Interface LiteralLabel

  • public interface LiteralLabel
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object other)
      Answer true iff this literal is syntactically equal to other.
      RDFDatatype getDatatype()
      Answer the datatype of this literal, null if it is untyped.
      java.lang.String getDatatypeURI()
      Answer the datatype URI of this literal, null if it untyped.
      int getDefaultHashcode()
      Answer the default hash value, suitable for datatypes which have values which support hashCode() naturally: it is derived from its value if it is well-formed and otherwise from its lexical form.
      java.lang.Object getIndexingValue()
      Answer the value used to index this literal TODO Consider pushing indexing decisions down to the datatype
      java.lang.String getLexicalForm()
      Answer the lexical form of this literal, constructing it on-the-fly (and remembering it) if necessary.
      java.lang.Object getValue()
      Answer a suitable instance of a Java class representing this literal's value.
      int hashCode()
      Answer the hashcode of this literal, derived from its value if it's well-formed and otherwise its lexical form.
      boolean isWellFormed()
      Answer true iff this is a well-formed literal.
      boolean isWellFormedRaw()
      Answer true iff the wellformed flag is true.
      boolean isXML()
      Answer true iff this is a well-formed XML literal.
      java.lang.String language()
      Answer the language associated with this literal (the empty string if there's no language).
      boolean sameValueAs​(LiteralLabel other)
      Answer true if this literal represents the same (abstract) value as the other one.
      java.lang.String toString()  
      java.lang.String toString​(boolean quoting)
      Answer a human-acceptable representation of this literal value.
    • Method Detail

      • isXML

        boolean isXML()
        Answer true iff this is a well-formed XML literal.
      • isWellFormed

        boolean isWellFormed()
        Answer true iff this is a well-formed literal.
      • isWellFormedRaw

        boolean isWellFormedRaw()
        Answer true iff the wellformed flag is true. Does not test for datatype.
      • toString

        java.lang.String toString​(boolean quoting)
        Answer a human-acceptable representation of this literal value. This is NOT intended for a machine-processed result.
      • toString

        java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • getLexicalForm

        java.lang.String getLexicalForm()
        Answer the lexical form of this literal, constructing it on-the-fly (and remembering it) if necessary.
      • getIndexingValue

        java.lang.Object getIndexingValue()
        Answer the value used to index this literal TODO Consider pushing indexing decisions down to the datatype
      • language

        java.lang.String language()
        Answer the language associated with this literal (the empty string if there's no language).
      • getValue

        java.lang.Object getValue()
                           throws DatatypeFormatException
        Answer a suitable instance of a Java class representing this literal's value. May throw an exception if the literal is ill-formed.
      • getDatatype

        RDFDatatype getDatatype()
        Answer the datatype of this literal, null if it is untyped.
      • getDatatypeURI

        java.lang.String getDatatypeURI()
        Answer the datatype URI of this literal, null if it untyped.
      • equals

        boolean equals​(java.lang.Object other)
        Answer true iff this literal is syntactically equal to other. Note: this is not sameValueAs.
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • sameValueAs

        boolean sameValueAs​(LiteralLabel other)
        Answer true if this literal represents the same (abstract) value as the other one. Two literals that are .equals are sameValueAs.
      • hashCode

        int hashCode()
        Answer the hashcode of this literal, derived from its value if it's well-formed and otherwise its lexical form.
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • getDefaultHashcode

        int getDefaultHashcode()
        Answer the default hash value, suitable for datatypes which have values which support hashCode() naturally: it is derived from its value if it is well-formed and otherwise from its lexical form.