Class AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>

    • Field Detail

      • arrays

        org.assertj.core.internal.ObjectArrays arrays
      • iterables

        org.assertj.core.internal.Iterables iterables
      • comparatorsByType

        org.assertj.core.internal.TypeComparators comparatorsByType
      • comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldNames

        Map<String,​Comparator<?>> comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldNames
      • comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes

        org.assertj.core.internal.TypeComparators comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractObjectArrayAssert

        protected AbstractObjectArrayAssert​(ELEMENT[] actual,
                                            Class<?> selfType)
    • Method Detail

      • as

        public SELF as​(Description description)
        Description copied from interface: Descriptable
        Sets the description of the assertion that is going to be called after.

        You must set it before calling the assertion otherwise it is ignored as the failing assertion breaks the chained call by throwing an AssertionError.

        This overloaded version of "describedAs" offers more flexibility than the one taking a String by allowing users to pass their own implementation of a description. For example, a description that creates its value lazily, only when an assertion failure occurs.

        Specified by:
        as in interface Descriptable<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>>
        description - the new description to set.
        this object.
        See Also:
      • as

        public SELF as​(String description,
                       Object... args)
        Description copied from interface: Descriptable
        Sets the description of the assertion that is going to be called after.

        You must set it before calling the assertion otherwise it is ignored as the failing assertion breaks the chained call by throwing an AssertionError.

        The description follows String.format(String, Object...) syntax.

        Example :

         try {
           // set an incorrect age to Mr Frodo which is really 33 years old.
           // specify a test description (call as() before the assertion !), it supports String format syntax.
           assertThat(frodo.getAge()).as("check %s's age", frodo.getName()).isEqualTo(33);
         } catch (AssertionError e) {
           assertThat(e).hasMessage("[check Frodo's age]\n
                                     expected: 33\n
                                      but was: 50");
        Specified by:
        as in interface Descriptable<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>>
        description - the new description to set.
        args - optional parameter if description is a format String.
        this object.
        See Also:
        Descriptable.describedAs(String, Object...)
      • isNullOrEmpty

        public void isNullOrEmpty()
        Verifies that the actual group of values is null or empty.


         // assertions will pass
         List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
         assertThat(new int[] { }).isNullOrEmpty();
         // assertions will fail
         assertThat(new String[] { "a", "b"}).isNullOrEmpty();
         assertThat(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)).isNullOrEmpty();
        Specified by:
        isNullOrEmpty in interface EnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        AssertionError - if the actual group of values is not null or not empty.
      • isEmpty

        public void isEmpty()
        Verifies that the actual group of values is empty.


         // assertions will pass
         assertThat(new ArrayList()).isEmpty();
         assertThat(new int[] { }).isEmpty();
         // assertions will fail
         assertThat(new String[] { "a", "b" }).isEmpty();
         assertThat(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)).isEmpty();
        Specified by:
        isEmpty in interface EnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        AssertionError - if the actual group of values is not empty.
      • isNotEmpty

        public SELF isNotEmpty()
        Verifies that the actual group of values is not empty.


         // assertions will pass
         assertThat(new String[] { "a", "b" }).isNotEmpty();
         assertThat(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)).isNotEmpty();
         // assertions will fail
         assertThat(new ArrayList()).isNotEmpty();
         assertThat(new int[] { }).isNotEmpty();
        Specified by:
        isNotEmpty in interface EnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual group of values is empty.
      • hasSize

        public SELF hasSize​(int expected)
        Verifies that the number of values in the actual group is equal to the given one.


         // assertions will pass
         assertThat(new String[] { "a", "b" }).hasSize(2);
         assertThat(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)).hasSize(3);
         // assertions will fail
         assertThat(new ArrayList()).hasSize(1);
         assertThat(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }).hasSize(2);
        Specified by:
        hasSize in interface EnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        expected - the expected number of values in the actual group.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the number of values of the actual group is not equal to the given one.
      • hasSizeGreaterThan

        public SELF hasSizeGreaterThan​(int boundary)
        Verifies that the number of values in the actual array is greater than the given boundary.


         // assertion will pass
         assertThat(new String[] { "a", "b" }).hasSizeGreaterThan(1);
         // assertion will fail
         assertThat(new String[] { "a", "b" }).hasSizeGreaterThan(2);
        Specified by:
        hasSizeGreaterThan in interface EnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        boundary - the given value to compare the actual size to.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the number of values of the actual array is not greater than the boundary.
      • hasSizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo

        public SELF hasSizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo​(int boundary)
        Verifies that the number of values in the actual array is greater than or equal to the given boundary.


         // assertion will pass
         assertThat(new String[] { "a", "b" }).hasSizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(1)
         // assertion will fail
         assertThat(new String[] { "a", "b" }).hasSizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(3);
        Specified by:
        hasSizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo in interface EnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        boundary - the given value to compare the actual size to.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the number of values of the actual array is not greater than or equal to the boundary.
      • hasSizeLessThan

        public SELF hasSizeLessThan​(int boundary)
        Verifies that the number of values in the actual array is less than the given boundary.


         // assertion will pass
         assertThat(new String[] { "a", "b" }).hasSizeLessThan(5);
         // assertion will fail
         assertThat(new String[] { "a", "b" }).hasSizeLessThan(2);
        Specified by:
        hasSizeLessThan in interface EnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        boundary - the given value to compare the actual size to.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the number of values of the actual array is not less than the boundary.
      • hasSizeLessThanOrEqualTo

        public SELF hasSizeLessThanOrEqualTo​(int boundary)
        Verifies that the number of values in the actual array is less than or equal to the given boundary.


         // assertions will pass
         assertThat(new String[] { "a", "b" }).hasSizeLessThanOrEqualTo(3)
         // assertion will fail
         assertThat(new String[] { "a", "b" }).hasSizeLessThanOrEqualTo(1);
        Specified by:
        hasSizeLessThanOrEqualTo in interface EnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        boundary - the given value to compare the actual size to.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the number of values of the actual array is not less than or equal to the boundary.
      • hasSizeBetween

        public SELF hasSizeBetween​(int lowerBoundary,
                                   int higherBoundary)
        Verifies that the number of values in the actual array is between the given boundaries (inclusive).


         // assertions will pass
         assertThat(new String[] { "a", "b" }).hasSizeBetween(0, 3)
                                              .hasSizeBetween(2, 2);
         // assertions will fail
         assertThat(new String[] { "a", "b" }).hasSizeBetween(3, 4);
        Specified by:
        hasSizeBetween in interface EnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        lowerBoundary - the lower boundary compared to which actual size should be greater than or equal to.
        higherBoundary - the higher boundary compared to which actual size should be less than or equal to.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the number of values of the actual array is not between the boundaries.
      • hasSameSizeAs

        public SELF hasSameSizeAs​(Object other)
        Verifies that the actual array has the same size as the given array.

        Parameter is declared as Object to accept both Object[] and primitive arrays (e.g. int[]).


         int[] oneTwoThree = {1, 2, 3};
         int[] fourFiveSix = {4, 5, 6};
         int[] sevenEight = {7, 8};
         // assertion will pass
         // assertion will fail
        Specified by:
        hasSameSizeAs in interface EnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        other - the array to compare size with actual array.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the array parameter is null or is not a true array.
        AssertionError - if actual array and given array don't have the same size.
      • hasSameSizeAs

        public SELF hasSameSizeAs​(Iterable<?> other)
        Verifies that the actual array has the same size as the given Iterable.


         int[] oneTwoThree = {1, 2, 3};
         Iterable<Ring> elvesRings = newArrayList(vilya, nenya, narya);
         // assertion will pass
         // assertion will fail
         assertThat(oneTwoThree).hasSameSizeAs(Arrays.asList("a", "b"));
        Specified by:
        hasSameSizeAs in interface EnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        other - the Iterable to compare size with actual array.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the other Iterable is null.
        AssertionError - if actual array and given Iterable don't have the same size.
      • containsForProxy

        protected SELF containsForProxy​(ELEMENT[] values)
      • containsOnly

        public final SELF containsOnly​(ELEMENT... values)
        Verifies that the actual array contains only the given values and nothing else, in any order and ignoring duplicates (i.e. once a value is found, its duplicates are also considered found).

        If you need to check exactly the elements and their duplicates use:

        Example :
         String[] abc = {"a", "b", "c"};
         // assertions succeed
         assertThat(abc).containsOnly("c", "b", "a");
         // duplicates are ignored
         assertThat(abc).containsOnly("a", "a", "b", "c", "c");
         // ... on both actual and expected values
         assertThat(new String[] { "a", "a", "b" }).containsOnly("a", "b")
                                                   .containsOnly("a", "a", "b", "b");
         // assertion will fail because the given values do not contain "c"
         assertThat(abc).containsOnly("a", "b");
         // assertion will fail because abc does not contain "d"
         assertThat(abc).containsOnly("a", "b", "c", "d");
        Specified by:
        containsOnly in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        values - the given values.
        this assertion object.
        NullPointerException - if the given argument is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given argument is an empty array.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array does not contain the given values, i.e. the actual array contains some or none of the given values, or the actual array contains more values than the given ones.
      • containsOnlyForProxy

        protected SELF containsOnlyForProxy​(ELEMENT[] values)
      • containsOnlyElementsOf

        public SELF containsOnlyElementsOf​(Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> iterable)
        Same semantic as containsOnly(Object[]) : verifies that actual contains all elements of the given Iterable and nothing else, in any order and ignoring duplicates (i.e. once a value is found, its duplicates are also considered found).

        Example :

         Ring[] rings = {nenya, vilya};
         // assertions will pass
         assertThat(rings).containsOnlyElementsOf(newArrayList(nenya, vilya));
         assertThat(rings).containsOnlyElementsOf(newArrayList(nenya, nenya, vilya, vilya));
         assertThat(newArrayList(nenya, nenya, vilya, vilya)).containsOnlyElementsOf(rings);
         // assertion will fail as actual does not contain narya
         assertThat(rings).containsOnlyElementsOf(newArrayList(nenya, vilya, narya));
         // assertion will fail as actual contains nenya
        Specified by:
        containsOnlyElementsOf in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        iterable - the given Iterable we will get elements from.
        this assertion object.
      • containsOnlyNulls

        public SELF containsOnlyNulls()
        Verifies that the actual array contains only null elements.

        Example :

         Person[] persons1 = {null, null, null};
         Person[] persons2 = {null, null, person};
         // assertion will pass
         // assertions will fail
         assertThat(new Person[0]).containsOnlyNulls();
        Specified by:
        containsOnlyNulls in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is empty or contains a non null element
        2.9.0 / 3.9.0
      • hasOnlyOneElementSatisfying

        public SELF hasOnlyOneElementSatisfying​(Consumer<? super ELEMENT> elementAssertions)
        Verifies that the unique element of the array satisfies the given assertions expressed as a Consumer, if it does not, only the first error is reported, use SoftAssertions to get all the errors.


         Jedi[] jedis = array(new Jedi("Yoda", "red"));
         // assertions will pass
         assertThat(jedis).hasOnlyOneElementSatisfying(yoda -> assertThat(yoda.getName()).startsWith("Y"));
         assertThat(jedis).hasOnlyOneElementSatisfying(yoda -> {
         // assertions will fail
         assertThat(jedis).hasOnlyOneElementSatisfying(yoda -> assertThat(yoda.getName()).startsWith("Vad"));
         // fail as one the assertions is not satisfied
         assertThat(jedis).hasOnlyOneElementSatisfying(yoda -> {
         // fail but only report the first error
         assertThat(jedis).hasOnlyOneElementSatisfying(yoda -> {
         // fail and reports the errors thanks to Soft assertions
         assertThat(jedis).hasOnlyOneElementSatisfying(yoda -> {
           SoftAssertions softly = new SoftAssertions();
         // even if the assertion is correct, there are too many jedis !
         jedis = array(new Jedi("Yoda", "red"), new Jedi("Luke", "green"));
         assertThat(jedis).hasOnlyOneElementSatisfying(yoda -> assertThat(yoda.getName()).startsWith("Yo"));
        Specified by:
        hasOnlyOneElementSatisfying in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        elementAssertions - the assertions to perform on the unique element.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the array does not have a unique element.
        AssertionError - if the array's unique element does not satisfies the given assertions.
      • hasSameElementsAs

        public SELF hasSameElementsAs​(Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> iterable)
        An alias of containsOnlyElementsOf(Iterable) : verifies that actual contains all elements of the given Iterable and nothing else, in any order.


