Class Files

  • public class Files
    extends Object
    Reusable assertions for Files.
    David DIDIER, Yvonne Wang, Alex Ruiz, Olivier Demeijer, Valeriy Vyrva
    • Constructor Detail

      • Files

    • Method Detail

      • instance

        public static Files instance()
        Returns the singleton instance of this class.
        the singleton instance of this class.
      • assertHasBinaryContent

        public void assertHasBinaryContent​(AssertionInfo info,
                                           File actual,
                                           byte[] expected)
        Asserts that the given file has the given binary content.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the "actual" file.
        expected - the "expected" binary content.
        NullPointerException - if expected is null.
        AssertionError - if actual is null.
        AssertionError - if actual is not an existing file.
        UncheckedIOException - if an I/O error occurs.
        AssertionError - if the file does not have the binary content.
      • assertHasSizeInBytes

        public void assertHasSizeInBytes​(AssertionInfo info,
                                         File actual,
                                         long expectedSizeInBytes)
        Asserts that the given file has the given size in bytes.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the "actual" file.
        expectedSizeInBytes - the "expected" file size.
        AssertionError - if actual is null.
        AssertionError - if actual is not an existing file.
      • assertHasContent

        public void assertHasContent​(AssertionInfo info,
                                     File actual,
                                     String expected,
                                     Charset charset)
        Asserts that the given file has the given text content.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the "actual" file.
        expected - the "expected" text content.
        charset - the charset to use to read the file.
        NullPointerException - if expected is null.
        AssertionError - if actual is null.
        AssertionError - if actual is not an existing file.
        UncheckedIOException - if an I/O error occurs.
        AssertionError - if the file does not have the text content.
      • assertIsFile

        public void assertIsFile​(AssertionInfo info,
                                 File actual)
        Asserts that the given file is an existing file.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given file.
        AssertionError - if the given file is null.
        AssertionError - if the given file is not an existing file.
      • assertIsDirectory

        public void assertIsDirectory​(AssertionInfo info,
                                      File actual)
        Asserts that the given file is an existing directory.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given file.
        AssertionError - if the given file is null.
        AssertionError - if the given file is not an existing directory.
      • assertIsAbsolute

        public void assertIsAbsolute​(AssertionInfo info,
                                     File actual)
        Asserts that the given file is an absolute path.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given file.
        AssertionError - if the given file is null.
        AssertionError - if the given file is not an absolute path.
      • assertIsRelative

        public void assertIsRelative​(AssertionInfo info,
                                     File actual)
        Asserts that the given file is a relative path.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given file.
        AssertionError - if the given file is null.
        AssertionError - if the given file is not a relative path.
      • assertExists

        public void assertExists​(AssertionInfo info,
                                 File actual)
        Asserts that the given file exists, regardless it's a file or directory.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given file.
        AssertionError - if the given file is null.
        AssertionError - if the given file does not exist.
      • assertDoesNotExist

        public void assertDoesNotExist​(AssertionInfo info,
                                       File actual)
        Asserts that the given file does not exist.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given file.
        AssertionError - if the given file is null.
        AssertionError - if the given file exists.
      • assertCanWrite

        public void assertCanWrite​(AssertionInfo info,
                                   File actual)
        Asserts that the given file can be modified by the application.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given file.
        AssertionError - if the given file is null.
        AssertionError - if the given file can not be modified.
      • assertIsEmptyFile

        public void assertIsEmptyFile​(AssertionInfo info,
                                      File actual)
        Asserts that the given File is empty (i.e. size is equal to zero bytes).
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given file.
        AssertionError - if the given File is null.
        AssertionError - if the given File does not exist.
        AssertionError - if the given File is not empty.
      • assertIsNotEmptyFile

        public void assertIsNotEmptyFile​(AssertionInfo info,
                                         File actual)
        Asserts that the given File is not empty (i.e. size is greater than zero bytes).
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given file.
        AssertionError - if the given File is null.
        AssertionError - if the given File does not exist.
        AssertionError - if the given File is empty.
      • assertCanRead

        public void assertCanRead​(AssertionInfo info,
                                  File actual)
        Asserts that the given file can be read by the application.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given file.
        AssertionError - if the given file is null.
        AssertionError - if the given file can not be modified.
      • assertHasParent

        public void assertHasParent​(AssertionInfo info,
                                    File actual,
                                    File expected)
        Asserts that the given File has the given parent.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given file.
        expected - the expected parent File.
        NullPointerException - if the expected parent File is null.
        UncheckedIOException - if an I/O error occurs.
        AssertionError - if the given File is null.
        AssertionError - if the given File does not have a parent.
        AssertionError - if the given File parent is not equal to the expected one.
      • assertHasExtension

        public void assertHasExtension​(AssertionInfo info,
                                       File actual,
                                       String expected)
        Asserts that the given File has the given extension.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given file.
        expected - the expected extension, it does not contains the '.'
        NullPointerException - if the expected extension is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual File is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual File is not a file (ie a directory).
        AssertionError - if the actual File does not have the expected extension.
      • assertHasName

        public void assertHasName​(AssertionInfo info,
                                  File actual,
                                  String expected)
        Asserts that the given File has the given name.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given file.
        expected - the expected file name.
        NullPointerException - if the expected name is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual File is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual File does not have the expected name.
      • assertHasNoParent

        public void assertHasNoParent​(AssertionInfo info,
                                      File actual)
        Asserts that the given File does not have a parent.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given file.
        AssertionError - if the actual File is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual File has a parent.
      • assertHasDigest

        public void assertHasDigest​(AssertionInfo info,
                                    File actual,
                                    String algorithm,
                                    byte[] expected)
      • assertIsEmptyDirectory

        public void assertIsEmptyDirectory​(AssertionInfo info,
                                           File actual)
      • assertIsNotEmptyDirectory

        public void assertIsNotEmptyDirectory​(AssertionInfo info,
                                              File actual)
      • assertIsDirectoryContaining

        public void assertIsDirectoryContaining​(AssertionInfo info,
                                                File actual,
                                                String syntaxAndPattern)
      • assertIsDirectoryNotContaining

        public void assertIsDirectoryNotContaining​(AssertionInfo info,
                                                   File actual,
                                                   String syntaxAndPattern)
      • assertNotNull

        private static void assertNotNull​(AssertionInfo info,
                                          File actual)
      • getFileExtension

        private String getFileExtension​(File file)
      • verifyIsFile

        private void verifyIsFile​(File expected)
      • isAbsolutePath

        private boolean isAbsolutePath​(AssertionInfo info,
                                       File actual)