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AbstractMapper - Class in org.dizitart.no2.mapper
This class provides a skeletal implementation of a NitriteMapper.
AbstractMapper() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.mapper.AbstractMapper
Afrikaans - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Afrikaans stop words
Afrikaans() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Afrikaans
ALL - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.filters.Filters
A filter to select all elements.
ALL - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.ObjectFilters
A filter to select all elements.
and(Filter...) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.filters.Filters
Creates an and filter which performs a logical AND operation on two filters and selects the documents that satisfy both filters.
and(ObjectFilter...) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.ObjectFilters
Creates an and filter which performs a logical AND operation on two filters and selects the objects that satisfy both filters.
apply(NitriteMap<NitriteId, Document>) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.Filter
Filters a document map and returns the set of NitriteIds of matching Documents.
Arabic - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Arabic stop words
Arabic() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Arabic
Armenian - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Armenian stop words
Armenian() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Armenian
asDocument(T) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.mapper.AbstractMapper
asDocument(T) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.mapper.NitriteMapper
Converts and object to a Document.
asDocumentInternal(T) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.mapper.AbstractMapper
A child class must override this method for vendor specific serialization.
asDocumentInternal(T) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.mapper.JacksonMapper
asObject(Document, Class<T>) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.mapper.AbstractMapper
asObject(Document, Class<T>) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.mapper.NitriteMapper
Tries to convert a document to an object of type T.
asObjectInternal(Document, Class<T>) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.mapper.AbstractMapper
A child class must override this method for vendor specific de-serialization.
asObjectInternal(Document, Class<T>) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.mapper.JacksonMapper
asValue(Object) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.mapper.JacksonMapper
asValue(Object) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.mapper.NitriteMapper
Tries to convert an object to a value type, which will be stored in the document.
Attributes - Class in org.dizitart.no2.meta
Represents metadata attributes of a collection.
Attributes(String) - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.meta.Attributes
Instantiates a new Attributes.
autoCommitBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteBuilder
Sets the size of the write buffer, in KB disk space (for file-based stores).


BaseFilter - Class in org.dizitart.no2.filters
An abstract implementation of Filter.
BaseFilter() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.filters.BaseFilter
BaseObjectFilter - Class in org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters
An abstract implementation of ObjectFilter.
BaseObjectFilter() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.BaseObjectFilter
BaseTextTokenizer - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext
An abstract text tokenizer which tokenizes a given string.
BaseTextTokenizer() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.BaseTextTokenizer
Basque - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Basque stop words
Basque() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Basque
Bengali - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Bengali stop words
Bengali() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Bengali
Breton - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Breton stop words
Breton() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Breton
builder() - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.Nitrite
Provides a builder utility to create a Nitrite database instance.
Bulgarian - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Bulgarian stop words
Bulgarian() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Bulgarian
bytesToLong(byte[]) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ByteUtils
Converts a byte array to a long value.
ByteUtils - Class in org.dizitart.no2.util
Byte utility class.


CAN_NOT_COMPARE_WITH_NULL_ID - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
CAN_NOT_PROJECT_TO_ABSTRACT - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
CAN_NOT_PROJECT_TO_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
CAN_NOT_PROJECT_TO_EMPTY_TYPE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
CAN_NOT_PROJECT_TO_INTERFACE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
CAN_NOT_PROJECT_TO_PRIMITIVE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
CAN_NOT_SEARCH_NON_COMPARABLE_ON_INDEXED_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
cancelSync() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncHandle
Cancels current replication thread.
canEqual(Object) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Index
canEqual(Object) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.KeyValuePair
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
Catalan - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Catalan stop words
Catalan() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Catalan
ceilingKey(Key) - Method in interface
Get the smallest key that is larger or equal to this key.
change(ChangeFeed) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateSyncTemplate
change(ChangeFeed) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncTemplate
Uploads the local changes to the server.
ChangeAware - Interface in org.dizitart.no2.event
Interface to be implemented by collections that wish to be aware of any data modification.
ChangedItem - Class in org.dizitart.no2.event
Represents affected item during collection modification.
ChangedItem() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangedItem
changedSince(FeedOptions) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateSyncTemplate
changedSince(FeedOptions) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncTemplate
Downloads the list of changes from the server.
ChangeFeed - Class in
Represents a cumulative changes (add, update, delete) in a collection.
ChangeFeed() - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new ChangeFeed.
ChangeInfo - Class in org.dizitart.no2.event
Represents a collection change information.
ChangeInfo(ChangeType) - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangeInfo
Instantiates a new ChangeInfo.
ChangeListener - Interface in org.dizitart.no2.event
An interface when implemented makes an object be able to listen to any changes in a NitriteCollection or ObjectRepository.
ChangeResponse - Class in
The DataGate server change operation response.
ChangeResponse() - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new ChangeResponse.
ChangeResponse(boolean) - Constructor for class
ChangeType - Enum in org.dizitart.no2.event
Represents different types of collection modification actions.
Chinese - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Chinese stop words
Chinese() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Chinese
clear() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.TextIndexingService
Deletes all full-text index entries.
clear() - Method in interface
Remove all entries in the map.
clear() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateSyncTemplate
clear() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncTemplate
Clears the remote collection.
close() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.event.EventBus
Closes the event bus and de-registers all event listeners.
close() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.event.NitriteEventBus
close() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Nitrite
Closes the database.
close() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.PersistentCollection
Closes the collection for further access.
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in interface
Closes the file and the store.
closeImmediately() - Method in class
closeImmediately() - Method in interface
Closes the file and the store, without writing anything.
COLLECTION - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant COLLECTION.
COLLECTION_IS_DROPPED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
CollectionFactory - Class in org.dizitart.no2.internals
A factory class to create a NitriteCollection.
CollectionFactory() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.internals.CollectionFactory
CollectionSyncBuilder() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.sync.Replicator.CollectionSyncBuilder
commit() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Nitrite
Commits the changes.
commit() - Method in class
commit() - Method in interface
Commits the changes.
compact() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Nitrite
Compacts store by moving all chunks next to each other.
compactMoveChunks() - Method in class
compactMoveChunks() - Method in interface
Compacts the store by moving all chunks next to each other.
compare(Number, Number) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.NumberUtils
Compare two numbers.
compareTo(Index) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Index
compareTo(NitriteId) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteId
compressed() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteBuilder
Compresses data before writing using the LZF algorithm.
configure() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.Replicator.SyncHandleBuilder
Configures a new SyncHandle to control the replication.
connectTimeout(long) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateClient
Sets the connection timeout for the underlying http client.
Constants - Class in org.dizitart.no2
Constants used in Nitrite.
containsKey(Key) - Method in interface
Determines if the map contains a mapping for the specified key.
convertWord(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.BaseTextTokenizer
Converts a word into all lower case and checks if it is a known stop word.
createDocument(String, Object) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.Document
Instantiates a new Document from a key-value pair.
createId(Long) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteId
Creates a NitriteId from a long value.
createIndex(NitriteId, String, String) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.TextIndexingService
Creates a full-text index entry from a specific field containing the text.
createIndex(String, IndexOptions) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.PersistentCollection
Creates an index on value, if not already exists.
createRemoteUser(UserAccount) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateUserTemplate
Create a new user in the server.
createThread(Runnable) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ErrorAwareThreadFactory
Creates a new Thread.
createUniqueFilter(Document) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.DocumentUtils
Create unique filter to identify the document.
createUniqueFilter(Object, Field) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ObjectUtils
Creates unique filter from the object.
Croatian - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Croatian stop words
Croatian() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Croatian
Cursor - Interface in org.dizitart.no2
An interface to iterate over database find() results.
Cursor<T> - Interface in org.dizitart.no2.objects
A collection of NitriteIds of the database records, as a result of a find operation.
Czech - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Czech stop words
Czech() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Czech


DAEMON_THREAD_NAME - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
daemonExecutor() - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ExecutorUtils
Creates an ExecutorService where all Threads are daemon threads and uncaught error aware.
Danish - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Danish stop words
Danish() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Danish
DATABASE_OPENED_IN_OTHER_PROCESS - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
DataGateClient - Class in org.dizitart.no2.sync
Represents a DataGate server client for synchronous access.
DataGateClient(String) - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateClient
Instantiates a new DataGateClient.
DataGateSyncTemplate - Class in org.dizitart.no2.sync
Represents a template for DataGate sync operations.
DataGateSyncTemplate(DataGateClient, String) - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateSyncTemplate
Instantiates a new DataGateSyncTemplate.
DataGateUserTemplate - Class in org.dizitart.no2.sync
Represents a template for DataGate users operations.
DataGateUserTemplate(DataGateClient) - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateUserTemplate
Instantiates a new DataGateUserTemplate.
deepEquals(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.EqualsUtils
Computes equality of two objects.
delay(TimeSpan) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.Replicator.SyncHandleBuilder
Sets the sync delay.
DELETE_TIME - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant DELETE_TIME.
DELETED_ID - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant DELETED_ID.
DELETED_ITEM - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant DELETED_ITEM.
deleteIndex(NitriteId, String, String) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.TextIndexingService
Deletes a full-text index entry.
deleteIndexesByField(String) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.TextIndexingService
Deletes all full-text index entries of the field.
deleteRemoteUser(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateUserTemplate
Deletes a remote user by username.
deregister(ChangeListener) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangeAware
De-registers an already registered ChangeListener instance to listen to any changes.
deregister(EventListener) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.event.EventBus
De-registers an already registered event listener.
deregister(EventListener) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.event.NitriteEventBus
disableAutoCommit() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteBuilder
Disables auto commit.
disableAutoCompact() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteBuilder
Disables auto compact before close.
DOC_GET_TYPE_NULL - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
DOC_ID - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant DOC_ID denotes the '_id' field in a document.
DOC_MODIFIED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant DOC_MODIFIED.
DOC_REVISION - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant DOC_CREATED.
DOC_SOURCE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant DOC_SOURCE.
DOC_SYNCED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant DOC_SYNCED.
Document - Class in org.dizitart.no2
Represents a type-safe container of nitrite document.
Document() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.Document
Instantiates an empty document.
Document(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.Document
Instantiates a new Document from a map.
DocumentUtils - Class in org.dizitart.no2.util
A utility class for Document.
drop() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.TextIndexingService
Drops all full-text index entries of a collection.
drop() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.PersistentCollection
Drops the collection and all of its indices.
dropAllIndices() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.PersistentCollection
Drops all indices from the collection.
dropIndex(String) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.PersistentCollection
Drops the index on a field.
Dutch - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Dutch stop words
Dutch() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Dutch


