Interface EventAccess

public interface EventAccess
  • Method Details

    • getControllerStatus

      ProcessGroupStatus getControllerStatus()
      the status for all components in this Controller
    • getGroupStatus

      ProcessGroupStatus getGroupStatus(String groupId)
      the status of all components in the specified group.
    • getProvenanceEvents

      List<ProvenanceEventRecord> getProvenanceEvents(long firstEventId, int maxRecords) throws IOException
      Convenience method to obtain Provenance Events starting with (and including) the given ID. If no event exists with that ID, the first event to be returned will be have an ID greater than firstEventId.
      firstEventId - the ID of the first event to obtain
      maxRecords - the maximum number of records to obtain
      event records matching query
      IOException - if unable to get records
    • getProvenanceRepository

      ProvenanceEventRepository getProvenanceRepository()
      the Provenance Event Repository
    • getFlowChanges

      List<Action> getFlowChanges(int firstActionId, int maxActions)
      Obtains flow changes starting with (and including) the given action ID. If no action exists with that ID, the first action to be returned will have an ID greater than firstActionId.
      firstActionId - the id of the first action to obtain
      maxActions - the maximum number of actions to obtain
      actions with ids greater than or equal to firstActionID, up to the max number of actions
    • getTotalBytesRead

      long getTotalBytesRead()
      Returns the total number of bytes read by this instance (at the root process group level, i.e. all events) since the instance started
      the total number of bytes read by this instance
    • getTotalBytesWritten

      long getTotalBytesWritten()
      Returns the total number of bytes written by this instance (at the root process group level, i.e. all events) since the instance started
      the total number of bytes written by this instance
    • getTotalBytesSent

      long getTotalBytesSent()
      Returns the total number of bytes sent by this instance (at the root process group level) since the instance started
      the total number of bytes sent by this instance
    • getTotalBytesReceived

      long getTotalBytesReceived()
      Returns the total number of bytes received by this instance (at the root process group level) since the instance started
      the total number of bytes received by this instance
    • getProvenanceRepositoryStorageUsage

      Map<String,StorageUsage> getProvenanceRepositoryStorageUsage()
      Returns the storage usage of all provenance repositories
      the map of all the storage usage
    • getContentRepositoryStorageUsage

      Map<String,StorageUsage> getContentRepositoryStorageUsage()
      Returns the storage usage of all content repositories
      the map of all the storage usage
    • getFlowFileRepositoryStorageUsage

      StorageUsage getFlowFileRepositoryStorageUsage()
      Returns the storage usage of the flow file repository
      the storage usage