Uses of Interface

Packages that use IObj
clojure.lang Clojure language implementation. 

Uses of IObj in clojure.lang

Classes in clojure.lang that implement IObj
 class AFunction
static class APersistentMap.KeySeq
static class APersistentMap.ValSeq
static class APersistentVector.RSeq
static class APersistentVector.SubVector
 class ArraySeq
static class ArraySeq.ArraySeq_boolean
static class ArraySeq.ArraySeq_byte
static class ArraySeq.ArraySeq_char
static class ArraySeq.ArraySeq_double
static class ArraySeq.ArraySeq_float
static class ArraySeq.ArraySeq_int
static class ArraySeq.ArraySeq_long
static class ArraySeq.ArraySeq_short
 class ASeq
 class ChunkedCons
 class Cons
 class Cycle
 class EnumerationSeq
 class FnLoaderThunk
 class Iterate
 class IteratorSeq
 class LazySeq
 class LongRange
          Implements the special common case of a finite range based on long start, end, and step.
 class Obj
 class PersistentArrayMap
          Simple implementation of persistent map on an array

Note that instances of this class are constant values i.e.

 class PersistentHashMap
 class PersistentHashSet
 class PersistentList
static class PersistentList.Primordial
 class PersistentQueue
          conses onto rear, peeks/pops from front See Okasaki's Batched Queues This differs in that it uses a PersistentVector as the rear, which is in-order, so no reversing or suspensions required for persistent use
 class PersistentStructMap
 class PersistentTreeMap
          Persistent Red Black Tree Note that instances of this class are constant values i.e.
static class PersistentTreeMap.Seq
 class PersistentTreeSet
 class PersistentVector
static class PersistentVector.ChunkedSeq
 class Range
          Implements generic numeric (potentially infinite) range.
 class Repeat
 class RestFn
 class StringSeq
 class Symbol

Methods in clojure.lang that return IObj
 IObj IObj.withMeta(IPersistentMap meta)
 IObj PersistentStructMap.withMeta(IPersistentMap meta)
 IObj FnLoaderThunk.withMeta(IPersistentMap meta)
 IObj Symbol.withMeta(IPersistentMap meta)
 IObj PersistentList.Primordial.withMeta(IPersistentMap meta)
 IObj AFunction.withMeta(IPersistentMap meta)

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