Class ObjectArrays

  • public class ObjectArrays
    extends Object
    Reusable assertions for arrays of objects.
    Alex Ruiz, Joel Costigliola, Nicolas François, Mikhail Mazursky
    • Constructor Detail

      • ObjectArrays

    • Method Detail

      • instance

        public static ObjectArrays instance()
        Returns the singleton instance of this class.
        the singleton instance of this class.
      • setArrays

        void setArrays​(Arrays arrays)
      • getComparator

        public Comparator<?> getComparator()
      • assertNullOrEmpty

        public void assertNullOrEmpty​(AssertionInfo info,
                                      Object[] actual)
        Asserts that the given array is null or empty.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        AssertionError - if the given array is not null *and* contains one or more elements.
      • assertEmpty

        public void assertEmpty​(AssertionInfo info,
                                Object[] actual)
        Asserts that the given array is empty.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array is not empty.
      • assertNotEmpty

        public void assertNotEmpty​(AssertionInfo info,
                                   Object[] actual)
        Asserts that the given array is not empty.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array is empty.
      • assertHasSize

        public void assertHasSize​(AssertionInfo info,
                                  Object[] actual,
                                  int expectedSize)
        Asserts that the number of elements in the given array is equal to the expected one.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        expectedSize - the expected size of actual.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the number of elements in the given array is different than the expected one.
      • assertHasSizeGreaterThan

        public void assertHasSizeGreaterThan​(AssertionInfo info,
                                             Object[] actual,
                                             int boundary)
        Asserts that the number of elements in the given array is greater than the given boundary.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        boundary - the given value to compare the size of actual to.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the number of elements in the given array is not greater than the boundary.
      • assertHasSizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo

        public void assertHasSizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo​(AssertionInfo info,
                                                      Object[] actual,
                                                      int boundary)
        Asserts that the number of elements in the given array is greater than or equal to the given boundary.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        boundary - the given value to compare the size of actual to.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the number of elements in the given array is not greater than or equal to the boundary.
      • assertHasSizeLessThan

        public void assertHasSizeLessThan​(AssertionInfo info,
                                          Object[] actual,
                                          int boundary)
        Asserts that the number of elements in the given array is less than the given boundary.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        boundary - the given value to compare the size of actual to.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the number of elements in the given array is not less than the boundary.
      • assertHasSizeLessThanOrEqualTo

        public void assertHasSizeLessThanOrEqualTo​(AssertionInfo info,
                                                   Object[] actual,
                                                   int boundary)
        Asserts that the number of elements in the given array is less than or equal to the given boundary.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        boundary - the given value to compare the size of actual to.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the number of elements in the given array is not less than or equal to the boundary.
      • assertHasSizeBetween

        public void assertHasSizeBetween​(AssertionInfo info,
                                         Object[] actual,
                                         int lowerBoundary,
                                         int higherBoundary)
        Asserts that the number of elements in the given array is between the given lower and higher boundary (inclusive).
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        lowerBoundary - the lower boundary compared to which actual size should be greater than or equal to.
        higherBoundary - the higher boundary compared to which actual size should be less than or equal to.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the number of elements in the given array is not between the boundaries.
      • assertHasSameSizeAs

        public void assertHasSameSizeAs​(AssertionInfo info,
                                        Object[] actual,
                                        Iterable<?> other)
        Assert that the actual array has the same size as the other Iterable.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given iterable.
        other - the group to compare
        AssertionError - if the actual group is null.
        AssertionError - if the other group is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual group does not have the same size.
      • assertHasSameSizeAs

        public void assertHasSameSizeAs​(AssertionInfo info,
                                        Object[] actual,
                                        Object other)
        Assert that the actual array has the same size as the other array.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        other - the group to compare
        AssertionError - if the actual group is null.
        AssertionError - if the other group is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual group does not have the same size.
      • assertContains

        public void assertContains​(AssertionInfo info,
                                   Object[] actual,
                                   Object[] values)
        Asserts that the given array contains the given values, in any order.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        values - the values that are expected to be in the given array.
        NullPointerException - if the array of values is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the array of values is empty.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array does not contain the given values.
      • assertContains

