
class DelegatingFilterProxy(delegate: Filter) extends GenericHttpFilter

Proxy for a standard Servlet 5.0 Filter, delegating to a managed bean that implements the Filter interface. Supports a "targetBeanName" filter init-param in web.xml, specifying the name of the target bean in the application context.

trait Initializing
trait Filter
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def destroy(): Unit
Definition Classes
def doFilter(request: ServletRequest, response: ServletResponse, chain: FilterChain): Unit

Inherited methods

def config: FilterConfig
Inherited from:
protected def filterName: String

Make the name of this filter available to subclasses.

Make the name of this filter available to subclasses.

Inherited from:
override def init(): Unit

do initialization.

do initialization.

Definition Classes
GenericHttpFilter -> Initializing
Inherited from:
override def init(filterConfig: FilterConfig): Unit

Standard way of initializing this filter. Map config parameters onto bean properties of this filter, and invoke subclass initialization.

Standard way of initializing this filter. Map config parameters onto bean properties of this filter, and invoke subclass initialization.

Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def requiredProperties: Set[String]

Set of required properties (Strings) that must be supplied as config parameters to this filter.

Set of required properties (Strings) that must be supplied as config parameters to this filter.

Inherited from: