
object Interpolator
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


object interpolatorInvariant extends Invariant[[A] =>> Interpolator[A]]

Invariant functor instance for Interpolator

Invariant functor instance for Interpolator

Value members

Concrete methods

def kahanSum(total: Double, x: Double, error: Double): (Double, Double)

Perform Kahan summation given the total so far, the value to add to the total, and the error term (which starts at 0.0). Returns the updated total and the new error term.

Perform Kahan summation given the total so far, the value to add to the total, and the error term (which starts at 0.0). Returns the updated total and the new error term.

Kahan's algorithm is a way to sum floating point numbers that reduces error compared to straightforward addition.



implicit val angleInterpolator: Interpolator[Angle]

Interpolator instance for Angle

Interpolator instance for Angle

implicit val doubleInterpolator: Interpolator[Double]

Interpolator instance for Double

Interpolator instance for Double