Interface FlowRegistryClient

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public interface FlowRegistryClient extends ConfigurableComponent

Represents and external source, where flows might be stored and retrieved from. The interface provides the possibility to have multiple different types of registries backing NiFi.

FlowRegistryClients are discovered using Java's ServiceLoader mechanism. As a result, all implementations must follow these rules:

  • The implementation must implement this interface.
  • The implementation must have a file named org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.FlowRegistryClient located within the jar's META-INF/services directory. This file contains a list of fully-qualified class names of all FlowRegistryClients in the jar, one-per-line.
  • The implementation must support a default constructor.

FlowRegistryClient instances are always considered "active" and approachable when the validation status is considered as valid. Therefore after initialize, implementations must expect incoming requests any time.

The argument list of the request methods contain instances FlowRegistryClientConfigurationContext, which always contains the current state of the properties. Caching properties between method calls is not recommended.