Package groovy.xml

Groovy markup builder classes for working with SAX and W3C DOM and Groovy markup.


Class Summary
DOMBuilder A helper class for creating a W3C DOM tree
FactorySupport Support class for creating XML Factories
MarkupBuilder A helper class for creating XML or HTML markup
Namespace A simple helper class which acts as a factory of QName instances.
NamespaceBuilder A helper class for creating namespaces for GroovyMarkup
NamespaceBuilderSupport A helper class for creating namespaced GroovyMarkup
QName QName class represents the value of a qualified name as specified in XML Schema Part2: Datatypes specification.
SAXBuilder A helper class for creating a W3C D
XmlUtil Used for pretty printing XML content.

Package groovy.xml Description

Groovy markup builder classes for working with SAX and W3C DOM and Groovy markup.

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