
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


A128GCMKW - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers
A128KW - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers
A192GCMKW - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers
A192KW - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers
A256GCMKW - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers
A256KW - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers
add(int, String) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
add(long, long) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.Maths
add(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
addAll(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
addAll(String, String) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
addAll(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
addAll(ItemList) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
addCurve(String, ECParameterSpec) - Static method in class org.jose4j.keys.EllipticCurves
addJsonWebKey(JsonWebKey) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKeySet
addSeconds(int) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.IntDate
addSeconds(long) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.IntDate
addSeconds(long) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.NumericDate
AES_128_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifiers
AES_128_GCM - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifiers
AES_192_CBC_HMAC_SHA_384 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifiers
AES_192_GCM - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifiers
AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifiers
AES_256_GCM - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifiers
Aes128() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.AesKeyWrapManagementAlgorithm.Aes128
Aes128CbcHmacSha256() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.AesCbcHmacSha2ContentEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes128CbcHmacSha256
Aes128Gcm() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmContentEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes128Gcm
Aes128Gcm() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmKeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes128Gcm
Aes192() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.AesKeyWrapManagementAlgorithm.Aes192
Aes192CbcHmacSha384() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.AesCbcHmacSha2ContentEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes192CbcHmacSha384
Aes192Gcm() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmContentEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes192Gcm
Aes192Gcm() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmKeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes192Gcm
Aes256() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.AesKeyWrapManagementAlgorithm.Aes256
Aes256CbcHmacSha512() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.AesCbcHmacSha2ContentEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes256CbcHmacSha512
Aes256Gcm() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmContentEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes256Gcm
Aes256Gcm() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmKeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes256Gcm
AesCbcHmacSha2ContentEncryptionAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
AesCbcHmacSha2ContentEncryptionAlgorithm(String, int, String, int) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.AesCbcHmacSha2ContentEncryptionAlgorithm
AesCbcHmacSha2ContentEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes128CbcHmacSha256 - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
AesCbcHmacSha2ContentEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes192CbcHmacSha384 - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
AesCbcHmacSha2ContentEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes256CbcHmacSha512 - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
AesGcmContentEncryptionAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
AesGcmContentEncryptionAlgorithm(String, int) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmContentEncryptionAlgorithm
AesGcmContentEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes128Gcm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
AesGcmContentEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes192Gcm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
AesGcmContentEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes256Gcm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
AesGcmKeyEncryptionAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
AesGcmKeyEncryptionAlgorithm(String, int) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmKeyEncryptionAlgorithm
AesGcmKeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes128Gcm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
AesGcmKeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes192Gcm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
AesGcmKeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Aes256Gcm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
AesKey - Class in org.jose4j.keys
AesKey(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.AesKey
AesKeyWrapManagementAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
AesKeyWrapManagementAlgorithm(String, int) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.AesKeyWrapManagementAlgorithm
AesKeyWrapManagementAlgorithm.Aes128 - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
AesKeyWrapManagementAlgorithm.Aes192 - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
AesKeyWrapManagementAlgorithm.Aes256 - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
after(IntDate) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.IntDate
AGREEMENT_PARTY_U_INFO - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
AGREEMENT_PARTY_V_INFO - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
Algorithm - Interface in org.jose4j.jwa
ALGORITHM - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
ALGORITHM - Static variable in class org.jose4j.keys.AesKey
ALGORITHM - Static variable in class org.jose4j.keys.HmacKey
ALGORITHM - Static variable in class org.jose4j.keys.PbkdfKey
ALGORITHM_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
AlgorithmAvailability - Class in org.jose4j.jwa
AlgorithmAvailability() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmAvailability
AlgorithmConstraints - Class in org.jose4j.jwa
AlgorithmConstraints(AlgorithmConstraints.ConstraintType, String...) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmConstraints
AlgorithmConstraints.ConstraintType - Enum Class in org.jose4j.jwa
AlgorithmFactory<A extends Algorithm> - Class in org.jose4j.jwa
AlgorithmFactory(String, Class<A>) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmFactory
AlgorithmFactoryFactory - Class in org.jose4j.jwa
AlgorithmIdentifiers - Class in org.jose4j.jws
AlgorithmIdentifiers() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.AlgorithmIdentifiers
AlgorithmInfo - Class in org.jose4j.jwa
AlgorithmInfo() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmInfo
ALLOW_ONLY_NONE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmConstraints
ASYMMETRIC - Enum constant in enum class org.jose4j.keys.KeyPersuasion
attemptDecryptDisambiguate(JsonWebEncryption, List<JsonWebKey>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.DecryptionJwkSelector
AUDIENCE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.ReservedClaimNames
AUDIENCE_INVALID - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The Audience "aud" claim was invalid based on the audience that the JwtConsumer was set up to expect.
AUDIENCE_MISSING - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The JWT had no Audience "aud" claim but the JwtConsumer was set up to require it.
AudValidator - Class in org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
Validate the "aud" (Audience) Claim per
AudValidator(Set<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.AudValidator
AUTHENTICATION_TAG - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames


Base64 - Class in org.jose4j.base64url
Base64 - Class in org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary
Provides Base64 encoding and decoding as defined by RFC 2045.
Base64() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.base64url.Base64
Base64() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Creates a Base64 codec used for decoding (all modes) and encoding in URL-unsafe mode.
Base64(boolean) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Creates a Base64 codec used for decoding (all modes) and encoding in the given URL-safe mode.
Base64(int) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Creates a Base64 codec used for decoding (all modes) and encoding in URL-unsafe mode.
Base64(int, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Creates a Base64 codec used for decoding (all modes) and encoding in URL-unsafe mode.
Base64(int, byte[], boolean) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Creates a Base64 codec used for decoding (all modes) and encoding in URL-unsafe mode.
base64url - Variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.Headers
base64url - Variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
Base64Url - Class in org.jose4j.base64url
Base64Url() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.base64url.Base64Url
BASE64URL_ENCODE_PAYLOAD - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
As defined in RFC 7797, the "b64" (base64url-encode payload) Header Parameter determines whether the payload is represented in the JWS and the JWS Signing Input as ASCII(BASE64URL(JWS Payload)) or as the JWS Payload value itself with no encoding performed.
base64UrlDecode(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.Base64Url
base64UrlDecodeToString(String, String) - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.Base64Url
base64UrlDecodeToUtf8String(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.Base64Url
base64UrlEncode(byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.Base64Url
base64UrlEncode(String, String) - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.Base64Url
base64UrlEncodeUtf8ByteRepresentation(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.Base64Url
BaseNCodec - Class in org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary
Abstract superclass for Base-N encoders and decoders.
BaseNCodec(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
Note lineLength is rounded down to the nearest multiple of BaseNCodec.encodedBlockSize If chunkSeparatorLength is zero, then chunking is disabled.
BaseSignatureAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jws
BaseSignatureAlgorithm(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.BaseSignatureAlgorithm
before(IntDate) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.IntDate
BigEndianBigInteger - Class in org.jose4j.keys
BigEndianBigInteger() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.BigEndianBigInteger
bitLength(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
bitLength(int) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
BLACKLIST - Enum constant in enum class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmConstraints.ConstraintType
in favor of more inclusive terminology. Use AlgorithmConstraints.ConstraintType.BLOCK instead.
BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmConstraints.ConstraintType
Block the indicated algorithms while allowing all others that are defined and supported.
BouncyCastleProviderHelp - Class in org.jose4j.lang
BouncyCastleProviderHelp() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.lang.BouncyCastleProviderHelp
build() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Create the JwtConsumer with the options provided to the builder.
ByteGenerator - Interface in org.jose4j.lang
byteLength(int) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
ByteUtil - Class in org.jose4j.lang
ByteUtil() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil


calculateBase64urlEncodedThumbprint(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
calculateThumbprint(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
calculateThumbprintUri(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
castKey(Key, Class<K>) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwx.KeyValidationSupport
cekNotAllowed(byte[], String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwx.KeyValidationSupport
checkConstraint(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmConstraints
checkCrit() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
checkNotEmptyPart(String, String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
checkRsaKeySize(Key) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwx.KeyValidationSupport
CipherOutput() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.SimpleAeadCipher.CipherOutput
CipherStrengthSupport - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
CipherStrengthSupport() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.CipherStrengthSupport
CipherUtil - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
CipherUtil() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.CipherUtil
clear() - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
COMPACT_SERIALIZATION_PARTS - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
COMPACT_SERIALIZATION_PARTS - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
CompactSerialization - Class in org.jose4j.jwx
please use CompactSerializer This class was added back in as of 0.3.7 to help support code compiled against pre v0.3.0 that was using it directly.
CompactSerialization() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwx.CompactSerialization
CompactSerializer - Class in org.jose4j.jwx
CompactSerializer() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwx.CompactSerializer
compress(byte[]) - Method in interface
compress(byte[]) - Method in class
CompressionAlgorithm - Interface in
CompressionAlgorithmIdentifiers - Class in
CompressionAlgorithmIdentifiers() - Constructor for class
concat(byte[]...) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
ConcatenationKeyDerivationFunctionWithSha256 - Interface in org.jose4j.jwe.kdf
ConcatKeyDerivationFunction - Class in org.jose4j.jwe.kdf
An implementation of Concatenation Key Derivation Function (aka Concat KDF or ConcatKDF) from Section 5.8.1 of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), "Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography", NIST Special Publication 800-56A, Revision 2, May 2013.
ConcatKeyDerivationFunction(String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.kdf.ConcatKeyDerivationFunction
ConcatKeyDerivationFunction(String, String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.kdf.ConcatKeyDerivationFunction
ContainerFactory - Interface in org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser
Container factory for creating containers for JSON object and JSON array.
containsAlphabetOrPad(byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
Tests a given byte array to see if it contains any characters within the alphabet or PAD.
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
ContentEncryptionAlgorithm - Interface in org.jose4j.jwe
ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifiers - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifiers() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifiers
ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor(int, String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor
ContentEncryptionKeys - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
ContentEncryptionKeys(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionKeys
ContentEncryptionParts - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
ContentEncryptionParts(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionParts
ContentHandler - Interface in org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser
A simplified and stoppable SAX-like content handler for stream processing of JSON text.
Context() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
convertConcatenatedToDer(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jws.EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm
convertDerToConcatenated(byte[], int) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jws.EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm
convertSignedTwosCompToUnsigned(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
convertUnsignedToSignedTwosComp(int[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
creatArrayContainer() - Method in interface org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ContainerFactory
createObjectContainer() - Method in interface org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ContainerFactory
CRITICAL - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
CryptoPrimitive - Class in org.jose4j.jwa
A wrapper class for a crypto primitive object, such as Signature and Mac, which helps them transcend abstraction layers to be accessed in places they arguably should't be.
CryptoPrimitive(Key) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwa.CryptoPrimitive
CryptoPrimitive(Signature) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwa.CryptoPrimitive
CryptoPrimitive(Cipher) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwa.CryptoPrimitive
CryptoPrimitive(KeyAgreement) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwa.CryptoPrimitive
CryptoPrimitive(Mac) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwa.CryptoPrimitive
CURVE_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.EllipticCurveJsonWebKey
customize(JsonWebEncryption, List<JsonWebStructure>) - Method in interface org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JweCustomizer
Customize the JsonWebEncryption
customize(JsonWebSignature, List<JsonWebStructure>) - Method in interface org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwsCustomizer
Customize the JsonWebSignature


decode(byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
Decodes a byte[] containing characters in the Base-N alphabet.
decode(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.Base64
decode(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.Base64Url
decode(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
Decodes a String containing characters in the Base-N alphabet.
decode(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.SimplePEMEncoder
decodeBase64(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Decodes Base64 data into octets
decodeBase64(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Decodes a Base64 String into octets
decodeInteger(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Decodes a byte64-encoded integer according to crypto standards such as W3C's XML-Signature
decodeToString(String, String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.Base64Url
decodeToUtf8String(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.Base64Url
decompress(byte[]) - Method in interface
decompress(byte[]) - Method in class
decrypt(byte[], byte[], byte[], Cipher) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.SimpleAeadCipher
decrypt(Key, byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.SimpleAeadCipher
decrypt(ContentEncryptionParts, byte[], byte[], Headers, ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesCbcHmacSha2ContentEncryptionAlgorithm
decrypt(ContentEncryptionParts, byte[], byte[], Headers, ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmContentEncryptionAlgorithm
decrypt(ContentEncryptionParts, byte[], byte[], Headers, ProviderContext) - Method in interface org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionAlgorithm
DECRYPT - Enum constant in enum class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.KeyDecipherMode
DECRYPT - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.KeyOperations
decrypt content and validate decryption, if applicable
DecryptionJwkSelector - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
DecryptionJwkSelector() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.DecryptionJwkSelector
DecryptionKeyResolver - Interface in org.jose4j.keys.resolvers
A callback interface for resolving the key (by looking at headers like "kid", for example) to use to decrypt the JWE.
DefaultByteGenerator - Class in org.jose4j.lang
this wasn't a good abstraction...
DefaultByteGenerator() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.lang.DefaultByteGenerator
DEFLATE - Static variable in class
DeflateRFC1951CompressionAlgorithm - Class in
DeflateRFC1951CompressionAlgorithm() - Constructor for class
derive(byte[], byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.kdf.PasswordBasedKeyDerivationFunction2
derive(byte[], byte[], int, int, String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.kdf.PasswordBasedKeyDerivationFunction2
DERIVE_BITS - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.KeyOperations
derive bits not to be used as a key
DERIVE_KEY - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.KeyOperations
derive key
deriveForEncrypt(Key, Headers, ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
deserialize(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwx.CompactSerialization
please use CompactSerializer
deserialize(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwx.CompactSerializer
DIRECT - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers
DirectKeyManagementAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
DirectKeyManagementAlgorithm() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.DirectKeyManagementAlgorithm
DISALLOW_NONE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmConstraints
doKeyValidation - Variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure


EC - Static variable in class org.jose4j.keys.EcKeyUtil
ECDH_ES - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers
ECDH_ES_A128KW - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers
ECDH_ES_A192KW - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers
ECDH_ES_A256KW - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers
EcdhKeyAgreementAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
EcdhKeyAgreementAlgorithm() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.EcdhKeyAgreementAlgorithm
EcdhKeyAgreementAlgorithm(String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.EcdhKeyAgreementAlgorithm
EcdhKeyAgreementWithAes128KeyWrapAlgorithm() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.EcdhKeyAgreementWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm.EcdhKeyAgreementWithAes128KeyWrapAlgorithm
EcdhKeyAgreementWithAes192KeyWrapAlgorithm() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.EcdhKeyAgreementWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm.EcdhKeyAgreementWithAes192KeyWrapAlgorithm
EcdhKeyAgreementWithAes256KeyWrapAlgorithm() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.EcdhKeyAgreementWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm.EcdhKeyAgreementWithAes256KeyWrapAlgorithm
EcdhKeyAgreementWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
EcdhKeyAgreementWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm(String, AesKeyWrapManagementAlgorithm) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.EcdhKeyAgreementWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
EcdhKeyAgreementWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm.EcdhKeyAgreementWithAes128KeyWrapAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
EcdhKeyAgreementWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm.EcdhKeyAgreementWithAes192KeyWrapAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
EcdhKeyAgreementWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm.EcdhKeyAgreementWithAes256KeyWrapAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
ECDSA_USING_P256_CURVE_AND_SHA256 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jws.AlgorithmIdentifiers
ECDSA_USING_P384_CURVE_AND_SHA384 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jws.AlgorithmIdentifiers
ECDSA_USING_P521_CURVE_AND_SHA512 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jws.AlgorithmIdentifiers
ECDSA_USING_SECP256K1_CURVE_AND_SHA256 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jws.AlgorithmIdentifiers
EcdsaP256UsingSha256() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm.EcdsaP256UsingSha256
EcdsaP384UsingSha384() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm.EcdsaP384UsingSha384
EcdsaP521UsingSha512() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm.EcdsaP521UsingSha512
EcdsaSECP256K1UsingSha256() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm.EcdsaSECP256K1UsingSha256
EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jws
EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm
EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm.EcdsaP256UsingSha256 - Class in org.jose4j.jws
EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm.EcdsaP384UsingSha384 - Class in org.jose4j.jws
EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm.EcdsaP521UsingSha512 - Class in org.jose4j.jws
EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm.EcdsaSECP256K1UsingSha256 - Class in org.jose4j.jws
EcJwkGenerator - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
EcJwkGenerator() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.EcJwkGenerator
EcKeyUtil - Class in org.jose4j.keys
EcKeyUtil() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.EcKeyUtil
EcKeyUtil(String, SecureRandom) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.EcKeyUtil
ED25519 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.keys.EdDsaKeyUtil
ED448 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.keys.EdDsaKeyUtil
EDDSA - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jws.AlgorithmIdentifiers
EdDsaAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jws
EdDsaAlgorithm() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.EdDsaAlgorithm
EdDsaKeyUtil - Class in org.jose4j.keys
EdDsaKeyUtil() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.EdDsaKeyUtil
EdDsaKeyUtil(String, SecureRandom) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.EdDsaKeyUtil
EllipticCurveJsonWebKey - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
EllipticCurveJsonWebKey(ECPublicKey) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.EllipticCurveJsonWebKey
EllipticCurveJsonWebKey(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.EllipticCurveJsonWebKey
EllipticCurveJsonWebKey(Map<String, Object>, String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.EllipticCurveJsonWebKey
EllipticCurves - Class in org.jose4j.keys
Values for these (the NIST P-*) curve parameters taken from FIPS PUB 186-3 and The secp256k1 curve parameters came from inspecting the params on a key pair generated with ECGenParameterSpec("secp256k1")
EllipticCurves() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.EllipticCurves
EmbeddedJwkVerificationKeyResolver - Class in org.jose4j.keys.resolvers
A VerificationKeyResolver implementation that uses the key in the "jwk" JWS header per
This Resolver should be used only with great care and only for specific circumstances.
EmbeddedJwkVerificationKeyResolver() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.EmbeddedJwkVerificationKeyResolver
EMPTY_BYTES - Static variable in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
enableBouncyCastleProvider() - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.BouncyCastleProviderHelp
enableDefaultCompression() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
encode(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.Base64
encode(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.Base64Url
encode(byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
Encodes a byte[] containing binary data, into a byte[] containing characters in the alphabet.
encode(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.SimplePEMEncoder
encode(String, String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.Base64Url
encodeAsString(byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
Encodes a byte[] containing binary data, into a String containing characters in the appropriate alphabet.
encodeBase64(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Encodes binary data using the base64 algorithm but does not chunk the output.
encodeBase64(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Encodes binary data using the base64 algorithm, optionally chunking the output into 76 character blocks.
encodeBase64(byte[], boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Encodes binary data using the base64 algorithm, optionally chunking the output into 76 character blocks.
encodeBase64(byte[], boolean, boolean, int) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Encodes binary data using the base64 algorithm, optionally chunking the output into 76 character blocks.
encodeBase64Chunked(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Encodes binary data using the base64 algorithm and chunks the encoded output into 76 character blocks
encodeBase64String(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Encodes binary data using the base64 algorithm but does not chunk the output.
encodeBase64URLSafe(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Encodes binary data using a URL-safe variation of the base64 algorithm but does not chunk the output.
encodeBase64URLSafeString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Encodes binary data using a URL-safe variation of the base64 algorithm but does not chunk the output.
encodeInteger(BigInteger) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Encodes to a byte64-encoded integer according to crypto standards such as W3C's XML-Signature
encodeToString(byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
Encodes a byte[] containing binary data, into a String containing characters in the Base-N alphabet.
encodeUtf8ByteRepresentation(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.Base64Url
encrypt(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmContentEncryptionAlgorithm
encrypt(byte[], byte[], byte[], Headers, byte[], ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesCbcHmacSha2ContentEncryptionAlgorithm
encrypt(byte[], byte[], byte[], Headers, byte[], ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmContentEncryptionAlgorithm
encrypt(byte[], byte[], byte[], Headers, byte[], ProviderContext) - Method in interface org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionAlgorithm
encrypt(Key, byte[], byte[], byte[], String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.SimpleAeadCipher
ENCRYPT - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.KeyOperations
encrypt content
ENCRYPTION - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.Use
ENCRYPTION_METHOD - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
ENCRYPTION_MISSING - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
No JWE encryption was present but the JwtConsumer was set up to require it.
endArray() - Method in interface org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ContentHandler
Receive notification of the end of a JSON array.
endJSON() - Method in interface org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ContentHandler
Receive notification of the end of JSON processing.
endObject() - Method in interface org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ContentHandler
Receive notification of the end of a JSON object.
endObjectEntry() - Method in interface org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ContentHandler
Receive notification of the end of the value of previous object entry.
ensureBufferSize(int, BaseNCodec.Context) - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
Ensure that the buffer has room for size bytes
EPHEMERAL_PUBLIC_KEY - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.IntDate
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.NumericDate
Error(int, String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodeValidator.Error
Creates a new JWT validation error with the given code and message.
ERROR_UNEXPECTED_CHAR - Static variable in exception org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ParseException
ERROR_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ParseException
ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN - Static variable in exception org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ParseException
ErrorCodes - Class in org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
Error codes, as int values, used by this library for programmatic access to (some) specific reasons for JWT invalidity by using InvalidJwtException.hasErrorCode(int).
ErrorCodes() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
ErrorCodeValidator - Interface in org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
ErrorCodeValidator.Error - Class in org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
JWT validation error with stable error code and friendly error message
ErrorCodeValidatorAdapter - Class in org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
ErrorCodeValidatorAdapter(Validator) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodeValidatorAdapter
escape(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONObject
Escape quotes, \, /, \r, \n, \b, \f, \t and other control characters (U+0000 through U+001F).
escape(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONValue
Escape quotes, \, /, \r, \n, \b, \f, \t and other control characters (U+0000 through U+001F).
ExceptionHelp - Class in org.jose4j.lang
ExceptionHelp() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.lang.ExceptionHelp
EXPIRATION_MISSING - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The JWT had no Expiration Time "exp" claim but the JwtConsumer was set up to require it.
EXPIRATION_TIME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.ReservedClaimNames
EXPIRATION_TOO_FAR_IN_FUTURE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The JWT had an Expiration Time "exp" claim with a value that was too far in the future based on the set up of the JwtConsumer.
EXPIRED - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The JWT expired (i.e.
EXPONENT_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey


FACTOR_CRT_COEFFICIENT - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
FACTOR_CRT_EXPONENT_OTHER_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
Factory() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey.Factory
Factory() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey.Factory
fillPrivateTypeSpecificParams(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.EllipticCurveJsonWebKey
fillPrivateTypeSpecificParams(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey
fillPrivateTypeSpecificParams(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
fillPrivateTypeSpecificParams(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
fillPublicTypeSpecificParams(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.EllipticCurveJsonWebKey
fillPublicTypeSpecificParams(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey
fillPublicTypeSpecificParams(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
fillPublicTypeSpecificParams(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
fillTypeSpecificParams(Map<String, Object>, JsonWebKey.OutputControlLevel) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
fillTypeSpecificParams(Map<String, Object>, JsonWebKey.OutputControlLevel) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetSequenceJsonWebKey
fillTypeSpecificParams(Map<String, Object>, JsonWebKey.OutputControlLevel) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
filter(Collection<JsonWebKey>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.SimpleJwkFilter
findJsonWebKey(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKeySet
findJsonWebKeys(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKeySet
FIRST_CRT_COEFFICIENT_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
FIRST_FACTOR_CRT_EXPONENT_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
FIRST_PRIME_FACTOR_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
flattenClaims() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
flattenClaims(Set<String>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
fromBase64Der(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.X509Util
fromBase64Url(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.keys.BigEndianBigInteger
fromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.keys.BigEndianBigInteger
fromCompactSerialization(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
fromMillis(long) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwt.IntDate
fromMilliseconds(long) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwt.NumericDate
fromPemEncoded(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.EdDsaKeyUtil
fromSeconds(long) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwt.IntDate
fromSeconds(long) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwt.NumericDate


