Class Float2DArrays

  • public class Float2DArrays
    extends Object
    Reusable assertions for arrays of floats.
    Maciej Wajcht
    • Constructor Detail

      • Float2DArrays

        public Float2DArrays()
    • Method Detail

      • instance

        public static Float2DArrays instance()
        Returns the singleton instance of this class.
        the singleton instance of this class.
      • setArrays

        public void setArrays​(Arrays2D arrays)
      • assertNullOrEmpty

        public void assertNullOrEmpty​(AssertionInfo info,
                                      float[][] actual)
        Asserts that the given array is null or empty.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        AssertionError - if the given array is not null *and* contains one or more elements.
      • assertEmpty

        public void assertEmpty​(AssertionInfo info,
                                float[][] actual)
        Asserts that the given array is empty.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array is not empty.
      • assertNotEmpty

        public void assertNotEmpty​(AssertionInfo info,
                                   float[][] actual)
        Asserts that the given array is not empty.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array is empty.
      • assertHasDimensions

        public void assertHasDimensions​(AssertionInfo info,
                                        float[][] actual,
                                        int expectedFirstDimension,
                                        int expectedSecondDimension)
        Asserts that the number of elements in the given array is equal to the expected one.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        expectedFirstDimension - the expected first dimension size of actual.
        expectedSecondDimension - the expected second dimension size of actual.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array's dimensions are not equal to the given ones.
      • assertHasSameDimensionsAs

        public void assertHasSameDimensionsAs​(AssertionInfo info,
                                              float[][] actual,
                                              Object other)
        Assert that the actual array has the same dimensions as the other array.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        other - the group to compare
        AssertionError - if the actual group is null.
        AssertionError - if the other group is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual group does not have the same dimension.
      • assertContains

        public void assertContains​(AssertionInfo info,
                                   float[][] actual,
                                   float[] value,
                                   Index index)
        Verifies that the given array contains the given value at the given index.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        value - the value to look for.
        index - the index where the value should be stored in the given array.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null or empty.
        NullPointerException - if the given Index is null.
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the value of the given Index is equal to or greater than the size of the given array.
        AssertionError - if the given array does not contain the given value at the given index.
      • assertDoesNotContain

        public void assertDoesNotContain​(AssertionInfo info,
                                         float[][] actual,
                                         float[] value,
                                         Index index)
        Verifies that the given array does not contain the given value at the given index.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        value - the value to look for.
        index - the index where the value should be stored in the given array.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        NullPointerException - if the given Index is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array contains the given value at the given index.