ELEM_MATCH_SUPPORTED_ON_ARRAY_ONLY - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
elemMatch(String, Filter) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.filters.Filters
Creates an element match filter that matches documents that contain an array value with at least one element that matches the specified filter.
elemMatch(String, ObjectFilter) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.ObjectFilters
Creates an element match filter that matches objects that contain an array value with at least one element that matches the specified filter.
emptyDocument(NitriteMapper, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.DocumentUtils
Creates an empty document from a Class definition.
English - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
English stop words
English() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.English
EnglishTextTokenizer - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext
A TextTokenizer implementation for the English languages.
EnglishTextTokenizer() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.EnglishTextTokenizer
entrySet() - Method in interface
Gets a Set view of the mappings contained in this map.
eq(String, Object) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.filters.Filters
Creates an equality filter which matches documents where the value of a field equals the specified value.
eq(String, Object) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.ObjectFilters
Creates an equality filter which matches objects where the value of a field equals the specified value.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Index
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.KeyValuePair
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteId
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
EqualsUtils - Class in org.dizitart.no2.util
A utility class to compute equality.
ErrorAwareThreadFactory - Class in org.dizitart.no2.util
A ThreadFactory implementation which creates Thread which is aware of any uncaught exception.
ErrorAwareThreadFactory() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.util.ErrorAwareThreadFactory
ErrorCodes - Class in org.dizitart.no2.exceptions
Nitrite error codes
ErrorCodes() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
ErrorMessage - Class in org.dizitart.no2.exceptions
Represents Nitrite error message.
errorMessage(String, int) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
Creates a new ErrorMessage.
errorResponse(Response) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ResponseUtils
Creates string representation of an error response.
Esperanto - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Esperanto stop words
Esperanto() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Esperanto
Estonian - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Estonian stop words
Estonian() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Estonian
EventBus<EventInfo,EventListener> - Interface in org.dizitart.no2.event
Represents a generic publish/subscribe event bus interface.
EventType - Enum in org.dizitart.no2.sync
Represents different types of replication events.
ExecutorUtils - Class in org.dizitart.no2.util
A utility class for ExecutorService.
EXPORT_WRITE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
EXPORT_WRITER_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
Exporter - Class in org.dizitart.no2.tool
Nitrite database export utility.
ExportOptions - Class in org.dizitart.no2.tool
Represents export options.
ExportOptions() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.tool.ExportOptions
exportTo(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.Exporter
Exports data to a file.
exportTo(File) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.Exporter
Exports data to a File.
exportTo(OutputStream) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.Exporter
Exports data to an OutputStream.
exportTo(Writer) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.Exporter
Exports data to a Writer.
extractIndices(NitriteMapper, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ObjectUtils
Extract indices information by scanning for Index annotated fields.


FAILED_TO_CREATE_AUTO_ID - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
FAILED_TO_CREATE_IN_MEMORY_READONLY_DB - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
FAILED_TO_QUERY_FTS_DATA - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
FE_AND_INVALID - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_ELEM_MATCH_FULL_TEXT - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_ELEM_MATCH_GT_FILTER_INVALID_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_ELEM_MATCH_GT_FILTER_INVALID_ITEM - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_ELEM_MATCH_GTE_FILTER_INVALID_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_ELEM_MATCH_GTE_FILTER_INVALID_ITEM - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_ELEM_MATCH_INVALID_FILTER - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_ELEM_MATCH_INVALID_REGEX - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_ELEM_MATCH_LT_FILTER_INVALID_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_ELEM_MATCH_LT_FILTER_INVALID_ITEM - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_ELEM_MATCH_LTE_FILTER_INVALID_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_ELEM_MATCH_LTE_FILTER_INVALID_ITEM - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_ELEM_MATCH_NESTED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_ELEM_MATCH_NO_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_ELEM_MATCH_REGEX_INVALID_ITEM - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_FILTERED_FIND_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_FILTERED_FIND_WITH_OPTION_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_FTS_STAR_NOT_VALID - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_GT_FIELD_NOT_COMPARABLE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_GTE_FIELD_NOT_COMPARABLE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_IN_SEARCH_TERM_NOT_COMPARABLE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_INDEX_NON_COMPARABLE_SEARCH - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_LT_FIELD_NOT_COMPARABLE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_LTE_FIELD_NOT_COMPARABLE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_MULTIPLE_WORDS_WITH_WILDCARD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_OBJ_ELEM_MATCH_FULL_TEXT - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_OBJ_ELEM_MATCH_GT_FILTER_INVALID_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_OBJ_ELEM_MATCH_GT_FILTER_INVALID_ITEM - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_OBJ_ELEM_MATCH_GTE_FILTER_INVALID_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_OBJ_ELEM_MATCH_GTE_FILTER_INVALID_ITEM - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_OBJ_ELEM_MATCH_INVALID_FILTER - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_OBJ_ELEM_MATCH_INVALID_REGEX - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_OBJ_ELEM_MATCH_LT_FILTER_INVALID_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_OBJ_ELEM_MATCH_LT_FILTER_INVALID_ITEM - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_OBJ_ELEM_MATCH_LTE_FILTER_INVALID_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_OBJ_ELEM_MATCH_LTE_FILTER_INVALID_ITEM - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_OBJ_ELEM_MATCH_NESTED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_OBJ_ELEM_MATCH_NO_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_OBJ_ELEM_MATCH_REGEX_INVALID_ITEM - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_OR_INVALID - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_REGEX_NO_STRING_VALUE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_SEARCH_TERM_INVALID_LEADING_STAR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_SEARCH_TERM_INVALID_TRAILING_STAR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_SEARCH_TERM_NOT_COMPARABLE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FE_VALUE_NOT_COMPARABLE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
FeedOptions - Class in
Represents the options to extract the change feeds from server.
FeedOptions() - Constructor for class
fetch(int, int) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateSyncTemplate
fetch(int, int) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncTemplate
Fetches all documents from remote.
FetchResponse - Class in
The DataGate server fetch operation response.
FetchResponse() - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new FetchResponse.
FetchResponse(List<Document>) - Constructor for class
filePath(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteBuilder
Sets file name for the file based store.
filePath(File) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteBuilder
Sets file name for the file based store.
Filter - Interface in org.dizitart.no2
An interface to specify filtering criteria during find operation.
FILTERED_FIND_OPERATION_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
FILTERED_FIND_WITH_OPTIONS_OPERATION_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
FilterException - Exception in org.dizitart.no2.exceptions
Exception thrown during find operations due to invalid filter configuration.
FilterException(ErrorMessage) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.FilterException
Instantiates a new Filter exception.
FilterException(ErrorMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.FilterException
Instantiates a new Filter exception.
Filters - Class in org.dizitart.no2.filters
A helper class to create all type of Filters.
find() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.NitriteCollection
Returns a cursor to all documents in the collection.
find(Filter) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.NitriteCollection
Applies a filter on the collection and returns a cursor to the selected documents.
find(FindOptions) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.NitriteCollection
Returns a customized cursor to all documents in the collection.
find(Filter, FindOptions) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.NitriteCollection
Applies a filter on the collection and returns a customized cursor to the selected documents.
find() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.objects.ObjectRepository
Returns a cursor to all objects in the collection.
find(ObjectFilter) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.objects.ObjectRepository
Applies a filter on the collection and returns a cursor to the selected objects.
find(FindOptions) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.objects.ObjectRepository
Returns a customized cursor to all objects in the collection.
find(ObjectFilter, FindOptions) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.objects.ObjectRepository
Applies a filter on the collection and returns a customized cursor to the selected objects.
findEqualWithIndex(String, Object) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.internals.NitriteService
Finds with equal filer using index.
findGreaterEqualWithIndex(String, Comparable) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.internals.NitriteService
Finds with greater and equal filer using index.
findGreaterThanWithIndex(String, Comparable) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.internals.NitriteService
Finds with greater than filer using index.
findInWithIndex(String, List<Object>) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.internals.NitriteService
Finds with in filer using index.
findLesserEqualWithIndex(String, Comparable) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.internals.NitriteService
Finds with lesser equal filer using index.
findLesserThanWithIndex(String, Comparable) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.internals.NitriteService
Finds with lesser filer using index.
findObjectStoreName(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ObjectUtils
Generates the name of an ObjectRepository.
FindOptions - Class in org.dizitart.no2
Represents the options to specify during a find operation on a collection.
FindOptions(int, int) - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.FindOptions
Instantiates a new find options with pagination criteria.
FindOptions(String, SortOrder) - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.FindOptions
Instantiates a new find options with sorting criteria.
findTextWithIndex(String, String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.internals.NitriteService
Finds with text filer using full-text index.
Finnish - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Finnish stop words
Finnish() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Finnish
firstOrDefault() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.RecordIterable
Gets the first element of the result or null if it is empty.
firstOrDefault(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.Iterables
Gets the first element of an Iterable or null if it is empty.
floorKey(Key) - Method in interface
Get the largest key that is smaller or equal to this key.
forLocal(NitriteCollection) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.Replicator.CollectionSyncBuilder
Sets the local NitriteCollection.
forLocal(ObjectRepository<T>) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.Replicator.CollectionSyncBuilder
Sets the local ObjectRepository.
French - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
French stop words
French() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.French
FULL_TEXT_ELEM_MATCH_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
FULL_TEXT_OBJ_ELEM_MATCH_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage


Galician - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Galiciam stop words
Galician() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Galician
German - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
German stop words
German() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.German
get(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Document
Get object specified with the key.
get(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Document
Get object of type T.
get(Key) - Method in interface
Gets the value mapped with the specified key or null otherwise.
getAccountNonExpired() - Method in class
Gets a boolean value indicating if account has been expired or not.
getAccountNonLocked() - Method in class
Gets a boolean value indicating if account has been locked or not.
getAffectedCount() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.WriteResult
Gets the count of affected document in the collection.
getAppName() - Method in class
The application name.
getAppVersion() - Method in class
The application version.
getArch() - Method in class
getAttributes() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.meta.MetadataAware
Returns the meta data attributes of an object.
getAuthorities() - Method in class
The list of authorities associated with the user.
getAutoCommitBufferSize() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteContext
Gets the size of the auto-commit buffer.
getById(NitriteId) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.PersistentCollection
Gets a single element from the collection by its id.
getChangedItems() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangeInfo
Specifies affected items due to collection a change.
getChangeTimestamp() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangedItem
Specifies the unix timestamp of the change.
getChangeType() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangedItem
Specifies the change type.
getChangeType() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangeInfo
Specifies the change type.
getClientId() - Method in class
The client id
getCollection() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.meta.Attributes
The name of the collection associated with this attribute.
getCollection(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Nitrite
Opens a named collection from the store.
getCollectionName() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Index
Gets the collection name.
getCollectionName() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateSyncTemplate
getCollectionName() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncEventData
Indicates the source collection name.
getCollectionName() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncEventListener
Gets the source collection name.
getCollectionName() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncTemplate
Gets the name of the remote collection.
getCollections() - Method in class
The list of collection permitted to be accessed by the user.
getCollections() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.ExportOptions
Specifies a list of PersistentCollections to be exported.
getContext() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Nitrite
Provides contextual information for the nitrite database instance.
getCreatedTime() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.meta.Attributes
The collection creation timestamp.
getDevice() - Method in class
The device name.
getDocument() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangedItem
Specifies the changed document.
getDocumentCollection() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.objects.ObjectRepository
Returns the underlying document collection.
getDocuments() - Method in class
The list of Documents fetched from the server.
getEnabled() - Method in class
Gets a boolean value indicating if account is enabled or not.
getError() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncEventData
Indicates error during replication.
getErrorCode() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
Gets the error code.
getErrorMessage() - Method in exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.NitriteException
Gets the ErrorMessage corresponds to this exception.
getEventExecutor() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.event.NitriteEventBus
Gets the ExecutorService that executes listeners' code.
getEventType() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncEventData
Indicates the replication EventType.
getExpiryWait() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.meta.Attributes
The sync lock expiration time in milliseconds.
getField() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.FindOptions
Gets the target value name for sorting the find results.
getField() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Index
Gets the target value for the index.
getFields(Document) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.DocumentUtils
Gets all first level fields of a document.
getFieldsUpto(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ReflectionUtils
Gets the class hierarchy.
getFieldValue(Document, String) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.DocumentUtils
Gets the value of a value inside a document.
getFilePath() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteContext
Gets the database file path.
getForeignField() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Lookup
Specifies the field from the foreign records.
getFromSequence() - Method in class
The from sequence number.
getHttpClient() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateClient
Gets the underlying http client for the server-client communication.
getId() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Document
Gets the _id field of the document.
getIdField(NitriteMapper, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ObjectUtils
Gets the field marked with Id annotation.
getIdValue() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteId
Gets the underlying id object.
getIndexType() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Index
Specifies the type of the index.
getIndexType() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.IndexOptions
Specifies the type of an index to create.
getJava() - Method in class
getKey() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.KeyValuePair
The key of the pair.
getLastModifiedTime() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Document
Gets the last modified time of the documents.
getLastModifiedTime() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.meta.Attributes
The last modified timestamp.
getLastSynced() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.meta.Attributes
The last replication timestamp.
getLimit() - Method in class
The limit up to which the change feed needs to be fetched from the offset.
getListeners() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.event.NitriteEventBus
Gets a set of all event listeners.
getLocalField() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Lookup
Specifies the field from the records input to the join.
getMapNames() - Method in class
getMapNames() - Method in interface
Gets the set of all map names.
getMessage() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
Gets the error message.
getModifiedDocuments() - Method in class
Gets updated documents.
getName() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.PersistentCollection
Returns the name of the PersistentCollection.
getName() - Method in interface
Gets name of this map.
getNitriteContext() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.internals.NitriteService
Gets the nitrite context.
getNitriteMapper() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.internals.NitriteService
Gets the NitriteMapper implementation.
getNitriteMapper() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteContext
Gets the NitriteMapper instance configured.
getObjectMapper() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.mapper.JacksonMapper
Gets the underlying ObjectMapper instance to configure.
getOffset() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.FindOptions
Gets the offset for pagination in find operation.
getOffset() - Method in class
The offset from which the change feed needs to be fetched from server.
getOriginatingThread() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangeInfo
Specifies the name of the thread where the change has been originated.
getOriginator() - Method in class
The originator of the sync request.
getOs() - Method in class
getPassword() - Method in class
The user password.
getPlatform() - Method in class
The DataGate server platform details.
getRemovedDocuments() - Method in class
Gets removed ids.
getRepository(Class<T>) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Nitrite
Opens a type-safe object repository from the store.
getRevision() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Document
Gets the document revision number.
getScheduledWorkerPool() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteContext
getSequenceNumber() - Method in class
The sequence number of the current feed.
getServerBaseUrl() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateClient
Gets the server base url.
getSize() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.FindOptions
Gets the number of records in each page for pagination in find operation results.
getSize() - Method in class
The size of the server collection.
getSortOrder() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.FindOptions
Gets the sort order of the find result.
getSource() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Document
Gets the source of the documents.
getStorage() - Method in class
The DataGate server storage details.
getStore() - Method in interface
Gets the parent NitriteStore where this map is stored.
getSyncLock() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.meta.Attributes
The sync lock data of the collection.
getTargetField() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Lookup
Specifies the new field of the joined records.
getTextIndexingService() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteContext
Gets the custom TextIndexingService implementation used for the database.
getTextTokenizer() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteContext
Gets the TextTokenizer implementation used for the database.
getTime() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.TimeSpan
The time.
getTimeUnit() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.TimeSpan
The time unit.
getType() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.objects.ObjectRepository
Returns the type associated with the ObjectRepository.
getUncaughtErrorHandler() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ErrorAwareThreadFactory
Gets unhandled error handler.
getUserAccount(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateUserTemplate
Gets user account details by username.
getUserName() - Method in class
The user name.
getUuid() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.meta.Attributes
The unique identifier of the collection.
getValue() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.KeyValuePair
The value of the pair.
getVendor() - Method in class
The server vendor name.
getVendor() - Method in class
The storage vendor name.
getVersion() - Method in class
The DataGate server version.
getVersion() - Method in class
The storage version.
getWorkerPool() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteContext
Greek - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Greek stop words
Greek() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Greek
gt(String, Object) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.filters.Filters
Creates a greater than filter which matches those documents where the value of the value is greater than (i.e.
gt(String, Object) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.ObjectFilters
Creates a greater than filter which matches those objects where the value of the field is greater than (i.e.
gte(String, Object) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.filters.Filters
Creates a greater equal filter which matches those documents where the value of the value is greater than or equals to (i.e.
gte(String, Object) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.ObjectFilters
Creates a greater equal filter which matches those objects where the value of the field is greater than or equals to (i.e.


hasCollection(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Nitrite
Checks whether a particular NitriteCollection exists in the store.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Index
hashCode() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.KeyValuePair
hashCode() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteId
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hasIndex(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.internals.NitriteService
Specifies if a value is indexed.
hasIndex(String) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.PersistentCollection
Checks if a value is already indexed or not.
hasMap(String) - Method in class
hasMap(String) - Method in interface
Checks whether a given map exists in the store.
hasMore() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.RecordIterable
Specifies if there are more elements in the database that has not been retrieved yet.
hasRepository(Class<T>) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Nitrite
Checks whether a particular ObjectRepository exists in the store.
hasUnsavedChanges() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Nitrite
Checks whether the store has any unsaved changes.
hasUnsavedChanges() - Method in class
hasUnsavedChanges() - Method in interface
Checks whether there are any unsaved changes.
Hausa - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Hausa stop words
Hausa() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Hausa
Hebrew - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Hebrew stop words
Hebrew() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Hebrew
higherKey(Key) - Method in interface
Get the smallest key that is larger than the given key, or null if no such key exists.
Hindi - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Hindi stop words
Hindi() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Hindi
Hungarian - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Hungarian stop words
Hungarian() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Hungarian