GCM_TRANSFORMATION_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.SimpleAeadCipher
GeneralJwtException - Exception in org.jose4j.jwt
GeneralJwtException(String) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.jwt.GeneralJwtException
GeneralJwtException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.jwt.GeneralJwtException
generateJwk(int) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctJwkGenerator
generateJwk(int) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJwkGenerator
generateJwk(int, String, SecureRandom) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJwkGenerator
generateJwk(int, SecureRandom) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctJwkGenerator
generateJwk(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.OkpJwkGenerator
generateJwk(String, String, SecureRandom) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.OkpJwkGenerator
generateJwk(ECParameterSpec) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.EcJwkGenerator
generateJwk(ECParameterSpec, String, SecureRandom) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.EcJwkGenerator
generateKeyPair(int) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.RsaKeyUtil
generateKeyPair(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.OctetKeyPairUtil
generateKeyPair(ECParameterSpec) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.EcKeyUtil
get(int) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
get(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.http.Get
get(String) - Method in interface org.jose4j.http.SimpleGet
Make an HTTP GET request
Get - Class in org.jose4j.http
An implantation of SimpleGet (used by HttpsJwks) that uses URL and HttpsURLConnection to make basic HTTP GET requests.
Get() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.http.Get
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
getAlgorithm() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getAlgorithm(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmFactory
getAlgorithmConstraints() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getAlgorithmHeaderValue() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getAlgorithmIdentifier() - Method in interface org.jose4j.jwa.Algorithm
getAlgorithmIdentifier() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmInfo
getAlgorithmIdentifier() - Method in class
getAlgorithmName() - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.SignatureAlgorithmOverride
Gets the name of the signature algorithm to use in place of the normal default one.
getAlgorithmNoConstraintCheck() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
getAlgorithmNoConstraintCheck() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
getAlgorithmNoConstraintCheck() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getAlgorithmParameterSpec() - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.SignatureAlgorithmOverride
Gets the AlgorithmParameterSpec to use in place of the normal default one.
getArray() - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
getAudience() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
Gets the value of the "aud" (Audience) Claim.
getAuthenticationTag() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionParts
getBody() - Method in class org.jose4j.http.Response
getBody() - Method in interface org.jose4j.http.SimpleResponse
getByte(int) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
getBytes(int) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
getBytes(long) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
getBytes(String, Charset) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.StringUtil
getBytesAscii(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.StringUtil
getBytesUnchecked(String, String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.StringUtil
getBytesUtf8(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.StringUtil
getCertificateChain() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
getCertificateChainHeaderValue() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getCipher() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.CryptoPrimitive
Get the Cipher object.
getCipherProvider() - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Gets the JCA provider to be used for relevant Cipher operations.
getCiphertext() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionParts
getCiphertext() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.SimpleAeadCipher.CipherOutput
getClaimNames() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
getClaimNames(Set<String>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
getClaimsMap() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
getClaimsMap(Set<String>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
getClaimValue(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
getClaimValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
getClaimValueAsString(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
Gets the value of the claim, if present, as a string by calling toString on the value returned by JwtClaims.getClaimValue(String).
getCompactSerialization() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
getCompactSerialization() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
Sign and produce the JWS Compact Serialization.
getCompactSerialization() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getCompressionAlgorithmFactory() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmFactoryFactory
getCompressionAlgorithmHeaderParameter() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
getContentEncryptionAlgorithm() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
getContentEncryptionKey() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionKeys
getContentEncryptionKey() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
getContentEncryptionKeyAlgorithm() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor
getContentEncryptionKeyByteLength() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor
Gets the key size in bytes.
getContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesCbcHmacSha2ContentEncryptionAlgorithm
getContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmContentEncryptionAlgorithm
getContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor() - Method in interface org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionAlgorithm
getContentTypeHeaderValue() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getCurveName() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.EllipticCurveJsonWebKey
getCurveName() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm
getDefaultBufferSize() - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
Get the default buffer size.
getDefaultIterationCount() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
getDefaultSaltByteLength() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
getDetachedContentCompactSerialization() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
Produces the compact serialization with an empty/detached payload as described in Appendix F, Detached Content, of the JWS spec though providing library support rather than making the application do it all as described therein.
getEcPrivateKey() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.EllipticCurveJsonWebKey
getECPublicKey() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.EllipticCurveJsonWebKey
getEncodedHeader() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.Headers
getEncodedHeader() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getEncodedLength(byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
Calculates the amount of space needed to encode the supplied array.
getEncodedPayload() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
Gets the base64url encoded JWS Payload.
getEncodedSignature() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
getEncryptedKey() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionKeys
getEncryptedKey() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
getEncryptionMethodHeaderParameter() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
getErrorCode() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodeValidator.Error
The error code.
getErrorDetails() - Method in exception org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.InvalidJwtException
Returns a list of reasons the JWT was considered invalid.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodeValidator.Error
The error message
getErrorType() - Method in exception org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ParseException
getExpirationTime() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
getFullHeaderAsJsonString() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.Headers
getGeneralProvider() - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Gets the general JCA provider to be used for all relevant operations when a more specific one isn't set.
getGeneralProviderContext() - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext
The Java Cryptography Architecture provider context to be used for operations that do not directly involve the key supplied by the caller.
getHeader() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getHeader(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getHeaderNames() - Method in class org.jose4j.http.Response
getHeaderNames() - Method in interface org.jose4j.http.SimpleResponse
getHeaders() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getHeaderValues(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.http.Response
getHeaderValues(String) - Method in interface org.jose4j.http.SimpleResponse
getHmacJavaAlgorithm() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesCbcHmacSha2ContentEncryptionAlgorithm
getInitialisedCipher(Key, byte[], int, String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.SimpleAeadCipher
getInitializedMac(String, Key) - Static method in class org.jose4j.mac.MacUtil
getInitializedMac(String, Key, String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.mac.MacUtil
getInstance() - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmFactoryFactory
getInt(byte) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
getIntDate(Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.JsonHelp
getIntegrity() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getIssuedAt() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
getIssuer() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
getItems() - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
getIv() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.ContentEncryptionParts
getIv() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
getJavaAlgorithm() - Method in interface org.jose4j.jwa.Algorithm
getJavaAlgorithm() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmInfo
getJavaAlgorithm() - Method in class
getJoseObjects() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtContext
All of the JOSE objects that comprise the JWT.
getJsonWebKeys() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.HttpsJwks
Gets the JSON Web Keys from the JWKS endpoint location or from local cache, if appropriate.
getJsonWebKeys() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKeySet
getJweContentEncryptionAlgorithmFactory() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmFactoryFactory
getJweKeyManagementAlgorithmFactory() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmFactoryFactory
getJwk() - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.EmbeddedJwkVerificationKeyResolver
Gets the JWK that was found in the JWS header by this resolver.
getJwkHeader() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
Gets the "jwk" (JSON Web Key) Header Parameter per and/or
getJwkHeaderValue(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.Headers
getJwsAlgorithmFactory() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmFactoryFactory
getJwt() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtContext
Gets the original 'raw' JWT string.
getJwtClaims() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtContext
Gets the claims from the processed JWT (when available) .
getJwtContext() - Method in exception org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.InvalidJwtException
Returns a JwtContext object including the JwtClaims representing the JWT processed up to the point of this InvalidJwtException being thrown.
getJwtId() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
getKey() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.CryptoPrimitive
Get the Key object.
getKey() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
getKey() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getKeyAgreement() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.CryptoPrimitive
Get the KeyAgreement object.
getKeyAgreementProvider() - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Gets the JCA provider to be used for relevant KeyAgreement operations.
getKeyDecipherModeOverride() - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Gets the cipher mode to use when deciphering/decrypting/unwrapping an encrypted content encryption key.
getKeyFactory() - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.EdDsaKeyUtil
getKeyFactoryProvider() - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Gets the JCA provider to be used for relevant KeyFactory operations.
getKeyId() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
getKeyIdHeaderValue() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getKeyManagementModeAlgorithm() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
getKeyOps() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
getKeyPairGenerator() - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.EdDsaKeyUtil
getKeyPairGeneratorProvider() - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Gets the JCA provider to be used for relevant KeyPairGenerator operations.
getKeyPersuasion() - Method in interface org.jose4j.jwa.Algorithm
getKeyPersuasion() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmInfo
getKeyPersuasion() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
getKeyPersuasion() - Method in class
getKeyType() - Method in interface org.jose4j.jwa.Algorithm
getKeyType() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmInfo
getKeyType() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.EllipticCurveJsonWebKey
getKeyType() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
getKeyType() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey
getKeyType() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetSequenceJsonWebKey
getKeyType() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
getKeyType() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
getKeyType() - Method in class
getLeafCertificate() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
getLeafCertificateHeaderValue() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getLocation() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.HttpsJwks
Gets the location of the JWKS endpoint/URL.
getLong(Map<String, ?>, String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.JsonHelp
getLongHeaderValue(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.Headers
getMac() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.CryptoPrimitive
Get the Mac object.
getMac(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.mac.MacUtil
getMac(String, String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.mac.MacUtil
getMacProvider() - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Gets the JCA provider to be used for relevant Mac operations.
getMessage() - Method in exception org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ParseException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.InvalidJwtException
getMessageDigest(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.HashUtil
getMessageDigest(String, String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.HashUtil
getMessageDigestProvider() - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Gets the JCA provider to be used for relevant MessageDigest operations.
getName(EllipticCurve) - Static method in class org.jose4j.keys.EllipticCurves
getNotBefore() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
getNumericDateClaimValue(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
getObjectHeader(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getObjectHeaderValue(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.Headers
getOctetKeyPairUtil(String, String, SecureRandom) - Static method in class org.jose4j.keys.OctetKeyPairUtil
getOctetSequence() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetSequenceJsonWebKey
getOriginalMessage() - Method in exception org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.InvalidJwtException
Returns the original message of this exception without the details.
getOtherParameterValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
getPayload() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
getPayload() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
Gets the JWS payload as a string.
getPayload() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getPayloadBytes() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
Get the JWS payload.
getPayloadCharEncoding() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
Gets the character encoding used for the string representation of the JWS payload.
getPlaintextBytes() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
getPlaintextString() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
getPosition() - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
getPosition() - Method in exception org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ParseException
getPrivateKey() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
getProviderCtx() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getPublicJwkHeaderValue(String, String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.Headers
getPublicKey() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
getPublicKey() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
getRawJson() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
getRsaPrivateKey() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
getRsaPrivateKey(RSAPrivateKeySpec) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.RsaKeyUtil
getRsaPublicKey() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
getRSAPublicKey() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
deprecated in favor of the more consistently named RsaJsonWebKey.getRsaPublicKey()
getSecureRandom() - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext
Gets the secure random generator.
getSignature() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.CryptoPrimitive
Get the Signature object.
getSignature() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
getSignatureAlgorithmOverride() - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Gets the algorithm info (name and parameter spec) to be used as overrides for relevant Signature operations.
getSignatureProvider() - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Gets the JCA provider to be used for relevant Signature operations.
getSpec(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.keys.EllipticCurves
getStatusCode() - Method in class org.jose4j.http.Response
getStatusCode() - Method in interface org.jose4j.http.SimpleResponse
getStatusMessage() - Method in class org.jose4j.http.Response
getStatusMessage() - Method in interface org.jose4j.http.SimpleResponse
getString(Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
getString(Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.JsonHelp
getString(Map<String, Object>, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
getStringArray(Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.JsonHelp
getStringChecked(Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.JsonHelp
getStringClaimValue(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
getStringHeaderValue(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.Headers
getStringListClaimValue(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
Gets the value of the claim as a List of Strings, which assumes that it is a JSON array of strings.
getStringRequired(Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
getSubject() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
getSubtype() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey
getSuppliedKeyProviderContext() - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext
The Java Cryptography Architecture provider context to be used for operations that directly involve the key supplied by the caller.
getSupportedAlgorithms() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmFactory
getTag() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.SimpleAeadCipher.CipherOutput
getTagTruncationLength() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesCbcHmacSha2ContentEncryptionAlgorithm
getUnexpectedObject() - Method in exception org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ParseException
getUnverifiedPayload() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
Gets the JWS payload as a string.
getUnverifiedPayloadBytes() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
Get the JWS payload.
getUse() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
getValue() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.IntDate
getValue() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.NumericDate
Returns a numeric value representing the number of seconds from 1970-01-01T0:0:0Z UTC until the given UTC date/time
getValueInMillis() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.IntDate
getValueInMillis() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.NumericDate
getX509CertificateSha1Thumbprint() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
getX509CertificateSha1Thumbprint(boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
getX509CertificateSha256Thumbprint() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
getX509CertificateSha256Thumbprint(boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
getX509CertSha1ThumbprintHeaderValue() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getX509CertSha256ThumbprintHeaderValue() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
getX509Url() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
getX509Util(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.keys.X509Util