         Ring[] elvesRings = {vilya, nenya, narya};
         // assertions will pass:
         assertThat(elvesRings).hasSameElementsAs(newArrayList(nenya, narya, vilya));
         assertThat(elvesRings).hasSameElementsAs(newArrayList(nenya, narya, vilya, nenya));
         // assertions will fail:
         assertThat(elvesRings).hasSameElementsAs(newArrayList(nenya, narya));
         assertThat(elvesRings).hasSameElementsAs(newArrayList(nenya, narya, vilya, oneRing));
        Specified by:
        hasSameElementsAs in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        iterable - the Iterable whose elements we expect to be present
        this assertion object
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null
        NullPointerException - if the given Iterable is null
        AssertionError - if the actual Iterable does not have the same elements, in any order, as the given Iterable
      • containsOnlyOnce

        public final SELF containsOnlyOnce​(ELEMENT... values)
        Verifies that the actual array contains the given values only once.

        Examples :

         // array is a factory method to create arrays.
         // assertions will pass
         assertThat(array("winter", "is", "coming")).containsOnlyOnce("winter");
         assertThat(array("winter", "is", "coming")).containsOnlyOnce("coming", "winter");
         // assertions will fail
         assertThat(array("winter", "is", "coming")).containsOnlyOnce("Lannister");
         assertThat(array("Arya", "Stark", "daughter", "of", "Ned", "Stark")).containsOnlyOnce("Stark");
         assertThat(array("Arya", "Stark", "daughter", "of", "Ned", "Stark")).containsOnlyOnce("Stark", "Lannister", "Arya");
        Specified by:
        containsOnlyOnce in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        values - the given values.
        this assertion object.
        NullPointerException - if the given argument is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given argument is an empty array.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array does not contain the given values, i.e. the actual array contains some or none of the given values, or the actual array contains more than once these values.
      • containsOnlyOnceForProxy

        protected SELF containsOnlyOnceForProxy​(ELEMENT[] values)
      • containsOnlyOnceElementsOf

        public SELF containsOnlyOnceElementsOf​(Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> iterable)
        Same semantic as ObjectEnumerableAssert.containsOnlyOnce(Object...) : verifies that the actual group contains the elements of the given iterable only once.

        Examples :

         // assertions will pass
         assertThat(list("winter", "is", "coming")).containsOnlyOnceElementsOf(list("winter"))
                                                   .containsOnlyOnceElementsOf(list("coming", "winter"));
         // assertions will fail
         assertThat(list("winter", "is", "coming")).containsOnlyOnceElementsOf(list("Lannister"));
         assertThat(list("Arya", "Stark", "daughter", "of", "Ned", "Stark")).containsOnlyOnceElementsOf(list("Stark"));
         assertThat(list("Arya", "Stark", "daughter", "of", "Ned", "Stark")).containsOnlyOnceElementsOf(list("Stark", "Lannister", "Arya"));

        If you want to directly specify the elements to check with, use ObjectEnumerableAssert.containsOnlyOnce(Object...) instead.

        Specified by:
        containsOnlyOnceElementsOf in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        iterable - the given Iterable we will get elements from.
        this assertion object.
      • containsExactly

        public final SELF containsExactly​(ELEMENT... values)
        Verifies that the actual array contains exactly the given values and nothing else, in order.

        Example :

         Ring[] elvesRings = {vilya, nenya, narya};
         // assertion will pass
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsExactly(vilya, nenya, narya);
         // assertion will fail as actual and expected order differ
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsExactly(nenya, vilya, narya);
        Specified by:
        containsExactly in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        values - the given values.
        this assertion object.
        NullPointerException - if the given argument is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array does not contain the given values with same order, i.e. the actual array contains some or none of the given values, or the actual array contains more values than the given ones or values are the same but the order is not.
      • containsExactlyForProxy

        protected SELF containsExactlyForProxy​(ELEMENT[] values)
      • containsExactlyInAnyOrder

        public final SELF containsExactlyInAnyOrder​(ELEMENT... values)
        Verifies that the actual array contains exactly the given values and nothing else, in any order.

        Example :

         Ring[] elvesRings = {vilya, nenya, narya, vilya};
         // assertion will pass
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsExactlyInAnyOrder(vilya, vilya, nenya, narya);
         // assertion will fail as vilya exists twice in elvesRings
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsExactlyInAnyOrder(nenya, vilya, narya);
        Specified by:
        containsExactlyInAnyOrder in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        values - the given values.
        this assertion object.
        NullPointerException - if the given argument is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual arrray does not contain the given values, i.e. the actual array contains some or none of the given values, or the actual array contains more values than the given ones.
      • containsExactlyInAnyOrderForProxy

        protected SELF containsExactlyInAnyOrderForProxy​(ELEMENT[] values)
      • containsExactlyInAnyOrderElementsOf

        public SELF containsExactlyInAnyOrderElementsOf​(Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> values)
        Verifies that the actual group contains exactly the given values and nothing else, in any order.


         // an Iterable is used in the example but it would also work with an array
         Iterable<Ring> elvesRings = newArrayList(vilya, nenya, narya, vilya);
         Iterable<Ring> elvesRingsSomeMissing = newArrayList(vilya, nenya, narya);
         Iterable<Ring> elvesRingsDifferentOrder = newArrayList(nenya, narya, vilya, vilya);
         // assertion will pass
         // assertion will fail as vilya is contained twice in elvesRings.

        If you want to directly specify the elements to check, use containsExactlyInAnyOrder(Object...) instead.

        Specified by:
        containsExactlyInAnyOrderElementsOf in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        values - the given values.
        this assertion object.
      • containsExactlyElementsOf

        public SELF containsExactlyElementsOf​(Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> iterable)
        Same as containsExactly(Object...) but handles the Iterable to array conversion : verifies that actual contains exactly the elements of the given Iterable and nothing else in the same order.

        Example :

         Ring[] elvesRings = {vilya, nenya, narya};
         // assertion will pass
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsExactlyElementsOf(newLinkedList(vilya, nenya, narya));
         // assertion will fail as actual and expected order differ
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsExactlyElementsOf(newLinkedList(nenya, vilya, narya));
        Specified by:
        containsExactlyElementsOf in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        iterable - the given Iterable we will get elements from.
        this assertion object.
      • containsSequence

        public final SELF containsSequence​(ELEMENT... sequence)
        Verifies that the actual array contains the given sequence in the correct order and without extra values between the sequence values.

        Use containsSubsequence(Object...) to allow values between the expected sequence values.


         Ring[] elvesRings = {vilya, nenya, narya};
         // assertion will pass
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSequence(vilya, nenya);
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSequence(nenya, narya);
         // assertions will fail, the elements order is correct but there is a value between them (nenya)
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSequence(vilya, narya);
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSequence(nenya, vilya);
        Specified by:
        containsSequence in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        sequence - the sequence of objects to look for.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array does not contain the given sequence.
      • containsSequenceForProxy

        protected SELF containsSequenceForProxy​(ELEMENT[] sequence)
      • containsSequence

        public SELF containsSequence​(Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> sequence)
        Verifies that the actual array contains the given sequence in the correct order and without extra values between the sequence values.

        Use containsSubsequence(Iterable) to allow values between the expected sequence values.


         Ring[] elvesRings = {vilya, nenya, narya};
         // assertion will pass
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSequence(newArrayList(vilya, nenya));
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSequence(newArrayList(nenya, narya));
         // assertions will fail, the elements order is correct but there is a value between them (nenya)
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSequence(newArrayList(vilya, narya));
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSequence(newArrayList(nenya, vilya));
        Specified by:
        containsSequence in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        sequence - the sequence of objects to look for.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array does not contain the given sequence.
      • doesNotContainSequence

        public final SELF doesNotContainSequence​(ELEMENT... sequence)
        Verifies that the actual array does not contain the given sequence in the given order and without extra values between the sequence values.

        Use doesNotContainSubsequence(Object...) to also ensure the sequence does not exist with values between the expected sequence values.


         Ring[] elvesRings = {vilya, nenya, narya};
         // assertion will pass, the elements order is correct but there is a value between them (nenya)
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSequence(vilya, narya);
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSequence(nenya, vilya);
         // assertions will fail
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSequence(vilya, nenya);
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSequence(nenya, narya);
        Specified by:
        doesNotContainSequence in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        sequence - the sequence of objects to look for.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array does not contain the given sequence.
      • doesNotContainSequenceForProxy

        protected SELF doesNotContainSequenceForProxy​(ELEMENT[] sequence)
      • doesNotContainSequence

        public SELF doesNotContainSequence​(Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> sequence)
        Verifies that the actual array does not contain the given sequence in the given order and without extra values between the sequence values.

        Use doesNotContainSubsequence(Object...) to also ensure the sequence does not exist with values between the expected sequence values.


         Ring[] elvesRings = {vilya, nenya, narya};
         // assertion will pass, the elements order is correct but there is a value between them (nenya)
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSequence(newArrayList(vilya, narya));
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSequence(newArrayList(nenya, vilya));
         // assertions will fail
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSequence(newArrayList(vilya, nenya));
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSequence(newArrayList(nenya, narya));
        Specified by:
        doesNotContainSequence in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        sequence - the sequence of objects to look for.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array does not contain the given sequence.
      • containsSubsequence

        public final SELF containsSubsequence​(ELEMENT... subsequence)
        Verifies that the actual array contains the given subsequence in the correct order (possibly with other values between them).


         Ring[] elvesRings = {vilya, nenya, narya};
         // assertions will pass
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSubsequence(vilya, nenya);
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSubsequence(vilya, narya);
         // assertion will fail
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSubsequence(nenya, vilya);
        Specified by:
        containsSubsequence in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        subsequence - the subsequence of objects to look for.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array does not contain the given subsequence.
      • containsSubsequenceForProxy

        protected SELF containsSubsequenceForProxy​(ELEMENT[] subsequence)
      • containsSubsequence

        public SELF containsSubsequence​(Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> subsequence)
        Verifies that the actual array contains the given subsequence in the correct order (possibly with other values between them).


         Ring[] elvesRings = {vilya, nenya, narya};
         // assertions will pass
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSubsequence(newArrayList(vilya, nenya));
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSubsequence(newArrayList(vilya, narya));
         // assertion will fail
         assertThat(elvesRings).containsSubsequence(newArrayList(nenya, vilya));
        Specified by:
        containsSubsequence in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        subsequence - the subsequence of objects to look for.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array does not contain the given subsequence.
      • doesNotContainSubsequence

        public final SELF doesNotContainSubsequence​(ELEMENT... subsequence)
        Verifies that the actual array does not contain the given subsequence in the correct order (possibly with other values between them).


         Ring[] elvesRings = {vilya, nenya, narya};
         // assertions will pass
         assertThat(elvesRings).doesNotContainSubsequence(nenya, vilya);
         // assertion will fail
         assertThat(elvesRings).doesNotContainSubsequence(vilya, nenya);
         assertThat(elvesRings).doesNotContainSubsequence(vilya, narya);
        Specified by:
        doesNotContainSubsequence in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        subsequence - the subsequence of objects to look for.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array contains the given subsequence.
      • doesNotContainSubsequenceForProxy

        protected SELF doesNotContainSubsequenceForProxy​(ELEMENT[] subsequence)
      • doesNotContainSubsequence

        public SELF doesNotContainSubsequence​(Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> subsequence)
        Verifies that the actual array does not contain the given subsequence in the correct order (possibly with other values between them).


         Ring[] elvesRings = {vilya, nenya, narya};
         // assertions will pass
         assertThat(elvesRings).doesNotContainSubsequence(newArrayList(nenya, vilya));
         // assertion will fail
         assertThat(elvesRings).doesNotContainSubsequence(newArrayList(vilya, nenya));
         assertThat(elvesRings).doesNotContainSubsequence(newArrayList(vilya, narya));
        Specified by:
        doesNotContainSubsequence in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        subsequence - the subsequence of objects to look for.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the given array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array contains the given subsequence.
      • contains

        public SELF contains​(ELEMENT value,
                             Index index)
        Verifies that the actual array contains the given object at the given index.