Id - Annotation Type in org.dizitart.no2.objects
Indicates that an annotated field is the id field.
ID_CAN_NOT_BE_NULL - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
ID_FIELD_IS_NOT_ACCESSIBLE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
ID_FILTER_VALUE_CAN_NOT_BE_NULL - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
ID_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant ID_PREFIX used in NitriteId.toString().
ID_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant ID_SUFFIX used in NitriteId.toString().
ID_VALUE_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY_STRING - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
IE_CAN_NOT_DROP_ALL_RUNNING_INDEX - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_CAN_NOT_DROP_RUNNING_INDEX - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_CREATE_INDEX_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_DROP_NON_EXISTING_INDEX - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_FAILED_TO_QUERY_FTS_DATA - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_FAILED_TO_WRITE_FTS_DATA - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_FULL_TEXT_NON_STRING_VALUE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_INDEX_EXISTS - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_INDEX_ON_ARRAY_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_INDEX_ON_NON_COMPARABLE_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_INDEX - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_OBJ_INDEX_INVALID_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_OBJ_INDEX_ON_ARRAY_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_OBJ_INDEX_ON_NON_COMPARABLE_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_OBJ_INDICES_INVALID_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_REBUILD_INDEX_DOES_NOT_EXISTS - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_REBUILD_INDEX_FIELD_NOT_INDEXED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_REBUILD_INDEX_RUNNING - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_REMOVE_FULL_TEXT_INDEX_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_TEXT_FILTER_FIELD_NOT_INDEXED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IE_VALIDATE_REBUILD_INDEX_RUNNING - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IIE_COMPARISON_WITH_NULL_ID - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IIE_FAILED_TO_CREATE_AUTO_ID - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IIE_ID_FIELD_NOT_ACCESSIBLE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IIE_ID_VALUE_EMPTY_STRING - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IIE_INVALID_ID_FOUND - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IIE_NULL_ID - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IIE_NULL_ID_FILTER_VALUE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IMPORT_READ_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
IMPORT_READER_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
Importer - Class in org.dizitart.no2.tool
Nitrite database import utility.
importFrom(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.Importer
Imports data from a file path.
importFrom(File) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.Importer
Imports data from a file.
importFrom(InputStream) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.Importer
Imports data from an InputStream.
importFrom(Reader) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.Importer
Imports data from a Reader.
in(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.filters.Filters
Creates an in filter which matches the documents where the value of a field equals any value in the specified array.
in(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.ObjectFilters
Creates an in filter which matches the objects where the value of a field equals any value in the specified array.
Index - Class in org.dizitart.no2
Represents a nitrite database index.
Index(IndexType, String, String) - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.Index
Instantiates a new Index.
Index - Annotation Type in org.dizitart.no2.objects
Specifies a field to be indexed.
INDEX_META_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
INDEX_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant INDEX_PREFIX.
IndexingException - Exception in org.dizitart.no2.exceptions
Exception thrown while handling with nitrite database index.
IndexingException(ErrorMessage) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.IndexingException
Instantiates a new Indexing exception.
IndexingException(ErrorMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.IndexingException
Instantiates a new Indexing exception.
IndexOptions - Class in org.dizitart.no2
Represents options to apply while creating an Index.
IndexOptions() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.IndexOptions
indexOptions(IndexType) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.IndexOptions
Creates an IndexOptions with the specified indexType.
indexOptions(IndexType, boolean) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.IndexOptions
Creates an IndexOptions with the specified indexType and async flag.
IndexType - Enum in org.dizitart.no2
An enum to specify Index type.
IndexUtils - Class in org.dizitart.no2.util
A utility class for nitrite Index.
Indices - Annotation Type in org.dizitart.no2.objects
Specifies multiple indexed fields for a class.
Indonesian - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Indonesian stop words
Indonesian() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Indonesian
InfoResponse - Class in
The DataGate server info operation response.
InfoResponse() - Constructor for class
InfoResponse.Platform - Class in
Represents server platform details.
InfoResponse.Storage - Class in
Represents server storage details.
InheritIndices - Annotation Type in org.dizitart.no2.objects
Indicates that a class should consider all index related annotations - @Id, @Index, @Indices from its superclass.
insert(Document, Document...) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.NitriteCollection
Inserts documents into a collection.
insert(T, T...) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.objects.ObjectRepository
Inserts objects into this repository.
insert(T[]) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.PersistentCollection
Inserts elements into this collection.
INTERNAL_NAME_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
internalName(Index) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.IndexUtils
Gets the internal name of an Index.
INVALID_AND_FILTER - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
INVALID_EMBEDDED_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
INVALID_OR_FILTER - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
INVALID_SEARCH_TERM_LEADING_STAR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
INVALID_SEARCH_TERM_TRAILING_STAR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
INVALID_USER_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
InvalidIdException - Exception in org.dizitart.no2.exceptions
Exception thrown when a Document does not have any NitriteId associated with it or it has invalid/incompatible NitriteId.
InvalidIdException(ErrorMessage) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.InvalidIdException
Instantiates a new Invalid id exception.
InvalidIdException(ErrorMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.InvalidIdException
Instantiates a new Invalid id exception.
InvalidOperationException - Exception in org.dizitart.no2.exceptions
Exception thrown when a requested operation is not allowed to be executed.
InvalidOperationException(ErrorMessage) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.InvalidOperationException
Instantiates a new Invalid operation exception.
IOE_COMPOUND_INDEX - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IOE_DOC_ID_AUTO_GENERATED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IOE_IN_MEMORY_READONLY_DB - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IOE_OBJ_COMPOUND_INDEX - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IOE_OBJ_REMOVE_JOINED_OBJECT_ITERATOR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IOE_OBJ_REMOVE_OBJECT_ITERATOR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IOE_OBJ_REMOVE_PROJECTED_OBJECT_ITERATOR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IOE_REMOVE_DOCUMENT_ITERATOR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IOE_REPLICATOR_RUNNING - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
IOE_SORT_ON_ARRAY_TYPE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
Irish - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Irish stop words
Irish() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Irish
isAsync() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.IndexOptions
Indicates whether an index to be created in a non-blocking way.
isAutoCommitEnabled() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteContext
Indicates if auto commit is enabled or not.
isAutoCompactEnabled() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteContext
Indicates if auto compact is enabled or not before close.
isCancelled() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncHandle
Indicates whether the replicator thread is currently canceled.
isChanged() - Method in class
The boolean value indicating whether the server data updated successfully or not.
isClosed() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Nitrite
Checks whether the store is closed.
isClosed() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.PersistentCollection
Returns true if the collection is closed; otherwise, false.
isClosed() - Method in class
isClosed() - Method in interface
Checks whether this store is closed for further modification.
isCompressed() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteContext
Indicates if this is a compressed database or not.
isDropped() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.PersistentCollection
Returns true if the collection is dropped; otherwise, false.
isEmpty() - Method in interface
Indicates whether the map is empty.
isEqual(int) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
Checks if an error code corresponds to an ErrorMessage.
isExportData() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.ExportOptions
Indicates if the export operation exports collection data.
isExportIndices() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.ExportOptions
Indicates if the export operation exports indices information.
isIndexing(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.internals.NitriteService
Specifies if an indexing operation is currently running.
isIndexing(String) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.PersistentCollection
Checks if indexing operation is currently ongoing for a field.
isInMemory() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteContext
Indicates if this is an in-memory database or not.
isJustOnce() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.UpdateOptions
Indicates if only one document will be updated or all of them.
isJustOne() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.RemoveOptions
Indicates if only one document will be removed or all of them.
isLockAcquired() - Method in class
The boolean value indicating whether the lock has been acquired or not.
isNullOrEmpty(String) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.StringUtils
Checks if a string is null or empty string.
isNullOrEmpty(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.StringUtils
Checks if a CharSequence is null or empty.
isObjectStore(String) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ObjectUtils
Checks whether a collection name is a valid object store name.
isOnline() - Method in class
The boolean value indicating whether the server is online or not.
isOnline() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateSyncTemplate
isOnline() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncTemplate
Checks if the server is online and reachable.
isPaginated() - Method in class
The boolean value indicating whether pagination should required or not.
isPaused() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncHandle
Indicates if the replication is paused or not.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteContext
Indicates if this is a readonly database or not.
isRecent(Document, Document) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.DocumentUtils
Determines whether a document has recently been updated/created than the other.
isSorted(Iterable<T>, boolean) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.Iterables
Determines whether the supplied iterable is sorted.
isStopped() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncHandle
Indicates whether the replicator is stopped.
isUpsert() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.UpdateOptions
Indicates if the update operation will insert a new document if it does not find any existing document to update.
isValidCollectionName(String) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ValidationUtils
Determines if a string is a valid collection name.
isValueType(Object) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.mapper.JacksonMapper
isValueType(Object) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.mapper.NitriteMapper
Determines if an object would be stored as a value type.
Italian - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Italian stop words
Italian() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Italian
Iterables - Class in org.dizitart.no2.util
A utility class for Iterable.
iterator() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Document


JacksonMapper - Class in org.dizitart.no2.mapper
A jackson based NitriteMapper implementation.
JacksonMapper() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.mapper.JacksonMapper
Japanese - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Japanese stop words
Japanese() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Japanese
join(Cursor, Lookup) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.Cursor
Performs a left outer join with a foreign cursor with the specified lookup parameters.
join(Cursor<Foreign>, Lookup, Class<Joined>) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.objects.Cursor
Performs a left outer join with a foreign cursor with the specified lookup parameters.
JSON_SERIALIZATION_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage


keyList() - Method in interface
Returns the list of all keys in the map.
keySet() - Method in interface
Gets a Set view of the keys contained in this map.
KeyValuePair - Class in org.dizitart.no2
Represents a key and a value pair.
KeyValuePair(String, Object) - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.KeyValuePair
Korean - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Korean stop words
Korean() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Korean
Kurdish - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Kurdish stop words
Kurdish() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Kurdish