hasAudience() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
Is there an "aud" (Audience) Claim in this claim set?
hasClaim(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
hasErrorCode(int) - Method in exception org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.InvalidJwtException
Provides programmatic access to (some) specific reasons for JWT invalidity by indicating if the given error code was one of the reasons for the JWT being considered invalid.
hasExpired() - Method in exception org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.InvalidJwtException
Indicates if the JWT was invalid because it had expired (i.e.
hashCode() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.IntDate
hashCode() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.NumericDate
HashUtil - Class in org.jose4j.lang
HashUtil() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.lang.HashUtil
HeaderParameterNames - Class in org.jose4j.jwx
HeaderParameterNames() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
headers - Variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
Headers - Class in org.jose4j.jwx
Headers() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwx.Headers
HMAC_SHA256 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jws.AlgorithmIdentifiers
HMAC_SHA256 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.mac.MacUtil
HMAC_SHA384 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jws.AlgorithmIdentifiers
HMAC_SHA384 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.mac.MacUtil
HMAC_SHA512 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jws.AlgorithmIdentifiers
HMAC_SHA512 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.mac.MacUtil
HmacKey - Class in org.jose4j.keys
HmacKey(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.HmacKey
HmacSha256() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.HmacUsingShaAlgorithm.HmacSha256
HmacSha256Aes128() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm.HmacSha256Aes128
HmacSha384() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.HmacUsingShaAlgorithm.HmacSha384
HmacSha384Aes192() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm.HmacSha384Aes192
HmacSha512() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.HmacUsingShaAlgorithm.HmacSha512
HmacSha512Aes256() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm.HmacSha512Aes256
HmacUsingShaAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jws
HmacUsingShaAlgorithm(String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.HmacUsingShaAlgorithm
HmacUsingShaAlgorithm.HmacSha256 - Class in org.jose4j.jws
HmacUsingShaAlgorithm.HmacSha384 - Class in org.jose4j.jws
HmacUsingShaAlgorithm.HmacSha512 - Class in org.jose4j.jws
HttpsJwks - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
Represents a set of JSON Web Keys (typically public keys) published at an HTTPS URI.
HttpsJwks(String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.HttpsJwks
Create a new HttpsJwks that cab be used to retrieve JWKs from the given location.
HttpsJwksVerificationKeyResolver - Class in org.jose4j.keys.resolvers
HttpsJwksVerificationKeyResolver(HttpsJwks) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.HttpsJwksVerificationKeyResolver


INCLUDE_PRIVATE - Enum constant in enum class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey.OutputControlLevel
INCLUDE_SYMMETRIC - Enum constant in enum class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey.OutputControlLevel
INITIAL_REGISTERED_CLAIM_NAMES - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.ReservedClaimNames
INITIALIZATION_VECTOR - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
InitializationVectorHelp - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
InitializationVectorHelp() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.InitializationVectorHelp
initMacWithKey(Mac, Key) - Static method in class org.jose4j.mac.MacUtil
IntDate - Class in org.jose4j.jwt
in draft -26 of the JWT spec the name changed from IntDate to NumericDate. Consistent with that change there is a new NumericDate class, which is similar to this.
INTEGRITY_MISSING - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The JwtConsumer was set up to require a JOSE algorithm that provides integrity protection (signature/MAC JWS or symmetric JWE) but no such protection was present on the JWT.
IntegrityException - Exception in org.jose4j.lang
IntegrityException(String) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.lang.IntegrityException
InvalidAlgorithmException - Exception in org.jose4j.lang
InvalidAlgorithmException(String) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.lang.InvalidAlgorithmException
InvalidJwtException - Exception in org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
An exception thrown when a JWT is considered invalid or otherwise cannot be processed/consumed.
InvalidJwtException(String, List<ErrorCodeValidator.Error>, JwtContext) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.InvalidJwtException
InvalidJwtException(String, ErrorCodeValidator.Error, Throwable, JwtContext) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.InvalidJwtException
InvalidJwtSignatureException - Exception in org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
InvalidJwtSignatureException(JsonWebSignature, JwtContext) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.InvalidJwtSignatureException
InvalidKeyException - Exception in org.jose4j.lang
InvalidKeyException(String) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.lang.InvalidKeyException
InvalidKeyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.lang.InvalidKeyException
isAfter(NumericDate) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.NumericDate
isArrayByteBase64(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
1.5 Use Base64.isBase64(byte[]), will be removed in 2.0.
isAvailable() - Method in interface org.jose4j.jwa.Algorithm
isAvailable() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesCbcHmacSha2ContentEncryptionAlgorithm
isAvailable() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmContentEncryptionAlgorithm
isAvailable() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmKeyEncryptionAlgorithm
isAvailable() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesKeyWrapManagementAlgorithm
isAvailable() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.DirectKeyManagementAlgorithm
isAvailable() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.EcdhKeyAgreementAlgorithm
isAvailable() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.EcdhKeyAgreementWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
isAvailable() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
isAvailable() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.RsaKeyManagementAlgorithm
isAvailable() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.RsaKeyManagementAlgorithm.RsaOaep256
isAvailable() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.BaseSignatureAlgorithm
isAvailable() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm.EcdsaSECP256K1UsingSha256
isAvailable() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.HmacUsingShaAlgorithm
isAvailable() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.UnsecuredNoneAlgorithm
isAvailable() - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.EdDsaKeyUtil
isAvailable() - Method in class
isAvailable(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmFactory
isAvailable(String, int) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwe.CipherStrengthSupport
isAvailable(String, String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmAvailability
isAvailable(Logger, int, int, String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.SimpleAeadCipher
isBase64(byte) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Returns whether or not the octet is in the base 64 alphabet.
isBase64(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Tests a given byte array to see if it contains only valid characters within the Base64 alphabet.
isBase64(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Tests a given String to see if it contains only valid characters within the Base64 alphabet.
isBefore(NumericDate) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.NumericDate
isClaimValueOfType(String, Class) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
isClaimValueString(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
isClaimValueStringList(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
Is the claim present with a string array value.
isDoKeyValidation() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
isEdECPrivateKey(Key) - Static method in class org.jose4j.keys.EdDsaKeyUtil
isEdECPublicKey(Key) - Static method in class org.jose4j.keys.EdDsaKeyUtil
isInAlphabet(byte) - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Returns whether or not the octet is in the Base64 alphabet.
isInAlphabet(byte) - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
Returns whether or not the octet is in the current alphabet.
isInAlphabet(byte[], boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
Tests a given byte array to see if it contains only valid characters within the alphabet.
isInAlphabet(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
Tests a given String to see if it contains only valid characters within the alphabet.
isOnOrAfter(NumericDate) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.NumericDate
isRfc7797UnencodedPayload() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
ISSUED_AT - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.ReservedClaimNames
ISSUED_AT_INVALID_FUTURE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The value of the Issued At "iat" claim is too far in the future.
ISSUED_AT_INVALID_PAST - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The value of the Issued At "iat" claim is too far in the past.
ISSUED_AT_MISSING - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The JWT had no Issued At "iat" claim but the JwtConsumer was set up to require it.
ISSUER - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.ReservedClaimNames
ISSUER_INVALID - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The Issuer "iss" claim was invalid based on the issuer that the JwtConsumer was set up to expect.
ISSUER_MISSING - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The JWT had no Issuer "iss" claim but the JwtConsumer was set up to require it.
isSupportedCriticalHeader(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
isSupportedCriticalHeader(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
IssValidator - Class in org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
IssValidator(boolean, String...) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.IssValidator
IssValidator(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.IssValidator
isUrlSafe() - Method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
Returns our current encode mode.
isWhiteSpace(byte) - Static method in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
Checks if a byte value is whitespace or not.
isXECPrivateKey(Key) - Static method in class org.jose4j.keys.XDHKeyUtil
isXECPublicKey(Key) - Static method in class org.jose4j.keys.XDHKeyUtil
ItemList - Class in org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple
|a:b:c| => |a|,|b|,|c| |:| => ||,|| |a:| => |a|,||
ItemList() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
ItemList(String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
ItemList(String, String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
ItemList(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
IV_BYTE_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesCbcHmacSha2ContentEncryptionAlgorithm


jcaProvider - Variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
JoseException - Exception in org.jose4j.lang
JoseException(String) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.lang.JoseException
JoseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.lang.JoseException
JSON_INVALID - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The JWS/JWE payload could not be parsed as JSON.
JSONArray - Class in org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple
A JSON array.
JSONArray() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
Constructs an empty JSONArray.
JSONArray(Collection) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
Constructs a JSONArray containing the elements of the specified collection, in the order they are returned by the collection's iterator.
JSONAware - Interface in org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple
Beans that support customized output of JSON text shall implement this interface.
JsonHeaderUtil - Class in org.jose4j.json
as of 0.3.7 please use JsonUtil
JsonHeaderUtil() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.json.JsonHeaderUtil
JsonHelp - Class in org.jose4j.lang
JsonHelp() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.lang.JsonHelp
JSONObject - Class in org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple
A JSON object.
JSONObject() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONObject
JSONObject(Map) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONObject
Allows creation of a JSONObject from a Map.
JSONParser - Class in org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser
Parser for JSON text.
JSONParser() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
JSONStreamAware - Interface in org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple
Beans that support customized output of JSON text to a writer shall implement this interface.
jsonTypeName(Object) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.JsonHelp
JsonUtil - Class in org.jose4j.json
This class should be the point of contact for JSON processing.
JsonUtil() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.json.JsonUtil
JSONValue - Class in org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple
JSONValue() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONValue
JsonWebEncryption - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
JsonWebEncryption() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
JsonWebKey - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
JsonWebKey(Key) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
JsonWebKey(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
JsonWebKey.Factory - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
JsonWebKey.OutputControlLevel - Enum Class in org.jose4j.jwk
JsonWebKeySet - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
JsonWebKeySet(String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKeySet
JsonWebKeySet(List<? extends JsonWebKey>) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKeySet
JsonWebKeySet(JsonWebKey...) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKeySet
JsonWebSignature - Class in org.jose4j.jws
The JsonWebSignature class is used to produce and consume JSON Web Signature (JWS) as defined in RFC 7515.
JsonWebSignature() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
JsonWebSignatureAlgorithm - Interface in org.jose4j.jws
JsonWebStructure - Class in org.jose4j.jwx
JsonWebStructure() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
JtiValidator - Class in org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
JtiValidator(boolean) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JtiValidator
JweCustomizer - Interface in org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
A callback interface that provides a hook to call arbitrary methods on the JsonWebEncryption prior to the JwtConsumer using it to decrypt the content.
JWK - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
JWK_SET_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKeySet
JWK_SET_URL - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
JwksDecryptionKeyResolver - Class in org.jose4j.keys.resolvers
JwksDecryptionKeyResolver(List<JsonWebKey>) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.JwksDecryptionKeyResolver
JwksVerificationKeyResolver - Class in org.jose4j.keys.resolvers
JwksVerificationKeyResolver(List<JsonWebKey>) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.JwksVerificationKeyResolver
JwsCustomizer - Interface in org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
A callback interface that provides a hook to call arbitrary methods on the JsonWebSignature prior to the JwtConsumer using it to verify the signature.
JWT_ID - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.ReservedClaimNames
JWT_ID_MISSING - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The JWT had no JWT ID "jti" claim but the JwtConsumer was set up to require it.
JwtClaims - Class in org.jose4j.jwt
JwtClaims() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
JwtConsumer - Class in org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
JwtConsumerBuilder - Class in org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
Use the JwtConsumerBuilder to create the appropriate JwtConsumer for your JWT processing needs.
JwtConsumerBuilder() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Creates a new JwtConsumerBuilder, which is set up by default to build a JwtConsumer that requires a signature and will validate the core JWT claims when they are present.
JwtContext - Class in org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
JwtContext(String, JwtClaims, List<JsonWebStructure>) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtContext
JwtContext(JwtClaims, List<JsonWebStructure>) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtContext


