Interface TripleBoundary

public interface TripleBoundary
An interface for expressing a stopping condition on triples, such as in sub-graph extraction.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final TripleBoundary
    A TripleBoundary that stops at triples with anonymous objects.
    static final TripleBoundary
    A TripleBoundary without limits - stopAt always returns false.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Answer true if this triple is a stopping triple, and whatever search is using this interface should proceed no further.
  • Field Details

    • stopNowhere

      static final TripleBoundary stopNowhere
      A TripleBoundary without limits - stopAt always returns false.
    • stopAtAnonObject

      static final TripleBoundary stopAtAnonObject
      A TripleBoundary that stops at triples with anonymous objects.
  • Method Details

    • stopAt

      boolean stopAt(Triple t)
      Answer true if this triple is a stopping triple, and whatever search is using this interface should proceed no further.