Class AbstractDoubleAssert<S extends AbstractDoubleAssert<S>>

  extended by org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert<S,A>
      extended by org.assertj.core.api.AbstractComparableAssert<S,Double>
          extended by org.assertj.core.api.AbstractDoubleAssert<S>
Type Parameters:
S - the "self" type of this assertion class. Please read "Emulating 'self types' using Java Generics to simplify fluent API implementation" for more details.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Assert<S,Double>, ComparableAssert<S,Double>, Descriptable<S>, ExtensionPoints<S,Double>, FloatingPointNumberAssert<S,Double>, NumberAssert<S,Double>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractDoubleAssert<S extends AbstractDoubleAssert<S>>
extends AbstractComparableAssert<S,Double>
implements FloatingPointNumberAssert<S,Double>

Base class for all implementations of assertions for Doubles.

Yvonne Wang, David DIDIER, Alex Ruiz, Ansgar Konermann, Joel Costigliola, Mikhail Mazursky, Nicolas François

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert
actual, info, myself
Constructor Summary
protected AbstractDoubleAssert(Double actual, Class<?> selfType)
Method Summary
 S isBetween(Double start, Double end)
          Verifies that the actual value is in [start, end] range (start included, end included).
 S isCloseTo(double other, Offset<Double> offset)
          Verifies that the actual number is close to the given one within the given offset.
If difference is equal to offset value, assertion is considered valid.
 S isCloseTo(Double other, Offset<Double> offset)
          Verifies that the actual number is close to the given one within the given offset.
If difference is equal to offset value, assertion is considered valid.
 S isEqualTo(double expected)
          Verifies that the actual value is equal to the given one.
 S isEqualTo(double expected, Offset<Double> offset)
          Verifies that the actual value is close to the given one by less than the given offset.
If difference is equal to offset value, assertion is considered valid.
 S isEqualTo(Double expected, Offset<Double> offset)
          Verifies that the actual value is close to the given one by less than the given offset.
If difference is equal to offset value, assertion is considered valid.
 S isGreaterThan(double other)
          Verifies that the actual value is greater than the given one.
 S isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(double other)
          Verifies that the actual value is greater than or equal to the given one.
 S isLessThan(double other)
          Verifies that the actual value is less than the given one.
 S isLessThanOrEqualTo(double other)
          Verifies that the actual value is less than or equal to the given one.
 S isNaN()
          Verifies that the actual value is equal to NaN.
 S isNegative()
          Verifies that the actual value is negative.
 S isNotEqualTo(double other)
          Verifies that the actual value is not equal to the given one.
 S isNotNaN()
          Verifies that the actual value is not equal to NaN.
 S isNotNegative()
          Verifies that the actual value is non negative (positive or equal zero).
 S isNotPositive()
          Verifies that the actual value is non positive (negative or equal zero).
 S isNotZero()
          Verifies that the actual value is not equal to zero.
 S isPositive()
          Verifies that the actual value is positive.
 S isStrictlyBetween(Double start, Double end)
          Verifies that the actual value is in ]start, end[ range (start excluded, end excluded).
 S isZero()
          Verifies that the actual value is equal to zero.
 S usingComparator(Comparator<? super Double> customComparator)
          Use given custom comparator instead of relying on actual type A equals method for incoming assertion checks.
 S usingDefaultComparator()
          Revert to standard comparison for incoming assertion checks.
Methods inherited from class org.assertj.core.api.AbstractComparableAssert
inBinary, inHexadecimal, isGreaterThan, isGreaterThanOrEqualTo, isLessThan, isLessThanOrEqualTo
Methods inherited from class org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert
as, as, describedAs, describedAs, descriptionText, doesNotHave, doesNotHaveSameClassAs, equals, failWithMessage, getWritableAssertionInfo, has, hashCode, hasSameClassAs, is, isEqualTo, isExactlyInstanceOf, isIn, isIn, isInstanceOf, isInstanceOfAny, isNot, isNotEqualTo, isNotExactlyInstanceOf, isNotIn, isNotIn, isNotInstanceOf, isNotInstanceOfAny, isNotNull, isNotOfAnyClassIn, isNotSameAs, isNull, isOfAnyClassIn, isSameAs, overridingErrorMessage
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected AbstractDoubleAssert(Double actual,
                               Class<?> selfType)
Method Detail


public S isNaN()
Verifies that the actual value is equal to NaN.

