
implicit class AnimateToStreamOps[Alg <: Algebra, F[_], A](frames: Stream[IO, Picture[Alg, A]])
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def animateFrames[Frame, Canvas](frame: Frame, cb: Either[Throwable, A] => Unit)(implicit a: AnimationRenderer[Canvas], e: Renderer[Alg, Frame, Canvas], r: Redraw[Canvas], m: Monoid[A], runtime: IORuntime): Unit

Animate a source of frames that is not producing those frames at a rate that is suitable for animation.

Animate a source of frames that is not producing those frames at a rate that is suitable for animation.

def animateFramesToIO[Frame, Canvas](frame: Frame)(implicit a: AnimationRenderer[Canvas], e: Renderer[Alg, Frame, Canvas], r: Redraw[Canvas], m: Monoid[A]): IO[A]

Create an effect that, when run, will animate a source of frames that is not producing those frames at a rate that is suitable for animation.

Create an effect that, when run, will animate a source of frames that is not producing those frames at a rate that is suitable for animation.

def animateFramesWithCanvas[Canvas](canvas: Canvas, cb: Either[Throwable, A] => Unit)(implicit a: AnimationRenderer[Canvas], e: Renderer[Alg, _, Canvas], r: Redraw[Canvas], m: Monoid[A], runtime: IORuntime): Unit
def animateFramesWithCanvasToIO[Canvas](canvas: Canvas)(implicit a: AnimationRenderer[Canvas], e: Renderer[Alg, _, Canvas], r: Redraw[Canvas], m: Monoid[A]): IO[A]