Uses of Class

Packages that use Tuple

Uses of Tuple in org.assertj.core.api

Methods in org.assertj.core.api that return Tuple
static Tuple Assertions.tuple(Object... values)
          Utility method to build nicely a Tuple when working with AbstractIterableAssert.extracting(String...) or AbstractObjectArrayAssert.extracting(String...)

Methods in org.assertj.core.api that return types with arguments of type Tuple
 ObjectArrayAssert<Tuple> AbstractObjectArrayAssert.extracting(String... propertiesOrFields)
          Extract the values of given fields/properties from the array's elements under test into a new array composed of Tuple (a simple data structure), this new array becoming the array under test.
 ListAssert<Tuple> AbstractIterableAssert.extracting(String... propertiesOrFields)
          Extract the values of given fields/properties from the Iterable's elements under test into a new Iterable composed of Tuple (a simple data structure), this new Iterable becoming the Iterable under test.

Uses of Tuple in org.assertj.core.extractor

Methods in org.assertj.core.extractor that return types with arguments of type Tuple
<F> Extractor<F,Tuple>
Extractors.byName(String... fieldsOrProperties)
          Provides extractor for extracting multiple fields or properties from any object using reflection

Uses of Tuple in org.assertj.core.groups

Methods in org.assertj.core.groups that return Tuple
static Tuple Tuple.tuple(Object... values)

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