Class AbstractTemporalAssert<SELF extends AbstractTemporalAssert<SELF,​TEMPORAL>,​TEMPORAL extends Temporal>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractTemporalAssert

        protected AbstractTemporalAssert​(TEMPORAL actual,
                                         Class<?> selfType)
        Creates a new AbstractTemporalAssert.
        selfType - the "self type"
        actual - the actual value to verify
    • Method Detail

      • getActual

        protected TEMPORAL getActual()
      • isCloseTo

        public SELF isCloseTo​(TEMPORAL other,
                              TemporalOffset<? super TEMPORAL> offset)
        Verifies that the actual Temporal is close to the other according to the given TemporalOffset.

        You can build the offset parameter using Assertions.within(long, TemporalUnit) or Assertions.byLessThan(long, TemporalUnit).


         LocalTime _07_10 = LocalTime.of(7, 10);
         LocalTime _07_42 = LocalTime.of(7, 42);
         // assertions will pass
         assertThat(_07_10).isCloseTo(_07_42, within(1, ChronoUnit.HOURS));
         assertThat(_07_10).isCloseTo(_07_42, within(32, ChronoUnit.MINUTES));
         // assertions will fail
         assertThat(_07_10).isCloseTo(_07_42, byLessThan(32, ChronoUnit.MINUTES));
         assertThat(_07_10).isCloseTo(_07_42, within(10, ChronoUnit.SECONDS));
        other - the temporal to compare actual to
        offset - the offset used for comparison
        this assertion object
        NullPointerException - if Temporal or TemporalOffset parameter is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual Temporal is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual Temporal is not close to the given for a provided offset.
      • isCloseTo

        public SELF isCloseTo​(String otherAsString,
                              TemporalOffset<? super TEMPORAL> offset)
        Same assertion as isCloseTo(Temporal, TemporalOffset) but the TEMPORAL is built from a given String that follows predefined ISO date format Predefined Formatters to allow calling parse(String))} method.

        Example :

         assertThat(LocalTime.parse("07:10:30")).isCloseTo("07:12:11", within(5, ChronoUnit.MINUTES));
        otherAsString - String representing a TEMPORAL.
        offset - the offset used for comparison
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual Temporal is null.
        NullPointerException - if temporal string representation or TemporalOffset parameter is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual Temporal is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual Temporal is not close to the given for a provided offset.
      • parse

        protected abstract TEMPORAL parse​(String temporalAsString)
        Obtains an instance of TEMPORAL from a string representation in ISO date format.
        temporalAsString - the string to parse, not null
        the parsed TEMPORAL, not null
      • usingComparator

        public SELF usingComparator​(Comparator<? super TEMPORAL> customComparator)
        Use the given custom comparator instead of relying on actual type A equals method for incoming assertion checks.

        The custom comparator is bound to assertion instance, meaning that if a new assertion instance is created, the default comparison strategy will be used.

        Examples :

         // frodo and sam are instances of Character with Hobbit race (obviously :).
         // raceComparator implements Comparator<Character>
        Specified by:
        usingComparator in interface Assert<SELF extends AbstractTemporalAssert<SELF,​TEMPORAL>,​TEMPORAL extends Temporal>
        usingComparator in class AbstractAssert<SELF extends AbstractTemporalAssert<SELF,​TEMPORAL>,​TEMPORAL extends Temporal>
        customComparator - the comparator to use for the incoming assertion checks.
        this assertion object.
      • usingComparator

        public SELF usingComparator​(Comparator<? super TEMPORAL> customComparator,
                                    String customComparatorDescription)
        Use the given custom comparator instead of relying on actual type A equals method for incoming assertion checks.

        The custom comparator is bound to assertion instance, meaning that if a new assertion instance is created, the default comparison strategy will be used.

        Examples :

         // frodo and sam are instances of Character with Hobbit race (obviously :).
         // raceComparator implements Comparator<Character>
         assertThat(frodo).usingComparator(raceComparator, "Hobbit Race Comparator").isEqualTo(sam);
        Specified by:
        usingComparator in interface Assert<SELF extends AbstractTemporalAssert<SELF,​TEMPORAL>,​TEMPORAL extends Temporal>
        usingComparator in class AbstractAssert<SELF extends AbstractTemporalAssert<SELF,​TEMPORAL>,​TEMPORAL extends Temporal>
        customComparator - the comparator to use for the incoming assertion checks.
        customComparatorDescription - comparator description to be used in assertion error messages
        this assertion object.