Package org.apache.jena.util.iterator
Interface ExtendedIterator<T>
- Type Parameters:
- the type of element over which an instance of ExtendedIterator iterates
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
An ExtendedIterator is a
NOTE that the result of these operations consumes the base iterator(s); they do not make independent copies.
The canonical implementation of ExtendedIterator is
on which other operations
are defined for convenience in iterator composition: composition, filtering
in, filtering out, and element mapping.NOTE that the result of these operations consumes the base iterator(s); they do not make independent copies.
The canonical implementation of ExtendedIterator is
which also defines static methods for these operations that will work on any
s. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescription<X extends T>
ExtendedIterator<T>return a new iterator which delivers all the elements of this iterator and then all the elements of the other iterator.filterDrop
(Predicate<T> f) return a new iterator containing only the elements of _this_ which are rejected by the filter _f_.filterKeep
(Predicate<T> f) return a new iterator containing only the elements of _this_ which pass the filter _f_.default void
Execute an action on each element of the iterator.<U> ExtendedIterator<U>
return a new iterator where each element is the result of applying _map1_ to the corresponding element of _this_.Answer with anOptional
.Answer the next object, and remove it.toList()
Answer a list of the [remaining] elements of this iterator, in order, consuming this iterator.toSet()
Answer a set of the [remaining] elements of this iterator, consuming this iterator.Methods inherited from interface org.apache.jena.util.iterator.ClosableIterator
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Iterator
forEachRemaining, hasNext, next, remove
Method Details
T removeNext()Answer the next object, and remove it. Equivalent to next(); remove(). -
return a new iterator which delivers all the elements of this iterator and then all the elements of the other iterator. Does not copy either iterator; they are consumed as the result iterator is consumed. -
return a new iterator containing only the elements of _this_ which pass the filter _f_. The order of the elements is preserved. Does not copy _this_, which is consumed as the result is consumed. -
return a new iterator containing only the elements of _this_ which are rejected by the filter _f_. The order of the elements is preserved. Does not copy _this_, which is consumed as the result is consumed. -
return a new iterator where each element is the result of applying _map1_ to the corresponding element of _this_. _this_ is not copied; it is consumed as the result is consumed. -
Execute an action on each element of the iterator. This operation ends and closes theExtendedIterator
even if there is an exception. Shorter name for "Iterator.forEachRemaining
", adding exception handling. -
Answer a list of the [remaining] elements of this iterator, in order, consuming this iterator. -
Answer a set of the [remaining] elements of this iterator, consuming this iterator. -
Answer with anOptional
. This operation assumes that theExtendedIterator
does not return null fornext()
. If it does,NullPointerException
is thrown.- If there is no next, return
- If the next object exists, and is not null, return that in the
. - If the next object exists, and is null, throw
- If there is no next, return