        public void assertContains​(AssertionInfo info,
                                   Object[] actual,
                                   Object value,
                                   Index index)
        Verifies that the given array contains the given object at the given index.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        value - the object to look for.
        index - the index where the object should be stored in the given array.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null or empty.
        NullPointerException - if the given Index is null.
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the value of the given Index is equal to or greater than the size of the given array.
        AssertionError - if the given array does not contain the given object at the given index.
      • assertDoesNotContain

        public void assertDoesNotContain​(AssertionInfo info,
                                         Object[] actual,
                                         Object value,
                                         Index index)
        Verifies that the given array does not contain the given object at the given index.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        value - the object to look for.
        index - the index where the object should be stored in the given array.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        NullPointerException - if the given Index is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array contains the given object at the given index.
      • assertContainsOnly

        public void assertContainsOnly​(AssertionInfo info,
                                       Object[] actual,
                                       Object[] values)
        Asserts that the given array contains only the given values and nothing else, in any order.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        values - the values that are expected to be in the given array.
        NullPointerException - if the array of values is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the array of values is empty.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array does not contain the given values or if the given array contains values that are not in the given array.
      • assertContainsExactlyInAnyOrder

        public void assertContainsExactlyInAnyOrder​(AssertionInfo info,
                                                    Object[] actual,
                                                    Object[] values)
      • assertContainsOnlyOnce

        public void assertContainsOnlyOnce​(AssertionInfo info,
                                           Object[] actual,
                                           Object[] values)
        Asserts that the given array contains only once the given values.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        values - the values that are expected to be in the given array.
        NullPointerException - if the array of values is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the array of values is empty.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array does not contain the given values or if the given array contains values that are not in the given array.
      • assertContainsOnlyNulls

        public void assertContainsOnlyNulls​(AssertionInfo info,
                                            Object[] actual)
        Asserts that the given array contains only null elements.
        info - contains information about the assertion
        actual - the given array
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array does not contain at least a null element or contains values that are not null elements.
      • assertContainsSequence

        public void assertContainsSequence​(AssertionInfo info,
                                           Object[] actual,
                                           Object[] sequence)
        Verifies that the given array contains the given sequence of objects, without any other objects between them.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        sequence - the sequence of objects to look for.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        NullPointerException - if the given sequence is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given sequence is empty.
        AssertionError - if the given array does not contain the given sequence of objects.
      • assertDoesNotContainSequence

        public void assertDoesNotContainSequence​(AssertionInfo info,
                                                 Object[] actual,
                                                 Object[] sequence)
        Verifies that the given array does not contain the given sequence of objects in order.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        sequence - the sequence of objects to look for.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        NullPointerException - if the given sequence is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given sequence is empty.
        AssertionError - if the given array does contain the given sequence of objects in order.
      • assertContainsSubsequence

        public void assertContainsSubsequence​(AssertionInfo info,
                                              Object[] actual,
                                              Object[] subsequence)
        Verifies that the given array contains the given subsequence of objects (possibly with other values between them).
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        subsequence - the subsequence of objects to look for.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        NullPointerException - if the given subsequence is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given subsequence is empty.
        AssertionError - if the given array does not contain the given subsequence of objects.
      • assertDoesNotContainSubsequence

        public void assertDoesNotContainSubsequence​(AssertionInfo info,
                                                    Object[] actual,
                                                    Object[] subsequence)
        Verifies that the given array does not contain the given subsequence of objects (possibly with other values between them).
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        subsequence - the subsequence of objects to look for.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        NullPointerException - if the given subsequence is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given subsequence is empty.
        AssertionError - if the given array contains the given subsequence of objects.
      • assertDoesNotContain

        public void assertDoesNotContain​(AssertionInfo info,
                                         Object[] actual,
                                         Object[] values)
        Asserts that the given array does not contain the given values.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        values - the values that are expected not to be in the given array.
        NullPointerException - if the array of values is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the array of values is empty.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array contains any of given values.
      • assertDoesNotContainAnyElementsOf

        public <T> void assertDoesNotContainAnyElementsOf​(AssertionInfo info,
                                                          Object[] actual,
                                                          Iterable<? extends T> iterable)
      • assertDoesNotHaveDuplicates

