
trait Algebra[+F[_]]

Base type for algebras that produce results in some effect type F. This type serves to make sure algebras are internally consistent. E.g. they all produce an effect with the same type.

Base type for algebras that produce results in some effect type F. This type serves to make sure algebras are internally consistent. E.g. they all produce an effect with the same type.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait Bitmap[F]
trait Blend[F]
trait Debug[F]
trait GenericDebug[F, `_$3`, `_$4`]
trait Basic[F]
trait Layout[F]
trait GenericLayout[F]
trait Path[F]
trait GenericPath[F]
trait Shape[F]
trait GenericShape[F]
trait Size[F]
trait GenericSize[F]
trait Style[F]
trait GenericStyle[F]
trait Text[F]
trait GenericText[F]
trait ToPicture[F, Input]
trait Transform[F]