         Ring[] elvesRings = {vilya, nenya, narya};
         // assertions will pass
         assertThat(elvesRings).contains(vilya, atIndex(0));
         assertThat(elvesRings).contains(nenya, atIndex(1));
         assertThat(elvesRings).contains(narya, atIndex(2));
         // assertions will fail
         assertThat(elvesRings).contains(vilya, atIndex(1));
         assertThat(elvesRings).contains(nenya, atIndex(2));
         assertThat(elvesRings).contains(narya, atIndex(0));
        Specified by:
        contains in interface IndexedObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        value - the object to look for.
        index - the index where the object should be stored in the actual array.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null or empty.
        NullPointerException - if the given Index is null.
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the value of the given Index is equal to or greater than the size of the actual group.
        AssertionError - if the actual array does not contain the given object at the given index.
      • hasOnlyElementsOfTypes

        public SELF hasOnlyElementsOfTypes​(Class<?>... types)
        Verifies that all elements of the actual array are instances of given classes or interfaces.

        Example :

         Object[] objects = { "foo", new StringBuilder() };
         // assertions will pass
         assertThat(objects).hasOnlyElementsOfTypes(String.class, StringBuilder.class);
         // assertions will fail
         assertThat(objects).hasOnlyElementsOfTypes(String.class, Number.class);
        Specified by:
        hasOnlyElementsOfTypes in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        types - the expected classes and interfaces
        this assertion object.
        NullPointerException - if the given argument is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if not all elements of the actual array are instances of one of the given types
        2.7.0 / 3.7.0
      • hasExactlyElementsOfTypes

        public SELF hasExactlyElementsOfTypes​(Class<?>... expectedTypes)
        Verifies that the actual elements are of the given types in the given order, there should be as many expected types as there are actual elements.


         Object[] objects = { 1, "a", "b", 1.00 };
         // assertion succeeds
         assertThat(objects).hasExactlyElementsOfTypes(Integer.class, String.class, String.class, Double.class);
         // assertions fail
         // missing second String type
         assertThat(objects).hasExactlyElementsOfTypes(Integer.class, String.class, Double.class);
         // no Float type in actual
         assertThat(objects).hasExactlyElementsOfTypes(Float.class, String.class, String.class, Double.class);
         // correct types but wrong order
         assertThat(objects).hasExactlyElementsOfTypes(String.class, Integer.class, String.class, Double.class);
         // actual has more elements than the specified expected types
        Specified by:
        hasExactlyElementsOfTypes in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        expectedTypes - the expected types
        this assertion object.
        NullPointerException - if the given type array is null.
        AssertionError - if actual is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual elements types don't exactly match the given ones (in the given order).
      • doesNotContain

        public SELF doesNotContain​(ELEMENT value,
                                   Index index)
        Verifies that the actual array does not contain the given object at the given index.


         Ring[] elvesRings = {vilya, nenya, narya};
         // assertions will pass
         assertThat(elvesRings).doesNotContain(vilya, atIndex(1));
         assertThat(elvesRings).doesNotContain(nenya, atIndex(2));
         assertThat(elvesRings).doesNotContain(narya, atIndex(0));
         // assertions will fail
         assertThat(elvesRings).doesNotContain(vilya, atIndex(0));
         assertThat(elvesRings).doesNotContain(nenya, atIndex(1));
         assertThat(elvesRings).doesNotContain(narya, atIndex(2));
        Specified by:
        doesNotContain in interface IndexedObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        value - the object to look for.
        index - the index where the object should not be stored in the actual array.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        NullPointerException - if the given Index is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array contains the given object at the given index.
      • doesNotContainForProxy

        protected SELF doesNotContainForProxy​(ELEMENT[] values)
      • doesNotHaveDuplicates

        public SELF doesNotHaveDuplicates()
        Verifies that the actual array does not contain duplicates.

        Example :

         String[] abc = {"a", "b", "c"};
         String[] lotsOfAs = {"a", "a", "a"};
         // assertion will pass
         // assertion will fail
        Specified by:
        doesNotHaveDuplicates in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array contains duplicates.
      • startsWithForProxy

        protected SELF startsWithForProxy​(ELEMENT[] sequence)
      • endsWith

        public SELF endsWith​(ELEMENT[] sequence)
        Verifies that the actual array ends with the given sequence of objects, without any other objects between them. Similar to containsSequence(Object...), but it also verifies that the last element in the sequence is also last element of the actual array.

        Example :

         String[] abc = {"a", "b", "c"};
         // assertions will pass
         assertThat(abc).endsWith(new String[0])
                        .endsWith(new String[] {"b", "c"});
         // assertion will fail
         assertThat(abc).endsWith(new String[] {"a"});
        Specified by:
        endsWith in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        sequence - the sequence of objects to look for.
        this assertion object.
        NullPointerException - if the given argument is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array does not end with the given sequence of objects.
      • endsWith

        public final SELF endsWith​(ELEMENT first,
                                   ELEMENT... sequence)
        Verifies that the actual array ends with the given sequence of objects, without any other objects between them. Similar to containsSequence(Object...), but it also verifies that the last element in the sequence is also last element of the actual array.

        Example :

         String[] abc = {"a", "b", "c"};
         // assertion will pass
         assertThat(abc).endsWith("b", "c");
         // assertion will fail
        Specified by:
        endsWith in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        first - the first element of the end sequence of objects to look for.
        sequence - the rest of the end sequence of objects to look for.
        this assertion object.
        NullPointerException - if the given argument is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array does not end with the given sequence of objects.
      • endsWithForProxy

        protected SELF endsWithForProxy​(ELEMENT first,
                                        ELEMENT[] sequence)
      • isSubsetOf

        public SELF isSubsetOf​(Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> values)
        Verifies that all elements of actual are present in the given Iterable.


         Ring[] elvesRings = {vilya, nenya, narya};
         List<Ring> ringsOfPower = newArrayList(oneRing, vilya, nenya, narya, dwarfRing, manRing);
         // assertion will pass:
         // assertion will fail:
         assertThat(elvesRings).isSubsetOf(newArrayList(nenya, narya));
        Specified by:
        isSubsetOf in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        values - the Iterable that should contain all actual elements.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual Iterable is null.
        NullPointerException - if the given Iterable is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual Iterable is not subset of set Iterable.
      • isSubsetOf

        public final SELF isSubsetOf​(ELEMENT... values)
        Verifies that all elements of actual are present in the given values.


         Ring[] elvesRings = {vilya, nenya, narya};
         // assertions will pass:
         assertThat(elvesRings).isSubsetOf(vilya, nenya, narya);
         assertThat(elvesRings).isSubsetOf(vilya, nenya, narya, dwarfRing);
         // assertions will fail:
         assertThat(elvesRings).isSubsetOf(vilya, nenya);
         assertThat(elvesRings).isSubsetOf(vilya, nenya, dwarfRing);
        Specified by:
        isSubsetOf in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        values - the values that should be used for checking the elements of actual.
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual Iterable is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual Iterable is not subset of the given values.
      • isSubsetOfForProxy

        protected SELF isSubsetOfForProxy​(ELEMENT[] values)
      • containsNull

        public SELF containsNull()
        Verifies that the actual array contains at least a null element.

        Example :

         String[] abc = {"a", "b", "c"};
         String[] abNull = {"a", "b", null};
         // assertion will pass
         // assertion will fail
        Specified by:
        containsNull in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array does not contain a null element.
      • doesNotContainNull

        public SELF doesNotContainNull()
        Verifies that the actual array does not contain null elements.

        Example :

         String[] abc = {"a", "b", "c"};
         String[] abNull = {"a", "b", null};
         // assertion will pass
         // assertion will fail
        Specified by:
        doesNotContainNull in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        this assertion object.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array contains a null element.
      • are

        public SELF are​(Condition<? super ELEMENT> condition)
        Verifies that each element value satisfies the given condition

        Example :

         String[] abc  = {"a", "b", "c"};
         String[] abcc = {"a", "b", "cc"};
         Condition<String> singleCharacterString
              = new Condition<>(s -> s.length() == 1, "single character String");
         // assertion will pass
         // assertion will fail
        Specified by:
        are in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        condition - the given condition.
        this object.
        NullPointerException - if the given condition is null.
        AssertionError - if an element cannot be cast to ELEMENT.
        AssertionError - if one or more elements don't satisfy the given condition.
      • areNot

        public SELF areNot​(Condition<? super ELEMENT> condition)
        Verifies that each element value does not satisfy the given condition

        Example :

         String[] abc  = {"a", "b", "c"};
         String[] abcc = {"a", "b", "cc"};
         Condition<String> moreThanOneCharacter =
             = new Condition<>(s -> s.length() > 1, "more than one character");
         // assertion will pass
         // assertion will fail
        Specified by:
        areNot in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        condition - the given condition.
        this object.
        NullPointerException - if the given condition is null.
        AssertionError - if an element cannot be cast to ELEMENT.
        AssertionError - if one or more elements satisfy the given condition.
      • have

        public SELF have​(Condition<? super ELEMENT> condition)
        Verifies that all elements satisfy the given condition.

        Example :

         String[] abc  = {"a", "b", "c"};
         String[] abcc = {"a", "b", "cc"};
         Condition<String> onlyOneCharacter =
             = new Condition<>(s -> s.length() == 1, "only one character");
         // assertion will pass
         // assertion will fail
        Specified by:
        have in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        condition - the given condition.
        this object.
        NullPointerException - if the given condition is null.
        AssertionError - if an element cannot be cast to ELEMENT.
        AssertionError - if one or more elements do not satisfy the given condition.
      • doNotHave

        public SELF doNotHave​(Condition<? super ELEMENT> condition)
        Verifies that all elements don't satisfy the given condition.

        Example :

         String[] abc  = {"a", "b", "c"};
         String[] abcc = {"a", "b", "cc"};
         Condition<String> moreThanOneCharacter =
             = new Condition<>(s -> s.length() > 1, "more than one character");
         // assertion will pass
         // assertion will fail
        Specified by:
        doNotHave in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        condition - the given condition.
        this object.
        NullPointerException - if the given condition is null.
        AssertionError - if an element cannot be cast to ELEMENT.
        AssertionError - if one or more elements satisfy the given condition.
      • areAtLeast

        public SELF areAtLeast​(int times,
                               Condition<? super ELEMENT> condition)
        Verifies that there are at least n elements in the actual array satisfying the given condition.

        Example :

         int[] oneTwoThree = {1, 2, 3};
         Condition<Integer> oddNumber = new Condition<>(value % 2 == 1, "odd number");
         // assertion will pass
         oneTwoThree.areAtLeast(2, oddNumber);
         // assertion will fail
         oneTwoThree.areAtLeast(3, oddNumber);
        Specified by:
        areAtLeast in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        times - the minimum number of times the condition should be verified.
        condition - the given condition.
        this object.
        NullPointerException - if the given condition is null.
        AssertionError - if an element can not be cast to T.
        AssertionError - if the number of elements satisfying the given condition is < n.
      • areAtMost

        public SELF areAtMost​(int times,
                              Condition<? super ELEMENT> condition)
        Verifies that there are at most n elements in the actual array satisfying the given condition.

        Example :

         int[] oneTwoThree = {1, 2, 3};
         Condition<Integer> oddNumber = new Condition<>(value % 2 == 1, "odd number");
         // assertions will pass
         oneTwoThree.areAtMost(2, oddNumber);
         oneTwoThree.areAtMost(3, oddNumber);
         // assertion will fail
         oneTwoThree.areAtMost(1, oddNumber);
        Specified by:
        areAtMost in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        times - the number of times the condition should be at most verified.
        condition - the given condition.
        this object.
        NullPointerException - if the given condition is null.
        AssertionError - if an element cannot be cast to ELEMENT.
        AssertionError - if the number of elements satisfying the given condition is > n.
      • areExactly

        public SELF areExactly​(int times,
                               Condition<? super ELEMENT> condition)
        Verifies that there are exactly n elements in the actual array satisfying the given condition.

        Example :

         int[] oneTwoThree = {1, 2, 3};
         Condition<Integer> oddNumber = new Condition<>(value % 2 == 1, "odd number");
         // assertion will pass
         oneTwoThree.areExactly(2, oddNumber);
         // assertions will fail
         oneTwoThree.areExactly(1, oddNumber);
         oneTwoThree.areExactly(3, oddNumber);
        Specified by:
        areExactly in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        times - the exact number of times the condition should be verified.
        condition - the given condition.
        this object.
        NullPointerException - if the given condition is null.
        AssertionError - if an element cannot be cast to ELEMENT.
        AssertionError - if the number of elements satisfying the given condition is ≠ n.
      • haveAtLeastOne

        public SELF haveAtLeastOne​(Condition<? super ELEMENT> condition)
        Verifies that there is at least one element in the actual array satisfying the given condition.