kdf(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in interface org.jose4j.jwe.kdf.ConcatenationKeyDerivationFunctionWithSha256
kdf(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.kdf.ConcatKeyDerivationFunction
kdf(byte[], int, byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.kdf.ConcatKeyDerivationFunction
kdf(byte[], int, String, String, String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.kdf.KdfUtil
KdfUtil - Class in org.jose4j.jwe.kdf
KdfUtil() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.kdf.KdfUtil
KdfUtil(String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.kdf.KdfUtil
key - Variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
KEY_ID - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
KEY_ID_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
KEY_OPERATIONS - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
KEY_TYPE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.EllipticCurveJsonWebKey
KEY_TYPE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey
KEY_TYPE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetSequenceJsonWebKey
KEY_TYPE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
KEY_TYPE_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
KEY_VALUE_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetSequenceJsonWebKey
KeyManagementAlgorithm - Interface in org.jose4j.jwe
KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers
KeyOperations - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
"key_ops" (Key Operations) Parameter values as defined at
KeyOperations() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.KeyOperations
KeyPersuasion - Enum Class in org.jose4j.keys
KeyValidationSupport - Class in org.jose4j.jwx
KeyValidationSupport() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwx.KeyValidationSupport


leftHalf(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
lineLength - Variable in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
Chunksize for encoding.
log - Variable in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmInfo
log - Variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.WrappingKeyManagementAlgorithm


MacUtil - Class in org.jose4j.mac
MacUtil() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.mac.MacUtil
MALFORMED_CLAIM - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
A JWT claim was of the wrong type or otherwise malformed.
MalformedClaimException - Exception in org.jose4j.jwt
MalformedClaimException(String) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.jwt.MalformedClaimException
MalformedClaimException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.jwt.MalformedClaimException
manageForDecrypt(CryptoPrimitive, byte[], ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor, Headers, ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmKeyEncryptionAlgorithm
manageForDecrypt(CryptoPrimitive, byte[], ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor, Headers, ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.DirectKeyManagementAlgorithm
manageForDecrypt(CryptoPrimitive, byte[], ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor, Headers, ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.EcdhKeyAgreementAlgorithm
manageForDecrypt(CryptoPrimitive, byte[], ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor, Headers, ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.EcdhKeyAgreementWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
manageForDecrypt(CryptoPrimitive, byte[], ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor, Headers, ProviderContext) - Method in interface org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithm
manageForDecrypt(CryptoPrimitive, byte[], ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor, Headers, ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
manageForDecrypt(CryptoPrimitive, byte[], ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor, Headers, ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.WrappingKeyManagementAlgorithm
manageForEnc(Key, ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor, byte[], ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.WrappingKeyManagementAlgorithm
manageForEncrypt(Key, ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor, Headers, byte[], ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmKeyEncryptionAlgorithm
manageForEncrypt(Key, ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor, Headers, byte[], ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.DirectKeyManagementAlgorithm
manageForEncrypt(Key, ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor, Headers, byte[], ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.EcdhKeyAgreementAlgorithm
manageForEncrypt(Key, ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor, Headers, byte[], ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.EcdhKeyAgreementWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
manageForEncrypt(Key, ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor, Headers, byte[], ProviderContext) - Method in interface org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithm
manageForEncrypt(Key, ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor, Headers, byte[], ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
manageForEncrypt(Key, ContentEncryptionKeyDescriptor, Headers, byte[], ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.WrappingKeyManagementAlgorithm
MASK_8BITS - Static variable in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
Mask used to extract 8 bits, used in decoding bytes
Maths - Class in org.jose4j.lang
Maths() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.lang.Maths
MIME_CHUNK_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
MIME chunk size per RFC 2045 section 6.8.
MIN_RSA_KEY_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.KeyValidationSupport
MISCELLANEOUS - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
MODULUS_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey


newJwk(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey.Factory
newJwk(Key) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey.Factory
newJwk(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey.Factory
newPublicJwk(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey.Factory
newPublicJwk(String, String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey.Factory
newPublicJwk(Key) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey.Factory
newPublicJwk(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey.Factory
newPublicJwk(Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey.Factory
newString(byte[], String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.StringUtil
newString(byte[], Charset) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.StringUtil
newStringUsAscii(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.StringUtil
newStringUtf8(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.StringUtil
NO_CONSTRAINTS - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmConstraints
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.jose4j.keys.KeyPersuasion
NONE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jws.AlgorithmIdentifiers
NOT_BEFORE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.ReservedClaimNames
NOT_BEFORE_MISSING - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The JWT had no Not Before "nbf" claim but the JwtConsumer was set up to require it.
NOT_YET_VALID - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The Not Before "nbf" claim of the JWT indicates that it is not yet valid.
notNull(Key) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwx.KeyValidationSupport
now() - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwt.IntDate
now() - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwt.NumericDate
NumericDate - Class in org.jose4j.jwt
NumericDateValidator - Class in org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
NumericDateValidator() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.NumericDateValidator


OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey(PublicKey) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey
OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey
OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey(Map<String, Object>, String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey
OctetKeyPairUtil - Class in org.jose4j.keys
OctetKeyPairUtil(String, SecureRandom) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.OctetKeyPairUtil
OctetSequenceJsonWebKey - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
OctetSequenceJsonWebKey(Key) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetSequenceJsonWebKey
OctetSequenceJsonWebKey(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetSequenceJsonWebKey
OctJwkGenerator - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
OctJwkGenerator() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.OctJwkGenerator
OkpJwkGenerator - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
OkpJwkGenerator() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.OkpJwkGenerator
OMITTED_OKAY - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.SimpleJwkFilter
onNewKey() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
onNewKey() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
org.jose4j.base64url - package org.jose4j.base64url
org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary - package org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary
org.jose4j.http - package org.jose4j.http
org.jose4j.jca - package org.jose4j.jca
org.jose4j.json - package org.jose4j.json
org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple - package org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple
org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser - package org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser
org.jose4j.jwa - package org.jose4j.jwa
org.jose4j.jwe - package org.jose4j.jwe
org.jose4j.jwe.kdf - package org.jose4j.jwe.kdf
org.jose4j.jwk - package org.jose4j.jwk
org.jose4j.jws - package org.jose4j.jws
org.jose4j.jwt - package org.jose4j.jwt
org.jose4j.jwt.consumer - package org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
org.jose4j.jwx - package org.jose4j.jwx
org.jose4j.keys - package org.jose4j.keys
org.jose4j.keys.resolvers - package org.jose4j.keys.resolvers
org.jose4j.lang - package org.jose4j.lang
org.jose4j.mac - package org.jose4j.mac - package
OTHER_PRIMES_INFO_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
otherParameters - Variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey


P_256 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.keys.EllipticCurves
P_384 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.keys.EllipticCurves
P_521 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.keys.EllipticCurves
P256 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.keys.EllipticCurves
P384 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.keys.EllipticCurves
P521 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.keys.EllipticCurves
PAD - Variable in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
PAD_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
Byte used to pad output.
parse(Reader) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONValue
this method may throw an Error instead of returning null; please use JSONValue.parseWithException(Reader) instead
parse(Reader) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
parse(Reader, ContainerFactory) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
Parse JSON text into java object from the input source.
parse(Reader, ContentHandler) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
parse(Reader, ContentHandler, boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
Stream processing of JSON text.
parse(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONValue
this method may throw an Error instead of returning null; please use JSONValue.parseWithException(String) instead
parse(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
parse(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
parse(String, ContainerFactory) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
parse(String, ContentHandler) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
parse(String, ContentHandler, boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
parse(String, JwtContext) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
ParseException - Exception in org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser
ParseException explains why and where the error occurs in source JSON text.
ParseException(int) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ParseException
ParseException(int, int, Object) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ParseException
ParseException(int, Object) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ParseException
parseJson(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.JsonHeaderUtil
please use JsonUtil
parseJson(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.JsonUtil
parseWithException(Reader) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONValue
Parse JSON text into java object from the input source.
parseWithException(String) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONValue
PasswordBasedKeyDerivationFunction2 - Class in org.jose4j.jwe.kdf
An implementation of PBKDF2 from RFC 2898 using HMAC as the underlying pseudorandom function.
PasswordBasedKeyDerivationFunction2(String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.kdf.PasswordBasedKeyDerivationFunction2
PBES2_HS256_A128KW - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers
PBES2_HS384_A192KW - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers
PBES2_HS512_A256KW - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers
PBES2_ITERATION_COUNT - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
PBES2_SALT_INPUT - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm(String, String, AesKeyWrapManagementAlgorithm) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm.HmacSha256Aes128 - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm.HmacSha384Aes192 - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm.HmacSha512Aes256 - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
PbkdfKey - Class in org.jose4j.keys
PbkdfKey(String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.PbkdfKey
PEM_CHUNK_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.base64url.internal.apache.commons.codec.binary.BaseNCodec
PEM chunk size per RFC 1421 section
pemEncode(PublicKey) - Static method in class org.jose4j.keys.EdDsaKeyUtil
PERMIT - Enum constant in enum class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmConstraints.ConstraintType
Allow only the indicated algorithms and no others.
prepareDecryptingPrimitive() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
Create, initialize and return the CryptoPrimitive that this JWE instance will use for agreement or decryption of the content encryption key.
prepareForDecrypt(Key, Headers, ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmKeyEncryptionAlgorithm
prepareForDecrypt(Key, Headers, ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.DirectKeyManagementAlgorithm
prepareForDecrypt(Key, Headers, ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.EcdhKeyAgreementAlgorithm
prepareForDecrypt(Key, Headers, ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.EcdhKeyAgreementWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
prepareForDecrypt(Key, Headers, ProviderContext) - Method in interface org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithm
prepareForDecrypt(Key, Headers, ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
prepareForDecrypt(Key, Headers, ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.WrappingKeyManagementAlgorithm
prepareForSign(Key, ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.BaseSignatureAlgorithm
prepareForSign(Key, ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.HmacUsingShaAlgorithm
prepareForSign(Key, ProviderContext) - Method in interface org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignatureAlgorithm
prepareForSign(Key, ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.UnsecuredNoneAlgorithm
prepareSigningPrimitive() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
Create, initialize (using the key and ProviderContext) and return the CryptoPrimitive that this JWS instance will use for signing.
PRIME_FACTOR_OTHER_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
primitive(Object) - Method in interface org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ContentHandler
Receive notification of the JSON primitive values: java.lang.String, java.lang.Number, java.lang.Boolean null
PRIVATE_EXPONENT_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
PRIVATE_KEY_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.EllipticCurveJsonWebKey
PRIVATE_KEY_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey
privateKey - Variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
privateKey(byte[], String) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.EdDsaKeyUtil
privateKey(byte[], String) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.OctetKeyPairUtil
privateKey(byte[], String) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.XDHKeyUtil
privateKey(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.RsaKeyUtil
privateKey(BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger, BigInteger) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.RsaKeyUtil
privateKey(BigInteger, ECParameterSpec) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.EcKeyUtil
process(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumer
processContext(JwtContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumer
processToClaims(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumer
produceThumbprintHashInput() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.EllipticCurveJsonWebKey
produceThumbprintHashInput() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
produceThumbprintHashInput() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey
produceThumbprintHashInput() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetSequenceJsonWebKey
produceThumbprintHashInput() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
provider - Variable in class org.jose4j.keys.EdDsaKeyUtil
ProviderContext - Class in org.jose4j.jca
Allows for the caller of various JOSE and JWT functionality to specify a particular Java Cryptography Architecture provider by name for various cryptographic operations as well as a SecureRandom source of randomness.
ProviderContext() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext
ProviderContext.Context - Class in org.jose4j.jca
Allows for a provider to be named for various operations.
ProviderContext.KeyDecipherMode - Enum Class in org.jose4j.jca
The cipher mode to use when deciphering/decrypting/unwrapping an encrypted content encryption key
ProviderContext.SignatureAlgorithmOverride - Class in org.jose4j.jca
Signature Algorithm info used to override normal defaults.
PUBLIC_KEY_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey
PUBLIC_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey.OutputControlLevel
PublicJsonWebKey - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
PublicJsonWebKey(PublicKey) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
PublicJsonWebKey(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
PublicJsonWebKey(Map<String, Object>, String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
PublicJsonWebKey.Factory - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
publicKey(byte[], String) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.EdDsaKeyUtil
publicKey(byte[], String) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.OctetKeyPairUtil
publicKey(byte[], String) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.XDHKeyUtil
publicKey(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.RsaKeyUtil
publicKey(BigInteger, BigInteger, ECParameterSpec) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.EcKeyUtil
putIfNotNull(String, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey


