Class Join.Builder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class Join.Builder
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • setJoinColumns

        public Join.Builder setJoinColumns​(String... joinColumnNames)
        Specify the column(s) to join on. Here, we are assuming that both data sources have the same column names. If this is not the case, use setJoinColumnsLeft(String...) and setJoinColumnsRight(String...). The idea: join examples where firstDataValues(joinColumNames[i]) == secondDataValues(joinColumnNames[i]) for all i
        joinColumnNames - Name of the columns to use as the key to join on
      • setJoinColumnsLeft

        public Join.Builder setJoinColumnsLeft​(String... joinColumnNames)
        Specify the names of the columns to join on, for the left data) The idea: join examples where firstDataValues(joinColumNamesLeft[i]) == secondDataValues(joinColumnNamesRight[i]) for all i
        joinColumnNames - Names of the columns to join on (for left data)
      • setJoinColumnsRight

        public Join.Builder setJoinColumnsRight​(String... joinColumnNames)
        Specify the names of the columns to join on, for the right data) The idea: join examples where firstDataValues(joinColumNamesLeft[i]) == secondDataValues(joinColumnNamesRight[i]) for all i
        joinColumnNames - Names of the columns to join on (for left data)
      • build

        public Join build()