        This method is an alias for haveAtLeast(1, condition).


         BasketBallPlayer[] bullsPlayers = {butler, rose};
         // potentialMvp is a Condition<BasketBallPlayer>
        Specified by:
        haveAtLeastOne in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        condition - the given condition.
        this assertion object.
        See Also:
        haveAtLeast(int, Condition)
      • haveAtLeast

        public SELF haveAtLeast​(int times,
                                Condition<? super ELEMENT> condition)
        Verifies that there are at least n elements in the actual array satisfying the given condition.

        Example :

         int[] oneTwoThree = {1, 2, 3};
         Condition<Integer> oddNumber = new Condition<>(value % 2 == 1, "odd number");
         // assertion will pass
         oneTwoThree.haveAtLeast(2, oddNumber);
         // assertion will fail
         oneTwoThree.haveAtLeast(3, oddNumber);
        This method is an alias for areAtLeast(int, Condition).
        Specified by:
        haveAtLeast in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        times - the minimum number of times the condition must hold.
        condition - the given condition.
        this assertion object.
      • haveAtMost

        public SELF haveAtMost​(int times,
                               Condition<? super ELEMENT> condition)
        Verifies that there are at most n elements in the actual array satisfying the given condition.

        Example :

         int[] oneTwoThree = {1, 2, 3};
         Condition<Integer> oddNumber = new Condition<>(value % 2 == 1, "odd number");
         // assertions will pass
         oneTwoThree.haveAtMost(2, oddNumber);
         oneTwoThree.haveAtMost(3, oddNumber);
         // assertion will fail
         oneTwoThree.haveAtMost(1, oddNumber);
        This method is an alias areAtMost(int, Condition).
        Specified by:
        haveAtMost in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        times - the maximum number of times the condition must hold.
        condition - the given condition.
        this assertion object.
      • haveExactly

        public SELF haveExactly​(int times,
                                Condition<? super ELEMENT> condition)
        Verifies that there are exactly n elements in the actual array satisfying the given condition.

        Example :

         int[] oneTwoThree = {1, 2, 3};
         Condition<Integer> oddNumber = new Condition<>(value % 2 == 1, "odd number");
         // assertion will pass
         oneTwoThree.haveExactly(2, oddNumber);
         // assertions will fail
         oneTwoThree.haveExactly(1, oddNumber);
         oneTwoThree.haveExactly(3, oddNumber);
        This method is an alias areExactly(int, Condition).
        Specified by:
        haveExactly in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        times - the exact number of times the condition must hold.
        condition - the given condition.
        this assertion object.
      • hasAtLeastOneElementOfType

        public SELF hasAtLeastOneElementOfType​(Class<?> type)
        Verifies that at least one element in the actual Object group has the specified type (matching includes subclasses of the given type).


         Number[] numbers = { 2, 6L, 8.0 };
         // successful assertion:
         // assertion failure:
        Specified by:
        hasAtLeastOneElementOfType in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        type - the expected type.
        this assertion object.
      • hasOnlyElementsOfType

        public SELF hasOnlyElementsOfType​(Class<?> type)
        Verifies that all the elements in the actual Object group belong to the specified type (matching includes subclasses of the given type).


         Number[] numbers = { 2, 6, 8 };
         // successful assertion:
         // assertion failure:
        Specified by:
        hasOnlyElementsOfType in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        type - the expected type.
        this assertion object.
      • doesNotHaveAnyElementsOfTypes

        public SELF doesNotHaveAnyElementsOfTypes​(Class<?>... unexpectedTypes)
        Verifies that all the elements in the actual Object group do not belong to the specified types (including subclasses).


         Number[] numbers = { 2, 6, 8.0 };
         // successful assertion:
         assertThat(numbers).doesNotHaveAnyElementsOfTypes(Long.class, Float.class);
         // assertion failure:
         assertThat(numbers).doesNotHaveAnyElementsOfTypes(Long.class, Integer.class);
        Specified by:
        doesNotHaveAnyElementsOfTypes in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        unexpectedTypes - the not expected types.
        this assertion object.
      • isSorted

        public SELF isSorted()
        Verifies that the actual array is sorted in ascending order according to the natural ordering of its elements.

        All array elements must be primitive or implement the Comparable interface and must be mutually comparable (that is, e1.compareTo(e2) must not throw a ClassCastException for any elements e1 and e2 in the array), examples :

        • a array composed of {2, 4, 6} is ok because the element type is a primitive type.
        • a array composed of {"a1", "a2", "a3"} is ok because the element type (String) is Comparable
        • a array composed of Rectangle {r1, r2, r3} is NOT ok because Rectangle is not Comparable
        • a array composed of {True, "abc", False} is NOT ok because elements are not mutually comparable (even though each element type implements Comparable)
        Empty or one element arrays are considered sorted (unless the array element type is not Comparable).

        Specified by:
        isSorted in interface ArraySortedAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        this assertion object.
      • isSortedAccordingTo

        public SELF isSortedAccordingTo​(Comparator<? super ELEMENT> comparator)
        Verifies that the actual array is sorted according to the given comparator.
        Empty arrays are considered sorted whatever the comparator is.
        One element arrays are considered sorted if the element is compatible with comparator, otherwise an AssertionError is thrown.
        Specified by:
        isSortedAccordingTo in interface ArraySortedAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        comparator - the Comparator used to compare array elements
        this assertion object.
      • containsAll

        public SELF containsAll​(Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> iterable)
        Verifies that the actual array contains all the elements of given Iterable, in any order.

        Example :

         String[] abc = {"a", "b", "c"};
         // assertion will pass
         assertThat(abc).containsAll(Arrays.asList("b", "c"));
         // assertions will fail
         assertThat(abc).containsAll(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d"));
        Specified by:
        containsAll in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        iterable - the given Iterable we will get elements from.
        this assertion object.
        NullPointerException - if the given argument is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array is null.
        AssertionError - if the actual array does not contain all the elements of given Iterable.
      • usingElementComparator

        public SELF usingElementComparator​(Comparator<? super ELEMENT> elementComparator)
        Use given custom comparator instead of relying on actual type A equals method to compare group elements for incoming assertion checks.

        Custom comparator is bound to assertion instance, meaning that if a new assertion is created, it will use default comparison strategy.

        Examples :

         // compares invoices by payee
         // compares invoices by date, doesNotHaveDuplicates and contains both use the given invoice date comparator
         // as assertThat(invoiceArray) creates a new assertion, it falls back to standard comparison strategy
         // based on Invoice's equal method to compare invoiceArray elements to lowestInvoice.
         // standard comparison : the fellowshipOfTheRing includes Gandalf but not Sauron (believe me) ...
         // ... but if we compare only races, Sauron is in fellowshipOfTheRing because he's a Maia like Gandalf.
        Specified by:
        usingElementComparator in interface EnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        elementComparator - the comparator to use for incoming assertion checks.
        this assertion object.
        NullPointerException - if the given comparator is null.
      • usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator

        private SELF usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator​(Comparator<Object> elementComparator)
      • usingFieldByFieldElementComparator

        public SELF usingFieldByFieldElementComparator()
        This method is deprecated because it performs a shallow field by field comparison, i.e. elements are compared field by field but the fields are compared with equals, use usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparator() or usingRecursiveComparison() instead to perform a true recursive comparison.
        Deprecated javadoc

        Use field/property by field/property comparison (including inherited fields/properties) instead of relying on actual type A equals method to compare group elements for incoming assertion checks. Private fields are included but this can be disabled using Assertions.setAllowExtractingPrivateFields(boolean).

        This can be handy if equals method of the objects to compare does not suit you.

        You can specify a custom comparator per name or type of element field with usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithNames(Comparator, String...) and usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithType(Comparator, Class).

        Note that the comparison is not recursive, if one of the fields/properties is an Object, it will be compared to the other field/property using its equals method.


         TolkienCharacter frodo = new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT);
         TolkienCharacter frodoClone = new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT);
         // Fail if equals has not been overridden in TolkienCharacter as equals default implementation only compares references
         // frodo and frodoClone are equals when doing a field by field comparison.
        this assertion object.
      • usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparatorOnFields

        public SELF usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparatorOnFields​(String... fields)
        The assertions chained after this method will use a recursive field by field comparison on the given fields (including inherited fields) instead of relying on the element equals method. This is handy when the element equals method is not overridden or implemented as you expect.

        Nested fields are supported and are expressed like: name.first

        The comparison is recursive: elements are compared field by field, if a field type has fields they are also compared field by field (and so on).


         Player derrickRose = new Player(new Name("Derrick", "Rose"), "Chicago Bulls");
         derrickRose.nickname = new Name("Crazy", "Dunks");
         Player jalenRose = new Player(new Name("Jalen", "Rose"), "Chicago Bulls");
         jalenRose.nickname = new Name("Crazy", "Defense");
         // assertion succeeds as all compared fields match
         assertThat(array(derrickRose)).usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparatorOnFields("name.last", "team", "nickname.first")
         // assertion fails, name.first values differ

        This method is actually a shortcut of usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparator(RecursiveComparisonConfiguration) with a configuration comparing only the given fields, the previous example can be written as:

         RecursiveComparisonConfiguration configuration = RecursiveComparisonConfiguration.builder()
                                                                                          .withComparedFields("name.last", "team", "nickname.first")
        The recursive comparison is documented here:

        fields - the field names to exclude in the elements comparison.
        this assertion object.
        See Also:
      • usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparatorIgnoringFields

        public SELF usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparatorIgnoringFields​(String... fields)
        The assertions chained after this method will use a recursive field by field comparison on all fields (including inherited fields) except the given ones instead of relying on the element equals method. This is handy when the element equals method is not overridden or implemented as you expect.

        Nested fields are supported and are expressed like: name.first

        The comparison is recursive: elements are compared field by field, if a field type has fields they are also compared field by field (and so on).


         Player derrickRose = new Player(new Name("Derrick", "Rose"), "Chicago Bulls");
         derrickRose.nickname = new Name("Crazy", "Dunks");
         Player jalenRose = new Player(new Name("Jalen", "Rose"), "Chicago Bulls");
         jalenRose.nickname = new Name("Crazy", "Defense");
         // assertion succeeds
         assertThat(array(derrickRose)).usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparatorIgnoringFields("name.first", "nickname.last")
         // assertion fails, names are ignored but nicknames are not and nickname.last values differ

        This method is actually a shortcut of usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparator(RecursiveComparisonConfiguration) with a configuration ignoring the given fields, the previous example can be written as:

         RecursiveComparisonConfiguration configuration = RecursiveComparisonConfiguration.builder()
                                                                                          .withIgnoredFields("name.first", "nickname.last")
        The recursive comparison is documented here:

        fields - the field names to exclude in the elements comparison.
        this assertion object.
        See Also:
      • extracting

        public AbstractListAssert<?,​List<? extends Object>,​Object,​ObjectAssert<Object>> extracting​(String fieldOrProperty)
        Extract the values of given field or property from the array's elements under test into a new list, this new list becoming the object under test.

        It allows you to test a field/property of the array's elements instead of testing the elements themselves, which can be much less work !

        Let's take an example to make things clearer :

         // Build a array of TolkienCharacter, a TolkienCharacter has a name (String) and a Race (a class)
         // they can be public field or properties, both works when extracting their values.
         TolkienCharacter[] fellowshipOfTheRing = new TolkienCharacter[] {
           new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT),
           new TolkienCharacter("Sam", 38, HOBBIT),
           new TolkienCharacter("Gandalf", 2020, MAIA),
           new TolkienCharacter("Legolas", 1000, ELF),
           new TolkienCharacter("Pippin", 28, HOBBIT),
           new TolkienCharacter("Gimli", 139, DWARF),
           new TolkienCharacter("Aragorn", 87, MAN,
           new TolkienCharacter("Boromir", 37, MAN)
         // let's verify the names of TolkienCharacter in fellowshipOfTheRing :
                   .contains("Boromir", "Gandalf", "Frodo")
                   .doesNotContain("Sauron", "Elrond");
         // you can also extract nested field/property like the name of Race :
                                        .contains("Hobbit", "Elf")
        A property with the given name is looked for first, if it does not exist then a field with the given name is looked for.

        Note that the order of extracted field/property values is consistent with the array order.

        fieldOrProperty - the field/property to extract from the array under test
        a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of extracted field/property values.
        IntrospectionError - if no field or property exists with the given name
      • extracting

        public <P> AbstractListAssert<?,​List<? extends P>,​P,​ObjectAssert<P>> extracting​(String fieldOrProperty,
                                                                                                          Class<P> extractingType)
        Extract the values of given field or property from the array's elements under test into a new list, this new list of the provided type becoming the object under test.