randomBytes(int) - Method in interface org.jose4j.lang.ByteGenerator
randomBytes(int) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
randomBytes(int) - Method in class org.jose4j.lang.DefaultByteGenerator
use ByteUtil.randomBytes(...)
randomBytes(int, SecureRandom) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
rawCompactSerialization - Variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
rawPrivateKey(PrivateKey) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.EdDsaKeyUtil
rawPrivateKey(PrivateKey) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.OctetKeyPairUtil
rawPrivateKey(PrivateKey) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.XDHKeyUtil
rawPublicKey(Key) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.EdDsaKeyUtil
rawPublicKey(Key) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.OctetKeyPairUtil
rawPublicKey(Key) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.XDHKeyUtil
refresh() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.HttpsJwks
Forces a refresh of the cached JWKs from the JWKS endpoint.
registerAlgorithm(A) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmFactory
registerValidator(ErrorCodeValidator) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Custom ErrorCodeValidator implementations, which will be invoked when the JwtConsumer is validating the JWT claims.
registerValidator(Validator) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Custom Validator implementations, which will be invoked when the JwtConsumer is validating the JWT claims.
removeFromOtherParams(String...) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
ReservedClaimNames - Class in org.jose4j.jwt
ReservedClaimNames() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwt.ReservedClaimNames
reset() - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
reset() - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
Reset the parser to the initial state without resetting the underlying reader.
reset(Reader) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
Reset the parser to the initial state with a new character reader.
resolveKey(JsonWebEncryption, List<JsonWebStructure>) - Method in interface org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.DecryptionKeyResolver
Choose the key to be used for decryption on the given JWE.
resolveKey(JsonWebEncryption, List<JsonWebStructure>) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.JwksDecryptionKeyResolver
resolveKey(JsonWebSignature, List<JsonWebStructure>) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.EmbeddedJwkVerificationKeyResolver
resolveKey(JsonWebSignature, List<JsonWebStructure>) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.HttpsJwksVerificationKeyResolver
resolveKey(JsonWebSignature, List<JsonWebStructure>) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.JwksVerificationKeyResolver
resolveKey(JsonWebSignature, List<JsonWebStructure>) - Method in interface org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.VerificationKeyResolver
Choose the key to be used for signature verification on the given JWS.
resolveKey(JsonWebSignature, List<JsonWebStructure>) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.X509VerificationKeyResolver
Response - Class in org.jose4j.http
Response(int, String, Map<String, List<String>>, String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.http.Response
reverse(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
rightHalf(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
RSA - Static variable in class org.jose4j.keys.RsaKeyUtil
RSA_OAEP - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers
RSA_OAEP_256 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers
RSA_PSS_USING_SHA256 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jws.AlgorithmIdentifiers
RSA_PSS_USING_SHA384 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jws.AlgorithmIdentifiers
RSA_PSS_USING_SHA512 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jws.AlgorithmIdentifiers
RSA_USING_SHA256 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jws.AlgorithmIdentifiers
RSA_USING_SHA384 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jws.AlgorithmIdentifiers
RSA_USING_SHA512 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jws.AlgorithmIdentifiers
Rsa1_5() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.RsaKeyManagementAlgorithm.Rsa1_5
RSA1_5 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithmIdentifiers
RsaJsonWebKey - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
RsaJsonWebKey(RSAPublicKey) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
RsaJsonWebKey(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
RsaJsonWebKey(Map<String, Object>, String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
RsaJwkGenerator - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
RsaJwkGenerator() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJwkGenerator
RsaKeyManagementAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
RsaKeyManagementAlgorithm(String, String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.RsaKeyManagementAlgorithm
RsaKeyManagementAlgorithm.Rsa1_5 - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
RsaKeyManagementAlgorithm.RsaOaep - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
RsaKeyManagementAlgorithm.RsaOaep256 - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
RsaKeyUtil - Class in org.jose4j.keys
RsaKeyUtil() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.RsaKeyUtil
RsaKeyUtil(String, SecureRandom) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.RsaKeyUtil
RsaOaep() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.RsaKeyManagementAlgorithm.RsaOaep
RsaOaep256() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.RsaKeyManagementAlgorithm.RsaOaep256
RsaPssSha256() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.RsaUsingShaAlgorithm.RsaPssSha256
RsaPssSha384() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.RsaUsingShaAlgorithm.RsaPssSha384
RsaPssSha512() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.RsaUsingShaAlgorithm.RsaPssSha512
RsaSha256() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.RsaUsingShaAlgorithm.RsaSha256
RsaSha384() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.RsaUsingShaAlgorithm.RsaSha384
RsaSha512() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.RsaUsingShaAlgorithm.RsaSha512
RSASSA_PSS - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jws.RsaUsingShaAlgorithm
RsaUsingShaAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jws
RsaUsingShaAlgorithm(String, String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.RsaUsingShaAlgorithm
RsaUsingShaAlgorithm.RsaPssSha256 - Class in org.jose4j.jws
RsaUsingShaAlgorithm.RsaPssSha384 - Class in org.jose4j.jws
RsaUsingShaAlgorithm.RsaPssSha512 - Class in org.jose4j.jws
RsaUsingShaAlgorithm.RsaSha256 - Class in org.jose4j.jws
RsaUsingShaAlgorithm.RsaSha384 - Class in org.jose4j.jws
RsaUsingShaAlgorithm.RsaSha512 - Class in org.jose4j.jws


