Package org.codehaus.groovy.transform

Interface Summary
ASTTransformation This is the delegate class for GroovyASTTransformations.

Class Summary
ASTTransformationCollectorCodeVisitor This visitor walks the AST tree and collects references to Annotations that are annotated themselves by GroovyASTTransformation.
ASTTransformationVisitor This class handles the invocation of the ASTAnnotationTransformation when it is encountered by a tree walk.
CategoryASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @Category annotation - all non-static methods converted to static ones with additional parameter 'self'
DelegateASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @Delegate annotation
ImmutableASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @Immutable annotation.
LazyASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @Lazy annotation
NewifyASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @Newify annotation.
PackageScopeASTTransformation Handles transformation for the @PackageScope annotation.
SingletonASTTransformation Handles generation of code for the @Singleton annotation

Annotation Types Summary
GroovyASTTransformation This is an annotaton on a class, currently just ASTTransformation.
GroovyASTTransformationClass This is an annotation on some item that indicates that an associated transform classes should be executed.

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