Language - Interface in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext
Represents a set of stop words for a specific language.
Languages - Enum in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext
All supported languages for full-text search.
Latin - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Latin stop words
Latin() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Latin
Latvian - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Latvian stop words
Latvian() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Latvian
limit(int, int) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.FindOptions
Creates a find options with pagination criteria.
listCollectionNames() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Nitrite
Gets the set of all NitriteCollections' names saved in the store.
listIndices() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.PersistentCollection
Gets a set of all indices in the collection.
listRepositories() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Nitrite
Gets the set of all fully qualified class names corresponding to all ObjectRepositorys in the store.
Lithuanian - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Lithuanian stop words
Lithuanian() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Lithuanian
loadAllLanguages() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.UniversalTextTokenizer
loadLanguage(Languages...) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.UniversalTextTokenizer
Lookup - Class in org.dizitart.no2
Represents lookup parameters in join operation of tow collections.
Lookup() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.Lookup
lowerKey(Key) - Method in interface
Get the largest key that is smaller than the given key, or null if no such key exists.
lt(String, Object) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.filters.Filters
Creates a lesser than filter which matches those documents where the value of the value is less than (i.e.
lt(String, Object) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.ObjectFilters
Creates a lesser than filter which matches those objects where the value of the field is less than (i.e.
lte(String, Object) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.filters.Filters
Creates a lesser equal filter which matches those documents where the value of the value is lesser than or equals to (i.e.
lte(String, Object) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.ObjectFilters
Creates a lesser equal filter which matches those objects where the value of the field is lesser than or equals to (i.e.


Malay - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Malay stop words
Malay() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Malay
Mappable - Interface in org.dizitart.no2.mapper
An object that serializes itself to a Document and vice versa.
Marathi - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Marathi stop words
Marathi() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Marathi
META_MAP_NAME - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant META_MAP_NAME.
MetadataAware - Interface in org.dizitart.no2.meta
Interface to be implemented by database objects that wish to be aware of their meta data.
metaMap() - Method in class
metaMap() - Method in interface
Gets the metadata of all NitriteMaps.
MULTIPLE_WORDS_WITH_WILD_CARD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage


NESTED_ELEM_MATCH_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
NESTED_OBJ_ELEM_MATCH_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
newId() - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteId
Gets a new auto-generated NitriteId.
newInstance(Class<T>) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ObjectUtils
newThread(Runnable) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ErrorAwareThreadFactory
NIE_OBJ_MULTIPLE_ID - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
NIE_OBJ_REMOVE_FAILED_FOR_NO_ID - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
NIE_OBJ_UPDATE_FAILED_FOR_NO_ID - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
NIE_REMOVE_FAILED_FOR_NO_ID - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
NIE_UPDATE_FAILED_FOR_NO_ID - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
NIOE_COLLECTION_DROPPED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
NIOE_DATABASE_OPENED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
NIOE_DIR_DOES_NOT_EXISTS - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
NIOE_EXPORT_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
NIOE_EXPORT_WRITE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
NIOE_EXPORT_WRITER_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
NIOE_FILE_CREATE_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
NIOE_IMPORT_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
NIOE_IMPORT_READ_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
NIOE_IMPORT_READER_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
NIOE_IN_MEMORY_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
NIOE_IN_MEMORY_READONLY_DB - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
NIOE_REPAIR_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
NIOE_STORE_CLOSED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
Nitrite - Class in org.dizitart.no2
NitriteBuilder - Class in org.dizitart.no2
A builder utility to create a Nitrite database instance.
NitriteCollection - Interface in org.dizitart.no2
Represents a named document collection stored in nitrite database.
NitriteContext - Class in org.dizitart.no2
Represents a readonly view of all contextual information of a nitrite database.
NitriteEventBus<EventInfo,EventListener> - Class in org.dizitart.no2.event
An abstract implementation of EventBus.
NitriteEventBus(NitriteContext) - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.event.NitriteEventBus
Instantiates a new Nitrite event bus.
NitriteException - Exception in org.dizitart.no2.exceptions
Represents a generic nitrite database runtime error.
NitriteException(ErrorMessage) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.NitriteException
Instantiates a new Nitrite exception.
NitriteException(ErrorMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.NitriteException
Instantiates a new Nitrite exception.
NitriteId - Class in org.dizitart.no2
An unique identifier across the Nitrite database.
NitriteIOException - Exception in org.dizitart.no2.exceptions
Represents a generic database I/O error.
NitriteIOException(ErrorMessage) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.NitriteIOException
Instantiates a new NitriteIOException.
NitriteIOException(ErrorMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.NitriteIOException
Instantiates a new NitriteIOException.
NitriteMap<Key,Value> - Interface in
Represents a Nitrite key-value pair map.
NitriteMapper - Interface in org.dizitart.no2.mapper
Represents an object mapper for nitrite database.
nitriteMapper(NitriteMapper) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteBuilder
Sets a custom NitriteMapper implementation.
nitriteMapper - Variable in class org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.BaseObjectFilter
The NitriteMapper instance.
NitriteMVStore - Class in
A MVStore backed NitriteStore implementation.
NitriteMVStore(MVStore) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new NitriteMVStore.
nitriteService - Variable in class org.dizitart.no2.filters.BaseFilter
The Nitrite service.
NitriteService - Class in org.dizitart.no2.internals
A service class for Nitrite database operations.
nitriteService - Variable in class org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.BaseObjectFilter
The Nitrite service.
NitriteStore - Interface in
Represents a persistent storage for Nitrite database.
NO2 - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant NO2.
NO_USER_MAP_FOUND - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
NON_STRING_VALUE_IN_FULL_TEXT_INDEX - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
Norwegian - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Norwegian stop words
Norwegian() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Norwegian
not(Filter) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.filters.Filters
Creates a not filter which performs a logical NOT operation on a filter and selects the documents that do not satisfy the filter.
not(ObjectFilter) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.ObjectFilters
Creates a not filter which performs a logical NOT operation on a filter and selects the objects that do not satisfy the filter.
notEmpty(String, ErrorMessage) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ValidationUtils
Validates if a string is empty or null.
notEmpty(CharSequence, ErrorMessage) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ValidationUtils
Validates if a CharSequence is empty or null.
notEmpty(Object[], ErrorMessage) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ValidationUtils
Validates if an object array is empty.
NotIdentifiableException - Exception in org.dizitart.no2.exceptions
Exception thrown when an object is not uniquely identifiable.
NotIdentifiableException(ErrorMessage) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.NotIdentifiableException
Instantiates a new Not identifiable exception.
notNull(Object, ErrorMessage) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ValidationUtils
Validates if an object is null.
NULL_USER_CREDENTIAL - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
NumberUtils - Class in org.dizitart.no2.util
A utility class for Numbers.


OBJ_ELEM_MATCH_SUPPORTED_ON_ARRAY_ONLY - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
OBJ_INVALID_EMBEDDED_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
OBJ_MULTIPLE_ID_FOUND - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
OBJ_REMOVE_FAILED_AS_NO_ID_FOUND - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
OBJ_REMOVE_ON_JOINED_OBJECT_ITERATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
OBJ_REMOVE_ON_OBJECT_ITERATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
OBJ_REMOVE_ON_PROJECTED_OBJECT_ITERATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
OBJ_UPDATE_FAILED_AS_NO_ID_FOUND - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
OBJECT_STORE_NAME_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
ObjectFilter - Interface in org.dizitart.no2.objects
An interface to specify filtering criteria during ObjectRepository's find operations.
ObjectFilters - Class in org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters
A helper class to create all type of ObjectFilters.
ObjectMappingException - Exception in org.dizitart.no2.exceptions
Exception thrown while mapping of Document from objects fails or vice versa.
ObjectMappingException(ErrorMessage) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ObjectMappingException
Instantiates a new Object mapping exception.
ObjectRepository<T> - Interface in org.dizitart.no2.objects
Represents a type-safe persistent java object collection.
ObjectUtils - Class in org.dizitart.no2.util
A utility class for Object.
of(Nitrite) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.Replicator
Sets the local database to start replication.
of(Nitrite) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.Exporter
Creates a new Exporter instance.
of(Nitrite) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.Importer
Creates a new Importer instance.
ofType(ReplicationType) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.Replicator.SyncHandleBuilder
Sets the ReplicationType.
OME_CYCLE_DETECTED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
OME_NO_DEFAULT_CTOR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
OME_PARSE_JSON_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
OME_SERIALIZE_TO_JSON_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
onChange(ChangeInfo) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangeListener
Listener routine to be invoked for each change event.
OnlineResponse - Class in
The DataGate server online operation response.
OnlineResponse() - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new OnlineResponse.
OnlineResponse(boolean) - Constructor for class
onSyncEvent(SyncEventData) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncEventListener
Listener routine to be invoked for each replication event.
open(NitriteMap<NitriteId, Document>, NitriteContext) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.internals.CollectionFactory
Opens or creates a NitriteCollection.
open(Class<T>, NitriteCollection, NitriteContext) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.objects.RepositoryFactory
Opens an object repository for a specific type.
openMap(String) - Method in class
openMap(String) - Method in interface
Opens a NitriteMap with the default settings.
openOrCreate() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteBuilder
Opens or creates a new database.
openOrCreate(String, String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteBuilder
Opens or creates a new database.
or(Filter...) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.filters.Filters
Creates an or filter which performs a logical OR operation on two filters and selects the documents that satisfy at least one of the filter.
or(ObjectFilter...) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.ObjectFilters
Creates an or filter which performs a logical OR operation on two filters and selects the objects that satisfy at least one of the filter.
org.dizitart.no2 - package org.dizitart.no2
Nitrite database api.
org.dizitart.no2.event - package org.dizitart.no2.event
Database event api.
org.dizitart.no2.exceptions - package org.dizitart.no2.exceptions
Various exceptions used in Nitrite.
org.dizitart.no2.filters - package org.dizitart.no2.filters
Filter api for NitriteCollection.
org.dizitart.no2.fulltext - package org.dizitart.no2.fulltext
Full text engine for Nitrite database.
org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages - package org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
org.dizitart.no2.internals - package org.dizitart.no2.internals
Nitrite database internal operations.
org.dizitart.no2.mapper - package org.dizitart.no2.mapper
Nitrite Document serialization api.
org.dizitart.no2.meta - package org.dizitart.no2.meta
Nitrite database metadata.
org.dizitart.no2.objects - package org.dizitart.no2.objects
Nitrite database ObjectRepository api.
org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters - package org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters
Filter api for ObjectRepository - package
Nitrite database storage api.
org.dizitart.no2.sync - package org.dizitart.no2.sync
Nitrite database synchronization api. - package
Nitrite database synchronization data models.
org.dizitart.no2.tool - package org.dizitart.no2.tool
Nitrite database tooling.
org.dizitart.no2.util - package org.dizitart.no2.util
Various utility classes for database operations.