Specified by:
isNaN in interface FloatingPointNumberAssert<S extends AbstractDoubleAssert<S>,Double>
this assertion object.


public S isNotNaN()
Verifies that the actual value is not equal to NaN.

Specified by:
isNotNaN in interface FloatingPointNumberAssert<S extends AbstractDoubleAssert<S>,Double>
this assertion object.


public S isZero()
Verifies that the actual value is equal to zero.

Specified by:
isZero in interface NumberAssert<S extends AbstractDoubleAssert<S>,Double>
this assertion object.


public S isNotZero()
Verifies that the actual value is not equal to zero.

Specified by:
isNotZero in interface NumberAssert<S extends AbstractDoubleAssert<S>,Double>
this assertion object.


public S isPositive()
Verifies that the actual value is positive.

Specified by:
isPositive in interface NumberAssert<S extends AbstractDoubleAssert<S>,Double>
this assertion object.


public S isNegative()
Verifies that the actual value is negative.

Specified by:
isNegative in interface NumberAssert<S extends AbstractDoubleAssert<S>,Double>
this assertion object.


public S isNotNegative()
Verifies that the actual value is non negative (positive or equal zero).

Specified by:
isNotNegative in interface NumberAssert<S extends AbstractDoubleAssert<S>,Double>
this assertion object.


public S isNotPositive()
Verifies that the actual value is non positive (negative or equal zero).

Specified by:
isNotPositive in interface NumberAssert<S extends AbstractDoubleAssert<S>,Double>
this assertion object.


public S isCloseTo(double other,
                   Offset<Double> offset)
Verifies that the actual number is close to the given one within the given offset.
If difference is equal to offset value, assertion is considered valid.


 // assertion will pass
 assertThat(8.1).isCloseTo(8.0, within(0.2));

 // you can use offset if you prefer
 assertThat(8.1).isCloseTo(8.0, offset(0.2));

 // if difference is exactly equals to 0.1, it's ok
 assertThat(8.1).isCloseTo(8.0, within(0.1));

 // assertion will fail
 assertThat(8.1).isCloseTo(8.0, within(0.01));

expected - the given number to compare the actual value to.
offset - the given positive offset.
this assertion object.
NullPointerException - if the given offset is null.
NullPointerException - if the expected number is null.
AssertionError - if the actual value is not equal to the given one.


public S isCloseTo(Double other,
                   Offset<Double> offset)
Verifies that the actual number is close to the given one within the given offset.
If difference is equal to offset value, assertion is considered valid.

Example with double:

 // assertions will pass:
 assertThat(8.1).isCloseTo(new Double(8.0), within(0.2));

 // you can use offset if you prefer
 assertThat(8.1).isCloseTo(new Double(8.0), offset(0.2));

 // if difference is exactly equals to the offset (0.1), it's ok
 assertThat(8.1).isCloseTo(new Double(8.0), within(0.1));

 // assertion will fail
 assertThat(8.1).isCloseTo(new Double(8.0), within(0.01));

Specified by:
isCloseTo in interface FloatingPointNumberAssert<S extends AbstractDoubleAssert<S>,Double>
other - the given number to compare the actual value to.
offset - the given positive offset.
this assertion object.


public S isEqualTo(double expected)
Verifies that the actual value is equal to the given one.

expected - the given value to compare the actual value to.
this assertion object.
AssertionError - if the actual value is null.
AssertionError - if the actual value is not equal to the given one.


public S isEqualTo(Double expected,
                   Offset<Double> offset)
Verifies that the actual value is close to the given one by less than the given offset.
If difference is equal to offset value, assertion is considered valid.

Example with double:

 // assertion will pass:
 assertThat(8.1).isEqualTo(new Double(8.0), offset(0.2));

 // if difference is exactly equals to the offset (0.1), it's ok
 assertThat(8.1).isEqualTo(new Double(8.0), offset(0.1));

 // within is an alias of offset
 assertThat(8.1).isEqualTo(new Double(8.0), within(0.1));

 // assertion will fail
 assertThat(8.1).isEqualTo(new Double(8.0), offset(0.01));

Specified by:
isEqualTo in interface FloatingPointNumberAssert<S extends AbstractDoubleAssert<S>,Double>
expected - the given value to compare the actual value to.
offset - the given positive offset.
this assertion object.


public S isEqualTo(double expected,
                   Offset<Double> offset)
Verifies that the actual value is close to the given one by less than the given offset.
If difference is equal to offset value, assertion is considered valid.

