Class Crypto

  • public class Crypto
    extends Object
    Util class that provides cryptography functions for drasyl.
    • Method Detail

      • compare

        public static int compare​(Key k1,
                                  Key k2)
        Compares two keys k1 and k2 to allow to form a total order on the keys. This is especially important in asynchronous environments to make deterministic decisions.
        k1 - first key
        k2 - second key
        -1 if the first key is smaller than, 0 if equals to, 1 if greater than the second key
      • randomString

        public static String randomString​(int entropy)
        Generates a secure random HEX String with the given entropy of bytes.


        • 4 byte for small sets
        • 8 bytes for unique internal strings, e.g. hash tables
        • 16 bytes for global uniqueness, e.g. auth token
        • 24 bytes for cryptographic operations, e.g. nonce's

        You can also use the following probability table for the "Birthday problem", as a starting point for a suitable entropy size: Birthday problem probability table

        entropy - entropy in bytes
        a secure random HEX String
      • randomBytes

        public static byte[] randomBytes​(int entropy)
        Generates a secure random bytes with the given entropy.


        • 4 byte for small sets
        • 8 bytes for unique internal strings, e.g. hash tables
        • 16 bytes for global uniqueness, e.g. auth token
        • 24 bytes for cryptographic operations, e.g. nonce's

        You can also use the following probability table for the "Birthday problem", as a starting point for a suitable entropy size: Birthday problem probability table

        entropy - entropy in bytes
        a secure random bytes
      • randomNumber

        public static int randomNumber​(int bound)
        Generates a random number with the static SecureRandom of this class. Avoids overhead of generating a new instance of SecureRandom.
        bound - the upper bound (exclusive). Must be positive.
        the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed int value between zero (inclusive) and bound (exclusive) from this random number generator's sequence
      • sha256

        public byte[] sha256​(byte[] input)
                      throws CryptoException
        Generates a SHA-256 hash of the given input.
        in - the input to hash
        SHA-256 hash of the input
      • convertIdentityKeyToKeyAgreementKey

        public KeyAgreementPublicKey convertIdentityKeyToKeyAgreementKey​(IdentityPublicKey publicKey)
                                                                  throws CryptoException
        Converts the given ed25519 long time publicKey into a curve25519 key for (on-demand) key agreement.
        publicKey - the ed25519 public key
        ed25519 public key as curve25519
        CryptoException - if any error occurs during conversion
      • generateSessionKeyPair

        public <P extends PublicKey,​S extends SecretKeySessionPair generateSessionKeyPair​(KeyPair<P,​S> myKeyPair,
                                                                                                  PublicKey receiverPublicKey)
                                                                                           throws CryptoException
        Generates session key pair from the myKeyPair and receiverKeyPair.
        myKeyPair - my own curve25519 key pair (long time or ephemeral)
        receiverPublicKey - the receiver public key (long time or ephemeral)
        a session key for sending and receiving messages
        CryptoException - if any error occurs during generation
      • encrypt

        public byte[] encrypt​(byte[] message,
                              byte[] authTag,
                              Nonce nonce,
                              SessionPair sessionPair)
                       throws CryptoException
        Encrypts the given message, by adding authTag as an authentication tag, using the given (hopefully fresh) nonce and encrypting with the tx part of the sessionPair.
        message - the message to encrypt
        authTag - some authentication tag
        nonce - the fresh nonce
        sessionPair - the session pair
        encrypted message
        CryptoException - if any error occurs during encryption
        NullPointerException - if message or authTag is null
      • decrypt

        public byte[] decrypt​(byte[] cipher,
                              byte[] authTag,
                              Nonce nonce,
                              SessionPair sessionPair)
                       throws CryptoException
        Decrypt the given cipher, by verify the authTag as an authentication tag, uses the given nonce and decrypting with the rx part of the sessionPair.
        cipher - the cipher text to decrypt
        authTag - some authentication tag
        nonce - the fresh nonce
        sessionPair - the session pair
        decrypted message
        CryptoException - if any error occurs during decryption
        NullPointerException - if message or authTag is null
      • sign

        public byte[] sign​(byte[] message,
                           IdentitySecretKey secretKey)
                    throws CryptoException
        Creates a signature for the given message with the given secretKey in detached mode (signature is not appended to message, rather it is standalone).
        message - the message to sign
        secretKey - the secret key to sign
        the signature of the message
        CryptoException - if any error occurs during signing
      • verifySignature

        public boolean verifySignature​(byte[] signature,
                                       byte[] message,
                                       IdentityPublicKey publicKey)
        Verifies that signature is valid for the message.
        signature - the signature of the message
        message - the message
        publicKey - the public key that signed the message
        true if the signature is valid for the message