Annotation Interface OnRemoved

@Documented @Target(METHOD) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Inherited public @interface OnRemoved

Marker annotation a Processor, ControllerService, FlowRegistryClient, ParameterProvider, FlowAnalysisRule, or ReportingTask implementation can use to indicate a method should be called whenever the component is removed from the flow. This method will be called once for the entire life of a component instance. If the method throw any Throwable, that Throwable will be caught and logged but will not prevent subsequent methods with this annotation or removal of the component from the flow.

Methods with this annotation are permitted to take no arguments or to take a single argument. If using a single argument, that argument must be of type ConfigurationContext if the component is a ReportingTask, a ParameterProvider, or a ControllerService. If the component is a Processor, then the argument must be of type ProcessContext.