Class AbstractArrayDeserializer<T>

    • Method Detail

      • appendResult

        public void appendResult​(java.lang.Object result)
        Description copied from class: AbstractContainerDeserializer
        After object is transitively deserialized from JSON, "append" it to its wrapper. In case of a field set value to field, in case of collections or other embedded objects use methods provided.
        Specified by:
        appendResult in class AbstractContainerDeserializer<T>
        result - An instance result of an item.
      • deserializeNext

        protected void deserializeNext​( parser,
                                       Unmarshaller context)
        Description copied from class: AbstractContainerDeserializer
        Determine class mappings and create an instance of a new deserializer. Currently processed deserializer is pushed to stack, for waiting till new object is finished.
        Specified by:
        deserializeNext in class AbstractContainerDeserializer<T>
        parser - Json parser.
        context - Current unmarshalling context.
      • getItems

        protected abstract java.util.List<?> getItems()
        Returns list of deserialized items.
        list of items