Class NDArrayMetaData

    • Constructor Detail

      • NDArrayMetaData

        public NDArrayMetaData​(String name,
                               long[] shape)
        name - Name of the NDArray column
        shape - shape of the NDArray column. Use -1 in entries to specify as "variable length" in that dimension
    • Method Detail

      • getColumnType

        public ColumnType getColumnType()
        Description copied from interface: ColumnMetaData
        Get the type of column
      • isValid

        public boolean isValid​(Writable writable)
        Description copied from interface: ColumnMetaData
        Is the given Writable valid for this column, given the column type and any restrictions given by the ColumnMetaData object?
        writable - Writable to check
        true if value, false if invalid
      • isValid

        public boolean isValid​(Object input)
        Description copied from interface: ColumnMetaData
        Is the given object valid for this column, given the column type and any restrictions given by the ColumnMetaData object?
        input - object to check
        true if value, false if invalid