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atLeast($receiver, timeout) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Condition has to be evaluated not earlier than timeout before throwing a timeout exception.
atMost($receiver, duration) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Await at most timeout before throwing a timeout exception.
AwaitilityKt - Class in org.awaitility.kotlin
AwaitilityKtUntilFunCondition<T> - Class in org.awaitility.kotlin
An intermediary data type that stores the ConditionFactory and fn for later use. Note that this data class should never be instantiated or used directly. Instead use the AwaitilityKt.untilCallTo extension function.


copy(factory, fn) - Method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKtUntilFunCondition
An intermediary data type that stores the ConditionFactory and fn for later use. Note that this data class should never be instantiated or used directly. Instead use the AwaitilityKt.untilCallTo extension function.


equals(p) - Method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKtUntilFunCondition


getAwait() - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
This is typically the starting point of the Kotlin "DSL". Allows you to write await instead of await(). For example:


has($receiver, pred) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Infix function that allows us to write the predicate on right-hand side of AwaitilityKt.has without using a dot. This allows expressions such as:
hashCode() - Method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKtUntilFunCondition


ignoreException($receiver, exceptionType) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Instruct Awaitility to ignore a specific exception and no subclasses of this exception. Exceptions will be treated as evaluating to false. This is useful in situations where the evaluated conditions may temporarily throw exceptions.
ignoreExceptionsInstanceOf($receiver, exceptionType) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Instruct Awaitility to ignore exceptions instance of the supplied exceptionType type. Exceptions will be treated as evaluating to false. This is useful in situations where the evaluated conditions may temporarily throw exceptions.
ignoreExceptionsMatching($receiver, matcher) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Instruct Awaitility to ignore exceptions that occur during evaluation and matches the supplied Hamcrest matcher. Exceptions will be treated as evaluating to false. This is useful in situations where the evaluated conditions may temporarily throw exceptions.
ignoreExceptionsMatching($receiver, matcher) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Instruct Awaitility to ignore exceptions that occur during evaluation and matches the supplied Hamcrest matcher. Exceptions will be treated as evaluating to false. This is useful in situations where the evaluated conditions may temporarily throw exceptions.


matches($receiver, pred) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Infix function which is what allows us to write the predicate on right-hand side of AwaitilityKt.matches without using a dot.


org.awaitility.kotlin - package org.awaitility.kotlin


pollExecutorService($receiver, executorService) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Specify the executor service whose threads will be used to evaluate the poll condition in Awaitility. Note that the executor service must be shutdown manually!
pollThread($receiver, threadSupplier) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Specify a thread supplier whose thread will be used to evaluate the poll condition in Awaitility. The supplier will be called only once and the thread it returns will be reused during all condition evaluations. This is an advanced feature and it should only be used sparingly.


toString() - Method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKtUntilFunCondition


until($receiver, fn) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
An extension function to ConditionFactory that allows you do write conditions such as:
untilAsserted($receiver, fn) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
An extension function to ConditionFactory that allows you do write conditions such as:
untilCallTo($receiver, fn) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
An extension function to ConditionFactory that allows you do write conditions such as:
untilFalse($receiver, atomicBoolean) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Await until a Atomic boolean becomes false.
untilNotNull($receiver, fn) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
An extension function to ConditionFactory that allows you do write conditions such as:
untilNull($receiver, fn) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
An extension function to ConditionFactory that allows you do write conditions such as:
untilTrue($receiver, atomicBoolean) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Await until a Atomic boolean becomes true.


withAlias($receiver, alias) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Start building a named await statement. This is useful is cases when you have several awaits in your test and you need to tell them apart. If a named await timeout's the alias will be displayed indicating which await statement that failed.
withPollDelay($receiver, pollDelay) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Specify the delay that will be used before Awaitility starts polling for the result the first time. If you don't specify a poll delay explicitly it'll be the same as the poll interval.
withPollInterval($receiver, pollInterval) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Specify the polling interval Awaitility will use for this await statement. This means the frequency in which the condition is checked for completion.
withPollInterval($receiver, pollInterval) - Static method in class org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Specify the polling interval Awaitility will use for this await statement. For example org.awaitility.pollinterval.FibonacciPollInterval.fibonacci.
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