

package feature

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class BEDInFormatter extends InFormatter[Feature, FeatureRDD, BEDInFormatter] with Product with Serializable

  2. case class BEDOutFormatter() extends OutFormatter[Feature] with Product with Serializable

    OutFormatter that reads streaming BED format.

  3. abstract class CoverageRDD extends GenomicDataset[Coverage, Coverage, CoverageRDD]

  4. case class DatasetBoundCoverageRDD extends CoverageRDD with Product with Serializable

    A Dataset containing Coverage data.

  5. case class DatasetBoundFeatureRDD extends FeatureRDD with Product with Serializable

  6. sealed abstract class FeatureRDD extends AvroGenomicRDD[Feature, Feature, FeatureRDD]

  7. case class GFF3InFormatter extends InFormatter[Feature, FeatureRDD, GFF3InFormatter] with Product with Serializable

  8. case class GFF3OutFormatter() extends OutFormatter[Feature] with Product with Serializable

    OutFormatter that reads streaming GFF3 format.

  9. case class GTFInFormatter extends InFormatter[Feature, FeatureRDD, GTFInFormatter] with Product with Serializable

  10. case class GTFOutFormatter() extends OutFormatter[Feature] with Product with Serializable

    OutFormatter that reads streaming GTF format.

  11. case class NarrowPeakInFormatter extends InFormatter[Feature, FeatureRDD, NarrowPeakInFormatter] with Product with Serializable

  12. case class NarrowPeakOutFormatter() extends OutFormatter[Feature] with Product with Serializable

    OutFormatter that reads streaming NarrowPeak format.

  13. case class ParquetUnboundCoverageRDD extends CoverageRDD with Product with Serializable

  14. case class ParquetUnboundFeatureRDD extends FeatureRDD with Product with Serializable

  15. case class RDDBoundCoverageRDD extends CoverageRDD with Product with Serializable

    An RDD containing Coverage data.

  16. case class RDDBoundFeatureRDD extends FeatureRDD with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object BEDInFormatter extends InFormatterCompanion[Feature, FeatureRDD, BEDInFormatter] with Serializable

    InFormatter companion that builds a BEDInFormatter to write features in BED format to a pipe.

  2. object FeatureRDD extends Serializable

  3. object GFF3InFormatter extends InFormatterCompanion[Feature, FeatureRDD, GFF3InFormatter] with Serializable

    InFormatter companion that builds a GFF3InFormatter to write features in GFF3 format to a pipe.

  4. object GTFInFormatter extends InFormatterCompanion[Feature, FeatureRDD, GTFInFormatter] with Serializable

    InFormatter companion that builds a GTFInFormatter to write features in GTF format to a pipe.

  5. object NarrowPeakInFormatter extends InFormatterCompanion[Feature, FeatureRDD, NarrowPeakInFormatter] with Serializable

    InFormatter companion that builds a NarrowPeakInFormatter to write features in NarrowPeak format to a pipe.