S_END - Static variable in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
S_IN_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
S_IN_ERROR - Static variable in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
S_IN_FINISHED_VALUE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
S_IN_OBJECT - Static variable in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
S_IN_PAIR_VALUE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
S_INIT - Static variable in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
S_PASSED_PAIR_KEY - Static variable in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.JSONParser
SECOND_FACTOR_CRT_EXPONENT_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
SECOND_PRIME_FACTOR_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.RsaJsonWebKey
SECP_256K1 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.keys.EllipticCurves
SECP256K1 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.keys.EllipticCurves
secureEquals(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
secureRandom - Variable in class org.jose4j.keys.EdDsaKeyUtil
select(JsonWebEncryption, Collection<JsonWebKey>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.DecryptionJwkSelector
select(JsonWebSignature, Collection<JsonWebKey>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.VerificationJwkSelector
select(JsonWebSignature, List<JsonWebKey>) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.HttpsJwksVerificationKeyResolver
selectList(JsonWebEncryption, Collection<JsonWebKey>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.DecryptionJwkSelector
selectList(JsonWebSignature, Collection<JsonWebKey>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.VerificationJwkSelector
selectWithVerifySignatureDisambiguate(JsonWebSignature, Collection<JsonWebKey>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.VerificationJwkSelector
serialize(String...) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwx.CompactSerialization
please use CompactSerializer
serialize(String...) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwx.CompactSerializer
setAlg(String, boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.SimpleJwkFilter
setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
setAlgorithmConstraints(AlgorithmConstraints) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
setAlgorithmHeaderValue(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
setAlgorithmIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmInfo
setAlgorithmParameterSpec(AlgorithmParameterSpec) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.WrappingKeyManagementAlgorithm
setAlgorithmParameterSpec(AlgorithmParameterSpec) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.BaseSignatureAlgorithm
setAllowedClockSkewInSeconds(int) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Set the amount of clock skew to allow for when validate the expiration time, issued at time, and not before time claims.
setAllowedClockSkewSeconds(int) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.NumericDateValidator
setAllowFallbackDeriveFromX5cForX5Thumbs(boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.SimpleJwkFilter
setAudience(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setAudience(String...) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setAudience(List<String>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setCertificateChain(X509Certificate...) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
setCertificateChain(List<X509Certificate>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
setCertificateChainHeaderValue(X509Certificate...) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
setCipherProvider(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Sets the JCA provider to be used for relevant Cipher operations.
setClaim(String, Object) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setCompactSerialization(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
setCompactSerializationParts(String[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
setCompactSerializationParts(String[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
setCompactSerializationParts(String[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
setCompressionAlgorithmHeaderParameter(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
setConnectTimeout(int) - Method in class org.jose4j.http.Get
Sets a specified timeout value, in milliseconds, to be used by the underlying URLConnection when opening a communications link to the resource referenced by the URLConnection.
setContentEncryptionAlgorithmConstraints(AlgorithmConstraints) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
setContentEncryptionKey(byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
setContentTypeHeaderValue(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
setCriticalHeaderNames(String...) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
Sets the value(s) of the critical ("crit") header, defined in section 4.1.11 of RFC 7515, which indicates that those headers MUST be understood and processed by the recipient.
setCrv(String, boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.SimpleJwkFilter
setCrvs(String[], boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.SimpleJwkFilter
setDecryptionKey(Key) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Set the key to be used for JWE decryption.
setDecryptionKeyResolver(DecryptionKeyResolver) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Set the DecryptionKeyResolver to use to select the key for JWE decryption.
setDefaultCacheDuration(long) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.HttpsJwks
The time period to cache the JWKs from the endpoint, if the cache directive headers of the response are not present or indicate that the content should not be cached.
setDefaultIterationCount(long) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
setDefaultSaltByteLength(int) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
setDisableRequireSignature() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Because integrity protection is needed in most usages of JWT, a signature on the JWT is required by default.
setDisambiguateWithAttemptDecrypt(boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.JwksDecryptionKeyResolver
Indicates whether to try decrypting to disambiguate when the normal key selection based on the JWE headers results in more than one key.
setDisambiguateWithVerifySignature(boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.HttpsJwksVerificationKeyResolver
Indicates whether or not to use signature verification to try and disambiguate when the normal key selection based on the JWS headers results in more than one key.
setDisambiguateWithVerifySignature(boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.JwksVerificationKeyResolver
Indicates whether or not to use signature verification to try and disambiguate when the normal key selection based on the JWS headers results in more than one key.
setDoKeyValidation(boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
setEnableLiberalContentTypeHandling() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
According to section 5.2 of the JWT spec, when nested signing or encryption is employed with a JWT, the "cty" header parameter has to be present and have a value of "JWT" to indicate that a nested JWT is the payload of the outer JWT.
setEnableRequireEncryption() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Require that the JWT be encrypted, which is not required by default.
setEnableRequireIntegrity() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Require that the JWT have some integrity protection, either a signature/MAC JWS or a JWE using a symmetric key management algorithm.
setEncodedContentEncryptionKey(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
setEncodedHeader(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
setEncodedIv(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
setEncodedPayload(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
setEncryptionMethodHeaderParameter(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
setErrorType(int) - Method in exception org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ParseException
setEvaluationTime(NumericDate) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Set the time used to validate the expiration time, issued at time, and not before time claims.
setEvaluationTime(NumericDate) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.NumericDateValidator
setExpectedAudience(boolean, String...) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Set the audience value(s) to use when validating the audience ("aud") claim of a JWT.
setExpectedAudience(String...) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Set the audience value(s) to use when validating the audience ("aud") claim of a JWT and require that an audience claim be present.
setExpectedIssuer(boolean, String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Indicates whether or not the issuer ("iss") claim is required and optionally what the expected value is.
setExpectedIssuer(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Indicates the expected value of the issuer ("iss") claim and that the claim is required.
setExpectedIssuers(boolean, String...) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Indicates whether or not the issuer ("iss") claim is required and optionally what the expected values can be.
setExpectedSubject(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Require that a subject ("sub") claim be present in the JWT and that its value match that of the provided subject.
setExpectedType(boolean, String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Facilities explicit JWT typing by setting the expected media type value of the "typ" header of the innermost JWT including prepending "application/" to any "typ" value not containing a '/' as defined in Section 4.1.9 of RFC 7515.
setExpirationTime(NumericDate) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setExpirationTimeMinutesInTheFuture(float) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setFullHeaderAsJsonString(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.Headers
setGeneralProvider(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Sets the general JCA provider to be used for all relevant operations when a more specific one isn't set.
setGeneratedJwtId() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setGeneratedJwtId(int) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setHeader(String, Object) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
setHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) - Method in class org.jose4j.http.Get
Sets the HostnameVerifier used by the underlying HttpsURLConnection.
setHttpProxy(Proxy) - Method in class org.jose4j.http.Get
Sets the Proxy through which the connection will be made with URL.openConnection(Proxy).
setIatAllowedSecondsInTheFuture(int) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.NumericDateValidator
setIatAllowedSecondsInThePast(int) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.NumericDateValidator
setInitialRetryWaitTime(long) - Method in class org.jose4j.http.Get
Sets the initial wait time for retry requests.
setIntegrity(byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
setIssuedAt(NumericDate) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setIssuedAtRestrictions(int, int) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Places restrictions on how far from the time of evaluation the value of an issued at time ("iat") claim can be while still accepting the token as valid.
setIssuedAtToNow() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setIssuer(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setIv(byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
setJavaAlgorithm(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmInfo
setJweAlgorithmConstraints(AlgorithmConstraints) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Set the JWE algorithm constraints to be applied to key management when processing the JWT.
setJweAlgorithmConstraints(AlgorithmConstraints.ConstraintType, String...) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Set the JWE algorithm constraints to be applied to key management when processing the JWT.
setJweContentEncryptionAlgorithmConstraints(AlgorithmConstraints) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Set the JWE algorithm constraints to be applied to content encryption when processing the JWT.
setJweContentEncryptionAlgorithmConstraints(AlgorithmConstraints.ConstraintType, String...) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Set the JWE algorithm constraints to be applied to content encryption when processing the JWT.
setJweCustomizer(JweCustomizer) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Set a callback JweCustomizer that provides a hook to call arbitrary methods on the/any JsonWebEncryption prior to the JwsConsumer using it for decryption.
setJweProviderContext(ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Sets the ProviderContext for any JWE operations to be done by the JwtConsumer being built.
setJwkHeader(PublicJsonWebKey) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
Sets the "jwk" (JSON Web Key) Header Parameter per and/or
setJwkHeaderValue(String, JsonWebKey) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.Headers
setJwsAlgorithmConstraints(AlgorithmConstraints) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Set the JWS algorithm constraints to be applied when processing the JWT.
setJwsAlgorithmConstraints(AlgorithmConstraints.ConstraintType, String...) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Set the JWS algorithm constraints to be applied when processing the JWT.
setJwsCustomizer(JwsCustomizer) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Set a callback JwsCustomizer that provides a hook to call arbitrary methods on the/any JsonWebSignature prior to the JwsConsumer using it to verify the signature.
setJwsProviderContext(ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Sets the ProviderContext for any JWS operations to be done by the JwtConsumer being built.
setJwtId(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setKey(Key) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
setKeyAgreementProvider(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Sets the JCA provider to be used for relevant KeyAgreement operations.
setKeyDecipherModeOverride(ProviderContext.KeyDecipherMode) - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Sets the cipher mode to use when deciphering/decrypting/unwrapping an encrypted content encryption key.
setKeyFactoryProvider(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Sets the JCA provider to be used for relevant KeyFactory operations.
setKeyId(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
setKeyIdHeaderValue(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
setKeyOperations(String[], boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.SimpleJwkFilter
setKeyOps(List<String>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
setKeyPairGeneratorProvider(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Sets the JCA provider to be used for relevant KeyPairGenerator operations.
setKeyPersuasion(KeyPersuasion) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmInfo
setKeyType(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmInfo
setKid(String, boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.SimpleJwkFilter
setKnownCriticalHeaders(String...) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
Sets the values of the critical ("crit") header that are acceptable for the library to process.
setKty(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.SimpleJwkFilter
setMacProvider(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Sets the JCA provider to be used for relevant Mac operations.
setMaxFutureValidityInMinutes(int) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Set maximum on how far in the future the "exp" claim can be.
setMaxFutureValidityInMinutes(int) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.NumericDateValidator
setMessageDigestProvider(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Sets the JCA provider to be used for relevant MessageDigest operations.
setNotBefore(NumericDate) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setNotBeforeMinutesInThePast(float) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setNumericDateClaim(String, NumericDate) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setObjectHeaderValue(String, Object) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.Headers
setOtherParameter(String, Object) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
setPayload(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
setPayload(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
Sets the JWS payload as a string.
setPayload(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
setPayloadBytes(byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
Sets the JWS payload.
setPayloadCharEncoding(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
Sets the character encoding used for the string representation of the JWS payload (i.e.
setPlaintext(byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
setPlaintext(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
setPlainTextCharEncoding(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.JsonWebEncryption
setPosition(int) - Method in exception org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ParseException
setPrivateKey(PrivateKey) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
setProgressiveRetryWait(boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.http.Get
Sets whether a progressively longer wait time should be used between retry attempts (up to a max of 8000).
setProviderContext(ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
Sets the ProviderContext for this JWS or JWE, which allows for a particular Java Cryptography Architecture provider to be indicated by name to be used for various cryptographic operations.
setReadTimeout(int) - Method in class org.jose4j.http.Get
Sets the read timeout to the specified value, in milliseconds, for the underlying URLConnection.
setRefreshReprieveThreshold(long) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.HttpsJwks
Sets the period of time as a threshold for which a subsequent refresh() calls will use the cache and not actually refresh from the JWKS endpoint/URL.
setRelaxDecryptionKeyValidation() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Bypass the strict checks on the decryption key.
setRelaxVerificationKeyValidation() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Bypass the strict checks on the verification key.
setRequireExp(boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.NumericDateValidator
setRequireExpirationTime() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Require that the JWT contain an expiration time ("exp") claim.
setRequireIat(boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.NumericDateValidator
setRequireIssuedAt() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Require that the JWT contain an issued at time ("iat") claim.
setRequireJwtId() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Require that a JWT ID ("jti") claim be present in the JWT.
setRequireNbf(boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.NumericDateValidator
setRequireNotBefore() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Require that the JWT contain an not before ("nbf") claim.
setRequireSubject() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Require that a subject ("sub") claim be present in the JWT.
setResponseBodySizeLimit(int) - Method in class org.jose4j.http.Get
Sets a limit on the size of the response body that will be consumed.
setRetainCacheOnErrorDuration(long) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.HttpsJwks
Sets the length of time, before trying again, to keep using the cache when an error occurs making the request to the JWKS URI or parsing the response.
setRetries(int) - Method in class org.jose4j.http.Get
Sets the number times to retry in the case of a request that failed for a reason that potently could be recovered from.
setSecureRandom(SecureRandom) - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext
Sets the secure random generator.
setSignature(byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
setSignatureAlgorithmOverride(ProviderContext.SignatureAlgorithmOverride) - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Sets the algorithm info (name and parameter spec) to be used as overrides for relevant Signature operations.
setSignatureProvider(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.Context
Sets the JCA provider to be used for relevant Signature operations.
setSimpleHttpGet(SimpleGet) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.HttpsJwks
Sets the SimpleGet instance to use when making the HTTP GET request to the JWKS location.
setSkipAllDefaultValidators() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Skip all the default claim validation but not those provided via JwtConsumerBuilder.registerValidator(Validator).
setSkipAllValidators() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Skip all claims validation.
setSkipDefaultAudienceValidation() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Skip the default audience validation.
setSkipSignatureVerification() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Skip signature verification.
setSkipVerificationKeyResolutionOnNone() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Indicates that the JwtConsumer will not call the VerificationKeyResolver for a JWS using the 'none' algorithm.
setSkipVerificationKeyResolutionOnNone(boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumer
setSP(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
setSslSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory) - Method in class org.jose4j.http.Get
Sets the SSLSocketFactory to used when creating sockets for HTTPS connections, which allows for control over the details of creating and initially configuring the secure sockets such as setting authentication keys, peer certificate validation, enabled cipher suites, and so on.
setStringClaim(String, String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setStringHeaderValue(String, String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.Headers
setStringListClaim(String, String...) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setStringListClaim(String, List<String>) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setSubject(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
setTrustedCertificates(X509Certificate...) - Method in class org.jose4j.http.Get
setTrustedCertificates(Collection<X509Certificate>) - Method in class org.jose4j.http.Get
Sets the certificates that will be used by the underlying HttpsURLConnection as trust anchors when validating the HTTPS certificate presented by the server.
setTryAllOnNoThumbHeader(boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.X509VerificationKeyResolver
setUnexpectedObject(Object) - Method in exception org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ParseException
setUse(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
setUse(String, boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.SimpleJwkFilter
setValue(long) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.NumericDate
setVerificationKey(Key) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Set the key to be used for JWS signature/MAC verification.
setVerificationKeyResolver(VerificationKeyResolver) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JwtConsumerBuilder
Set the VerificationKeyResolver to use to select the key for JWS signature/MAC verification.
setWriteOutPrivateKeyToJson(boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
setX509CertificateSha1Thumbprint(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
setX509CertificateSha256Thumbprint(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
setX509CertSha1ThumbprintHeaderValue(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
setX509CertSha1ThumbprintHeaderValue(X509Certificate) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
setX509CertSha256ThumbprintHeaderValue(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
setX509CertSha256ThumbprintHeaderValue(X509Certificate) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
setX509Url(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
setX5t(String, boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.SimpleJwkFilter
setX5tS256(String, boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.SimpleJwkFilter
SHA_256 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.lang.HashUtil
sign() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
Compute the JWS signature.
sign(CryptoPrimitive, byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.BaseSignatureAlgorithm
sign(CryptoPrimitive, byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm
sign(CryptoPrimitive, byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.HmacUsingShaAlgorithm
sign(CryptoPrimitive, byte[]) - Method in interface org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignatureAlgorithm
sign(CryptoPrimitive, byte[]) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.UnsecuredNoneAlgorithm
SIGN - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.KeyOperations
compute digital signature or MAC
SIGNATURE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.Use
SIGNATURE_INVALID - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The JWS signature was not successfully verified with the given/resolved key.
SIGNATURE_MISSING - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
No JWS signature was present but the JwtConsumer was set up to require one.
SignatureAlgorithmOverride(String, AlgorithmParameterSpec) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.SignatureAlgorithmOverride
Create a new SignatureAlgorithmOverride instance
SimpleAeadCipher - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
SimpleAeadCipher(String, int) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.SimpleAeadCipher
SimpleAeadCipher.CipherOutput - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
SimpleGet - Interface in org.jose4j.http
A simple HTTP GET
SimpleJwkFilter - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
SimpleJwkFilter() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.SimpleJwkFilter
SimplePEMEncoder - Class in org.jose4j.base64url
SimplePEMEncoder() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.base64url.SimplePEMEncoder
SimpleResponse - Interface in org.jose4j.http
The result of a simple HTTP GET
size() - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
split(String, String, List) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
split(String, String, List, boolean) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
startArray() - Method in interface org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ContentHandler
Receive notification of the beginning of a JSON array.
startJSON() - Method in interface org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ContentHandler
Receive notification of the beginning of JSON processing.
startObject() - Method in interface org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ContentHandler
Receive notification of the beginning of a JSON object.
startObjectEntry(String) - Method in interface org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.ContentHandler
Receive notification of the beginning of a JSON object entry.
StringUtil - Class in org.jose4j.lang
StringUtil() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.lang.StringUtil
subArray(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
SUBJECT - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.ReservedClaimNames
SUBJECT_INVALID - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The Subject "sub" claim was invalid based on the subject that the JwtConsumer was set up to expect.
SUBJECT_MISSING - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The JWT had no Subject "sub" claim but the JwtConsumer was set up to require it.
subtract(long, long) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.Maths
SUBTYPE_ED25519 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey
SUBTYPE_ED448 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey
SUBTYPE_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey
SUBTYPE_X25519 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey
SUBTYPE_X448 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.OctetKeyPairJsonWebKey
SubValidator - Class in org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
SubValidator(boolean) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.SubValidator
SubValidator(String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.SubValidator
SYMMETRIC - Enum constant in enum class org.jose4j.keys.KeyPersuasion


