Class NoneIndexShardGateway

  extended by org.elasticsearch.index.shard.AbstractIndexShardComponent
      extended by org.elasticsearch.index.gateway.none.NoneIndexShardGateway
All Implemented Interfaces:
CloseableIndexComponent, IndexShardGateway, IndexShardComponent

public class NoneIndexShardGateway
extends AbstractIndexShardComponent
implements IndexShardGateway

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.elasticsearch.index.gateway.IndexShardGateway
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.elasticsearch.index.shard.AbstractIndexShardComponent
componentSettings, indexSettings, logger, shardId
Constructor Summary
NoneIndexShardGateway(ShardId shardId, Settings indexSettings, IndexShard indexShard)
Method Summary
 void close(boolean delete)
          Closes the index component.
 SnapshotStatus currentSnapshotStatus()
          The current snapshot status being performed.
 SnapshotStatus lastSnapshotStatus()
          The last snapshot status performed.
 void recover(RecoveryStatus recoveryStatus)
          Recovers the state of the shard from the gateway.
 RecoveryStatus recoveryStatus()
          The last / on going recovery status.
 boolean requiresSnapshotScheduling()
          Returns true if this gateway requires scheduling management for snapshot operations.
 SnapshotStatus snapshot(IndexShardGateway.Snapshot snapshot)
          Snapshots the given shard into the gateway.
 java.lang.String toString()
 java.lang.String type()
Methods inherited from class org.elasticsearch.index.shard.AbstractIndexShardComponent
indexSettings, managementGroupName, nodeName, shardId
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShardComponent
indexSettings, shardId

Constructor Detail


public NoneIndexShardGateway(ShardId shardId,
                                    Settings indexSettings,
                                    IndexShard indexShard)
Method Detail


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public RecoveryStatus recoveryStatus()
Description copied from interface: IndexShardGateway
The last / on going recovery status.

Specified by:
recoveryStatus in interface IndexShardGateway


public void recover(RecoveryStatus recoveryStatus)
             throws IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException
Description copied from interface: IndexShardGateway
Recovers the state of the shard from the gateway.

Specified by:
recover in interface IndexShardGateway


public java.lang.String type()
Specified by:
type in interface IndexShardGateway


public SnapshotStatus snapshot(IndexShardGateway.Snapshot snapshot)
Description copied from interface: IndexShardGateway
Snapshots the given shard into the gateway.

Specified by:
snapshot in interface IndexShardGateway


public SnapshotStatus lastSnapshotStatus()
Description copied from interface: IndexShardGateway
The last snapshot status performed. Can be null.

Specified by:
lastSnapshotStatus in interface IndexShardGateway


public SnapshotStatus currentSnapshotStatus()
Description copied from interface: IndexShardGateway
The current snapshot status being performed. Can be null indicating that no snapshot is being executed currently.

Specified by:
currentSnapshotStatus in interface IndexShardGateway


public boolean requiresSnapshotScheduling()
Description copied from interface: IndexShardGateway
Returns true if this gateway requires scheduling management for snapshot operations.

Specified by:
requiresSnapshotScheduling in interface IndexShardGateway


public void close(boolean delete)
Description copied from interface: CloseableIndexComponent
Closes the index component. A boolean indicating if its part of an actual index deletion or not is passed.

Specified by:
close in interface CloseableIndexComponent
delete - true if the index is being deleted.