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ignoreException(ConditionFactory,KClass) - function in org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Instruct Awaitility to ignore a specific exception and <i>no</i> subclasses of this exception.
ignoreExceptionsInstanceOf(ConditionFactory,KClass) - function in org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Instruct Awaitility to ignore exceptions instance of the supplied exceptionType type.
ignoreExceptionsMatching(ConditionFactory,Matcher) - function in org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Instruct Awaitility to ignore exceptions that occur during evaluation and matches the supplied Hamcrest matcher.
ignoreExceptionsMatching(ConditionFactory,Function1) - function in org.awaitility.kotlin.AwaitilityKt
Instruct Awaitility to ignore exceptions that occur during evaluation and matches the supplied Hamcrest matcher.
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