

package models

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Alphabet extends AnyRef

    Created by bryan on 4/17/15.

  2. case class Attribute(tag: String, tagType: TagType.Value, value: Any) extends Product with Serializable

    A wrapper around the attrTuple (key) and value pair.

  3. abstract class BlockExtractable extends Extractable

  4. case class CDS(transcriptId: String, strand: Boolean, region: ReferenceRegion) extends BlockExtractable with Product with Serializable

    Coding Sequence annotations, should be a subset of an Exon for a particular Transcript

  5. case class Consensus(consensus: String, index: ReferenceRegion) extends Product with Serializable

  6. class DNAAlphabet extends Alphabet

    The standard DNA alphabet with A,T,C, and G

  7. case class Exon(exonId: String, transcriptId: String, strand: Boolean, region: ReferenceRegion) extends BlockExtractable with Product with Serializable

    An exon model (here represented as a value of the Exon class) is a representation of a single exon from a transcript in genomic coordinates.

  8. trait Extractable extends AnyRef

    A trait for values (usually regions or collections of regions) that can be subsetted or extracted out of a larger region string -- for example, exons or transcripts which have a sequence defined in terms of their coordinates against a reference chromosome.

  9. case class Gene(id: String, names: Seq[String], strand: Boolean, transcripts: Iterable[Transcript]) extends Product with Serializable

    A 'gene model' is a small, hierarchical collection of objects: Genes, Transcripts, and Exons.

  10. class IndelTable extends Serializable with Logging

  11. trait Interval extends AnyRef

    An interval is a region on a coordinate space that has a defined width.

  12. class MultiContigNonoverlappingRegions extends Serializable

    Creates a multi-reference-region collection of NonoverlappingRegions -- see the scaladocs to NonoverlappingRegions.

  13. class NonoverlappingRegions extends Serializable

    The evaluation of a regionJoin takes place with respect to a complete partition on the total space of the genome.

  14. trait OptionalReferenceOrdering[T <: ReferenceRegion] extends Ordering[Option[T]]

  15. case class ProgramRecord(id: String, commandLine: Option[String], name: Option[String], version: Option[String], previousID: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  16. case class ReadBucket(unpairedPrimaryMappedReads: Iterable[AlignmentRecord] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing], pairedFirstPrimaryMappedReads: Iterable[AlignmentRecord] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing], pairedSecondPrimaryMappedReads: Iterable[AlignmentRecord] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing], unpairedSecondaryMappedReads: Iterable[AlignmentRecord] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing], pairedFirstSecondaryMappedReads: Iterable[AlignmentRecord] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing], pairedSecondSecondaryMappedReads: Iterable[AlignmentRecord] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing], unmappedReads: Iterable[AlignmentRecord] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing]) extends Product with Serializable

    This class is similar to SingleReadBucket, except it breaks the reads down further.

  17. class ReadBucketSerializer extends Serializer[ReadBucket]

  18. class RecordGroup extends Serializable

  19. class RecordGroupDictionary extends Serializable

    Builds a dictionary containing record groups.

  20. trait ReferenceOrdering[T <: ReferenceRegion] extends Ordering[T]

  21. class ReferencePosition extends ReferenceRegion

  22. case class ReferencePositionPair(read1refPos: Option[ReferencePosition], read2refPos: Option[ReferencePosition]) extends Product with Serializable

  23. class ReferencePositionPairSerializer extends Serializer[ReferencePositionPair]

  24. class ReferencePositionSerializer extends Serializer[ReferencePosition]

  25. case class ReferenceRegion(referenceName: String, start: Long, end: Long, orientation: Strand = ...) extends Comparable[ReferenceRegion] with Interval with Product with Serializable

    Represents a contiguous region of the reference genome.

  26. class ReferenceRegionSerializer extends Serializer[ReferenceRegion]

  27. class SAMFileHeaderWritable extends Serializable

  28. class SequenceDictionary extends Serializable

  29. case class SequenceRecord(name: String, length: Long, url: Option[String], md5: Option[String], refseq: Option[String], genbank: Option[String], assembly: Option[String], species: Option[String], referenceIndex: Option[Int]) extends Serializable with Product

    Utility class within the SequenceDictionary; represents unique reference name-to-id correspondence

  30. case class SingleReadBucket(primaryMapped: Iterable[AlignmentRecord] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing], secondaryMapped: Iterable[AlignmentRecord] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing], unmapped: Iterable[AlignmentRecord] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing]) extends Product with Serializable

  31. class SingleReadBucketSerializer extends Serializer[SingleReadBucket]

  32. class SnpTable extends Serializable with Logging

  33. case class Symbol(label: Char, complement: Char) extends Product with Serializable

    A symbol in an alphabet

  34. case class Transcript(id: String, names: Seq[String], geneId: String, strand: Boolean, exons: Iterable[Exon], cds: Iterable[CDS], utrs: Iterable[UTR]) extends Product with Serializable

    A transcript model (here represented as a value of the Transcript class) is a simple, hierarchical model containing a collection of exon models as well as an associated gene identifier, transcript identifier, and a set of common names (synonyms).

  35. case class UTR(transcriptId: String, strand: Boolean, region: ReferenceRegion) extends BlockExtractable with Product with Serializable

    UnTranslated Regions

  36. case class VCFHeaderWritable(header: VCFHeader) extends Product with Serializable

  37. class VariantContext extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Alphabet

  2. object Consensus extends Serializable

  3. object IndelTable extends Serializable

  4. object MultiContigNonoverlappingRegions extends Serializable

  5. object NonoverlappingRegions extends Serializable

  6. object OptionalPositionOrdering extends OptionalReferenceOrdering[ReferencePosition]

  7. object OptionalRegionOrdering extends OptionalReferenceOrdering[ReferenceRegion]

  8. object PositionOrdering extends ReferenceOrdering[ReferencePosition]

  9. object ProgramRecord extends Serializable

  10. object ReadBucket extends Serializable

  11. object RecordGroup extends Serializable

  12. object RecordGroupDictionary extends Serializable

  13. object ReferencePosition extends Serializable

  14. object ReferencePositionPair extends Logging with Serializable

  15. object ReferenceRegion extends Serializable

  16. object ReferenceUtils

  17. object RegionOrdering extends ReferenceOrdering[ReferenceRegion]

  18. object SAMFileHeaderWritable extends Serializable

  19. object SequenceDictionary extends Serializable

    SequenceDictionary contains the (bijective) map between Ints (the referenceId) and Strings (the referenceName) from the header of a BAM file, or the combined result of multiple such SequenceDictionaries.

  20. object SequenceOrderingByName extends Ordering[SequenceRecord]

  21. object SequenceOrderingByRefIdx extends Ordering[SequenceRecord]

  22. object SequenceRecord extends Serializable

  23. object SingleReadBucket extends Logging with Serializable

  24. object SnpTable extends Serializable

  25. object TagType extends Enumeration

  26. object VariantContext

    Note: VariantContext inherits its name from the Picard VariantContext, and is not related to the SparkContext object.
