Interface ConfigurableComponent

All Known Subinterfaces:
ControllerService, FlowAnalysisRule, FlowRegistryClient, ParameterProvider, Processor, ReportingTask
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractConfigurableComponent, AbstractControllerService, AbstractFlowAnalysisRule, AbstractFlowRegistryClient, AbstractParameterProvider, AbstractProcessor, AbstractReportingTask, AbstractSessionFactoryProcessor

public interface ConfigurableComponent
  • Method Details

    • validate

      Validates a set of properties, returning ValidationResults for any invalid properties. All defined properties will be validated. If they are not included in the purposed configuration, the default value will be used.
      context - of validation
      Collection of validation result objects for any invalid findings only. If the collection is empty then the component is valid. Guaranteed non-null
    • getPropertyDescriptor

      PropertyDescriptor getPropertyDescriptor(String name)
      name - to lookup the descriptor
      the PropertyDescriptor with the given name, if it exists; otherwise, returns null
    • onPropertyModified

      void onPropertyModified(PropertyDescriptor descriptor, String oldValue, String newValue)
      Hook method allowing subclasses to eagerly react to a configuration change for the given property descriptor. This method will be invoked regardless of property validity. As an alternative to using this method, a component may simply get the latest value whenever it needs it and if necessary lazily evaluate it. Any throwable that escapes this method will simply be ignored. When NiFi is restarted, this method will be called for each 'dynamic' property that is added, as well as for each property that is not set to the default value. I.e., if the Properties are modified from the default values. If it is undesirable for your use case to react to properties being modified in this situation, you can add the OnConfigurationRestored annotation to a method - this will allow the Processor to know when configuration has been restored, so that it can determine whether or not to perform some action in the onPropertyModified method.
      descriptor - the descriptor for the property being modified
      oldValue - the value that was previously set, or null if no value was previously set for this property
      newValue - the new property value or if null indicates the property was removed
    • getPropertyDescriptors

      List<PropertyDescriptor> getPropertyDescriptors()
      Returns a List of all PropertyDescriptors that this component supports.
      PropertyDescriptor objects this component currently supports
    • getIdentifier

      String getIdentifier()
      the unique identifier that the framework assigned to this component