Class ResourceType

  • public final class ResourceType
    extends Object
    The ResourceType encapsulates details about a Sling resource type and provides methods for parsing resource type strings.

    The following patterns are supported for parsing:

    1. a/b/c - path-based
    2. a/b/c/1.0.0 - path-based, versioned
    3. a.b.c - Java package name
    4. a.b.c/1.0.0 - Java package name, versioned
    5. a - flat (sub-set of path-based)
    • Method Detail

      • getResourceLabel

        public @NotNull String getResourceLabel()
        Returns a resource type's label. The label is important for script selection, since it will provide the name of the main script for this resource type. For more details check the Apache Sling URL to Script Resolution page
        the resource type label
      • getType

        public @NotNull String getType()
        Returns the resource type string, without any version information.
        the resource type string
      • getVersion

        public @Nullable String getVersion()
        Returns the version, if available.
        the version, if available; null otherwise
      • parseResourceType

        public static @NotNull ResourceType parseResourceType​(@NotNull
                                                              @NotNull String resourceTypeString)
        Given a resourceTypeString, this method will extract a ResourceType object.

        The accepted patterns are:

        1. a/b/c - path-based
        2. a/b/c/1.0.0 - path-based, versioned
        3. a.b.c - Java package name
        4. a.b.c/1.0.0 - Java package name, versioned
        5. a - flat (sub-set of path-based)
        resourceTypeString - the resource type string to parse
        a ResourceType object
        IllegalArgumentException - if the resourceTypeString cannot be parsed
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object