        It allows you to test a field/property of the array's elements instead of testing the elements themselves, which can be much less work !

        Let's take an example to make things clearer :

         // Build an array of TolkienCharacter, a TolkienCharacter has a name (String) and a Race (a class)
         // they can be public field or properties, both works when extracting their values.
         TolkienCharacter[] fellowshipOfTheRing = new TolkienCharacter[] {
           new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT),
           new TolkienCharacter("Sam", 38, HOBBIT),
           new TolkienCharacter("Gandalf", 2020, MAIA),
           new TolkienCharacter("Legolas", 1000, ELF),
           new TolkienCharacter("Pippin", 28, HOBBIT),
           new TolkienCharacter("Gimli", 139, DWARF),
           new TolkienCharacter("Aragorn", 87, MAN,
           new TolkienCharacter("Boromir", 37, MAN)
         // let's verify the names of TolkienCharacter in fellowshipOfTheRing :
         assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).extracting("name", String.class)
                   .contains("Boromir", "Gandalf", "Frodo")
                   .doesNotContain("Sauron", "Elrond");
         // you can also extract nested field/property like the name of Race :
         assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).extracting("", String.class)
                                        .contains("Hobbit", "Elf")
        A property with the given name is looked for first, if it does not exist then a field with the given name is looked for.

        Note that the order of extracted field/property values is consistent with the order of the array under test.

        Type Parameters:
        P - the type of elements to extract.
        fieldOrProperty - the field/property to extract from the array under test
        extractingType - type to return
        a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of extracted field/property values.
        IntrospectionError - if no field or property exists with the given name
      • extracting

        public AbstractListAssert<?,​List<? extends Tuple>,​Tuple,​ObjectAssert<Tuple>> extracting​(String... propertiesOrFields)
        Extract the values of given fields/properties from the array's elements under test into a list composed of Tuple (a simple data structure), this new list becoming the object under test.

        It allows you to test fields/properties of the array's elements instead of testing the elements themselves, it can be sometimes much less work !

        The Tuple data corresponds to the extracted values of the given fields/properties, for instance if you ask to extract "id", "name" and "email" then each Tuple data will be composed of id, name and email extracted from the element of the initial array (the Tuple's data order is the same as the given fields/properties order).

        Let's take an example to make things clearer :

         // Build an array of TolkienCharacter, a TolkienCharacter has a name (String) and a Race (a class)
         // they can be public field or properties, both works when extracting their values.
         TolkienCharacter[] fellowshipOfTheRing = new TolkienCharacter[] {
           new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT),
           new TolkienCharacter("Sam", 38, HOBBIT),
           new TolkienCharacter("Gandalf", 2020, MAIA),
           new TolkienCharacter("Legolas", 1000, ELF),
           new TolkienCharacter("Pippin", 28, HOBBIT),
           new TolkienCharacter("Gimli", 139, DWARF),
           new TolkienCharacter("Aragorn", 87, MAN,
           new TolkienCharacter("Boromir", 37, MAN)
         // let's verify 'name' and 'age' of some TolkienCharacter in fellowshipOfTheRing :
         assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).extracting("name", "age")
                                        .contains(tuple("Boromir", 37),
                                                  tuple("Sam", 38),
                                                  tuple("Legolas", 1000));
         // extract 'name', 'age' and Race name values.
         assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).extracting("name", "age", "")
                                        .contains(tuple("Boromir", 37, "Man"),
                                                  tuple("Sam", 38, "Hobbit"),
                                                  tuple("Legolas", 1000, "Elf"));
        A property with the given name is looked for first, if it does not exist the a field with the given name is looked for.

        Note that the order of extracted property/field values is consistent with the iteration order of the array under test.

        propertiesOrFields - the properties/fields to extract from the initial array under test
        a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of Tuple with extracted properties/fields values as data.
        IntrospectionError - if one of the given name does not match a field or property in one of the initial Iterable's element.
      • extracting

        public <U> AbstractListAssert<?,​List<? extends U>,​U,​ObjectAssert<U>> extracting​(Function<? super ELEMENT,​U> extractor)
        Extract the values from the array's elements by applying an extracting function on them, the resulting list becomes the new object under test.

        This method is similar to extracting(String) but more refactoring friendly as it does not use introspection.

        Let's take a look an example:

         // Build a list of TolkienCharacter, a TolkienCharacter has a name, and age and a Race (a specific class)
         // they can be public field or properties, both can be extracted.
         TolkienCharacter[] fellowshipOfTheRing = new TolkienCharacter[] {
           new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT),
           new TolkienCharacter("Sam", 38, HOBBIT),
           new TolkienCharacter("Gandalf", 2020, MAIA),
           new TolkienCharacter("Legolas", 1000, ELF),
           new TolkienCharacter("Pippin", 28, HOBBIT),
           new TolkienCharacter("Gimli", 139, DWARF),
           new TolkienCharacter("Aragorn", 87, MAN,
           new TolkienCharacter("Boromir", 37, MAN)
         // fellowship has hobbitses, right, my presioussss?
        Note that the order of extracted property/field values is consistent with the iteration order of the Iterable under test, for example if it's a HashSet, you won't be able to make any assumptions on the extracted values order.
        Type Parameters:
        U - the type of elements to extract.
        extractor - the object transforming input object to desired one
        a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of extracted values.
      • extracting

        public <V,​EXCEPTION extends ExceptionAbstractListAssert<?,​List<? extends V>,​V,​ObjectAssert<V>> extracting​(ThrowingExtractor<? super ELEMENT,​V,​EXCEPTION> extractor)
        Extract the values from the array's elements by applying an extracting function (which might throw an exception) on them, the resulting list of extracted values becomes a new object under test.

        Any checked exception raised in the extractor is rethrown wrapped in a RuntimeException.

        It allows to test values from the elements in safer way than by using extracting(String), as it doesn't use introspection.

        Let's take a look an example:

         // Build a list of TolkienCharacter, a TolkienCharacter has a name, and age and a Race (a specific class)
         // they can be public field or properties, both can be extracted.
         TolkienCharacter[] fellowshipOfTheRing = new TolkienCharacter[] {
           new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT),
           new TolkienCharacter("Sam", 38, HOBBIT),
           new TolkienCharacter("Gandalf", 2020, MAIA),
           new TolkienCharacter("Legolas", 1000, ELF),
           new TolkienCharacter("Pippin", 28, HOBBIT),
           new TolkienCharacter("Gimli", 139, DWARF),
           new TolkienCharacter("Aragorn", 87, MAN,
           new TolkienCharacter("Boromir", 37, MAN)
         assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).extracting(input -> {
           if (input.getAge() < 20) {
             throw new Exception("age < 20");
           return input.getName();

        Note that the order of extracted property/field values is consistent with the iteration order of the array under test.

        Type Parameters:
        V - the type of elements to extract.
        EXCEPTION - the exception type of ThrowingExtractor
        extractor - the object transforming input object to desired one
        a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of extracted values
      • extracting

        public final AbstractListAssert<?,​List<? extends Tuple>,​Tuple,​ObjectAssert<Tuple>> extracting​(Function<? super ELEMENT,​?>... extractors)
        Use the given Functions to extract the values from the array's elements into a new list composed of Tuples (a simple data structure containing the extracted values), this new list becoming the object under test.

        It allows you to test values from the array's elements instead of testing the elements themselves, which sometimes can be much less work!

        The Tuple data corresponds to the extracted values from the arrays's elements, for instance if you pass functions extracting "id", "name" and "email" values then each Tuple's data will be composed of an id, a name and an email extracted from the element of the initial array (the Tuple's data order is the same as the given functions order).

        Let's take a look at an example to make things clearer :

         // Build an array of TolkienCharacter, a TolkienCharacter has a name (String) and a Race (a class)
         // they can be public field or properties, both works when extracting their values.
         TolkienCharacter[] fellowshipOfTheRing = new TolkienCharacter[] {
           new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT),
           new TolkienCharacter("Sam", 38, HOBBIT),
           new TolkienCharacter("Gandalf", 2020, MAIA),
           new TolkienCharacter("Legolas", 1000, ELF),
           new TolkienCharacter("Pippin", 28, HOBBIT),
           new TolkienCharacter("Gimli", 139, DWARF),
           new TolkienCharacter("Aragorn", 87, MAN,
           new TolkienCharacter("Boromir", 37, MAN)
         // let's verify 'name', 'age' and Race of some TolkienCharacter in fellowshipOfTheRing :
                                                    character -> character.getAge(),
                                        .containsOnly(tuple("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT),
                                                      tuple("Sam", 38, HOBBIT),
                                                      tuple("Gandalf", 2020, MAIA),
                                                      tuple("Legolas", 1000, ELF),
                                                      tuple("Pippin", 28, HOBBIT),
                                                      tuple("Gimli", 139, DWARF),
                                                      tuple("Aragorn", 87, MAN),
                                                      tuple("Boromir", 37, MAN));
        You can use lambda expression or a method reference to extract the expected values.

        Use Tuple.tuple(Object...) to initialize the expected values.

        Note that the order of the extracted tuples list is consistent with the iteration order of the array under test, for example if it's a HashSet, you won't be able to make any assumptions on the extracted tuples order.

        extractors - the extractor functions to extract a value from an element of the array under test.
        a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of Tuples containing the extracted values.
      • flatExtracting

        public <V,​C extends Collection<V>> AbstractListAssert<?,​List<? extends V>,​V,​ObjectAssert<V>> flatExtracting​(Function<? super ELEMENT,​C> extractor)
        Extract the Iterable values from arrays elements under test by applying an Iterable extracting function on them and concatenating the result lists into an array which becomes the new object under test.

        It allows testing the results of extracting values that are represented by Iterables.

        For example:

         CartoonCharacter bart = new CartoonCharacter("Bart Simpson");
         CartoonCharacter lisa = new CartoonCharacter("Lisa Simpson");
         CartoonCharacter maggie = new CartoonCharacter("Maggie Simpson");
         CartoonCharacter homer = new CartoonCharacter("Homer Simpson");
         homer.addChildren(bart, lisa, maggie);
         CartoonCharacter pebbles = new CartoonCharacter("Pebbles Flintstone");
         CartoonCharacter fred = new CartoonCharacter("Fred Flintstone");
         CartoonCharacter[] parents = new CartoonCharacter[] { homer, fred };
         // check children
                            .containsOnly(bart, lisa, maggie, pebbles);
        The order of extracted values is consisted with both the order of the collection itself, as well as the extracted collections.
        Type Parameters:
        V - the type of elements to extract.
        C - the type of collection to flat/extract.
        extractor - the object transforming input object to an Iterable of desired ones
        a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of values extracted
      • flatExtracting

        public <V,​C extends Collection<V>,​EXCEPTION extends ExceptionAbstractListAssert<?,​List<? extends V>,​V,​ObjectAssert<V>> flatExtracting​(ThrowingExtractor<? super ELEMENT,​C,​EXCEPTION> extractor)
        Extract the Iterable values from arrays elements under test by applying an Iterable extracting function (which might throw an exception) on them and concatenating the result lists into an array which becomes the new object under test.

        It allows testing the results of extracting values that are represented by Iterables.

        For example:

         CartoonCharacter bart = new CartoonCharacter("Bart Simpson");
         CartoonCharacter lisa = new CartoonCharacter("Lisa Simpson");
         CartoonCharacter maggie = new CartoonCharacter("Maggie Simpson");
         CartoonCharacter homer = new CartoonCharacter("Homer Simpson");
         homer.addChildren(bart, lisa, maggie);
         CartoonCharacter pebbles = new CartoonCharacter("Pebbles Flintstone");
         CartoonCharacter fred = new CartoonCharacter("Fred Flintstone");
         CartoonCharacter[] parents = new CartoonCharacter[] { homer, fred };
         // check children
         assertThat(parents).flatExtracting(input -> {
           if (input.getChildren().size() == 0) {
             throw new Exception("no children");
           return input.getChildren();
         }).containsOnly(bart, lisa, maggie, pebbles);
        The order of extracted values is consisted with both the order of the collection itself, as well as the extracted collections.
        Type Parameters:
        V - the type of elements to extract.
        C - the type of collection to flat/extract.
        EXCEPTION - the exception type of ThrowingExtractor
        extractor - the object transforming input object to an Iterable of desired ones
        a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of values extracted
      • flatExtracting

        public AbstractListAssert<?,​List<? extends Object>,​Object,​ObjectAssert<Object>> flatExtracting​(String propertyName)
        Extract from array's elements the Iterable/Array values corresponding to the given property/field name and concatenate them into a single array becoming the new object under test.

