.
 void MonitorModel.snapshot(List<Statement> additions, List<Statement> deletions)
          Compute the differences between the current monitored graph and the last snapshot.

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