PAGINATION_OFFSET_CAN_NOT_BE_NEGATIVE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
PAGINATION_OFFSET_GREATER_THAN_SIZE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
PAGINATION_SIZE_CAN_NOT_BE_NEGATIVE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
parse(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.mapper.JacksonMapper
parse(String) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.mapper.NitriteMapper
Parses a json string into a nitrite Document.
parse(String) - Static method in class
Parse a user agent string.
PASSWORD_IS_EMPTY - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
pauseSync() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncHandle
Pauses the replicator.
Persian - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Persian stop words
Persian() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Persian
PersistentCollection<T> - Interface in org.dizitart.no2
The interface Persistent collection.
Platform() - Constructor for class
Polish - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Polish stop words
Polish() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Polish
Portuguese - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Portuguese stop words
Portuguese() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Portuguese
post(EventInfo) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.event.EventBus
Posts an event to the event bus.
project(Document) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.Cursor
Gets a lazy iterable containing all the selected keys of the result documents.
project(Class<P>) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.objects.Cursor
Projects the result of one type into an Iterable of other type.
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Document
Append document with new key and value pair.
put(Key, Value) - Method in interface
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
putIfAbsent(Key, Value) - Method in interface
Add a key-value pair if it does not yet exist.


read(NitriteMapper, Document) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.mapper.Mappable
Reads the document and populate all fields of this instance.
readOnly() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteBuilder
Opens the file in read-only mode.
readTimeout(long) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateClient
Sets the read timeout for the underlying http client.
rebuildIndex(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.PersistentCollection
Rebuilds index on field if it exists.
RecordIterable<T> - Interface in org.dizitart.no2
An iterable of database records which supports pagination and projection.
recover(String) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.Recovery
Attempt a database file recovery by rolling back to the newest good version.
recover(String, PrintWriter) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.Recovery
Attempt a database file recovery by rolling back to the newest good version.
Recovery - Class in org.dizitart.no2.tool
The nitrite database recovery utility.
Recovery() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.tool.Recovery
ReflectionUtils - Class in org.dizitart.no2.util
A utility class for reflection.
regex(String, String) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.filters.Filters
Creates a string filter which provides regular expression capabilities for pattern matching strings in documents.
regex(String, String) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.ObjectFilters
Creates a string filter which provides regular expression capabilities for pattern matching strings in objects.
register(ChangeListener) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangeAware
Registers a ChangeListener instance to listen to any changes.
register(EventListener) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.event.EventBus
Registers an event listener to the event-bus.
register(EventListener) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.event.NitriteEventBus
releaseLock(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateSyncTemplate
releaseLock(String) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncTemplate
Releases the synchronization lock on the remote collection.
remove(Filter) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.NitriteCollection
Removes matching elements from the collection.
remove(Filter, RemoveOptions) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.NitriteCollection
Removes document from a collection.
remove(ObjectFilter) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.objects.ObjectRepository
Removes matching elements from the collection.
remove(ObjectFilter, RemoveOptions) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.objects.ObjectRepository
Removes objects from the collection.
remove(T) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.PersistentCollection
Deletes the element from the collection.
remove(Key) - Method in interface
Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present.
REMOVE_FAILED_AS_NO_ID_FOUND - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
REMOVE_ON_DOCUMENT_ITERATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
removeMap(NitriteMap<Key, Value>) - Method in class
removeMap(NitriteMap<Key, Value>) - Method in interface
Removes a map from the store.
RemoveOptions - Class in org.dizitart.no2
Settings to control remove operation in NitriteCollection.
RemoveOptions() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.RemoveOptions
ReplicationType - Enum in org.dizitart.no2.sync
Represents different types of replication.
REPLICATOR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant REPLICATOR.
Replicator - Class in org.dizitart.no2.sync
Replication configurator.
Replicator() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.sync.Replicator
Replicator.CollectionSyncBuilder - Class in org.dizitart.no2.sync
Local collection builder for replication.
Replicator.SyncHandleBuilder - Class in org.dizitart.no2.sync
The SyncHandle builder for replication.
REPLICATOR_ALREADY_RUNNING - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
REPOSITORY_NOT_INITIALIZED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
RepositoryFactory - Class in org.dizitart.no2.objects
A factory class to open a ObjectRepository.
RESERVED_NAMES - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant RESERVED_NAMES.
reset() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.Resettable
Resets the iterator to the beginning after reading it.
resetLocalWithRemote(int, int) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncHandle
Resets local collection with the remote collection.
resetRemoteWithLocal(int, int) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncHandle
Resets remote collection with the local collection.
Resettable<T> - Interface in org.dizitart.no2
An Iterable that can be reset.
ResponseUtils - Class in org.dizitart.no2.util
The OkHttp Response utility class.
resumeSync() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncHandle
Resumes a paused replicator.
Romanian - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Romanian stop words
Romanian() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Romanian
Russian - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Russian stop words
Russian() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Russian


