
enum ConfigSyntax extends Enum[ConfigSyntax]

The syntax of a character stream (JSON, HOCON aka ".conf", or <a href= ""

Java properties).

trait Enum
trait Product
trait Equals
class Enum[ConfigSyntax]
trait Serializable
trait Comparable[ConfigSyntax]
trait Constable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Enum entries

case CONF extends ConfigSyntax

The JSON-superset HOCON format. Associated with the .conf file extension and application/hocon Content-Type.

The JSON-superset HOCON format. Associated with the .conf file extension and application/hocon Content-Type.

case JSON extends ConfigSyntax

Pedantically strict JSON format; no comments, no unexpected commas, no duplicate keys in the same object. Associated with the .json file extension and application/json Content-Type.

Pedantically strict JSON format; no comments, no unexpected commas, no duplicate keys in the same object. Associated with the .json file extension and application/json Content-Type.

Standard <a href= ""

Standard <a href= ""

Java properties format. Associated with the .properties file extension and text/x-java-properties Content-Type.