        public void assertDoesNotHaveDuplicates​(AssertionInfo info,
                                                Object[] actual)
        Asserts that the given array does not have duplicate values.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        NullPointerException - if the array of values is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the array of values is empty.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array contains duplicate values.
      • assertStartsWith

        public void assertStartsWith​(AssertionInfo info,
                                     Object[] actual,
                                     Object[] sequence)
        Verifies that the given array starts with the given sequence of objects, without any other objects between them. Similar to assertContainsSequence(AssertionInfo, Object[], Object[]), but it also verifies that the first element in the sequence is also the first element of the given array.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        sequence - the sequence of objects to look for.
        NullPointerException - if the given argument is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given argument is an empty array.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array does not start with the given sequence of objects.
      • assertEndsWith

        public void assertEndsWith​(AssertionInfo info,
                                   Object[] actual,
                                   Object first,
                                   Object[] rest)
        Verifies that the given array ends with the given sequence of objects, without any other objects between them. Similar to assertContainsSequence(AssertionInfo, Object[], Object[]), but it also verifies that the last element in the sequence is also the last element of the given array.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        first - the first element of the end sequence of objects to look for.
        rest - the rest of the end sequence of objects to look for.
        NullPointerException - if the given argument is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array does not end with the given sequence of objects.
      • assertEndsWith

        public void assertEndsWith​(AssertionInfo info,
                                   Object[] actual,
                                   Object[] sequence)
        Verifies that the given array ends with the given sequence of objects, without any other objects between them. Similar to assertContainsSequence(AssertionInfo, Object[], Object[]), but it also verifies that the last element in the sequence is also the last element of the given array.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        sequence - the sequence of objects to look for.
        NullPointerException - if the given argument is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array does not end with the given sequence of objects.
      • assertContainsNull

        public void assertContainsNull​(AssertionInfo info,
                                       Object[] actual)
        Asserts that the given array contains at least a null element.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array does not contain a null element.
      • assertDoesNotContainNull

        public void assertDoesNotContainNull​(AssertionInfo info,
                                             Object[] actual)
        Asserts that the given array does not contain null elements.
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array contains a null element.
      • assertAre

        public <E> void assertAre​(AssertionInfo info,
                                  E[] actual,
                                  Condition<? super E> condition)
        Assert that each element of given array satisfies the given condition.
        Type Parameters:
        E - element type
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        condition - the given Condition.
        NullPointerException - if the given condition is null.
        AssertionError - if one or more elements do not satisfy the given condition.
      • assertAreNot

        public <E> void assertAreNot​(AssertionInfo info,
                                     E[] actual,
                                     Condition<? super E> condition)
        Assert that each element of given array not satisfies the given condition.
        Type Parameters:
        E - element type
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        condition - the given Condition.
        NullPointerException - if the given condition is null.
        AssertionError - if one or more elements satisfy the given condition.
      • assertHave

        public <E> void assertHave​(AssertionInfo info,
                                   E[] actual,
                                   Condition<? super E> condition)
        Assert that each element of given array satisfies the given condition.
        Type Parameters:
        E - element type
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        condition - the given Condition.
        NullPointerException - if the given condition is null.
        AssertionError - if one or more elements do not satisfy the given condition.
      • assertDoNotHave

        public <E> void assertDoNotHave​(AssertionInfo info,
                                        E[] actual,
                                        Condition<? super E> condition)
        Assert that each element of given array not satisfies the given condition.
        Type Parameters:
        E - element type
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        condition - the given Condition.
        NullPointerException - if the given condition is null.
        AssertionError - if one or more elements satisfy the given condition.
      • assertAreAtLeast

        public <E> void assertAreAtLeast​(AssertionInfo info,
                                         E[] actual,
                                         int n,
                                         Condition<? super E> condition)
        Assert that there are at least n array elements satisfying the given condition.
        Type Parameters:
        E - element type
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        n - the minimum number of times the condition should be verified.
        condition - the given Condition.
        NullPointerException - if the given condition is null.
        AssertionError - if the number of elements satisfying the given condition is < n.
      • assertAreAtMost