SCHEDULED_THREAD_NAME - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
scheduledExecutor() - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ExecutorUtils
Creates a ScheduledExecutorService where all Threads are daemon threads and uncaught error aware.
SE_INVALID_USER_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SE_NO_USER_MAP_FOUND - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SE_NULL_USER_CREDENTIAL - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SE_PASSWORD_EMPTY - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SE_USER_ID_EMPTY - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SE_USER_MAP_SHOULD_NOT_EXISTS - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
searchByIndex(String, String) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.TextIndexingService
Searches searchString using the full-text index of the field.
SecurityException - Exception in org.dizitart.no2.exceptions
Exception thrown when a database security error occurs.
SecurityException(ErrorMessage) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.SecurityException
Instantiates a new SecurityException.
Sesotho - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Sesotho stop words
Sesotho() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Sesotho
setAccountNonExpired(boolean) - Method in class
A boolean value indicating whether account has been expired or not.
setAccountNonLocked(boolean) - Method in class
A boolean value indicating whether account has been locked or not.
setAppName(String) - Method in class
The application name.
setAppVersion(String) - Method in class
The application version.
setArch(String) - Method in class
setAsync(boolean) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.IndexOptions
Indicates whether an index to be created in a non-blocking way.
setAttributes(Attributes) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.meta.MetadataAware
Sets new meta data attributes.
setAuthorities(String[]) - Method in class
The list of authorities associated with the user.
setChanged(boolean) - Method in class
The boolean value indicating whether the server data updated successfully or not.
setChangedItems(Collection<ChangedItem>) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangeInfo
Specifies affected items due to collection a change.
setChangeTimestamp(long) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangedItem
Specifies the unix timestamp of the change.
setChangeType(ChangeType) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangedItem
Specifies the change type.
setChangeType(ChangeType) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangeInfo
Specifies the change type.
setClientId(String) - Method in class
The client id
setCollection(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.meta.Attributes
The name of the collection associated with this attribute.
setCollectionName(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncEventData
Indicates the source collection name.
setCollectionName(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncEventListener
Gets the source collection name.
setCollections(List<String>) - Method in class
The list of collection permitted to be accessed by the user.
setCollections(List<PersistentCollection<?>>) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.ExportOptions
Specifies a list of PersistentCollections to be exported.
setCreatedTime(long) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.meta.Attributes
The collection creation timestamp.
setDevice(String) - Method in class
The device name.
setDocument(Document) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangedItem
Specifies the changed document.
setDocuments(List<Document>) - Method in class
The list of Documents fetched from the server.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
A boolean value indicating whether account has been enabled or not.
setError(Throwable) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncEventData
Indicates error during replication.
setEventType(EventType) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncEventData
Indicates the replication EventType.
setExpiryWait(long) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.meta.Attributes
The sync lock expiration time in milliseconds.
setExportData(boolean) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.ExportOptions
Indicates if the export operation exports collection data.
setExportIndices(boolean) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.ExportOptions
Indicates if the export operation exports indices information.
setForeignField(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Lookup
Specifies the field from the foreign records.
setFromSequence(Long) - Method in class
The from sequence number.
setIndexType(IndexType) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.IndexOptions
Specifies the type of an index to create.
setJava(String) - Method in class
setJustOnce(boolean) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.UpdateOptions
Indicates if only one document will be updated or all of them.
setJustOne(boolean) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.RemoveOptions
Indicates if only one document will be removed or all of them.
setKey(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.KeyValuePair
The key of the pair.
setLastModifiedTime(long) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.meta.Attributes
The last modified timestamp.
setLastSynced(long) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.meta.Attributes
The last replication timestamp.
setLimit(int) - Method in class
The limit up to which the change feed needs to be fetched from the offset.
setLocalField(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Lookup
Specifies the field from the records input to the join.
setLockAcquired(boolean) - Method in class
The boolean value indicating whether the lock has been acquired or not.
setModifiedDocuments(List<Document>) - Method in class
Sets inserted documents.
setNitriteMapper(NitriteMapper) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.BaseObjectFilter
setNitriteMapper(NitriteMapper) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.objects.ObjectFilter
Sets NitriteMapper to the filter.
setNitriteService(NitriteService) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.Filter
Sets NitriteService in the filter object.
setNitriteService(NitriteService) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.filters.BaseFilter
setNitriteService(NitriteService) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.BaseObjectFilter
setOffset(int) - Method in class
The offset from which the change feed needs to be fetched from server.
setOnline(boolean) - Method in class
The boolean value indicating whether the server is online or not.
setOriginatingThread(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangeInfo
Specifies the name of the thread where the change has been originated.
setOriginator(String) - Method in class
The originator of the sync request.
setOs(String) - Method in class
setPaginated(boolean) - Method in class
The boolean value indicating whether pagination should required or not.
setPassword(String) - Method in class
The user password.
setPlatform(InfoResponse.Platform) - Method in class
The DataGate server platform details.
setRemovedDocuments(List<Document>) - Method in class
Sets deleted documents.
setSequenceNumber(Long) - Method in class
The sequence number of the current feed.
setSize(long) - Method in class
The size of the server collection.
setStorage(InfoResponse.Storage) - Method in class
The DataGate server storage details.
setSyncLock(long) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.meta.Attributes
The sync lock data of the collection.
setTargetField(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Lookup
Specifies the new field of the joined records.
setTime(long) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.TimeSpan
The time.
setTimeUnit(TimeUnit) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.TimeSpan
The time unit.
setUpsert(boolean) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.UpdateOptions
Indicates if the update operation will insert a new document if it does not find any existing document to update.
setUserName(String) - Method in class
The user name.
setUuid(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.meta.Attributes
The unique identifier of the collection.
setValue(Object) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.KeyValuePair
The value of the pair.
setVendor(String) - Method in class
The server vendor name.
setVendor(String) - Method in class
The storage vendor name.
setVersion(String) - Method in class
The DataGate server version.
setVersion(String) - Method in class
The storage version.
shutdownAndAwaitTermination(ExecutorService, int) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ExecutorUtils
Shuts down and awaits termination of an ExecutorService.
size() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.PersistentCollection
Returns the size of the PersistentCollection.
size() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.RecordIterable
Gets the size of the current record set.
size() - Method in interface
Get the number of entries, as a integer.
size() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateSyncTemplate
size() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncTemplate
Gets the size of the remote collection.
sizeAsLong() - Method in interface
Get the number of entries, as a long.
SizeResponse - Class in
The DataGate server size operation response.
SizeResponse() - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new SizeResponse.
SizeResponse(long) - Constructor for class
Slovak - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Slovak stop words
Slovak() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Slovak
Slovenian - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Slovenian stop words
Slovenian() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Slovenian
Somali - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Somali stop words
Somali() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Somali
sort(String, SortOrder) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.FindOptions
Creates a find options with sorting criteria.
sortByScore(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.IndexUtils
Sorts a map against it values.
SortOrder - Enum in org.dizitart.no2
An enum to specify a sort order.
Spanish - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Spanish stop words
Spanish() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Spanish
STAR_NOT_A_VALID_SEARCH_STRING - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
startSync() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncHandle
Starts replication in a background thread.
stopSync() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncHandle
Stops current replicator.
stopWords() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.Language
A set of stop words for the language.
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Afrikaans
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Arabic
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Armenian
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Basque
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Bengali
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Breton
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Bulgarian
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Catalan
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Chinese
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Croatian
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Czech
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Danish
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Dutch
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.English
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Esperanto
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Estonian
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Finnish
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.French
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Galician
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.German
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Greek
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Hausa
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Hebrew
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Hindi
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Hungarian
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Indonesian
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Irish
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Italian
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Japanese
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Korean
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Kurdish
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Latin
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Latvian
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Lithuanian
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Malay
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Marathi
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Norwegian
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Persian
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Polish
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Portuguese
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Romanian
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Russian
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Sesotho
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Slovak
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Slovenian
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Somali
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Spanish
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Swahili
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Swedish
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Tagalog
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Thai
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Turkish
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Ukrainian
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Urdu
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Vietnamese
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Yoruba
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Zulu
stopWords() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.TextTokenizer
Gets all stop-words for a language.
stopWords() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.UniversalTextTokenizer
Storage() - Constructor for class
STORE_IS_CLOSED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
StringUtils - Class in org.dizitart.no2.util
A utility class for String.
Swahili - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Swahili stop words
Swahili() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Swahili
Swedish - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Swedish stop words
Swedish() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Swedish
SYE_CHANGE_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_CHANGE_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_CHANGE_SINCE_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_CHANGE_SINCE_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_CLEAR_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_CLEAR_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_CREATE_ACCOUNT_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_CREATE_ACCOUNT_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_DELETE_ACCOUNT_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_DELETE_ACCOUNT_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_FETCH_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_FETCH_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_GET_ACCOUNT_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_GET_ACCOUNT_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_GET_SIZE_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_IS_ONLINE_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_RELEASE_LOCK_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_RELEASE_LOCK_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_SIZE_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_TRY_LOCK_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_TRY_LOCK_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_UPDATE_ACCOUNT_FAILED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYE_UPDATE_ACCOUNT_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
SYNC_ACCOUNT_CREATE_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
SYNC_ACCOUNT_UPDATE_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
SYNC_CHANGE_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
SYNC_CHANGE_SINCE_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
SYNC_CLEAR_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
SYNC_FETCH_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
SYNC_GET_SIZE_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
SYNC_NO_REMOTE_COLLECTION - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
SYNC_RELEASE_LOCK_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
SYNC_TRY_LOCK_REMOTE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
SyncEventData - Class in org.dizitart.no2.sync
Represents the event data for a replication event.
SyncEventData() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncEventData
SyncEventListener - Class in org.dizitart.no2.sync
Represents the base event listener for replication event.
SyncEventListener() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncEventListener
SyncException - Exception in org.dizitart.no2.exceptions
Exception thrown when a problem encountered during replication.
SyncException(ErrorMessage) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.SyncException
Instantiates a new SyncException.
SyncException(ErrorMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.SyncException
Instantiates a new SyncException.
SyncHandle - Class in org.dizitart.no2.sync
Represents a handle for the replication operation.
SyncHandleBuilder() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.sync.Replicator.SyncHandleBuilder
SyncTemplate - Interface in org.dizitart.no2.sync
An interface for the DataGate sync operations.


TAG_COLLECTIONS - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
TAG_DATA - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant TAG_DATA.
TAG_INDEX - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant TAG_INDEX.
TAG_INDICES - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant TAG_INDICES.
TAG_KEY - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant TAG_KEY.
TAG_NAME - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant TAG_NAME.
TAG_REPOSITORIES - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
TAG_TYPE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant TAG_TYPE.
TAG_VALUE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant TAG_VALUE.
Tagalog - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Tagalog stop words
Tagalog() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Tagalog
text(String, String) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.filters.Filters
Creates a text filter which performs a text search on the content of the fields indexed with a full-text index.
text(String, String) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.objects.filters.ObjectFilters
Creates a text filter which performs a text search on the content of the fields indexed with a full-text index.
TextIndexingService - Interface in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext
Represents a full-text indexing engine.
textIndexingService(TextIndexingService) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteBuilder
Sets a custom TextIndexingService implementation to be used during full text indexing and full text search.
TextTokenizer - Interface in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext
A stop-word based string tokenizer.
textTokenizer(TextTokenizer) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteBuilder
Sets a custom TextTokenizer for the in-built TextIndexingService.
Thai - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Thai stop words
Thai() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Thai
thenLimit(int, int) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.FindOptions
Sets the pagination criteria of a @FindOptions with sorting updateOptions.
TimeSpan - Class in org.dizitart.no2.sync
Represents a time span.
TimeSpan(long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.sync.TimeSpan
Instantiates a new TimeSpan.
timeSpan(long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.TimeSpan
Creates a new TimeSpan.
toArray(Iterable<T>, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.Iterables
Converts an Iterable of type T into an array of type T.
toJson(Object) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.mapper.JacksonMapper
toJson(Object) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.mapper.NitriteMapper
Serializes an object to a json string
tokenize(String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.BaseTextTokenizer
tokenize(String) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.TextTokenizer
Tokenize a text and discards all stop-words from it.
toList() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.RecordIterable
Returns a list of all elements.
toList(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.Iterables
Converts an Iterable into a List.
toString() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangedItem
toString() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Index
toString() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.KeyValuePair
toString() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.NitriteId
toString() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.RemoveOptions
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.UpdateOptions
totalCount() - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.RecordIterable
Gets the total count of the records in the database matching a filter criteria.
trustAllCerts() - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateClient
Trust all certificates.
TryLockResponse - Class in
The DataGate server tryLock operation response.
TryLockResponse() - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new TryLockResponse.
TryLockResponse(boolean) - Constructor for class
trySyncLock(TimeSpan, String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateSyncTemplate
trySyncLock(TimeSpan, String) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.sync.SyncTemplate
Tries to acquire a synchronization lock on the remote collection.
Turkish - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Turkish stop words
Turkish() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Turkish