        It allows testing the elements of extracting values that are represented by iterables or arrays.

        For example:

         CartoonCharacter bart = new CartoonCharacter("Bart Simpson");
         CartoonCharacter lisa = new CartoonCharacter("Lisa Simpson");
         CartoonCharacter maggie = new CartoonCharacter("Maggie Simpson");
         CartoonCharacter homer = new CartoonCharacter("Homer Simpson");
         homer.addChildren(bart, lisa, maggie);
         CartoonCharacter pebbles = new CartoonCharacter("Pebbles Flintstone");
         CartoonCharacter fred = new CartoonCharacter("Fred Flintstone");
         CartoonCharacter[] parents = new CartoonCharacter[] { homer, fred };
         // check children
                            .containsOnly(bart, lisa, maggie, pebbles);
        The order of extracted values is consisted with both the order of the collection itself, as well as the extracted collections.
        propertyName - the object transforming input object to an Iterable of desired ones
        a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of values extracted
        IllegalArgumentException - if one of the extracted property value was not an array or an iterable.
      • extractingResultOf

        public AbstractListAssert<?,​List<? extends Object>,​Object,​ObjectAssert<Object>> extractingResultOf​(String method)
        Extract the result of given method invocation from the array's elements under test into a list, this list becoming the object under test.

        It allows you to test a method results of the array's elements instead of testing the elements themselves, which can be much less work!

        It is especially useful for classes that does not conform to the Java Bean's getter specification (i.e. public String toString() or public String status() instead of public String getStatus()).

        Let's take an example to make things clearer :

         // Build a array of WesterosHouse, a WesterosHouse has a method: public String sayTheWords()
         WesterosHouse[] greatHousesOfWesteros = new WesterosHouse[] { new WesterosHouse("Stark", "Winter is Coming"),
             new WesterosHouse("Lannister", "Hear Me Roar!"), new WesterosHouse("Greyjoy", "We Do Not Sow"),
             new WesterosHouse("Baratheon", "Our is the Fury"), new WesterosHouse("Martell", "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"),
             new WesterosHouse("Tyrell", "Growing Strong") };
         // let's verify the words of the great houses of Westeros:
                                          .contains("Winter is Coming", "We Do Not Sow", "Hear Me Roar")
                                          .doesNotContain("Lannisters always pay their debts");

        Following requirements have to be met to extract method results:

        • method has to be public,
        • method cannot accept any arguments,
        • method cannot return void.

        Note that the order of extracted values is consistent with the order of the array under test.

        method - the name of the method which result is to be extracted from the array under test
        a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of extracted values.
        IllegalArgumentException - if no method exists with the given name, or method is not public, or method does return void, or method accepts arguments.
      • extractingResultOf

        public <P> AbstractListAssert<?,​List<? extends P>,​P,​ObjectAssert<P>> extractingResultOf​(String method,
                                                                                                                  Class<P> extractingType)
        Extract the result of given method invocation from the array's elements under test into a list, this list becoming the object under test.

        It allows you to test a method results of the array's elements instead of testing the elements themselves, which can be much less work!

        It is especially useful for classes that do not conform to the Java Bean's getter specification (i.e. public String toString() or public String status() instead of public String getStatus()).

        Let's take an example to make things clearer :

         // Build a array of WesterosHouse, a WesterosHouse has a method: public String sayTheWords()
         WesterosHouse[] greatHousesOfWesteros = new WesterosHouse[] { new WesterosHouse("Stark", "Winter is Coming"),
             new WesterosHouse("Lannister", "Hear Me Roar!"), new WesterosHouse("Greyjoy", "We Do Not Sow"),
             new WesterosHouse("Baratheon", "Our is the Fury"), new WesterosHouse("Martell", "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"),
             new WesterosHouse("Tyrell", "Growing Strong") };
         // let's verify the words of the great houses of Westeros:
         assertThat(greatHousesOfWesteros).extractingResultOf("sayTheWords", String.class)
                                          .contains("Winter is Coming", "We Do Not Sow", "Hear Me Roar")
                                          .doesNotContain("Lannisters always pay their debts");

        Following requirements have to be met to extract method results:

        • method has to be public,
        • method can not accept any arguments,
        • method can not return void.

        Note that the order of extracted values is consistent with the order of the array under test.

        Type Parameters:
        P - the type of elements extracted.
        method - the name of the method which result is to be extracted from the array under test
        extractingType - type to return
        a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of extracted values.
        IllegalArgumentException - if no method exists with the given name, or method is not public, or method does return void, or method accepts arguments.
      • inHexadecimal

        public SELF inHexadecimal()
        Enable hexadecimal object representation of Iterable elements instead of standard java representation in error messages.

        It can be useful to better understand what the error was with a more meaningful error message.


         assertThat(new Byte[] { 0x10, 0x20 }).inHexadecimal().contains(new Byte[] { 0x30 });
        With standard error message:
          <[16, 32]>
         to contain:
         but could not find:
        With Hexadecimal error message:
          <[0x10, 0x20]>
         to contain:
         but could not find:
        inHexadecimal in class AbstractAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT[]>
        this assertion object.
      • inBinary

        public SELF inBinary()
        Description copied from class: AbstractAssert
        Use binary object representation instead of standard representation in error messages.


         Expected :0b00000000_00000000_00000000_00000010
         Actual   :0b00000000_00000000_00000000_00000001
        inBinary in class AbstractAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT[]>
        this assertion object.
      • filteredOn

        public SELF filteredOn​(String propertyOrFieldName,
                               Object expectedValue)
        Filter the array under test into a list composed of the elements elements having a property or field equal to expectedValue, the property/field is specified by propertyOrFieldName parameter.

        The filter first tries to get the value from a property (named propertyOrFieldName), if no such property exists it tries to read the value from a field. Reading private fields is supported by default, this can be globally disabled by calling Assertions.setAllowExtractingPrivateFields(false).

        When reading nested property/field, if an intermediate value is null the whole nested property/field is considered to be null, thus reading "" value will return null if "street" value is null.

        As an example, let's check all employees 800 years old (yes, special employees):

         Employee yoda   = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);
         Employee obiwan = new Employee(2L, new Name("Obiwan"), 800);
         Employee luke   = new Employee(3L, new Name("Luke", "Skywalker"), 26);
         Employee noname = new Employee(4L, null, 50);
         Employee[] employees = new Employee[] { yoda, luke, obiwan, noname };
         assertThat(employees).filteredOn("age", 800)
                              .containsOnly(yoda, obiwan);
        Nested properties/fields are supported:
         // Name is bean class with 'first' and 'last' String properties
         // name is null for noname => it does not match the filter on "name.first"
         assertThat(employees).filteredOn("name.first", "Luke")
         assertThat(employees).filteredOn("name.last", "Vader")

        If you want to filter on null value, use filteredOnNull(String) as Java will resolve the call to filteredOn(String, FilterOperator) instead of this method.

        An IntrospectionError is thrown if the given propertyOrFieldName can't be found in one of the array elements.

        You can chain filters:

         // fellowshipOfTheRing is an array of TolkienCharacter having race and name fields
         // 'not' filter is statically imported from Assertions.not
         assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).filteredOn("", "Man")
                                        .filteredOn("name", not("Boromir"))

        If you need more complex filter, use filteredOn(Condition) or filteredOn(Predicate) and provide a Condition or Predicate to specify the filter to apply.

        propertyOrFieldName - the name of the property or field to read
        expectedValue - the value to compare element's property or field with
        a new assertion object with the filtered list under test
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given propertyOrFieldName is null or empty.
        IntrospectionError - if the given propertyOrFieldName can't be found in one of the array elements.
      • filteredOnNull

        public SELF filteredOnNull​(String propertyOrFieldName)
        Filter the array under test into a list composed of the elements whose property or field specified by propertyOrFieldName are null.

        The filter first tries to get the value from a property (named propertyOrFieldName), if no such property exists it tries to read the value from a field. Reading private fields is supported by default, this can be globally disabled by calling Assertions.setAllowExtractingPrivateFields(false).

        When reading nested property/field, if an intermediate value is null the whole nested property/field is considered to be null, thus reading "" value will return null if "street" value is null.

        As an example, let's check all employees 800 years old (yes, special employees):

         Employee yoda   = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);
         Employee obiwan = new Employee(2L, new Name("Obiwan"), 800);
         Employee luke   = new Employee(3L, new Name("Luke", "Skywalker"), 26);
         Employee noname = new Employee(4L, null, 50);
         Employee[] employees = new Employee[] { yoda, luke, obiwan, noname };
        Nested properties/fields are supported:
         // Name is bean class with 'first' and 'last' String properties
                              .containsOnly(yoda, obiwan, noname);
        An IntrospectionError is thrown if the given propertyOrFieldName can't be found in one of the array elements.
        propertyOrFieldName - the name of the property or field to read
        a new assertion object with the filtered list under test
        IntrospectionError - if the given propertyOrFieldName can't be found in one of the array elements.
      • filteredOn

        public SELF filteredOn​(String propertyOrFieldName,
                               FilterOperator<?> filterOperator)
        Filter the array under test into a list composed of elements having a property or field matching the filter expressed with the FilterOperator, the property/field is specified by propertyOrFieldName parameter.

        The existing filters are :

        Whatever filter is applied, it first tries to get the value from a property (named propertyOrFieldName), if no such property exists it tries to read the value from a field. Reading private fields is supported by default, this can be globally disabled by calling Assertions.setAllowExtractingPrivateFields(false).

        When reading nested property/field, if an intermediate value is null the whole nested property/field is considered to be null, thus reading "" value will return null if "street" value is null.

        As an example, let's check stuff on some special employees :

         Employee yoda   = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);
         Employee obiwan = new Employee(2L, new Name("Obiwan"), 800);
         Employee luke   = new Employee(3L, new Name("Luke", "Skywalker"), 26);
         Employee[] employees = new Employee[] { yoda, luke, obiwan, noname };
         // 'not' filter is statically imported from Assertions.not
         assertThat(employees).filteredOn("age", not(800))
         // 'in' filter is statically imported from
         // Name is bean class with 'first' and 'last' String properties
         assertThat(employees).filteredOn("name.first", in("Yoda", "Luke"))
                              .containsOnly(yoda, luke);
         // 'notIn' filter is statically imported from Assertions.notIn
         assertThat(employees).filteredOn("name.first", notIn("Yoda", "Luke"))
        An IntrospectionError is thrown if the given propertyOrFieldName can't be found in one of the array elements.

        Note that combining filter operators is not supported, thus the following code is not correct:

         // Combining filter operators like not(in(800)) is NOT supported
         // -> throws UnsupportedOperationException
         assertThat(employees).filteredOn("age", not(in(800)))

        You can chain filters:

         // fellowshipOfTheRing is an array of TolkienCharacter having race and name fields
         // 'not' filter is statically imported from Assertions.not
         assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).filteredOn("", "Man")
                                        .filteredOn("name", not("Boromir"))

        If you need more complex filter, use filteredOn(Condition) or filteredOn(Predicate) and provide a Condition or Predicate to specify the filter to apply.

        propertyOrFieldName - the name of the property or field to read
        filterOperator - the filter operator to apply
        a new assertion object with the filtered list under test
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given propertyOrFieldName is null or empty.
      • filteredOn

        public SELF filteredOn​(Condition<? super ELEMENT> condition)
        Filter the array under test into a list composed of the elements matching the given Condition, allowing to perform assertions on the filtered list.

        Let's check old employees whose age > 100:

         Employee yoda   = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);
         Employee obiwan = new Employee(2L, new Name("Obiwan"), 800);
         Employee luke   = new Employee(3L, new Name("Luke", "Skywalker"), 26);
         Employee noname = new Employee(4L, null, 50);
         Employee[] employees = new Employee[] { yoda, luke, obiwan, noname };
         // old employee condition, "old employees" describes the condition in error message
         // you just have to implement 'matches' method
         Condition<Employee> oldEmployees = new Condition<Employee>("old employees") {
               public boolean matches(Employee employee) {
                 return employee.getAge() > 100;
                              .containsOnly(yoda, obiwan);
        You can combine Condition with condition operator like Not:
         // 'not' filter is statically imported from Assertions.not
                              .contains(luke, noname);
        condition - the filter condition / predicate
        a new assertion object with the filtered list under test
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given condition is null.
      • filteredOn

        public SELF filteredOn​(Predicate<? super ELEMENT> predicate)
        Filter the array under test into a list composed of the elements matching the given Predicate, allowing to perform assertions on the filtered list.

