Uses of Class

Packages that use NoSuchAdviceException
org.aspectj.lang.reflect Contains interfaces that extend Signature to provide additional information about each possible join point signature. 

Uses of NoSuchAdviceException in org.aspectj.internal.lang.reflect

Methods in org.aspectj.internal.lang.reflect that throw NoSuchAdviceException
 Advice AjTypeImpl.getAdvice(java.lang.String name)
 Advice AjTypeImpl.getDeclaredAdvice(java.lang.String name)

Uses of NoSuchAdviceException in org.aspectj.lang.reflect

Methods in org.aspectj.lang.reflect that throw NoSuchAdviceException
 Advice AjType.getAdvice(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the advice with the given name.
 Advice AjType.getDeclaredAdvice(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the advice declared in this type with the given name.