
Interface Summary
AsynchronousFileCacheBacking.AsyncCommand Represents an asynchronous command that can be sent to the AsynchronousFileCacheBacking instance to be executed on it asynchronously
AsynchronousFileCacheBacking.AsynchronousFileCacheBackingCreator<T extends AsynchronousFileCacheBacking>  
CacheBacking Interface for the backing to the cache; usually a file, but could be an in-memory backing for testing.
CacheFactory Facility for overriding the default CacheKeyResolver and CacheBacking; an implementing factory must be set on the WeavedClassCache before the WeavingAdaptor is configured.
CacheKeyResolver Interface to allow alternate hashing schemes for weaved and generated classes.

Class Summary
AbstractCacheBacking Basic "common" CacheBacking implementation
AbstractFileCacheBacking Useful "common" functionality for caching to files
AbstractIndexedFileCacheBacking Uses an index file to keep track of the cached entries
AbstractIndexedFileCacheBacking.IndexEntry The default index entry in the index file
AsynchronousFileCacheBacking Uses a background thread to do the actual I/O and for caching "persistence" so that the caching works faster on repeated activations of the application.
AsynchronousFileCacheBacking.KeyedCommand Base class for AsynchronousFileCacheBacking.AbstractCommands that refer to a cache key
CachedClassEntry Represents a class which has been cached
CachedClassReference A typed reference to a cached class entry.
CacheStatistics Maintains some basic statistics on the class cache.
DefaultCacheFactory Default factory for creating the backing and resolving classes.
DefaultCacheKeyResolver Naive default class and classloader hashing implementation useful for some multi-classloader environments.
DefaultFileCacheBacking Naive File-Backed Class Cache with no expiry or application centric invalidation.
FlatFileCacheBacking Uses a "flat" files model to store the cached instrumented classes and aspects - i.e., each class/aspect is stored as a separate (binary) file.
GeneratedCachedClassHandler Handler for generated classes; such as Shadowed closures, etc.
SimpleCache Copyright (c) 2012 Contributors.
WeavedClassCache Manages a cache of weaved and generated classes similar to Eclipse Equinox, except designed to operate across multiple restarts of the JVM and with one cache per classloader; allowing URLClassLoaders with the same set of URI paths to share the same cache (with the default configuration).
ZippedFileCacheBacking Uses a ZIP file to store the instrumented classes/aspects - each one as a separate ZipEntry.