
object Collections
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def convertToMap(coll: Seq[AnyRef], keyProperty: String): Map[_, _]



def convertToMap(coll: Seq[AnyRef], keyProperty: String, valueProperty: String): Map[_, _]



def findFirstMatch[T](source: Iterable[T], candidates: Iterable[T]): Option[T]
def getCardinalityMap[T](coll: Iterable[T]): Map[T, Int]
def intersection[T](first: Iterable[T], second: Iterable[T]): List[T]
def isEmpty(coll: Iterable[_]): Boolean

Null-safe check if the specified collection is empty.

Null-safe check if the specified collection is empty.

def isNotEmpty(coll: Iterable[_]): Boolean

Null-safe check if the specified collection is not empty.

Null-safe check if the specified collection is not empty.

def newBuffer[T]: Buffer[T]
def newBuffer[T](t: Iterable[T]): Buffer[T]
def newBuffer[T](t: T): Buffer[T]
def newMap[K, V]: Map[K, V]
def newSet[T]: Set[T]
def putAll[K, V, V2 <: V](target: HashMap[K, V], origin: Map[K, V2]): Unit
def select[T](datas: Seq[T], predicate: Predicate[T]): List[T]
def select[T](datas: Set[T], predicate: Predicate[T]): Set[T]
def split[T](list: List[T], count: Int): List[List[T]]



def subtract[T](first: Iterable[T], second: Iterable[T]): List[T]
def union[T](first: Iterable[T], second: Iterable[T]): List[T]