Interface Finder

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    FGraph, TransitiveGraphCache

    public interface Finder
    Minimal interface for preforming simple pattern find operations. Should be implemented by reasoners, caches and related datastructures.
    • Method Detail

      • find

        ExtendedIterator<Triple> find​(TriplePattern pattern)
        Basic pattern lookup interface.
        pattern - a TriplePattern to be matched against the data
        a ClosableIterator over all Triples in the data set that match the pattern
      • findWithContinuation

        ExtendedIterator<Triple> findWithContinuation​(TriplePattern pattern,
                                                      Finder continuation)
        Extended find interface used in situations where the implementator may or may not be able to answer the complete query. It will attempt to answer the pattern but if its answers are not known to be complete then it will also pass the request on to the nested Finder to append more results.
        pattern - a TriplePattern to be matched against the data
        continuation - either a Finder or a normal Graph which will be asked for additional match results if the implementor may not have completely satisfied the query.
      • contains

        boolean contains​(TriplePattern pattern)
        Return true if the given pattern occurs somewhere in the find sequence.