
final class ImageWriterIOOps[Fmt <: Format](image: Image)

This strange construction allows the user to write anImage.write[AFormat](filename) without having to specify other, mostly irrelevant to the user, type parameters.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[Alg <: Basic, Frame](file: String)(implicit w: Writer[Alg, Frame, Fmt]): IO[Unit]
def apply[Alg <: Basic, Frame](file: File)(implicit w: Writer[Alg, Frame, Fmt]): IO[Unit]
def apply[Alg <: Basic, Frame](file: String, frame: Frame)(implicit w: Writer[Alg, Frame, Fmt]): IO[Unit]
def apply[Alg <: Basic, Frame](file: File, frame: Frame)(implicit w: Writer[Alg, Frame, Fmt]): IO[Unit]