Interface GraphEventManager

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface GraphEventManager
    extends GraphListener
    The component of a graph responsible for managing events and listeners. The interface extends GraphListener because most of the notifications are the same; the special case to note is that an event manager expects to be handed iterator events as lists, not as iterators.
    • Method Detail

      • register

        GraphEventManager register​(GraphListener listener)
        Attached listener to this manager; notification events sent to the manager are sent to all registered listeners. A listener may be registered multiple times, in which case it's called multiple times per event. A listener will be notified of an event if it is registered before the Graph method call that initiated the event, and was not unregistered before that method call returned. In addition, a listener may (or may not) be notified of an event if it is registered before such a method returns or is unregistered after such a method is called. For example, it may unregister itself in response to the event. If the registration and/or unregistration occur on different threads the usual thread uncertainties in such statements apply.
        listener - a listener to be fed events
        this manager, for cascading
      • unregister

        GraphEventManager unregister​(GraphListener listener)
        If listener is attached to this manager, detach it, otherwise do nothing. Only a single registration is removed.
        listener - the listener to be detached from the graph
        this manager, for cascading
      • listening

        boolean listening()
        Answer true iff there is at least one attached listener.
        true iff there is at least one attached listener
      • notifyAddIterator

        void notifyAddIterator​(Graph g,
                               java.util.List<Triple> triples)
        Notify all attached listeners that an iterator [of triples] has been added to the graph; its content has been captured in the list triples.
      • notifyDeleteIterator

        void notifyDeleteIterator​(Graph g,
                                  java.util.List<Triple> triples)
        Notify all attached listeners that an iterator [of triples] has been removed from the graph; its content has been captured in the list triples.