
object all extends either with eval with safe with validate
trait validate
trait safe
trait eval
trait either
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def attemptDisjunction[R, A](action: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: MemberInOut[[A] =>> Safe[A], R]): Eff[R, Throwable \/ A]
Inherited from
def attemptEvalDisjunction[R, U, A](r: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Aux[[A] =>> Eval[A], R, U]): Eff[U, Throwable \/ A]
Inherited from
def attemptSafeDisjunction[R, A](r: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: MemberInOut[[A] =>> Safe[A], R]): Eff[R, (Throwable \/ A, List[Throwable])]
Inherited from
def catchLeftCombine[R, E, A](r: Eff[R, A])(handle: E => Eff[R, A])(implicit member: MemberInOut[[_] =>> Either[E, _$6], R], s: Semigroup[E]): Eff[R, A]

catch and handle a possible left value. The value is the combination of all failures in case of an applicative

catch and handle a possible left value. The value is the combination of all failures in case of an applicative

Inherited from
def execSafeDisjunction[R, U, A](r: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Aux[[A] =>> Safe[A], R, U]): Eff[U, Throwable \/ A]
Inherited from
def fromDisjunction[R, E, A](ea: E \/ A)(implicit member: MemberIn[[_] =>> Either[E, _$1], R]): Eff[R, A]
Inherited from
def runDisjunction[R, U, E, A](r: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Aux[[_] =>> Either[E, _$2], R, U]): Eff[U, E \/ A]
Inherited from
def runDisjunctionCombine[R, U, E, A](r: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Aux[[_] =>> Either[E, _$4], R, U], s: Semigroup[E]): Eff[U, E \/ A]

run the Either effect, yielding E Either A and combine all Es

run the Either effect, yielding E Either A and combine all Es

Inherited from
def runMapDisjunction[R, U, E, L, A](r: Eff[R, A])(map: E => L)(implicit evidence$1: Semigroup[L], m: Aux[[_] =>> Validate[E, _$5], R, U]): Eff[U, L \/ A]
Inherited from
def runNelDisjunction[R, U, E, A](r: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Aux[[_] =>> Validate[E, _$3], R, U]): Eff[U, NonEmptyList[E] \/ A]
Inherited from
def runSafeDisjunction[R, U, A](r: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Aux[[A] =>> Safe[A], R, U]): Eff[U, (Throwable \/ A, List[Throwable])]
Inherited from
def runValidationNel[R, U, E, A](r: Eff[R, A])(implicit m: Aux[[_] =>> Validate[E, _$1], R, U]): Eff[U, ValidationNel[E, A]]
Inherited from