        public <E> void assertAreAtMost​(AssertionInfo info,
                                        E[] actual,
                                        int n,
                                        Condition<? super E> condition)
        Assert that there are at most n array elements satisfying the given condition.
        Type Parameters:
        E - element type
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        n - the number of times the condition should be at most verified.
        condition - the given Condition.
        NullPointerException - if the given condition is null.
        AssertionError - if the number of elements satisfying the given condition is > n.
      • assertAreExactly

        public <E> void assertAreExactly​(AssertionInfo info,
                                         E[] actual,
                                         int n,
                                         Condition<? super E> condition)
        Verifies that there are exactly n array elements satisfying the given condition.
        Type Parameters:
        E - element type
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        n - the exact number of times the condition should be verified.
        condition - the given Condition.
        NullPointerException - if the given condition is null.
        AssertionError - if the number of elements satisfying the given condition is ≠ n.
      • assertHaveAtLeast

        public <E> void assertHaveAtLeast​(AssertionInfo info,
                                          E[] actual,
                                          int times,
                                          Condition<? super E> condition)
        An alias method of assertAreAtLeast(AssertionInfo, Object[], int, Condition) to provide a richer fluent api (same logic, only error message differs).
        Type Parameters:
        E - element type
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        times - the minimum number of times the condition should be verified.
        condition - the given Condition.
        NullPointerException - if the given condition is null.
        AssertionError - if the number of elements satisfying the given condition is < n.
      • assertHaveAtMost

        public <E> void assertHaveAtMost​(AssertionInfo info,
                                         E[] actual,
                                         int times,
                                         Condition<? super E> condition)
        An alias method of assertAreAtMost(AssertionInfo, Object[], int, Condition) to provide a richer fluent api (same logic, only error message differs).
        Type Parameters:
        E - element type
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        times - the number of times the condition should be at most verified.
        condition - the given Condition.
        NullPointerException - if the given condition is null.
        AssertionError - if the number of elements satisfying the given condition is > n.
      • assertHaveExactly

        public <E> void assertHaveExactly​(AssertionInfo info,
                                          E[] actual,
                                          int times,
                                          Condition<? super E> condition)
        An alias method of assertAreExactly(AssertionInfo, Object[], int, Condition) to provide a richer fluent api (same logic, only error message differs).
        Type Parameters:
        E - element type
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        times - the exact number of times the condition should be verified.
        condition - the given Condition.
        NullPointerException - if the given condition is null.
        AssertionError - if the number of elements satisfying the given condition is ≠ n.
      • assertHasAtLeastOneElementOfType

        public <E> void assertHasAtLeastOneElementOfType​(AssertionInfo info,
                                                         E[] actual,
                                                         Class<?> type)
      • assertHasOnlyElementsOfType

        public <E> void assertHasOnlyElementsOfType​(AssertionInfo info,
                                                    E[] actual,
                                                    Class<?> type)
      • assertHasOnlyElementsOfTypes

        public <E> void assertHasOnlyElementsOfTypes​(AssertionInfo info,
                                                     E[] actual,
                                                     Class<?>... types)
      • assertHasExactlyElementsOfTypes

        public <E> void assertHasExactlyElementsOfTypes​(AssertionInfo info,
                                                        E[] actual,
                                                        Class<?>... expectedTypes)
      • assertDoesNotHaveAnyElementsOfTypes

        public <E> void assertDoesNotHaveAnyElementsOfTypes​(AssertionInfo info,
                                                            E[] actual,
                                                            Class<?>... unexpectedTypes)
      • assertIsSortedAccordingToComparator

        public <E> void assertIsSortedAccordingToComparator​(AssertionInfo info,
                                                            E[] actual,
                                                            Comparator<? super E> comparator)
        Type Parameters:
        E - element type
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        comparator - the Comparator used to compare array elements
      • assertContainsAll

        public <E> void assertContainsAll​(AssertionInfo info,
                                          E[] actual,
                                          Iterable<? extends E> other)
        Asserts that the given array contains all the elements of the given Iterable, in any order.
        Type Parameters:
        E - element type
        info - contains information about the assertion.
        actual - the given array.
        other - the other Iterable.
        NullPointerException - if Iterable is null.
        AssertionError - if the given Iterable is null.
        AssertionError - if the given Iterable does not contain all the elements of the other Iterable, in any order.