        Example : check old employees whose age > 100:

         Employee yoda   = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);
         Employee obiwan = new Employee(2L, new Name("Obiwan"), 800);
         Employee luke   = new Employee(3L, new Name("Luke", "Skywalker"), 26);
         Employee[] employees = new Employee[] { yoda, luke, obiwan };
         assertThat(employees).filteredOn(employee -> employee.getAge() > 100)
                              .containsOnly(yoda, obiwan);
        predicate - the filter predicate
        a new assertion object with the filtered list under test
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given predicate is null.
      • filteredOn

        public <T> SELF filteredOn​(Function<? super ELEMENT,​T> function,
                                   T expectedValue)
        Filter the array under test into a list composed of the elements for which the result of the function is equal to expectedValue.

        It allows to filter elements in more safe way than by using filteredOn(String, Object) as it doesn't utilize introspection.

        As an example, let's check all employees 800 years old (yes, special employees):

         Employee yoda   = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);
         Employee obiwan = new Employee(2L, new Name("Obiwan"), 800);
         Employee luke   = new Employee(3L, new Name("Luke", "Skywalker"), 26);
         Employee noname = new Employee(4L, null, 50);
         Employee[] employees = new Employee[] { yoda, luke, obiwan, noname };
         assertThat(employees).filteredOn(Employee::getAge, 800)
                              .containsOnly(yoda, obiwan);
         assertThat(employees).filteredOn(e -> e.getName(), null)
        If you need more complex filter, use filteredOn(Predicate) or filteredOn(Condition).
        Type Parameters:
        T - result type of the filter function
        function - the filter function
        expectedValue - the expected value of the filter function
        a new assertion object with the filtered list under test
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given function is null.
      • filteredOnAssertions

        public SELF filteredOnAssertions​(Consumer<? super ELEMENT> elementAssertions)
        Filter the array under test keeping only elements matching the given assertions specified with a Consumer.

        Example : check old employees whose age > 100:

         Employee yoda   = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);
         Employee obiwan = new Employee(2L, new Name("Obiwan"), 800);
         Employee luke   = new Employee(3L, new Name("Luke", "Skywalker"), 26);
         Employee[] employees = new Employee[] { yoda, luke, obiwan };
         assertThat(employees).filteredOnAssertions(employee -> assertThat(employee.getAge()).isGreaterThan(100))
                              .containsOnly(yoda, obiwan);
        elementAssertions - containing AssertJ assertions to filter on
        a new assertion object with the filtered iterable under test
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given predicate is null.
      • filteredOnAssertions

        public SELF filteredOnAssertions​(ThrowingConsumer<? super ELEMENT> elementAssertions)
        Filter the array under test keeping only elements matching the given assertions specified with a Consumer.

        Example : check old employees whose age > 100:

         Employee yoda   = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);
         Employee obiwan = new Employee(2L, new Name("Obiwan"), 800);
         Employee luke   = new Employee(3L, new Name("Luke", "Skywalker"), 26);
         Employee[] employees = new Employee[] { yoda, luke, obiwan };
         // compiles even if getAge() throws a checked exception unlike filteredOnAssertions(Consumer)
         assertThat(employees).filteredOnAssertions(employee -> assertThat(employee.getAge()).isGreaterThan(100))
                              .containsOnly(yoda, obiwan);
        elementAssertions - containing AssertJ assertions to filter on
        a new assertion object with the filtered iterable under test
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given predicate is null.
        RuntimeException - rethrown as is by the given ThrowingConsumer or wrapping any Throwable.
      • internalFilteredOnAssertions

        private SELF internalFilteredOnAssertions​(Consumer<? super ELEMENT> elementAssertions)
      • allMatch

        public SELF allMatch​(Predicate<? super ELEMENT> predicate,
                             String predicateDescription)
        Verifies that all the elements of actual match the given Predicate. The predicate description is used to get an informative error message.

        Example :

         Iterable<String> abc = newArrayList("a", "b", "c");
         Iterable<String> abcc = newArrayList("a", "b", "cc");
         // assertion will pass
         assertThat(abc).allMatch(s -> s.length() == 1, "length of 1");
         // assertion will fail
         assertThat(abcc).allMatch(s -> s.length() == 1, "length of 1");
        The message of the failed assertion would be:
        Expecting all elements of:
          <["a", "b", "cc"]>
          to match 'length of 1' predicate but this element did not:
        Specified by:
        allMatch in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        predicate - the given Predicate.
        predicateDescription - a description of the Predicate used in the error message
        this object.
      • allSatisfy

        public SELF allSatisfy​(Consumer<? super ELEMENT> requirements)
        Verifies that all the elements satisfy the given requirements expressed as a Consumer.

        This is useful to perform a group of assertions on elements.


         assertThat(myIcelanderFriends).allSatisfy(person -> {

        If the actual iterable is empty, this assertion succeeds as there is no elements to check.

        Specified by:
        allSatisfy in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        requirements - the given Consumer.
        this object.
      • allSatisfy

        public SELF allSatisfy​(ThrowingConsumer<? super ELEMENT> requirements)
        Verifies that all the elements satisfy the given requirements expressed as a ThrowingConsumer.

        This is useful to perform a group of assertions on elements.

        This is the same assertion as allSatisfy(Consumer) but the given consumer can throw checked exceptions.
        More precisely, RuntimeException and AssertionError are rethrown as they are and Throwable wrapped in a RuntimeException.


          // read() throws IOException
         // note that the code would not compile if isNotEmpty, startsWithA or startsWithZ were declared as a Consumer<Reader> 
         ThrowingConsumer<Reader> isNotEmpty = reader -> assertThat(;
         ThrowingConsumer<Reader> startsWithA = reader -> assertThat('A');
         // ABC.txt contains: ABC  
         // XYZ.txt contains: XYZ  
         FileReader[] readers = { new FileReader("ABC.txt"), new FileReader("XYZ.txt") }; 
         // assertion succeeds as none of the files are empty
         // assertion fails as XYZ.txt does not start with 'A':

        If the actual array is empty, this assertion succeeds as there is nothing to check.

        Specified by:
        allSatisfy in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        requirements - the given ThrowingConsumer.
        this object.
        NullPointerException - if given ThrowingConsumer is null
        RuntimeException - rethrown as is by the given ThrowingConsumer or wrapping any Throwable.
        AssertionError - if one or more elements don't satisfy the given requirements.
      • internalAllSatisfy

        private SELF internalAllSatisfy​(Consumer<? super ELEMENT> requirements)
      • zipSatisfy

        public <OTHER_ELEMENT> SELF zipSatisfy​(OTHER_ELEMENT[] other,
                                               BiConsumer<? super ELEMENT,​OTHER_ELEMENT> zipRequirements)
        Verifies that the zipped pairs of actual and other elements, i.e: (actual 1st element, other 1st element), (actual 2nd element, other 2nd element), ... all satisfy the given zipRequirements.

        This assertion assumes that actual and other have the same size but they can contain different type of elements making it handy to compare objects converted to another type, for example Domain and View/DTO objects.


         Adress[] addressModels = findGoodRestaurants();
         AdressView[] addressViews = convertToView(addressModels);
         // compare addressViews and addressModels respective paired elements.
         assertThat(addressViews).zipSatisfy(addressModels, (AdressView view, Adress model) -> {
            assertThat(view.getZipcode() + ' ' + view.getCity()).isEqualTo(model.getCityLine());
        Type Parameters:
        OTHER_ELEMENT - the type of the other array elements.
        other - the array to zip actual with.
        zipRequirements - the given requirements that each pair must satisfy.
        this assertion object.
        NullPointerException - if the given zipRequirements BiConsumer is null.
        NullPointerException - if the other array to zip actual with is null.
        AssertionError - if the array under test is null.
        AssertionError - if actual and other don't have the same size.
        AssertionError - if one or more pairs don't satisfy the given requirements.
      • anySatisfy

        public SELF anySatisfy​(Consumer<? super ELEMENT> requirements)
        Verifies that at least one element satisfies the given requirements expressed as a Consumer.

        This is useful to check that a group of assertions is verified by (at least) one element.

        If the group of elements to assert is empty, the assertion will fail.


         // assume that one icelander in myIcelanderFriends has a name finishing by 'son'
         assertThat(myIcelanderFriends).anySatisfy(person -> {
         // assertion fails for empty group, whatever the requirements are.
         assertThat(emptyGroup).anySatisfy($ -> assertThat(true).isTrue());
        Specified by:
        anySatisfy in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        requirements - the given Consumer.
        this object.
      • anySatisfy

        public SELF anySatisfy​(ThrowingConsumer<? super ELEMENT> requirements)
        Verifies that at least one element satisfies the given requirements expressed as a ThrowingConsumer.

        This is useful to check that a group of assertions is verified by (at least) one element.

        This is the same assertion as anySatisfy(Consumer) but the given consumer can throw checked exceptions.
        More precisely, RuntimeException and AssertionError are rethrown as they are and Throwable wrapped in a RuntimeException.


          // read() throws IOException
         // note that the code would not compile if startsWithA, startsWithY or startsWithZ were declared as a Consumer<Reader> 
         ThrowingConsumer<Reader> startsWithA = reader -> assertThat('A');
         ThrowingConsumer<Reader> startsWithZ = reader -> assertThat('Z');
         // ABC.txt contains: ABC  
         // XYZ.txt contains: XYZ  
         FileReader[] readers = { new FileReader("ABC.txt"), new FileReader("XYZ.txt") };
         // assertion succeeds as ABC.txt starts with 'A'
         // assertion fails none of the files starts with 'Z':

        If the actual array is empty, this assertion succeeds as there is nothing to check.

        Specified by:
        anySatisfy in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        requirements - the given ThrowingConsumer.
        this object.
        NullPointerException - if given ThrowingConsumer is null
        RuntimeException - rethrown as is by the given ThrowingConsumer or wrapping any Throwable.
        AssertionError - no elements satisfy the given requirements.
      • internalAnySatisfy

        private SELF internalAnySatisfy​(Consumer<? super ELEMENT> requirements)
      • noneSatisfy

        public SELF noneSatisfy​(Consumer<? super ELEMENT> restrictions)
        Verifies that no elements satisfy the given restrictions expressed as a Consumer.


         // assume that all icelander in myIcelanderFriends are not from Brazil
         assertThat(myIcelanderFriends).noneSatisfy(person -> {
        Note that this assertion succeeds if the group (collection, array, ...) is empty whatever the restrictions are.
        Specified by:
        noneSatisfy in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        restrictions - the given restrictions as Consumer that no elements should met.
        this object.
      • noneSatisfy

        public SELF noneSatisfy​(ThrowingConsumer<? super ELEMENT> restrictions)
        Verifies that no elements satisfy the given restrictions expressed as a Consumer.

        This is useful to check that a group of assertions is verified by (at least) one element.

        This is the same assertion as anySatisfy(Consumer) but the given consumer can throw checked exceptions.
        More precisely, RuntimeException and AssertionError are rethrown as they are and Throwable wrapped in a RuntimeException.


          // read() throws IOException
         // note that the code would not compile if startsWithA, startsWithY or startsWithZ were declared as a Consumer<Reader> 
         ThrowingConsumer<Reader> startsWithA = reader -> assertThat('A');
         ThrowingConsumer<Reader> startsWithZ = reader -> assertThat('Z');
         // ABC.txt contains: ABC  
         // XYZ.txt contains: XYZ  
         FileReader[] readers = { new FileReader("ABC.txt"), new FileReader("XYZ.txt") }; 
         // assertion succeeds as none of the file starts 'Z'
         // assertion fails as ABC.txt starts with 'A':

        Note that this assertion succeeds if the group (collection, array, ...) is empty whatever the restrictions are.

