Class PointcutImpl

  extended by org.aspectj.internal.lang.reflect.PointcutImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PointcutImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements Pointcut

Constructor Summary
protected PointcutImpl(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String pc, java.lang.reflect.Method method, AjType declaringType, java.lang.String pNames)
Method Summary
 AjType getDeclaringType()
          The type that declared this pointcut
 int getModifiers()
          The modifiers associated with the pointcut declaration.
 java.lang.String getName()
          The declared name of the pointcut.
 java.lang.String[] getParameterNames()
          The pointcut parameter names.
 AjType<?>[] getParameterTypes()
          The pointcut parameter types.
 PointcutExpression getPointcutExpression()
          The pointcut expression associated with this pointcut.
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected PointcutImpl(java.lang.String name,
                       java.lang.String pc,
                       java.lang.reflect.Method method,
                       AjType declaringType,
                       java.lang.String pNames)
Method Detail


public PointcutExpression getPointcutExpression()
Description copied from interface: Pointcut
The pointcut expression associated with this pointcut.

Specified by:
getPointcutExpression in interface Pointcut


public java.lang.String getName()
Description copied from interface: Pointcut
The declared name of the pointcut.

Specified by:
getName in interface Pointcut


public int getModifiers()
Description copied from interface: Pointcut
The modifiers associated with the pointcut declaration. Use java.lang.reflect.Modifier to interpret the return value

Specified by:
getModifiers in interface Pointcut


public AjType<?>[] getParameterTypes()
Description copied from interface: Pointcut
The pointcut parameter types.

Specified by:
getParameterTypes in interface Pointcut


public AjType getDeclaringType()
Description copied from interface: Pointcut
The type that declared this pointcut

Specified by:
getDeclaringType in interface Pointcut


public java.lang.String[] getParameterNames()
Description copied from interface: Pointcut
The pointcut parameter names. Returns an array of empty strings of length getParameterTypes().length if parameter names are not available at runtime.

Specified by:
getParameterNames in interface Pointcut


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object