Class AssertionsForInterfaceTypes

  • public class AssertionsForInterfaceTypes
    extends AssertionsForClassTypes
    Entry point for assertion methods for different data types. Each method in this class is a static factory for the type-specific assertion objects. The purpose of this class is to make test code more readable.

    For example:

     int removed = employees.removeFired();
     List<Employee> newEmployees = employees.hired(TODAY);
    Java 8 is picky when choosing the right assertThat method if the object under test is generic and bounded, for example if foo is instance of T that extends Exception, java 8 will complain that it can't resolve the proper assertThat method (normally assertThat(Throwable) as foo might implement an interface like List, if that occurred assertThat(List) would also be a possible choice - thus confusing java 8.

    This why Assertions have been split in AssertionsForClassTypes and AssertionsForInterfaceTypes (see

    Alex Ruiz, Yvonne Wang, David DIDIER, Ted Young, Joel Costigliola, Matthieu Baechler, Mikhail Mazursky, Nicolas François, Julien Meddah, William Bakker, William Delanoue, Turbo87, dorzey
    • Constructor Detail

      • AssertionsForInterfaceTypes

        protected AssertionsForInterfaceTypes()
        Creates a new Assertions.
    • Method Detail

      • assertThat

        public static <T> T assertThat​(AssertProvider<T> component)
        Delegates the creation of the Assert to the AssertProvider.assertThat() of the given component.

        Read the comments on AssertProvider for an example of its usage.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the AssertProvider wrapped type.
        component - the component that creates its own assert
        the associated Assert of the given component
      • assertThat

        public static <ELEMENT> IterableAssert<ELEMENT> assertThat​(Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> actual)
        Creates a new instance of IterableAssert.
        Type Parameters:
        ELEMENT - the type of elements.
        actual - the actual value.
        the created assertion object.
      • assertThat

        public static <ELEMENT> IteratorAssert<ELEMENT> assertThat​(Iterator<? extends ELEMENT> actual)
        Creates a new instance of IteratorAssert.
        Type Parameters:
        ELEMENT - the type of elements.
        actual - the actual value.
        the created assertion object.
      • assertThat

        public static <ELEMENT> ListAssert<ELEMENT> assertThat​(List<? extends ELEMENT> actual)
        Creates a new instance of ListAssert.
        Type Parameters:
        ELEMENT - the type of elements.
        actual - the actual value.
        the created assertion object.
      • assertThat

        public static <ELEMENT> ListAssert<ELEMENT> assertThat​(Stream<? extends ELEMENT> actual)
        Creates a new instance of ListAssert from the given Stream.

        Be aware that the Stream under test will be converted to a List when an assertions require to inspect its content. Once this is done the Stream can't reused as it would have been consumed.

        Calling multiple methods on the returned ListAssert is safe as it only interacts with the List built from the Stream.


         // you can chain multiple assertions on the Stream as it is converted to a List
         assertThat(Stream.of(1, 2, 3)).contains(1)

        The following assertion fails as the Stream under test is converted to a List before being compared to the expected Stream:

         // FAIL: the Stream under test is converted to a List and compared to a Stream but a List is not a Stream.
         assertThat(Stream.of(1, 2, 3)).isEqualTo(Stream.of(1, 2, 3));

        These assertions succeed as isEqualTo and isSameAs checks references which does not require to convert the Stream to a List.

         // The following assertions succeed as it only performs reference checking which does not require to convert the Stream to a List
         Stream<Integer> stream = Stream.of(1, 2, 3);
        Type Parameters:
        ELEMENT - the type of elements.
        actual - the actual Stream value.
        the created assertion object.
      • assertThat

        public static ListAssert<Double> assertThat​(DoubleStream actual)
        Creates a new instance of ListAssert from the given DoubleStream.

        Be aware that the DoubleStream under test will be converted to a List when an assertions require to inspect its content. Once this is done the DoubleStream can't reused as it would have been consumed.

        Calling multiple methods on the returned ListAssert is safe as it only interacts with the List built from the DoubleStream.


         // you can chain multiple assertions on the DoubleStream as it is converted to a List
         assertThat(DoubleStream.of(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)).contains(1.0)

        The following assertion fails as the DoubleStream under test is converted to a List before being compared to the expected DoubleStream:

         // FAIL: the DoubleStream under test is converted to a List and compared to a DoubleStream but a List is not a DoubleStream.
         assertThat(DoubleStream.of(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)).isEqualTo(DoubleStream.of(1.0, 2.0, 3.0));

        These assertions succeed as isEqualTo and isSameAs checks references which does not require to convert the DoubleStream to a List.

         // The following assertions succeed as it only performs reference checking which does not require to convert the DoubleStream to a List
         DoubleStream stream = DoubleStream.of(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
        actual - the actual DoubleStream value.
        the created assertion object.
      • assertThat

        public static ListAssert<Long> assertThat​(LongStream actual)
        Creates a new instance of ListAssert from the given LongStream.

        Be aware that the LongStream under test will be converted to a List when an assertions require to inspect its content. Once this is done the LongStream can't reused as it would have been consumed.

        Calling multiple methods on the returned ListAssert is safe as it only interacts with the List built from the LongStream.


         // you can chain multiple assertions on the LongStream as it is converted to a List
         assertThat(LongStream.of(1, 2, 3)).contains(1)

        The following assertion fails as the LongStream under test is converted to a List before being compared to the expected LongStream:

         // FAIL: the LongStream under test is converted to a List and compared to a LongStream but a List is not a LongStream.
         assertThat(LongStream.of(1, 2, 3)).isEqualTo(LongStream.of(1, 2, 3));

        These assertions succeed as isEqualTo and isSameAs checks references which does not require to convert the LongStream to a List.

