Interface DecryptionKeyResolver

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DecryptionKeyResolver
A callback interface for resolving the key (by looking at headers like "kid", for example) to use to decrypt the JWE.
  • Method Details

    • resolveKey

      Key resolveKey(JsonWebEncryption jwe, List<JsonWebStructure> nestingContext) throws UnresolvableKeyException
      Choose the key to be used for decryption on the given JWE.
      jwe - the JsonWebEncryption that's about to be decrypted
      nestingContext - a list of JOSE objects, if any, in which the JWE was nested. The last item in the list is the outer most JOSE object (not including the current JWE).
      the decryption key
      UnresolvableKeyException - if no appropriate key can be found