Uses of Class

Packages that use Symbol
clojure.lang Clojure language implementation. 

Uses of Symbol in clojure.lang

Fields in clojure.lang declared as Symbol
 Symbol Compiler.LocalBinding.sym
 Symbol Var.sym
 Symbol Keyword.sym
 Symbol TaggedLiteral.tag
 Symbol Compiler.LocalBinding.tag
 Symbol Compiler.LocalBindingExpr.tag

Methods in clojure.lang that return Symbol
static Symbol Symbol.create(String nsname)
static Symbol Symbol.create(String ns, String name)
 Symbol Namespace.getName()
static Symbol Symbol.intern(String nsname)
static Symbol Symbol.intern(String ns, String name)

Methods in clojure.lang with parameters of type Symbol
 void Namespace.addAlias(Symbol alias, Namespace ns)
static TaggedLiteral TaggedLiteral.create(Symbol tag, Object form)
static Namespace Namespace.find(Symbol name)
static Var Var.find(Symbol nsQualifiedSym)
static Keyword Keyword.find(Symbol sym)
 Var Namespace.findInternedVar(Symbol symbol)
static Namespace Namespace.findOrCreate(Symbol name)
 Object Namespace.getMapping(Symbol name)
 Class Namespace.importClass(Symbol sym, Class c)
static Var Var.intern(Namespace ns, Symbol sym)
static Var Var.intern(Namespace ns, Symbol sym, Object root)
static Var Var.intern(Namespace ns, Symbol sym, Object root, boolean replaceRoot)
 Var Namespace.intern(Symbol sym)
static Keyword Keyword.intern(Symbol sym)
static Var Var.intern(Symbol nsName, Symbol sym)
 Namespace Namespace.lookupAlias(Symbol alias)
static Object Compiler.maybeResolveIn(Namespace n, Symbol sym)
static boolean Compiler.namesStaticMember(Symbol sym)
 Var Namespace.refer(Symbol sym, Var var)
static Namespace Namespace.remove(Symbol name)
 void Namespace.removeAlias(Symbol alias)
static Object Compiler.resolveIn(Namespace n, Symbol sym, boolean allowPrivate)
 void Var.setTag(Symbol tag)
 void Namespace.unmap(Symbol sym)

Constructors in clojure.lang with parameters of type Symbol
Compiler.LocalBinding(int num, Symbol sym, Symbol tag, clojure.lang.Compiler.Expr init, boolean isArg, clojure.lang.Compiler.PathNode clearPathRoot)
Compiler.LocalBindingExpr(Compiler.LocalBinding b, Symbol tag)
Compiler.VarExpr(Var var, Symbol tag)
LispReader.DeprecatedWrappingReader(Symbol sym, String macro)
LispReader.WrappingReader(Symbol sym)

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