Example with double:

 // assertion will pass:
 assertThat(8.1).isEqualTo(8.0, offset(0.2));

 // if difference is exactly equals to the offset (0.1), it's ok
 assertThat(8.1).isEqualTo(8.0, offset(0.1));

 // within is an alias of offset
 assertThat(8.1).isEqualTo(8.0, within(0.1));

 // assertion will fail
 assertThat(8.1).isEqualTo(8.0, offset(0.01));

expected - the given value to compare the actual value to.
offset - the given positive offset.
this assertion object.
NullPointerException - if the given offset is null.
NullPointerException - if the expected number is null.
AssertionError - if the actual value is not equal to the given one.


public S isNotEqualTo(double other)
Verifies that the actual value is not equal to the given one.

other - the given value to compare the actual value to.
this assertion object.
AssertionError - if the actual value is null.
AssertionError - if the actual value is equal to the given one.


public S isLessThan(double other)
Verifies that the actual value is less than the given one.

other - the given value to compare the actual value to.
this assertion object.
AssertionError - if the actual value is null.
AssertionError - if the actual value is equal to or greater than the given one.


public S isLessThanOrEqualTo(double other)
Verifies that the actual value is less than or equal to the given one.

other - the given value to compare the actual value to.
this assertion object.
AssertionError - if the actual value is null.
AssertionError - if the actual value is greater than the given one.


public S isGreaterThan(double other)
Verifies that the actual value is greater than the given one.

other - the given value to compare the actual value to.
this assertion object.
AssertionError - if the actual value is null.
AssertionError - if the actual value is equal to or less than the given one.


public S isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(double other)
Verifies that the actual value is greater than or equal to the given one.

other - the given value to compare the actual value to.
this assertion object.
AssertionError - if the actual value is null.
AssertionError - if the actual value is less than the given one.


public S isBetween(Double start,
                   Double end)
Verifies that the actual value is in [start, end] range (start included, end included).
 // these assertions succeed ... 
 assertThat(12).isBetween(10, 14);
 assertThat(12).isBetween(12, 14);
 assertThat(12).isBetween(10, 12);
 // ... but these one fails
 assertThat(12).isBetween(14, 16);

Specified by:
isBetween in interface NumberAssert<S extends AbstractDoubleAssert<S>,Double>
start - the start value (inclusive), expected not to be null.
end - the end value (inclusive), expected not to be null.
this assertion object.


public S isStrictlyBetween(Double start,
                           Double end)
Verifies that the actual value is in ]start, end[ range (start excluded, end excluded).
 // this assertion succeeds ... 
 assertThat(12).isBetween(10, 14);
 // ... but these one fails
 assertThat(12).isBetween(12, 14);
 assertThat(12).isBetween(10, 12);
 assertThat(12).isBetween(16, 18);

Specified by:
isStrictlyBetween in interface NumberAssert<S extends AbstractDoubleAssert<S>,Double>
start - the start value (exclusive), expected not to be null.
end - the end value (exclusive), expected not to be null.
this assertion object.


public S usingComparator(Comparator<? super Double> customComparator)
Description copied from class: AbstractAssert
Use given custom comparator instead of relying on actual type A equals method for incoming assertion checks.

Custom comparator is bound to assertion instance, meaning that if a new assertion is created, it will use default comparison strategy.

Examples :

 // frodo and sam are instances of Character with Hobbit race (obviously :).
 // raceComparator implements Comparator<Character> 

Specified by:
usingComparator in interface Assert<S extends AbstractDoubleAssert<S>,Double>
usingComparator in class AbstractComparableAssert<S extends AbstractDoubleAssert<S>,Double>
customComparator - the comparator to use for incoming assertion checks.
this assertion object.


public S usingDefaultComparator()
Description copied from class: AbstractAssert
Revert to standard comparison for incoming assertion checks.

This method should be used to disable a custom comparison strategy set by calling Assert.usingComparator(Comparator).

Specified by:
usingDefaultComparator in interface Assert<S extends AbstractDoubleAssert<S>,Double>
usingDefaultComparator in class AbstractComparableAssert<S extends AbstractDoubleAssert<S>,Double>
this assertion object.

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