
trait IOInterpretation extends IOTypes
trait IOTypes
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited types

type _Io[R] = Member[[A] =>> IO[A], R]
Inherited from
type _io[R] = MemberIn[[A] =>> IO[A], R]
Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

def ioAttempt[R, A](e: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: MemberInOut[[A] =>> IO[A], R]): Eff[R, Either[Throwable, A]]
def ioMemo[R, A](key: AnyRef, cache: Cache, e: Eff[R, A])(implicit task: MemberInOut[[A] =>> IO[A], R]): Eff[R, A]

Memoize io effects using a cache

Memoize io effects using a cache

if this method is called with the same key the previous value will be returned

def ioMemoized[R, A](key: AnyRef, e: Eff[R, A])(implicit task: MemberInOut[[A] =>> IO[A], R], m: MemberIn[[A] =>> Memoized[A], R]): Eff[R, A]

Memoize task values using a memoization effect

Memoize task values using a memoization effect

if this method is called with the same key the previous value will be returned

def memoize[A](key: AnyRef, cache: Cache, io: IO[A]): IO[A]

memoize the io result using a cache

memoize the io result using a cache

def runIoMemo[R, U, A](cache: Cache)(effect: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Aux[[A] =>> Memoized[A], R, U], task: MemberIn[[A] =>> IO[A], U]): Eff[U, A]
def to[F[_], A](e: Eff[Fx1[[A] =>> IO[A]], A])(implicit f: LiftIO[F]): F[A]
def unsafeRunAsync[A](e: Eff[Fx1[[A] =>> IO[A]], A])(cb: Either[Throwable, A] => Unit)(implicit i: IORuntime): Unit
def unsafeRunSync[A](e: Eff[Fx1[[A] =>> IO[A]], A])(implicit i: IORuntime): A
def unsafeRunTimed[A](e: Eff[Fx1[[A] =>> IO[A]], A], limit: FiniteDuration)(implicit i: IORuntime): Option[A]
def unsafeToFuture[A](e: Eff[Fx1[[A] =>> IO[A]], A])(implicit i: IORuntime): Future[A]



implicit val ioSequenceCached: SequenceCached[[A] =>> IO[A]]