Interface NitriteStore<Config extends StoreConfig>

    • Method Detail

      • openOrCreate

        void openOrCreate()
        Opens the store if it exists, or creates a new one if it doesn't.
      • isClosed

        boolean isClosed()
        Checks whether this store is closed.
        true if closed; false otherwise.
      • getCollectionNames

        Set<String> getCollectionNames()
        Returns a set of all collection names in the store.
        a set of all collection names in the store
      • getRepositoryRegistry

        Set<String> getRepositoryRegistry()
        Returns a set of all the repository names registered in the Nitrite store.
        a set of all the repository names registered in the Nitrite store
      • getKeyedRepositoryRegistry

        Map<String,​Set<String>> getKeyedRepositoryRegistry()
        Returns a set of all the keyed-repository names registered in the Nitrite store.
        a set of all the keyed-repository names registered in the Nitrite store
      • hasUnsavedChanges

        boolean hasUnsavedChanges()
        Checks if the store has any unsaved changes.
        true if the store has unsaved changes; false otherwise.
      • isReadOnly

        boolean isReadOnly()
        Checks if the store is opened in read-only mode.
        true if the store is read-only; false otherwise.
      • commit

        void commit()
        Commits the changes. For persistent stores, it also writes changes to disk. It does nothing if there are no unsaved changes.
      • beforeClose

        void beforeClose()
        This method is called before closing the store. Any cleanup or finalization tasks should be performed in this method.
      • hasMap

        boolean hasMap​(String mapName)
        Checks if a NitriteMap with the given name exists in the store.
        mapName - the name of the map to check
        true if the map exists, false otherwise
      • openMap

        <Key,​Value> NitriteMap<Key,​Value> openMap​(String mapName,
                                                              Class<?> keyType,
                                                              Class<?> valueType)
        Opens a NitriteMap. The map is automatically created if it does not yet exist. If a map with this name is already opened, this map is returned.
        Type Parameters:
        Key - the key type
        Value - the value type
        mapName - the map name
        keyType - the key type
        valueType - the value type
        the map.
      • closeMap

        void closeMap​(String mapName)
        Closes a NitriteMap with the specified name in the store.
        mapName - the map name
      • removeMap

        void removeMap​(String mapName)
        Removes a NitriteMap with the specified name from the store.
        mapName - the map name to remove.
      • openRTree

        <Key extends BoundingBox,​Value> NitriteRTree<Key,​Value> openRTree​(String rTreeName,
                                                                                      Class<?> keyType,
                                                                                      Class<?> valueType)
        Opens a NitriteRTree with the given key and value types. The key type must extend the BoundingBox class. Returns a NitriteRTree instance that can be used to perform R-Tree operations on the data.

        RTree is automatically created if it does not yet exist. If a RTree with this name is already open, this RTree is returned.

        Type Parameters:
        Key - the key type
        Value - the value type
        rTreeName - the RTree name
        keyType - the key type
        valueType - the value type
        the map.
      • closeRTree

        void closeRTree​(String rTreeName)
        Closes a NitriteRTree with the specified name in the store.
        rTreeName - the RTree name
      • removeRTree

        void removeRTree​(String rTreeName)
        Removes a NitriteRTree with the specified name from the store.
        rTreeName - the RTree name to remove.
      • subscribe

        void subscribe​(StoreEventListener listener)
        Subscribes a StoreEventListener to this store. The listener will be notified of any changes made to the store.
        listener - the listener to subscribe
      • getStoreVersion

        String getStoreVersion()
        Gets the underlying storage engine version.
        the store version
      • getStoreConfig

        Config getStoreConfig()
        Gets the store configuration.
        the store config
      • getCatalog

        StoreCatalog getCatalog()
        Gets the store catalog.
        the catalog