toBase64(X509Certificate) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.X509Util
toBase64Url(BigInteger) - Static method in class org.jose4j.keys.BigEndianBigInteger
toBase64Url(BigInteger, int) - Static method in class org.jose4j.keys.BigEndianBigInteger
toByteArray(BigInteger) - Static method in class org.jose4j.keys.BigEndianBigInteger
toByteArray(BigInteger, int) - Static method in class org.jose4j.keys.BigEndianBigInteger
toDebugString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ByteUtil
toJson() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
toJson() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKeySet
toJson() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
toJson(Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.JsonHeaderUtil
please use JsonUtil
toJson(Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.JsonUtil
toJson(JsonWebKey.OutputControlLevel) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
toJson(JsonWebKey.OutputControlLevel) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKeySet
toJSONString() - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
toJSONString() - Method in interface org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONAware
toJSONString() - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONObject
toJSONString(boolean[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
toJSONString(byte[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
toJSONString(char[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
toJSONString(double[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
toJSONString(float[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
toJSONString(int[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
toJSONString(long[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
toJSONString(short[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
toJSONString(Object) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONValue
Convert an object to JSON text.
toJSONString(Object[]) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
toJSONString(Collection) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
Convert a list to JSON text.
toJSONString(Map) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONObject
Convert a map to JSON text.
toParams(JsonWebKey.OutputControlLevel) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
toPem(X509Certificate) - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.X509Util
toString() - Method in class org.jose4j.http.Response
toString() - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
toString() - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
Returns a string representation of this array.
toString() - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONObject
toString() - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.Yytoken
toString() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmInfo
toString() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
toString() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodeValidator.Error
toString() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.IntDate
toString() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
toString() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.NumericDate
toString() - Method in class org.jose4j.jwx.JsonWebStructure
toString() - Method in class org.jose4j.keys.AesKey
toString(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.ItemList
toString(String, Object) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONObject
toStringWithCauses(Throwable) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ExceptionHelp
toStringWithCausesAndAbbreviatedStack(Throwable, Class) - Static method in class org.jose4j.lang.ExceptionHelp
type - Variable in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.Yytoken
TYPE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.ReservedClaimNames
typ went away as a claim name as of jwt draft -12 - it's only a header parameter name
TYPE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
TYPE_COLON - Static variable in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.Yytoken
TYPE_COMMA - Static variable in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.Yytoken
TYPE_EOF - Static variable in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.Yytoken
TYPE_INVALID - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
The type "typ" header value was invalid based on the type that the JwtConsumer was set up to expect.
TYPE_LEFT_BRACE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.Yytoken
TYPE_LEFT_SQUARE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.Yytoken
TYPE_MISSING - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodes
No "typ" header parameter was present in the innermost JWS/JWE but the JwtConsumer was set up to require explicit typing.
TYPE_RIGHT_BRACE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.Yytoken
TYPE_RIGHT_SQUARE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.Yytoken
TYPE_VALUE - Static variable in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.Yytoken
TypeValidator - Class in org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
TypeValidator(boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.TypeValidator


UncheckedJoseException - Exception in org.jose4j.lang
UncheckedJoseException(String) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.lang.UncheckedJoseException
UncheckedJoseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.lang.UncheckedJoseException
unregisterAlgorithm(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmFactory
UnresolvableKeyException - Exception in org.jose4j.lang
UnresolvableKeyException(String) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.lang.UnresolvableKeyException
UnresolvableKeyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jose4j.lang.UnresolvableKeyException
UnsecuredNoneAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jws
UnsecuredNoneAlgorithm() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jws.UnsecuredNoneAlgorithm
unsetClaim(String) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.JwtClaims
UNWRAP - Enum constant in enum class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.KeyDecipherMode
UNWRAP_KEY - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.KeyOperations
decrypt key and validate decryption, if applicable
US_ASCII - Static variable in class org.jose4j.lang.StringUtil
Use - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
Use() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.Use
USE_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey
useSuppliedKeyProviderContext - Variable in class org.jose4j.jwe.WrappingKeyManagementAlgorithm
UTF_8 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.lang.StringUtil


validate(JwtContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.AudValidator
validate(JwtContext) - Method in interface org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodeValidator
Validate some aspect of the JWT.
validate(JwtContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.ErrorCodeValidatorAdapter
validate(JwtContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.IssValidator
validate(JwtContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.JtiValidator
validate(JwtContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.NumericDateValidator
validate(JwtContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.SubValidator
validate(JwtContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.TypeValidator
validate(JwtContext) - Method in interface org.jose4j.jwt.consumer.Validator
validateAesWrappingKey(Key, String, int) - Static method in class org.jose4j.jwx.KeyValidationSupport
validateDecryptionKey(Key, ContentEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmKeyEncryptionAlgorithm
validateDecryptionKey(Key, ContentEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesKeyWrapManagementAlgorithm
validateDecryptionKey(Key, ContentEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.DirectKeyManagementAlgorithm
validateDecryptionKey(Key, ContentEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.EcdhKeyAgreementAlgorithm
validateDecryptionKey(Key, ContentEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.EcdhKeyAgreementWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
validateDecryptionKey(Key, ContentEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in interface org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithm
validateDecryptionKey(Key, ContentEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
validateDecryptionKey(Key, ContentEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.RsaKeyManagementAlgorithm
validateEncryptionKey(Key, ContentEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesGcmKeyEncryptionAlgorithm
validateEncryptionKey(Key, ContentEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.AesKeyWrapManagementAlgorithm
validateEncryptionKey(Key, ContentEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.DirectKeyManagementAlgorithm
validateEncryptionKey(Key, ContentEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.EcdhKeyAgreementAlgorithm
validateEncryptionKey(Key, ContentEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.EcdhKeyAgreementWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
validateEncryptionKey(Key, ContentEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in interface org.jose4j.jwe.KeyManagementAlgorithm
validateEncryptionKey(Key, ContentEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
validateEncryptionKey(Key, ContentEncryptionAlgorithm) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.RsaKeyManagementAlgorithm
validateKey(Key) - Method in class org.jose4j.jwe.Pbes2HmacShaWithAesKeyWrapAlgorithm
validatePrivateKey(PrivateKey) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.BaseSignatureAlgorithm
validatePrivateKey(PrivateKey) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm
validatePrivateKey(PrivateKey) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.EdDsaAlgorithm
validatePrivateKey(PrivateKey) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.RsaUsingShaAlgorithm
validatePublicKey(PublicKey) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.BaseSignatureAlgorithm
validatePublicKey(PublicKey) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm
validatePublicKey(PublicKey) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.EdDsaAlgorithm
validatePublicKey(PublicKey) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.RsaUsingShaAlgorithm
validateSigningKey(Key) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.BaseSignatureAlgorithm
validateSigningKey(Key) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.HmacUsingShaAlgorithm
validateSigningKey(Key) - Method in interface org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignatureAlgorithm
validateSigningKey(Key) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.UnsecuredNoneAlgorithm
validateVerificationKey(Key) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.BaseSignatureAlgorithm
validateVerificationKey(Key) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.HmacUsingShaAlgorithm
validateVerificationKey(Key) - Method in interface org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignatureAlgorithm
validateVerificationKey(Key) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.UnsecuredNoneAlgorithm
Validator - Interface in org.jose4j.jwt.consumer
value - Variable in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.Yytoken
VALUE_REQUIRED - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.SimpleJwkFilter
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.KeyDecipherMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmConstraints.ConstraintType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey.OutputControlLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.jose4j.keys.KeyPersuasion
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class org.jose4j.jca.ProviderContext.KeyDecipherMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmConstraints.ConstraintType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.jose4j.jwk.JsonWebKey.OutputControlLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.jose4j.keys.KeyPersuasion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VerificationJwkSelector - Class in org.jose4j.jwk
VerificationJwkSelector() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwk.VerificationJwkSelector
VerificationKeyResolver - Interface in org.jose4j.keys.resolvers
A callback interface for resolving the key (by looking at headers like "kid", for example) to use to verify the JWS signature.
VERIFY - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.KeyOperations
verify digital signature or MAC
verifySignature() - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignature
Verify the signature of the JWS.
verifySignature(byte[], Key, byte[], ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.BaseSignatureAlgorithm
verifySignature(byte[], Key, byte[], ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.EcdsaUsingShaAlgorithm
verifySignature(byte[], Key, byte[], ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.HmacUsingShaAlgorithm
verifySignature(byte[], Key, byte[], ProviderContext) - Method in interface org.jose4j.jws.JsonWebSignatureAlgorithm
verifySignature(byte[], Key, byte[], ProviderContext) - Method in class org.jose4j.jws.UnsecuredNoneAlgorithm


WHITELIST - Enum constant in enum class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmConstraints.ConstraintType
in favor of more inclusive terminology. Use AlgorithmConstraints.ConstraintType.PERMIT instead.
WRAP_KEY - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.KeyOperations
encrypt key
WrappingKeyManagementAlgorithm - Class in org.jose4j.jwe
WrappingKeyManagementAlgorithm(String, String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.jwe.WrappingKeyManagementAlgorithm
writeJson(Map<String, ?>, Writer) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.JsonUtil
writeJSONString(boolean[], Writer) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
writeJSONString(byte[], Writer) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
writeJSONString(char[], Writer) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
writeJSONString(double[], Writer) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
writeJSONString(float[], Writer) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
writeJSONString(int[], Writer) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
writeJSONString(long[], Writer) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
writeJSONString(short[], Writer) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
writeJSONString(Writer) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
writeJSONString(Writer) - Method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONObject
writeJSONString(Writer) - Method in interface org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONStreamAware
write JSON string to out.
writeJSONString(Object[], Writer) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
writeJSONString(Object, Writer) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONValue
Encode an object into JSON text and write it to out.
writeJSONString(Collection, Writer) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONArray
Encode a list into JSON text and write it to out.
writeJSONString(Map, Writer) - Static method in class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.JSONObject
Encode a map into JSON text and write it to out.
writeOutPrivateKeyToJson - Variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey


X_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.EllipticCurveJsonWebKey
X25519 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.keys.XDHKeyUtil
X448 - Static variable in class org.jose4j.keys.XDHKeyUtil
X509_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
X509_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
X509_CERTIFICATE_SHA256_THUMBPRINT - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
X509_CERTIFICATE_THUMBPRINT - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
X509_SHA256_THUMBPRINT_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
X509_THUMBPRINT_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
X509_URL - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
X509_URL_PARAMETER - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.PublicJsonWebKey
X509Util - Class in org.jose4j.keys
X509Util() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.X509Util
X509Util(String) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.X509Util
X509VerificationKeyResolver - Class in org.jose4j.keys.resolvers
X509VerificationKeyResolver(X509Certificate...) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.X509VerificationKeyResolver
X509VerificationKeyResolver(List<X509Certificate>) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.resolvers.X509VerificationKeyResolver
x5t(X509Certificate) - Static method in class org.jose4j.keys.X509Util
x5tS256(X509Certificate) - Static method in class org.jose4j.keys.X509Util
XDHKeyUtil - Class in org.jose4j.keys
XDHKeyUtil() - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.XDHKeyUtil
XDHKeyUtil(String, SecureRandom) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.keys.XDHKeyUtil


Y_MEMBER_NAME - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwk.EllipticCurveJsonWebKey
Yytoken - Class in org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser
Yytoken(int, Object) - Constructor for class org.jose4j.json.internal.json_simple.parser.Yytoken


ZIP - Static variable in class org.jose4j.jwx.HeaderParameterNames
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form