         // The following assertions succeed as it only performs reference checking which does not require to convert the LongStream to a List
         LongStream stream = LongStream.of(1, 2, 3);
        actual - the actual LongStream value.
        the created assertion object.
      • assertThat

        public static ListAssert<Integer> assertThat​(IntStream actual)
        Creates a new instance of ListAssert from the given IntStream.

        Be aware that the IntStream under test will be converted to a List when an assertions require to inspect its content. Once this is done the IntStream can't reused as it would have been consumed.

        Calling multiple methods on the returned ListAssert is safe as it only interacts with the List built from the IntStream.


         // you can chain multiple assertions on the IntStream as it is converted to a List
         assertThat(IntStream.of(1, 2, 3)).contains(1)

        The following assertion fails as the IntStream under test is converted to a List before being compared to the expected IntStream:

         // FAIL: the IntStream under test is converted to a List and compared to a IntStream but a List is not a IntStream.
         assertThat(IntStream.of(1, 2, 3)).isEqualTo(IntStream.of(1, 2, 3));

        These assertions succeed as isEqualTo and isSameAs checks references which does not require to convert the IntStream to a List.

         // The following assertions succeed as it only performs reference checking which does not require to convert the IntStream to a List
         IntStream stream = IntStream.of(1, 2, 3);
        actual - the actual IntStream value.
        the created assertion object.
      • assertThat

        public static <ACTUAL extends Iterable<? extends ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT,​ELEMENT_ASSERT extends AbstractAssert<ELEMENT_ASSERT,​ELEMENT>> FactoryBasedNavigableIterableAssert<?,​ACTUAL,​ELEMENT,​ELEMENT_ASSERT> assertThat​(Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> actual,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             AssertFactory<ELEMENT,​ELEMENT_ASSERT> assertFactory)
        Creates a new instance of IterableAssert.
        Type Parameters:
        ACTUAL - The actual type
        ELEMENT - The actual elements type
        ELEMENT_ASSERT - The actual elements AbstractAssert type
        actual - the actual value.
        assertFactory - the factory used to create the elements assert instance.
        the created assertion object.
      • assertThat

        public static <ELEMENT,​ACTUAL extends List<? extends ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT_ASSERT extends AbstractAssert<ELEMENT_ASSERT,​ELEMENT>> ClassBasedNavigableListAssert<?,​ACTUAL,​ELEMENT,​ELEMENT_ASSERT> assertThat​(List<? extends ELEMENT> actual,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Class<ELEMENT_ASSERT> assertClass)
      • assertThat

        public static PathAssert assertThat​(Path actual)
        Creates a new instance of PathAssert
        actual - the path to test
        the created assertion object
      • assertThat

        public static <K,​V> MapAssert<K,​V> assertThat​(Map<K,​V> actual)
        Creates a new instance of MapAssert.

        Returned type is MapAssert as it overrides method to annotate them with SafeVarargs avoiding annoying warnings.

        Type Parameters:
        K - the type of keys in the map.
        V - the type of values in the map.
        actual - the actual value.
        the created assertion object.
      • assertThat

        public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> GenericComparableAssert<T> assertThat​(T actual)
        Creates a new instance of GenericComparableAssert with standard comparison semantics.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of actual.
        actual - the actual value.
        the created assertion object.
      • assertThat

        public static <T extends AssertDelegateTarget> T assertThat​(T assertion)
        Returns the given assertion. This method improves code readability by surrounding the given assertion with assertThat.

        Consider for example the following MyButton and MyButtonAssert classes:

         public class MyButton extends JButton {
           private boolean blinking;
           public boolean isBlinking() { return this.blinking; }
           public void setBlinking(boolean blink) { this.blinking = blink; }
         private static class MyButtonAssert implements AssertDelegateTarget {
           private MyButton button;
           MyButtonAssert(MyButton button) { this.button = button; }
           void isBlinking() {
             // standard assertion from core Assertions.assertThat
           void isNotBlinking() {
             // standard assertion from core Assertions.assertThat
        As MyButtonAssert implements AssertDelegateTarget, you can use assertThat(buttonAssert).isBlinking(); instead of buttonAssert.isBlinking(); to have easier to read assertions:
         public void AssertDelegateTarget_example() {
           MyButton button = new MyButton();
           MyButtonAssert buttonAssert = new MyButtonAssert(button);
           // you can encapsulate MyButtonAssert assertions methods within assertThat
           assertThat(buttonAssert).isNotBlinking(); // same as : buttonAssert.isNotBlinking();
           assertThat(buttonAssert).isBlinking(); // same as : buttonAssert.isBlinking();
        Type Parameters:
        T - the generic type of the user-defined assert.
        assertion - the assertion to return.
        the given assertion.
      • assertThat

        public static <T> PredicateAssert<T> assertThat​(Predicate<T> actual)
        Create assertion for Predicate.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the value contained in the Predicate.
        actual - the actual value.
        the created assertion object.
      • assertThat

        public static <ELEMENT> SpliteratorAssert<ELEMENT> assertThat​(Spliterator<ELEMENT> actual)
        Create assertion for SpliteratorAssert.
        Type Parameters:
        ELEMENT - the type of elements
        actual - the actual value.
        the created assertion object.