UCE_BUILD_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
UCE_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
UCE_UPDATE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
Ukrainian - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Ukrainian stop words
Ukrainian() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Ukrainian
UNABLE_TO_CREATE_DB_FILE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
UNABLE_TO_CREATE_IN_MEMORY_DB - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
UNABLE_TO_CREATE_IN_MEMORY_READONLY_DB - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
UNABLE_TO_REPAIR_DB - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
UNABLE_TO_SORT_ON_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
UniqueConstraintException - Exception in org.dizitart.no2.exceptions
Exception thrown when any modification in a collection violates unique constraint.
UniqueConstraintException(ErrorMessage) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.UniqueConstraintException
Instantiates a new Unique constraint exception.
UniversalTextTokenizer - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext
A TextTokenizer implementation for various languages.
UniversalTextTokenizer() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.UniversalTextTokenizer
update(Filter, Document) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.NitriteCollection
Updates documents in the collection.
update(Filter, Document, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.NitriteCollection
Updates documents in the collection.
update(ObjectFilter, T) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.objects.ObjectRepository
Updates objects in the repository.
update(ObjectFilter, T, UpdateOptions) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.objects.ObjectRepository
Updates objects in the repository.
update(ObjectFilter, Document) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.objects.ObjectRepository
Updates objects in the repository by setting the field specified in document.
update(ObjectFilter, Document, boolean) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.objects.ObjectRepository
Updates objects in the repository by setting the field specified in document.
update(T) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.PersistentCollection
Updates element in the collection.
update(T, boolean) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.PersistentCollection
Updates element in the collection.
UPDATE_FAILED_AS_NO_ID_FOUND - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
updateIndex(NitriteId, String, String) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.TextIndexingService
Updates a full-text index entry.
UpdateOptions - Class in org.dizitart.no2
Settings to control update operation in NitriteCollection.
UpdateOptions() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.UpdateOptions
updateOptions(boolean) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.UpdateOptions
Creates a new UpdateOptions.
updateOptions(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.UpdateOptions
Creates a new UpdateOptions.
updateRemoteUser(UserAccount) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateUserTemplate
Updates an existing remote user.
Urdu - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Urdu stop words
Urdu() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Urdu
USER_AGENT - Static variable in class
The constant USER_AGENT.
USER_ID_IS_EMPTY - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
USER_MAP - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.Constants
The constant USER_MAP.
USER_MAP_SHOULD_NOT_EXISTS - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
UserAccount - Class in
Represents the user account in DataGate server.
UserAccount() - Constructor for class
UserAgent - Class in
Represents the usr agent of the DataGate client.
UserAgent() - Constructor for class


validateCollectionName(String) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ValidationUtils
Validates a collection name.
validateDocumentIndexField(Object, String) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ValidationUtils
Validates if a field of a document can be indexed.
validateInFilterValue(String, Object[]) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ValidationUtils
Validates an In filter value.
validateLimit(FindOptions, long) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ValidationUtils
Validates pagination limit in FindOptions against the total size.
validateSearchTerm(NitriteMapper, String, Object) - Static method in class org.dizitart.no2.util.ValidationUtils
Validates a search term.
validateUser(String, String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.Nitrite
Checks if a specific username and password combination is valid to access the database.
ValidationException - Exception in org.dizitart.no2.exceptions
Exception thrown when a validation fails.
ValidationException(ErrorMessage) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ValidationException
Instantiates a new ValidationException.
ValidationException(ErrorMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ValidationException
Instantiates a new ValidationException.
ValidationUtils - Class in org.dizitart.no2.util
A validation utility class.
VALUE_IS_NOT_COMPARABLE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorMessage
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.Languages
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.dizitart.no2.IndexType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.dizitart.no2.SortOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.dizitart.no2.sync.EventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.dizitart.no2.sync.ReplicationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.dizitart.no2.event.ChangeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.Languages
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.dizitart.no2.IndexType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.dizitart.no2.SortOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in interface
Gets a Collection view of the values contained in this map.
values() - Static method in enum org.dizitart.no2.sync.EventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.dizitart.no2.sync.ReplicationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VE_BIG_DECIMAL_INVALID_FORMAT - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_COLLECTION_EMPTY_NAME - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_COLLECTION_NAME_RESERVED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_COLLECTION_NULL_NAME - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_CREATE_INDEX_NULL_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_CREATE_INDEX_NULL_INDEX_TYPE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_DROP_INDEX_NULL_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_FIND_EQUAL_INDEX_NULL_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_FIND_FILTERED_NULL_FIND_OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_FIND_GT_INDEX_NULL_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_FIND_GT_INDEX_NULL_VALUE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_FIND_GTE_INDEX_NULL_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_FIND_GTE_INDEX_NULL_VALUE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_FIND_IN_INDEX_NULL_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_FIND_IN_INDEX_NULL_VALUE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_FIND_INDEX_NULL_INDEX - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_FIND_LT_INDEX_NULL_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_FIND_LT_INDEX_NULL_VALUE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_FIND_LTE_INDEX_NULL_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_FIND_LTE_INDEX_NULL_VALUE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_FIND_NULL_FIND_OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_FIND_TEXT_INDEX_NULL_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_FIND_TEXT_INDEX_NULL_VALUE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_GET_BY_ID_NULL_ID - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_HAS_INDEX_NULL_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_IN_FILTER_EMPTY_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_IN_FILTER_EMPTY_VALUES - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_IN_FILTER_NULL_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_IN_FILTER_NULL_VALUES - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_INDEX_ANNOTATION_NULL_TYPE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_INDEX_EMPTY_COLLECTION - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_INDEX_EMPTY_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_INDEX_NULL_COLLECTION - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_INDEX_NULL_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_INDEX_NULL_INDEX - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_INDEX_NULL_INDEX_TYPE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_INSERT_NULL_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_INSERT_NULL_DOCUMENT_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_INVALID_ARRAY_INDEX_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_INVALID_EMBEDDED_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_INVALID_LIST_INDEX_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_INVALID_REMAINING_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_IS_INDEXING_NULL_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_NC_REBUILD_INDEX_NULL_INDEX - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_NC_REMOVE_NULL_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_NEGATIVE_ARRAY_INDEX_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_NEGATIVE_LIST_INDEX_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_NEGATIVE_PAGINATION_OFFSET - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_NEGATIVE_PAGINATION_SIZE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_OBJ_CREATE_INDEX_NULL_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_OBJ_FILTER_NULL_AND_FILTERS - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_OBJ_FILTER_NULL_NOT_FILTERS - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_OBJ_FILTER_NULL_OR_FILTERS - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_OBJ_INVALID_EMBEDDED_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_OBJ_INVALID_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_OBJ_STORE_NULL_TYPE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_OBJ_UPDATE_NULL_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_OBJ_UPDATE_NULL_OBJECT - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_OBJ_UPDATE_NULL_UPDATE_OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_OFFSET_GREATER_THAN_SIZE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_PROJECT_EMPTY_TYPE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_PROJECT_NULL_PROJECTION - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_PROJECTION_ABSTRACT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_PROJECTION_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_PROJECTION_INTERFACE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_PROJECTION_PRIMITIVE_TYPE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_REBUILD_INDEX_NULL_INDEX - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_RECOVER_EMPTY_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_RECOVER_NULL_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_RECOVER_NULL_WRITER - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_REFLECT_FIELD_NO_SUCH_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_REFLECT_FIELD_NULL_START_CLASS - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_REFLECT_NULL_ANNOT_CLASS - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_REFLECT_NULL_START_CLASS - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_REPOSITORY_NOT_INITIALIZED - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_SEARCH_SERVICE_NULL_NITRITE_SERVICE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_SEARCH_TERM_EMPTY_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_SEARCH_TERM_NULL_FIELD - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_SYNC_NO_REMOTE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_SYNC_NULL_COLLECTION - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_TYPE_NOT_SERIALIZABLE - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_UPDATE_NULL_DOCUMENT - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
VE_UPDATE_NULL_UPDATE_OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.dizitart.no2.exceptions.ErrorCodes
Vietnamese - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Vietnamese stop words
Vietnamese() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Vietnamese


withAuth(String, String) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateClient
Sets user credentials for basic authentication.
withListener(SyncEventListener) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.Replicator.SyncHandleBuilder
Sets the SyncEventListener to listen to sync events.
withOptions(ExportOptions) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.tool.Exporter
Sets ExportOptions to customize data export.
withProxy(Proxy) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateClient
Sets the proxy details to connect to DataGate server.
withSyncTemplate(SyncTemplate) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.Replicator.SyncHandleBuilder
Sets the SyncTemplate for replication.
withUserAgent(UserAgent) - Method in class org.dizitart.no2.sync.DataGateClient
Sets the UserAgent details.
write(NitriteMapper) - Method in interface org.dizitart.no2.mapper.Mappable
Writes the instance data to a Document and returns it.
WriteResult - Interface in org.dizitart.no2
An interface to represent the result of a modification operation on NitriteCollection.


Yoruba - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Yoruba stop words
Yoruba() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Yoruba


Zulu - Class in org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages
Zulu stop words
Zulu() - Constructor for class org.dizitart.no2.fulltext.languages.Zulu
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