
final case class Hop(chanId: Long = 0L, chanCapacity: Long = 0L, amtToForward: Long = 0L, fee: Long = 0L, expiry: Int = 0, amtToForwardMsat: Long = 0L, feeMsat: Long = 0L, pubKey: String = "", tlvPayload: Boolean = false, mppRecord: Option[MPPRecord] = _root_.scala.None, ampRecord: Option[AMPRecord] = _root_.scala.None, customRecords: Map[Long, ByteString] = ..., unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Hop] with Product with Serializable


The unique channel ID for the channel. The first 3 bytes are the block height, the next 3 the index within the block, and the last 2 bytes are the output index for the channel.


An optional public key of the hop. If the public key is given, the payment can be executed without relying on a copy of the channel graph.


If set to true, then this hop will be encoded using the new variable length TLV format. Note that if any custom tlv_records below are specified, then this field MUST be set to true for them to be encoded properly.


An optional TLV record that signals the use of an MPP payment. If present, the receiver will enforce that the same mpp_record is included in the final hop payload of all non-zero payments in the HTLC set. If empty, a regular single-shot payment is or was attempted.


An optional TLV record that signals the use of an AMP payment. If present, the receiver will treat all received payments including the same (payment_addr, set_id) pair as being part of one logical payment. The payment will be settled by XORing the root_share's together and deriving the child hashes and preimages according to BOLT XX. Must be used in conjunction with mpp_record.


An optional set of key-value TLV records. This is useful within the context of the SendToRoute call as it allows callers to specify arbitrary K-V pairs to drop off at each hop within the onion.

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Hop
  2. Updatable
  3. GeneratedMessage
  4. Serializable
  5. Serializable
  6. Product
  7. Equals
  8. AnyRef
  9. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new Hop(chanId: Long = 0L, chanCapacity: Long = 0L, amtToForward: Long = 0L, fee: Long = 0L, expiry: Int = 0, amtToForwardMsat: Long = 0L, feeMsat: Long = 0L, pubKey: String = "", tlvPayload: Boolean = false, mppRecord: Option[MPPRecord] = _root_.scala.None, ampRecord: Option[AMPRecord] = _root_.scala.None, customRecords: Map[Long, ByteString] = ..., unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...)


    The unique channel ID for the channel. The first 3 bytes are the block height, the next 3 the index within the block, and the last 2 bytes are the output index for the channel.


    An optional public key of the hop. If the public key is given, the payment can be executed without relying on a copy of the channel graph.


    If set to true, then this hop will be encoded using the new variable length TLV format. Note that if any custom tlv_records below are specified, then this field MUST be set to true for them to be encoded properly.


    An optional TLV record that signals the use of an MPP payment. If present, the receiver will enforce that the same mpp_record is included in the final hop payload of all non-zero payments in the HTLC set. If empty, a regular single-shot payment is or was attempted.


    An optional TLV record that signals the use of an AMP payment. If present, the receiver will treat all received payments including the same (payment_addr, set_id) pair as being part of one logical payment. The payment will be settled by XORing the root_share's together and deriving the child hashes and preimages according to BOLT XX. Must be used in conjunction with mpp_record.


    An optional set of key-value TLV records. This is useful within the context of the SendToRoute call as it allows callers to specify arbitrary K-V pairs to drop off at each hop within the onion.

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def addAllCustomRecords(__vs: Iterable[(Long, ByteString)]): Hop
  5. def addCustomRecords(__vs: (Long, ByteString)*): Hop
  6. val ampRecord: Option[AMPRecord]
  7. val amtToForwardMsat: Long
  8. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  9. val chanId: Long
  10. def clearAmpRecord: Hop
  11. def clearCustomRecords: Hop
  12. def clearMppRecord: Hop
  13. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  14. def companion: Hop.type
    Definition Classes
    Hop → GeneratedMessage
  15. val customRecords: Map[Long, ByteString]
  16. def discardUnknownFields: Hop
  17. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  18. val expiry: Int
  19. val feeMsat: Long
  20. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  21. def getAmpRecord: AMPRecord
  22. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  23. def getField(__field: FieldDescriptor): PValue
    Definition Classes
    Hop → GeneratedMessage
  24. def getFieldByNumber(__fieldNumber: Int): Any
    Definition Classes
    Hop → GeneratedMessage
  25. def getMppRecord: MPPRecord
  26. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  27. val mppRecord: Option[MPPRecord]
  28. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  29. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  30. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  31. val pubKey: String
  32. def serializedSize: Int
    Definition Classes
    Hop → GeneratedMessage
  33. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  34. val tlvPayload: Boolean
  35. final def toByteArray: Array[Byte]
    Definition Classes
  36. final def toByteString: ByteString
    Definition Classes
  37. final def toPMessage: PMessage
    Definition Classes
  38. def toProtoString: String
    Definition Classes
    Hop → GeneratedMessage
  39. val unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet
  40. def update(ms: (Lens[Hop, Hop]) ⇒ Mutation[Hop]*): Hop
    Definition Classes
  41. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  42. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  43. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  44. def withAmpRecord(__v: AMPRecord): Hop
  45. def withAmtToForward(__v: Long): Hop
  46. def withAmtToForwardMsat(__v: Long): Hop
  47. def withChanCapacity(__v: Long): Hop
  48. def withChanId(__v: Long): Hop
  49. def withCustomRecords(__v: Map[Long, ByteString]): Hop
  50. def withExpiry(__v: Int): Hop
  51. def withFee(__v: Long): Hop
  52. def withFeeMsat(__v: Long): Hop
  53. def withMppRecord(__v: MPPRecord): Hop
  54. def withPubKey(__v: String): Hop
  55. def withTlvPayload(__v: Boolean): Hop
  56. def withUnknownFields(__v: UnknownFieldSet): Hop
  57. final def writeDelimitedTo(output: OutputStream): Unit
    Definition Classes
  58. def writeTo(_output__: CodedOutputStream): Unit
    Definition Classes
    Hop → GeneratedMessage
  59. final def writeTo(output: OutputStream): Unit
    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. val amtToForward: Long

    (Since version ) Marked as deprecated in proto file

  2. val chanCapacity: Long

    (Since version ) Marked as deprecated in proto file

  3. val fee: Long

    (Since version ) Marked as deprecated in proto file

Inherited from Updatable[Hop]

Inherited from GeneratedMessage

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Product

Inherited from Equals

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