        Specified by:
        noneSatisfy in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        restrictions - the given ThrowingConsumer.
        this object.
        NullPointerException - if given ThrowingConsumer is null
        RuntimeException - rethrown as is by the given ThrowingConsumer or wrapping any Throwable.
        AssertionError - if one or more elements satisfy the given requirements.
      • internalNoneSatisfy

        private SELF internalNoneSatisfy​(Consumer<? super ELEMENT> restrictions)
      • satisfiesExactly

        public final SELF satisfiesExactly​(Consumer<? super ELEMENT>... requirements)
        Verifies that each element satisfies the requirements corresponding to its index, so the first element must satisfy the first requirements, the second element the second requirements etc...

        Each requirements are expressed as a Consumer, there must be as many requirements as there are iterable elements.


         TolkienCharacter[] characters = {frodo, aragorn, legolas};
         // assertions succeed
         assertThat(characters).satisfiesExactly(character -> assertThat(character.getRace()).isEqualTo("Hobbit"),
                                                 character -> assertThat(character.isMortal()).isTrue(),
                                                 character -> assertThat(character.getName()).isEqualTo("Legolas"));
         // you can specify more that one assertion per requirements
         assertThat(characters).satisfiesExactly(character -> {
                                                 character -> {
                                                 character -> {
         // assertion fails as aragorn does not meet the second requirements
         assertThat(characters).satisfiesExactly(character -> assertThat(character.getRace()).isEqualTo("Hobbit"),
                                                 character -> assertThat(character.isMortal()).isFalse(),
                                                 character -> assertThat(character.getName()).isEqualTo("Legolas"));
        Specified by:
        satisfiesExactly in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        requirements - the requirements to meet.
        this to chain assertions.
        NullPointerException - if given requirements are null.
        AssertionError - if any element does not satisfy the requirements at the same index
        AssertionError - if there are not as many requirements as there are iterable elements.
      • satisfiesExactly

        public final SELF satisfiesExactly​(ThrowingConsumer<? super ELEMENT>... requirements)
        Verifies that each element satisfies the requirements corresponding to its index, so the first element must satisfy the first requirements, the second element the second requirements etc...

        Each requirements are expressed as a ThrowingConsumer, there must be as many requirements as there are iterable elements.

        This is the same assertion as satisfiesExactly(Consumer...) but the given consumers can throw checked exceptions.
        More precisely, RuntimeException and AssertionError are rethrown as they are and Throwable wrapped in a RuntimeException.


         TolkienCharacter[] characters = {frodo, aragorn, legolas};
         // the code would compile even if TolkienCharacter.getRace(), isMortal() or getName() threw a checked exception
         // assertions succeed
         assertThat(characters).satisfiesExactly(character -> assertThat(character.getRace()).isEqualTo("Hobbit"),
                                                 character -> assertThat(character.isMortal()).isTrue(),
                                                 character -> assertThat(character.getName()).isEqualTo("Legolas"));
         // you can specify more that one assertion per requirements
         assertThat(characters).satisfiesExactly(character -> {
                                                 character -> {
                                                 character -> {
         // assertion fails as aragorn does not meet the second requirements
         assertThat(characters).satisfiesExactly(character -> assertThat(character.getRace()).isEqualTo("Hobbit"),
                                                 character -> assertThat(character.isMortal()).isFalse(),
                                                 character -> assertThat(character.getName()).isEqualTo("Legolas"));
        Specified by:
        satisfiesExactly in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        requirements - the requirements to meet.
        this to chain assertions.
        NullPointerException - if given requirements are null.
        RuntimeException - rethrown as is by the given ThrowingConsumer or wrapping any Throwable.
        AssertionError - if any element does not satisfy the requirements at the same index
        AssertionError - if there are not as many requirements as there are iterable elements.
      • satisfiesExactlyForProxy

        protected SELF satisfiesExactlyForProxy​(Consumer<? super ELEMENT>[] requirements)
      • satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder

        public final SELF satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder​(Consumer<? super ELEMENT>... requirements)
        Verifies that at least one combination of iterable elements exists that satisfies the consumers in order (there must be as many consumers as iterable elements and once a consumer is matched it cannot be reused to match other elements).

        This is a variation of satisfiesExactly(Consumer...) where order does not matter.


         String[] starWarsCharacterNames = {"Luke", "Leia", "Yoda"};
         // these assertions succeed:
         assertThat(starWarsCharacterNames).satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder(name -> assertThat(name).contains("Y"), // matches "Yoda"
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("L"), // matches "Luke" and "Leia"
                                                                       name -> {
                                                                         assertThat(name).doesNotContain("a"); // matches "Luke" but not "Leia"
                                           .satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder(name -> assertThat(name).contains("Yo"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("Lu"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("Le"))
                                           .satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder(name -> assertThat(name).contains("Le"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("Yo"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("Lu"));
         // this assertion fails as 3 consumer/requirements are expected
         assertThat(starWarsCharacterNames).satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder(name -> assertThat(name).contains("Y"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("L"));
         // this assertion fails as no element contains "Han" (first consumer/requirements can't be met)
         assertThat(starWarsCharacterNames).satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder(name -> assertThat(name).contains("Han"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("L"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("Y"));
         // this assertion fails as "Yoda" element can't satisfy any consumers/requirements (even though all consumers/requirements are met)
         assertThat(starWarsCharacterNames).satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder(name -> assertThat(name).contains("L"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("L"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("L"));
         // this assertion fails as no combination of elements can satisfy the consumers in order
         // the problem is if the last consumer is matched by Leia then no other consumer can match Luke (and vice versa)
         assertThat(starWarsCharacterNames).satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder(name -> assertThat(name).contains("Y"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("o"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("L"));
        Specified by:
        satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        requirements - the consumers that are expected to be satisfied by the elements of the given Iterable.
        this assertion object.
        NullPointerException - if the given consumers array or any consumer is null.
        AssertionError - if there is no permutation of elements that satisfies the individual consumers in order
        AssertionError - if there are not as many requirements as there are iterable elements.
      • satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder

        public final SELF satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder​(ThrowingConsumer<? super ELEMENT>... requirements)
        Verifies that at least one combination of iterable elements exists that satisfies the ThrowingConsumers in order (there must be as many consumers as iterable elements and once a consumer is matched it cannot be reused to match other elements).

        This is a variation of satisfiesExactly(ThrowingConsumer...) where order does not matter.


         String[] starWarsCharacterNames = {"Luke", "Leia", "Yoda"};
         // these assertions succeed:
         assertThat(starWarsCharacterNames).satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder(name -> assertThat(name).contains("Y"), // matches "Yoda"
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("L"), // matches "Luke" and "Leia"
                                                                       name -> {
                                                                         assertThat(name).doesNotContain("a"); // matches "Luke" but not "Leia"
                                           .satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder(name -> assertThat(name).contains("Yo"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("Lu"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("Le"))
                                           .satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder(name -> assertThat(name).contains("Le"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("Yo"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("Lu"));
         // this assertion fails as 3 consumers/requirements are expected
         assertThat(starWarsCharacterNames).satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder(name -> assertThat(name).contains("Y"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("L"));
         // this assertion fails as no element contains "Han" (first consumer/requirements can't be met)
         assertThat(starWarsCharacterNames).satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder(name -> assertThat(name).contains("Han"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("L"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("Y"));
         // this assertion fails as "Yoda" element can't satisfy any consumers/requirements (even though all consumers/requirements are met)
         assertThat(starWarsCharacterNames).satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder(name -> assertThat(name).contains("L"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("L"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("L"));
         // this assertion fails as no combination of elements can satisfy the consumers in order
         // the problem is if the last consumer is matched by Leia then no other consumer can match Luke (and vice versa)
         assertThat(starWarsCharacterNames).satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder(name -> assertThat(name).contains("Y"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("o"),
                                                                       name -> assertThat(name).contains("L"));
        Specified by:
        satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrder in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        requirements - the consumers that are expected to be satisfied by the elements of the given Iterable.
        this assertion object.
        NullPointerException - if the given consumers array or any consumer is null.
        RuntimeException - rethrown as is by the given ThrowingConsumer or wrapping any Throwable.
        AssertionError - if there is no permutation of elements that satisfies the individual consumers in order
        AssertionError - if there are not as many requirements as there are iterable elements.
      • satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrderForProxy

        protected SELF satisfiesExactlyInAnyOrderForProxy​(Consumer<? super ELEMENT>[] requirements)
      • containsAnyOf

        public final SELF containsAnyOf​(ELEMENT... values)
        Verifies that the actual array contains at least one of the given values.

        Example :

         String[] abc = {"a", "b", "c"};
         // assertions will pass
                        .containsAnyOf("b", "c")
                        .containsAnyOf("a", "b", "c")
                        .containsAnyOf("a", "b", "c", "d")
                        .containsAnyOf("e", "f", "g", "b");
         // assertions will fail
         assertThat(abc).containsAnyOf("d", "e", "f", "g");
        Specified by:
        containsAnyOf in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        values - the values whose at least one which is expected to be in the array under test.
        this assertion object.
        NullPointerException - if the array of values is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the array of values is empty and the array under test is not empty.
        AssertionError - if the array under test is null.
        AssertionError - if the array under test does not contain any of the given values.
        2.9.0 / 3.9.0
      • containsAnyOfForProxy

        protected SELF containsAnyOfForProxy​(ELEMENT[] values)
      • containsAnyElementsOf

        public SELF containsAnyElementsOf​(Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> iterable)
        Verifies that the actual array contains at least one of the given Iterable elements.

        Example :

         String[] abc = {"a", "b", "c"};
         // assertions will pass
                        .containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("b", "c"))
                        .containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c"))
                        .containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d"))
                        .containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("e", "f", "g", "b"));
         // assertions will fail
         assertThat(abc).containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("d", "e", "f", "g"));
        Specified by:
        containsAnyElementsOf in interface ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT>
        iterable - the iterable whose at least one element is expected to be in the array under test.
        this assertion object.
        NullPointerException - if the iterable of expected values is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the iterable of expected values is empty and the array under test is not empty.
        AssertionError - if the array under test is null.
        AssertionError - if the array under test does not contain any of elements from the given Iterable.
        2.9.0 / 3.9.0
      • usingRecursiveComparison

        public RecursiveComparisonAssert<?> usingRecursiveComparison()
        Enable using a recursive field by field comparison strategy when calling the chained RecursiveComparisonAssert,


         public class Person {
           String name;
           boolean hasPhd;
         public class Doctor {
          String name;
          boolean hasPhd;
         Doctor drSheldon = new Doctor("Sheldon Cooper", true);
         Doctor drLeonard = new Doctor("Leonard Hofstadter", true);
         Doctor drRaj = new Doctor("Raj Koothrappali", true);
         Person sheldon = new Person("Sheldon Cooper", true);
         Person leonard = new Person("Leonard Hofstadter", true);
         Person raj = new Person("Raj Koothrappali", true);
         Person howard = new Person("Howard Wolowitz", false);
         Doctor[] doctors = { drSheldon, drLeonard, drRaj };
         Person[] people = { sheldon, leonard, raj };
         // assertion succeeds as both lists contains equivalent items in order.
         // assertion fails because leonard names are different.
         leonard.setName("Leonard Ofstater");
         // assertion fails because howard is missing and leonard is not expected.
         Person[] otherPeople = { howard, sheldon, raj };
        A detailed documentation for the recursive comparison is available here:

        The default recursive comparison behavior is configured as follows:

        usingRecursiveComparison in class AbstractAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,​ELEMENT>,​ELEMENT[]>
        a new RecursiveComparisonAssert instance
        See Also:
      • getComparatorsByType

        protected org.assertj.core.internal.TypeComparators getComparatorsByType()
      • getComparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes

        protected org.assertj.core.internal.TypeComparators getComparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes()
      • withIterables

        SELF withIterables​(org.assertj.core.internal.Iterables iterables)
      • withObjectArrays

        SELF withObjectArrays​(org.assertj.core.internal.ObjectArrays arrays)
      • withTypeComparators

        SELF withTypeComparators​(org.assertj.core.internal.TypeComparators comparatorsByType)
      • withComparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldNames

        SELF withComparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldNames​(Map<String,​Comparator<?>> comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldNames)
      • withComparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes

        SELF withComparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes​(org.assertj.core.internal.TypeComparators comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes)
      • newObjectArrayAssert

        protected abstract SELF newObjectArrayAssert​(ELEMENT[] array)
      • newObjectArrayAssert

        private SELF newObjectArrayAssert​(List<ELEMENT> filteredList)
        build a new ObjectArrayAssert from the filtered list propagating the assertion state (description, comparators, ...)
        filteredList - the list to convert
        a new ObjectArrayAssert